noun of, qualifying a subsequent adj., ("A _child_ OF _ten years_ OLD,") _Four times, five times_, &c., how to be reckoned. TIMES, before an other noun, _by way of_ MULTIPLICATION, the nature and construc. of, discussed; decision. _Times_, in what construc. may be called the objective of _repetition_, or of _time repeated_. _Time_ in pronunciation, or _quantity_
_Titles_, of books, are printed in capitals --of office, &c., begin with do.
--merely mentioned as such, are without art.
--_Name and_ TITLE, (see _Proper Names_.) _Side-titles_, use of _dash_ in application to
_Tmesis_, explained
_To_, as governing infin. mood --do., variously explained by grammarians --is a sign of inf., but not a part of it --what BROWN claims for his RULE respecting the _infin. as gov. by the prep._ TO, &c.; he shows that the doctrine originated not with himself --TO _and the verb_, what FISHER (anno 1800) taught respecting; what, LOWTH, and what, absurdly, MURR., his copyist --_To_, as governing infin., traced from the Sax. to the Eng. of WICKL., --_To_, before infin., evasive teachings of the later grammarians concerning its class and construc.
--do., how considered by most Eng. grammarians --do., how proved to be a prep.
--do., preceded by _for_, anc.
--after _what verbs_, omitted, --whether to be _repeated_ before infinitives in the same construe.
--sometimes required, and sometimes excluded, after _than_ or _as_ --whether it may be _separated_ from its verb by an adv.; is placed more elegantly AFTER _an adv._, ("PROPERLY TO _respect_,") --in what cases has no prop, antec. term of relat.
--_To_ suppressed and _be_ inserted after MAKE, whether correctly --_To_, prep, or adv., from Anglo-Sax.
--_To_, as prefix to noun, (_to-day, to-night, to-morrow_,).
_Tones_ of the voice, what; why deserving of j particular attention --what denominated by SHERID.; what should be their character --BLAIR'S remark on; HIL. do.
--_Tones_ of the passions, WALK, observation on.
_Topics_, different, to be treated in separate paragraphs, PREC. of _Unity_.
_Transposition_, of the terms of relat., when a preposition begins or ends a sentence or clause --_rhetorical_, of words, or _hyperbaton_.
_Tribrach_, defined.
_Trimeter_ line, _iambic_, the measure seldom used alone; examples of, --and do., with diversifications --_trochaic_, examples of --_anapestic_, examples of --alternated with the tetram., examp., "The Rose," of COWP.; the same scanned --_dactylic_, examples of. _Triphthong_, defined --_proper_, do., the only, in Eng.
--_improp._, do.; and the improp. _triphthongs_ named.
_Trochaic verse_, treated --_Troch. verse_, the stress in --nature of the single-rhymed; error of MURR. _et al_. concerning the last syll. in --how may be changed to coincide with other measures; how is affected by retrenchment --confounded with _iambic_ by several gramm. and prosodists --Strictures on CHURCH., who doubts the existence of the _troch_. ord.
of verse --_Troch. verse_ shown in its eight measures --_Trochaics_, Eng., the TETRAMETER the most common meas. of --DR. CAMPB. on --"_Trochaic_ of One foot," account of.
_Trochee_, or _choree_, defined.
_Tropes_, what figures of rhetoric are so called; signif. of the term.
_Trow_, its signif., and where occurs; in what person and tenses read.
_Truisms_ and senseless remarks, how to be dealt with in gram.
_Tutoyant_, to what extent prevalent among the French. See _Youyouing_, &c.
_Type_ or character, two forms of the letters in every kind of.
U, lett., which (as A, E, I, or O) names itself --its plur. numb.
--sounds properly its own --as self-naming, to what equivalent; requires art. _a_, and not _an_, before it --pronounced with borrowed sound --long or diphthongal sound, as _yu_; sound of slender _o_ or _oo_, after _r_ or _rh_.
_Unamendable_ imperfections sometimes found in ancient writings, remarks in relation to.
_Unauthorized_ words, use of, as opposed to purity, PREC. concerning.
_Unbecoming_, adj., from participle compounded, error of using transitively words of this form; such error how corrected.
_Uncertain_, the part of speech left, see _Equivocal_, &c.
_Unco-passive_ voice, or form, of the verb, ("_Is being built_,") the use of. conflicts with the older and better usage of the lang.
--the subject of, discussed by BROWN --the true principle with respect to, stated.
_Underlining_ words, in preparing manuscripts, to denote Italics &c.
_Understood_, words said, in technical phrase, to be, what such, (Lat., _subaudita_)
_Ungrammatical_ language by which grammar itself is professedly taught, sample from MURR.; from PINNEO; _et al. e diversis_, Gram. of E. Gram., _passim_.
