The history of Herodotus - Volume II Part 10

Volume II Part 10

45 [ {proergazomenon}: a conjectural emendation of {prosergazomenon}.]

46 [ {tes apates te paragoge}, "by the misleading of the deception."]

47 [ i.e. lunar months.]

48 [ {en thoko katemeno}.]

49 [ {pandemei}.]

50 [ {aren}.]

51 [ i.e. "prayed for by the people."]

52 [ {di a}: a conjectural emendation of {dia ta}. Some Editors suppose that other words have dropped out.]

53 [ {promantin}: cp. vii. III.]

54 [ {ton splagkhnon}.]

55 [ {tou erkeiou}.]

56 [ {ton mataioteron logon legontes}.]

57 [ Lit. "on the third night after the first," but the meaning is as given.]

58 [ Most of the MSS. have "Astrobacos," which may be right.]

59 [ Or "to the honour of the Lacedemonians."]

60 [ i.e. any more than his predecessor.]

61 [ See ch. 50.]

62 [ {neotera epresse pregmata}.]

63 [ {up Arkadon}: several good MSS. have {ton Arkadon}, which is adopted by some Editors. The meaning would be "near this city it is said that there is the Styx water of the Arcadians."]

64 [ {upomargoteron}.]

65 [ Demeter and Core.]

66 [ The MSS. give also "Sepeia" and "Sipei01." The place is not elsewhere mentioned.]

67 [ See ch. 19.]

68 [ {duo mneai}: cp. v. 77.]

69 [ {o theos}, i.e. Hera: cp. i. 105.]

70 [ {kalliereumeno}.]

71 [ {kat akres}: cp. ch. 18.]

72 [ i.e. was acquitted of the charge brought against him.]

73 [ {episkuthison}.]

74 [ {bouleuesthe}: some MSS. and editions have {boulesthe}, "desiring."]

75 [ {en khrono ikneumeno}.]

76 [ i.e. take an oath to that effect.]

77 [ See v. 80.]

78 [ {penteteris}. The reading {penteres}, which is given by most of the MSS. and by several Editors, can hardly be defended.]

79 [ {kai en gar}, "and since there was."]

80 [ {Knoithou kaleomenos}: cp. vii. 143.]

81 [ {thesmophorou}.]

82 [ {pentaethlon epaskesas}.]

83 [ {mounomakhien epaskeon}, "practising single combat," as if training for the games.]

84 [ {para te Ikarion}: the use of {para} and the absence of the article may justify the conjecture {para te Ikarion} (or {Ikaron}) "by Icaria"

(or "Icaros"), the island from which the Icarian Sea had its name.]

85 [ This perhaps should be emended, for the event referred to occurred two years before, cp. ch. 46 and 48: The reading {trito proteron etei} has been proposed.]

86 [ See v. 33 ff.]

8601 [ i.e. Apollo: or perhaps more generally, "G.o.d," as in ch. 27.]

87 [ This in brackets is probably an interpolation. It is omitted by some of the best MSS. Some Editors suspect the genuineness of the next four lines also, on internal grounds.]

88 [ {erxies}, perhaps meaning "worker."]

89 [ {areios}.]

90 [ {megas areios}.]

91 [ {ippoboteon}, lit. "horse-breeding": see v. 77.]

9101 [ Or (according to some MSS.), "having come to sh.o.r.e at these places."]