The History of the European Fauna - Part 17

Part 17

lvii., 1898.

Lomas (_vide_ Herdman and Lomas).

Lydekker, R.--=a.= "A Handbook of the British Mammalia," 1895. =b.= "A Geographical History of Mammals," 1896. =c.= "The Deer of all Lands,"

1898. =d.= Catalogue of the Fossil Mammalia of the British Museum, pt.

4, 1886.

Major, C. J. Forsyth.--=a.= Die Tyrrhenis, "Kosmos," 7 Jahrg., 1883.

=b.= Studien zur Geschichte der Wildschweine, "Zool. Anzeiger," vol.

vi., 1883.

Mallet, R.--Some Remarks upon the Movements of Post-tertiary and other Discontinuous, "Journal Geol. Soc. Dublin," vol. v., 1850-53.

Merriam, C. H.--The Geographic Distribution of Life in North America, "Proc. Biological Soc. Washington," vol. vii., 1892.

Murray, Andrew.--"The Geographical Distribution of Mammals," 1866.

Nathorst, A. G.--Kritische Bemerkungen uber die Geschichte d. Vegetation Gronlands, "Botanische Jahrbucher," vol. xiv., 1891.

Nehring, A.--"Tundren und Steppen der Jetzt und Vorzeit," 1890.

Neumayr, M.--"Erdgeschichte," vol. ii., 1887.

Ogilvie, W. R. Grant.--"Game Birds," 1895.

Penck, A.--Die grosse Eiszeit, "Himmel und Erde."

Petersen, W.--Die Lepidopterenfauna d. arktisch. Gebiete von Europa, "Beitrage z. Kenntniss d. Russ. Reichs," vol. iv., 1888.

Pettersen, K.--Arktis, "Arch. f. Math. og Naturvid.," 1882.

Pohlig, H.--Dent.i.tion und Kraniologie des Elephas antiquus (part 2), "Nova Acta Acad. Carol.-Leop.," vol. liii., 1889.

Reade, Mellard--=a.= The Present Aspects of Glacial Geology, "Geological Magazine," vol. iii., 1896. =b.= High Level Sands and Gravels, "Natural Science," vol. iii., 1893.

Reid, C.--The Pliocene Deposits of Britain, "Mem. Geol. Survey of the United Kingdom," 1890.

Rutimeyer, L.--"Die Herkunft unserer Thierwelt," 1867.

Sars, G. O.--Crustacea Caspica, "Bull. Acad. Imp. d. Sciences St.

Petersburg," vol. xiii., 1893-94.

Scharff, R. F.--=a.= On the Origin of the European Fauna, "Proc. Royal Irish Acad." (3rd. ser.), vol. iv., 1897. =b.= Some Remarks on the Distribution of British Land and Freshwater Mollusca, "Conchologist,"

vol. ii., 1893. =c.= etude sur les mammiferes de la Region Holarctique, "Mem. de la Soc. Zool. de France," vol. viii., 1894.

Schulz, A.--"Grundzuge einer Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Pflanzenwelt Mittel-europas," 1894.

Sharpe, R. Bowdler.--British Museum Catalogue (Birds).

Simroth, H.--Eine Bearbeitung d. Russischen Nacktschnecken fauna, "Ann.

Musee Zool. St. Petersburg," 1896.

Sjogren, H.--Ueber das diluviale Aralo-Kaspische Meer und die nord-europaische Vereisung, "Jahrb. d. Kais. K. Geol. Reichsanstalt,"

vol. xl., 1890.

Sollas, W. J.--On the Origin of Freshwater Faunas, "Trans. Royal Dublin Soc." (2nd ser.), vol. iii., 1884.

Speyer, A. and A.--"Die Geographische Verbreitung der Schmetterlinge Deutschlands und der Schweiz," vol. i., 1858.

Struckmann, C.--Ueber die Verbreitung d. Rennthiers, in d. Gegenwart, etc., "Zeitschr. d. deutsch. Geol. Gesell.," vol. iii., 1883.

Suess, E.--"Das Antlitz der Erde," vol. i., 1892.

Tcherski, J. D.--Das und die Neusibirischen Inseln, "Mem. Acad.

Imp. St. Petersburg," vol. xl., 1892.

Thomas, O., and Barrett-Hamilton, G. E. H.--The Irish Stoat distinct from the British species, "Zoologist," 1895.

Wallace, A. R.--"Island Life," 2nd edit., 1892.

Warming, E.--Ueber Gronlands Vegetation, "Botanische Jahrbucher," vol.

x., 1888-89.

White, F. B.--Some Thoughts on the Distribution of the British b.u.t.terflies, "The Entomologist," vol. xiv., 1881.

Woodward, B. B.--On the Pleistocene (non-marine) Mollusca of the London District, "Proc. Geologists' a.s.sociation," vol. ii. (_vide_ also Kennard and Woodward).

Wright, J.--Boulder-clay a marine deposit, "Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow,"

vol. x., 1896.