The history of Herodotus - Volume I Part 8

Volume I Part 8

107 [ {Gugaie}.]

108 [ Or "Tyrrhenia."]

109 [ Or "Umbrians."]

110 [ {tes ano 'Asies}, i.e. the parts which are removed from the Mediterranean.]

111 [ i.e. nature would not be likely to supply so many regularly ascending circles. Stein alters the text so that the sentence runs thus, "and whereas there are seven circles of all, within the last is the royal palace," etc.]

112 [ i.e. "to laugh or to spit is unseemly for those in presence of the king, and this last for all, whether in the presence of the king or not." Cp. Xen. Cyrop. i. 2. 16, {aiskhron men gar eti kai nun esti Persais kai to apoptuein kai to apomuttesthai}, (quoted by Stein, who however gives a different interpretation).]

113 [ {tauta de peri eouton esemnune}: the translation given is that of Mr. Woods.]

114 [ {allos mentoi eouton eu ekontes}: the translation is partly due to Mr. Woods.]

115 [ i.e. East of the Halys: see note on ch. 95.]

116 [ See iv. 12.]

117 [ Cp. ch. 72.]

118 [ {ten katuperthe odon}, i.e. further away from the Euxine eastwards.]

119 [ {o theos}.]

120 [ {khoris men gar phoron}: many Editors subst.i.tute {phoron} for {phoron}, but {phoron} may stand if taken not with {khoris} but with {to ekastoisi epeballon}.]

121 [ Cp. ch. 184, "the a.s.syrian history."]

122 [ {uperthemenos}, a conjectural emendation of {upothemenos}, cp. ch.

108 where the MSS. give {uperthemenos}, (the Medicean with {upo} written above as a correction).]

123 [ Or "expose me to risk," "stake my safety."]

124 [ Or "thou wilt suffer the most evil kind of death": cp. ch. 167.]

12401 [ {tas aggelias pherein}, i.e. to have the office of {aggeliephoros} (ch. 120) or {esaggeleus} (iii. 84), the chamberlain through whom communications pa.s.sed.]

125 [ {dialabein}. So translated by Mr. Woods.]

126 [ {es tas anagkas}, "to the necessity," mentioned above.]

127 [ Or "to celebrate good fortune."]

128 [ {akreon kheiron te kai podon}: cp. ii. 121 (e), {apotamonta en to omo ten kheira}.]

129 [ {esti te o pais kai periesti}. So translated by Mr. Woods.]

130 [ {erkhe}: a few inferior MSS. have {eikhe}, which is adopted by several Editors.]

131 [ {para smikra... kekh.o.r.eke}, "have come out equal to trifles."]

132 [ {kuon}: cp. ch. 110.]

133 [ {su nun}, answering to {se gar theoi eporeousi}: the MSS. and some Editors read {su nun}.]

134 [ i.e. of the race of Perses: see vii. 61.]

135 [ "how his change from a throne to slavery was as compared with that feast, etc.," i.e. what did he think of it as a retribution.]

136 [ See ch. 106. The actual duration of the Median supremacy would be therefore a hundred years.]

13601 [ This is by some altered to "Alilat," by comparison of iii. 8.]

137 [ {stemmasi}, i.e. the chaplets wound round with wool which were worn at h.e.l.lenic sacrifices.]

138 [ {oulesi}.]

13801 [ Cp. vii. 61.]

139 [ {sitoisi}: perhaps "plain dishes."]

140 [ {proskuneei}, i.e. kisses his feet or the ground.]

141 [ {ton legomenon}, a correction of {to legomeno}. (The Medicean MS. has {toi legomenoi} like the rest, not {toi legomeno}, as stated by Stein.)]

142 [ {ekhomenon, kata ton auton de logon}: the MSS. and most Editors have {ekhomenon}. {kata ton auton de logon}; "and this same rule the Persians observe in giving honour." This, however, makes it difficult (though not impossible) to refer {to ethnos} in the next clause to the Medes, and it can hardly be referred to the Persians, who certainly had not the same system of government. Perhaps however we may translate thus, "for each race extended forward thus their rule or their deputed authority."]

143 [ Cp. vii. 194.]

144 [ {polloi}: omitted, or corrected variously, by Editors. There is, perhaps, something wrong about the text in the next clause also, for it seems clear that white doves were not objected to by the Persians. See Stein's note.]

145 [ See ch. 95.]

146 [ These words, "neither those towards the East nor those towards the West" have perhaps been interpolated as an explanation of {ta ano} and {ta kato}. As an explanation they can hardly be correct, but the whole pa.s.sage is vaguely expressed.]

147 [ {tropous tesseras paragogeon}.]

148 [ i.e. the Asiatic Ionians who had formed a separate confederacy.

Some understand it to mean the Milesians, but this would give no satisfactory connection with what follows.]

149 [ {pentapolios}.]

150 [ {exapolios}.]

151 [ {mesogaioi}. Several of the other cities are at some distance from the coast, but the region is meant in each case rather than the city (hence such forms as {Tritaiees}).]

152 [ {'Elikonio}.]