The history of Herodotus - Volume II Part 32

Volume II Part 32

59 [ {anainomenou}: some MSS. and many Editors read {nenomenou}, "since he was thus minded."]

60 [ {os alla phroneonton kai alla legonton}.]

61 [ Cp. ch. 11.]

62 [ The structure of the sentence is rather confused, and perhaps some emendation is required.]

63 [ {eti ti lexete}. The MSS. and most Editors read {ti}, "what will ye say after this?" The order of the words is against this.]

64 [ {anarpasomenoi}: cp. viii. 28.]

65 [ {phraxantes ta gerra}: cp. ch. 99.]

66 [ {anoploi}, by which evidently more is meant than the absence of shields; cp. the end of ch. 63, where the equipment of the Persians is compared to that of light-armed troops.]

67 [ See viii. 114.]

68 [ {es Leoniden}: this is ordinarily translated "as far as Leonidas;" but to say "his ancestors above Anaxandrides have been given as far as Leonidas" (the son of Anaxandrides), is hardly intelligible.

The reference is to vii. 204.]

69 [ Most of the MSS. call him Aeimnestos (with some variation of spelling), but Plutarch has Arimnestos.]

70 [ See ch. 15: There is no sharp distinction here between camp and palisade, the latter being merely the fortified part of the encampment.]

71 [ {anaktoron}, a usual name for the temple of Demeter and Persephone at Eleusis.]

72 [ i.e. 40,000.]

73 [ {ege katertemenos}: the better MSS. have {eie} for {ege}, which is retained by some Editors ({toutous} being then taken with {inai pantas}): for {katertemenos} we find as variations {katertemenos} and {katertismenos}. Many Editors read {katertismenos} ("well prepared"), following the Aldine tradition.]

74 [ {ephelokakeonton}.]

75 [ {en oudeni logo apolonto}.]

76 [ Stein proposes to subst.i.tute "Athenians" for "Lacedemonians" here, making the comparative {erremenestere} antic.i.p.ate the account given in the next few clauses.]

77 [ {erromenestere}.]

78 [ Cp. i. 66.]

79 [ {aluktazon}, a word of doubtful meaning which is not found elsewhere.]

80 [ i.e. 300,000.]

81 [ {o Spartietes}: it has been proposed to read {Spartietai}, for it can hardly be supposed that the other two were not Spartans also.]

82 [ One MS. at least calls him Aeimenstos, cp. ch. 64: Thucydides (iii. [Footnote 52) mentions Aeimnestos as the name of a Plataian citizen, the father of Lacon. Stein observes that in any case this cannot be that Arimnestos who is mentioned by Plutarch as commander of the Plataian contingent.]

83 [ {eoutou axion prophumeumenou apodexasthai}.]

84 [ {atelein te kai proedrin}.]

85 [ vi. 92.]

86 [ {andra pentaethlon}.]

87 [ {oute daimonon oute theon}: heroes and in general divinities of the second order are included under the term {daimonon}.]

88 [ Most of the commentators (and following them the historians) understand the imperfect {ediokon} to express the mere purpose to attempt, and suppose that this purpose was actually hindered by the Lacedemonians, but for a mere half-formed purpose the expression {mekhri Thessalies} seems to definite, and Diodorus states that Artabazos was pursued. I think therefore that Kruger is right in understanding {eon} of an attempt to dissuade which was not successful.

The alternative version would be "they were for pursuing them as far as Thessaly, but the Lacedemonians prevented them from pursuing fugitives."]

89 [ {akinakas}.]

90 [ Whether three t.i.thes were taken or only one is left uncertain.]

91 [ "furniture furnished" is hardly tolerable; perhaps Herodotus wrote {skenen} for {kataskeuen} here.]

92 [ The connexion here is not satisfactory, and the chapter is in part a continuation of chapter 81: It is possible that ch. 82 may be a later addition by the author, thrown in without much regard to the context.]

93 [ "Whereas however the body of Mardonios had disappeared on the day after the battle (taken by whom I am not able to say....), it is reported with some show of reason that Dionysophanes, an Ephesian, was he who buried it." The construction however is irregular and broken by parentheses: possibly there is some corruption of text.]

94 [ {tous irenas}. Spartans between twenty and thirty years old were so called. The MSS. have {ireas}.]

95 [ {proxeinon}.]

96 [ "fill up more calamities," cp. v. 4.]

97 [ {es antilogien}.]

98 [ {antilogies kuresein}.]

99 [ {ten mesogaian tamnon tes odou}, cp. vii. 124: The expression seems almost equivalent to {tamnon ten mesen odon}, apart from any question of inland or coast roads.]

100 [ {limo sustantas kai kamato}, "having struggled with hunger and fatigue."]

101 [ {autos}: some MSS. read {outos}. If the text is right, it means Artabazos as distinguished from his troops.]

102 [ i.e. "leader of the army."]

10201 [ {en to Ionio kolpo}.]

103 [ Stein reads {para Khona potamon}, "by the river Chon," a conjecture derived from Theognostus.]

104 [ It is thought by some Editors that "the prophets" just above, and these words, "and they told them," are interpolated.]

105 [ {emphuton mantiken}, as opposed to the {entekhnos mantike} possessed for example by Melampus, cp. ii. 49.]

106 [ Or possibly "Calamoi."]