_Unity_, as a quality of style, in what consists --required by every sentence --Precepts aiming at offences against. _Unity_, THE IDEA OF, how generally _determined_, in respect to a collect. noun, whether it conveys such idea or not.
_Usage_, as a law of orthography for particular words --_Usage_, as it has been, and as it is, the advantage of an exhibition of, by the grammarian.
_Useless_ words, employment of, as opposed to precision.
UTTERANCE, treated --_Utterance_, what, and what includes.
V, name and plur. of: --written for a number: --sound of,
Value, &c., nouns of, see Time.
Verbal or participial noun, (see Participial, &c.) --Verbal forms used substantively, by poet pecul.
VERBS, Etymol. of; --Verb, defined: --why so called: --a perf. definition of, why difficult to form; --CHIEF TERMS, or PRINCIP. PARTS, of an Eng. verb, named and defined.
--Verbs. Classes of, with respect to their FORM, named and defined: --do., with respect to their signif., do.
--(See Active-Transitive Verb, &c.) _Verbs_, whole numb, of, in Eng.; the regular, far the most numerous; account of the others --how divided with respect to signif. in most grammars and dictionaries; BROWN'S division --divided by certain grammarians into act., pass., and neut.
--MURR, on the distribution of --NIX. on do.
--_Verbs_, in Lat., grammarians of old differed respecting the distribut. of --different methods of distribut. of, by several other authors, noticed --_Verbs_, most act., may be used either as trans. or as intrans.
--some may be used either in an act. or a neut. sense --act. form of, used in a pass. sense; so also PART. in _ing_, ("_The books continue_ SELLING") --_Verbs_, Modifications of, named --Moods of, named and defined; (see _Infinitive Mood, Indic. Mood_, &c.) --Tenses of, named and defined; (see _Present Tense, Imperf. Tense_, &c.) --Persons and numbers of, what --Conjugations of --how principally conjugated --(See _Conjugation_) --_Verbs_, Irreg., List of --simp. irreg., numb. of; whence derived --Redundant, List of --Defective, do.
--_Verbs irreg_. and _redund._, of what character all former lists of, have been --_Verbs_, of asking and teaching, construc. of --whether any, in Eng., can govern two cases --suppressed in exclamat. &c.
--_Verbs_, Synt. of --_Verbs_ requiring a regimen, should not be used without an object --_Verb_, AGREEM. _of, with its subject_ --do., inferred --do., by sylleps., in plur., title of a book --do., in imperat. mood --_Verb_ of the third pers. sing. with a plur. noun of the neut. gend., the use of, a strange custom of the Greeks; such use not existent in Eng.
--_Verb_, AGREEM. of, with infin. phrase or sentence as subject --do., with infin. subject limited, ("FOR MEN TO SEARCH _their own glory_, IS," &c.) --do., with a nom. in interrog. sentences --do., with a rel., according to the true anteced. of the pron.; (examp. of error from DR. BLAIR) --do., with a nom. limited by adjuncts --do., with composite or converted subjects --do., with _each, every, one_, &c., as leading words --do., by change of nominative --_Verb_, the _form of_, to be adapted to the style --when requires a separate nom. expressed --_Verb_, AGREEM. of, with a nom. noun collective --do., with joint nominatives --do., with two connected nominatives in appos.
--do., with two conn. nominatives emphatically distinguished --do., with two conn. nominatives preceded by _each, every_, or _no_ --do., with nearest of connected nominatives, and understood to the rest; whether the usage is proper in Eng.
--do., with connected nominatives of different persons --do., with connected subjects, one taken affirmat. and the other negat.
--do., with two subjects connected by _as well as, but_, or _save_ --do., with connected subjects preceded by _each, every_, or _no_ --do., in ellipt. construc. of joint nominatives --do., with distinct subject phrases connected by _and_ --do., with disjunct. nominatives --do., with disagreeing nominatives connected disjunctively --do., when connected nominatives require different forms of the verb --do., with distinct phrases disjunct, connected --_Verbs_, connected by _and, or_, or _nor_, how must agree --discordant, how managed with respect to agreem.
--_Verb_, mixture of the diff. styles of, ineleg.
--diff. moods of, not to be used under the same circumstances --when two connected terms require diff. forms of, what insertion is necessary --_Verbs_ of _commanding, desiring, expecting_, &c., to what actions or events refer --of _desisting, omitting_, &c., with a part. following, rather than an infin.
--of _preventing_, what should be made to govern --_Verb_, finite, punc. of --ellips. of, shown --derivation of, from nouns, adjectives, and verbs --poet. peculiarities in the use of
_Verbosity_, as affecting strength