The history of Herodotus - Volume I Part 22

Volume I Part 22

1 [ See ii. 1.]

2 [ {'Amasin}. This accusative must be taken with {eprexe}. Some Editors adopt the conjecture {'Amasi}, to be taken with {memphomenos} as in ch.

4, "did this because he had a quarrel with Amasis."]

3 [ See ii. 152, 154.]

4 [ {Suron}: see ii. 104.]

5 [ {keinon}: most MSS. and many editions have {keimenon}, "laid up."]

6 [ {demarkhon}.]

7 [ {exaireomenos}: explained by some "disembarked" or "unloaded."]

8 [ Or "Orotal."]

9 [ {dia de touton}.]

10 [ {trion}: omitted by some good MSS.]

11 [ See ii. 169.]

12 [ {alla kai tote uathesan ai Thebai psakadi}.]

13 [ The so-called {Leukon teikhon} on the south side of Memphis: cp.

ch. 91.]

14 [ {omoios kai} omitting {a}.]

15 [ {pentakosias mneas}.]

16 [ {aneklaion}: perhaps {anteklaion}, which has most MS. authority, may be right, "answer their lamentations."]

17 [ See ch. 31.]

18 [ {egeomenon}: some Editors adopt the conjecture {agomenon}, "was being led."]

19 [ {sphi}: so in the MSS.: some editions (following the Aldine) have {oi}.]

20 [ {to te}: a correction for {tode}: some Editors read {tode, to}, "by this, namely by the case of," etc.]

21 [ "gypsum."]

22 [ {epi}, lit. "after."]

23 [ {leukon tetragonon}: so the MSS. Some Editors, in order to bring the statement of Herodotus into agreement with the fact, read {leukon ti trigonon}, "a kind of white triangle": so Stein.]

24 [ {epi}: this is altered unnecessarily by most recent Editors to {upo}, on the authority of Eusebius and Pliny, who say that the mark was under the tongue.]

25 [ {ekeino}: some understand this to refer to Cambyses, "that there was no one now who would come to the a.s.sistance of Cambyses, if he were in trouble," an office which would properly have belonged to Smerdis, cp. ch. 65: but the other reference seems more natural.]

26 [ Epilepsy or something similar.]

2601 [ Cp. note on i. 114.]

27 [ {pros ton patera [telesai] Kuron}: the word {telesai} seems to be corrupt. Stein suggests {eikasai}, "as compared with." Some Editors omit the word.]

28 [ {nomon panton basilea pheras einai}: but {nomos} in this fragment of Pindar is rather the natural law by which the strong prevail over the weak.]

29 [ {iakhon}: Stein reads by conjecture {skhon}, "having obtained possession."]

30 [ {mede}: Abicht reads {meden} by conjecture.]

31 [ {alla}, under the influence of the preceding negative.]

32 [ {prosson} refers grammatically only to {autos}, and marks the reference as being chiefly to himself throughout the sentence.]

33 [ {prorrizos}, "by the roots."]

34 [ {toi tesi pathesi}: the MSS. mostly have {toi autaisi} or {toiautaisi}.]

35 [ See i. 51.]

36 [ {es Aigupton epetheke}, "delivered it (to a messenger to convey) to Egypt."]

37 [ The island of Carpathos, the modern Scarpanto.]

38 [ {to thulako periergasthai}: which is susceptible of a variety of meanings. In a similar story told of the Chians the Spartans are made to say that it would have been enough to show the empty bag without saying anything. (s.e.xt. Empir. ii. 23.) Probably the meaning here is that if they were going to say so much, they need not have shown the bag, for the words were enough without the sight of the bag: or it may be only that the words {o thulakos} were unnecessary in the sentence {o thulakos alphiton deitai}.]

39 [ See i. 70.]

40 [ {genee}. To save the chronology some insert {trite} before {genee}, but this will be useless unless the clause {kata de ton auton khronon tou kreteros te arpage} be omitted, as it is also proposed to do.

Periander is thought to have died about 585 B.C.; but see v. 95.]

41 [ The MSS. add {eontes eoutoisi}, and apparently something has been lost. Stein and others follow Valckenar in adding {suggenees}, "are ever at variance with one another in spite of their kinship."]

42 [ {noo labon}: the MSS. have {now labon kai touto}.]

43 [ {iren zemien}.]

44 [ {tauta ta nun ekhon presseis}: the form of sentence is determined by its ant.i.thesis to {ta agatha ta nun ego ekho}.]

45 [ {basileus}, because already destined as his father's successor.]

46 [ {sphea}: the MSS. have {sphe} here, and in the middle of the next chapter.]

4601 [ The Lacedemonians who were not Dorians had of course taken part in the Trojan war.]