The history of Herodotus - Volume II Part 27

Volume II Part 27

70 [ See i. 175: The manner of the repet.i.tion and some points in the diction raise suspicion that the pa.s.sage is interpolated here; and so it is held to be by most Editors. In i. 175 we find {tris} instead of {dis}.]

71 [ {upegagon}, cp. vi. 72, with the idea of bringing before a court for punishment, not "by underhand means," as it is understood by Larcher and Bahr.]

72 [ "vengeance and Hermotimos."]

73 [ {spheis... ergasaiato}: the MSS. read {sphi} (one {spheas}) and {ergasaito}, and this is retained by some Editors.]

74 [ "taken."]

75 [ {metabalon}: others translate, "he turned from them to the Athenians"; but cp. vii. 52: The words {pros tous Athenaious} are resumed by {sphi} with {elege}.]

76 [ {kai epi spheon auton balomenoi}, "even at their own venture," cp.

iii. 71.]

77 [ {ta idia}, "things belonging to private persons."]

78 [ {sophos}.]

79 [ {geopeinas}, "poor in land."]

80 [ It seems necessary to insert {an} with {einai}. For the sentiment cp. vii. 172.]

81 [ {khreomenos toisi kai pros basilea ekhresato}. This is the reading of the best MSS.: the rest have {khreomenos logoisi toisi kai pros Andrious ekhresato}, "using the same language as he had before used to the Andrians."]

82 [ {kai ten allen ippon}: some MSS. omit {allen}.]

83 [ {ola}, i.e. not the whole number of them, but great without individual selection.]

84 [ {ouden meros os eipein}.]

85 [ {anemon Strumonien}, "the wind called Strymonias."]

86 [ {ta akrothinia}, i.e. the t.i.the.]

87 [ i.e. the corner of the entrance-hall, {epi tou p.r.o.neiou tes gonies}, i. 51.]

88 [ {dienemon}: some understand this to mean "distributed the voting tablets," and some MSS. read {dienemonto}, "distributed among themselves," which is adopted by many Editors.]

89 [ {sophotatos}.]

90 [ See i. 67.]

91 [ A small island near Attica, taken here as the type of insignificance. To suppose that Timodemos was connected with it is quite unnecessary. The story in Plutarch about the Seriphian is different.]

92 [ i.e. 60,000.]

93 [ {katesphaxe}, "cut their throats."]

94 [ {para tas gluphidas}: some Editors read {peri tas gluphidas} on the authority of aeneas Tacticus. The {gluphides} are probably notches which give a hold for the fingers as they draw back the string.]

95 [ {kataplexai}, "strike down" by the charge.]

96 [ The way was shut against them ordinarily by the town of Potidaia, which occupied the isthmus.]

97 [ i.e. most of those who before served as {epibatai} (vii. 96) continued to serve still. The sentence is usually translated, "of those who served as fighting-men in them the greater number were Persians or Medes," and this may be right.]

98 [ The MSS. have "Charilos" or "Charillos."]

99 [ Some Editors read "Eurypon," which is the form found elsewhere.]

100 [ Cp. vii. 204.]

101 [ {duon}. It seems certain that the number required here is seven and not two, and the emendation {epta} for {duon} ({z} for {b}) is approved by several Editors.]

102 [ {khresomenon}: the best MSS. read {khresamenon}, which is retained by Stein, with the meaning "charging him to consult the Oracles everywhere... and then return."]

103 [ i.e. Mardonios and the Persians.]

104 [ i.e. Theban citizens.]

105 [ {promantin}: he is afterwards called {prophetes}.]

106 [ Cp. v. 21.]

107 [ Some Editors would read "Alabastra." Alabanda was a Carian town.]

108 [ Counting Alexander himself as one.]

109 [ {esan gar}: this is the reading of the best MSS.: others have {esan de}. Stein (reading {esan gar}) places this clause after the next, "The wife of the king herself baked their bread, for in ancient times, etc." This transposition is unnecessary; for it would be easy to understand it as a comment on the statement that three members of the royal house of Argos became farm-servants.]

110 [ {ai turannides ton anthropon}.]

111 [ {exaireton metaikhmion te ten gun ektemenon}: there are variations of reading and punctuation in the MSS.]

112 [ {sunepipte oste omou spheon ginesthai ten katastasin}, i.e. their introduction before the a.s.sembly, cp. iii. 46.]

113 [ {epeximen amunomenoi}, which possibly might be translated, "we will continue to defend ourselves."]

114 [ {karta anthropeion}.]


1. Mardonios, when Alexander had returned back and had signified to him that which was said by the Athenians, set forth from Thessaly and began to lead his army with all diligence towards Athens: and to whatever land he came, he took up with him the people of that land. The leaders of Thessaly meanwhile did not repent of all that which had been done already, but on the contrary they urged on the Persian yet much more; and Thorax of Larissa had joined in escorting Xerxes in his flight and at this time he openly offered Mardonios pa.s.sage to invade h.e.l.las..