_Doubling_ of the final consonant before additional syll.; not doubling, before do.
--_Double_ letter retained --_Doubling_, certain letters incline to; others, do not
_Doubtful case_ after a part., in what kind of examples found; the construc. to be avoided
_Drink_, verb, grammarians greatly at variance respecting the pret. and the perf. part. of
_Dual_ number, found in Gr. and in Arab., what denotes
_Duplication_, see _Doubling_
_Du Vivier, G._, his _Grammaire des Grammaires_, and his _Traite des Participes_, a copious treatment of the Fr. participle
E, (as A, O, I, and U,) self-naming: --how spoken and written --its plur.
--sounds properly its own --final, mute, and to what belongs; exceptions --effect on preced. vowel, of _e_ mute after a sing. conson., or after _st_, or _th_ --diphthongs beginning with --triphthongs do.
_Each_, pronom. adj., always of the third pers. sing.; its agreements.
_Each other_, see _Other_
_Ecphoneme_, or note of exclamation --occasional introduction into the classics --diversely called by MURR. _et al._ --for what used, and of what a sign --Rules for the application of
_Ecphonesis_, defined
_Either_ and _neither_, pronom. adjectives, relate to two only --M. HARR. on the illegit. use of --their numb. and pers.; what agreements they require, when they are the leading words in their clauses --derivation of, from the Sax.
_Either --or, neither --nor_, corresponsives: --transposed, with repeated disjunction or negat.
_Elegiac stanza_, description of
_Elementary sound_, or _elements of speech_, defined. See _Sounds_
_Ellipsis_, figure defined --either not defined by grammarians in general, or absurdly defined --frequent in comp. sentences --to be supplied in parsing --_supposed_, may change the construc. without affecting the sense --the principle of, as explaining several questionable but customary expressions, ("_Fair and softly_ GOES _far_") --MURR. on "THE _ellipsis_"
--_Ellipsis supplied_, EXAMPLES of --Needless _ellipses_, the supposition of, to be avoided --_Ellipses_, faulty, as opposed to perspicuity, PREC. against.
_Ellipsis_, or _suppression_, mark of, how figured, and what used to denote
_Elliptical_ construction of nouns, ("_A horse, a horse_," &c., SHAK.)
_Elocution_, defined
_Else, other_, &c., with _than_, in exclusive comparisons --_Else_ or _other_, sometimes construed with _besides_ --_Else_, derivation of
_Emphasis_, defined: --comparative view of accent and --as connected with quantity, MURR.
--as affecting accent --what the guide to a right.
--_Emphatic_ words, not to be multiplied
_Enallage_, defined --signif. of the Gr. word --special application of the term --with what other terms synonymous --the most common forms of, in Eng.
--examples of, how differ from solecisms --too much latitude was given to the fig. by Despauter, and by others
_Enallixis_, see _Enallage_
_Ending_ of a sentence with an adv., a prep., or any inconsid. word or phrase, PREC. concerning
_English Grammar_, see _Grammar_
_English language_, some account of its origin --its character --its simplicity and facility asserted by LOWTH --its chief defect, according to DR. JOH.
_Enumeration_ of numbers, see _Addition_
_Epicene nouns_, see _Generic Names_ _Epithets_, new compound, poets frequently form
_Equivalence_, the argument of, has often led into errors
_Equivocal_, or _ambiguous construc._ of cases, to be avoided --of rel. pron., by misplacement --of prep. with converted part., how amended --of the word _but_, ("_There cannot be_ BUT _one_," &c.) --of words, leaving the classification doubtful, Crit. N. concerning --_Equiv._, or _ambig_. expressions, as opposed to propriety, PREC.
_Eroteme_, its form in Greek --derivation; fitness of the name --diversely called by MURR. _et al_.
--its use --Rules for do.
--its value as a sign of pause --retained by a quoted question
_Erotesis_, explained
_Errors, incorrigible_, Crit. N. concerning
ETYMOLOGY --_Etymol._, of what treats --when and how should be taught --_figures of_, term defined; the principal do., named and defined --_Etymology_ and meaning of words, HARRIS on the usefulness of disquisitions into
_Ever_, contrac., _e'er_; so in comp. rel. pronouns --_Ever a one_, contrac. by the comm. people into _e'er a one_ --_Ever_ and _never_, opposite to each other in sense, yet freq.
confounded and misapplied; canon on the employment of --_Ever so_, (prop., _everso_,) signif. of --_Ever so wisely_, its propriety determined, against the false phraseology _never so wisely_ --_Ever_, derivation of, from Sax.
_Example_, as used in teaching, meaning of --_Examples_, use of capitals in
_Exception_, noun, and _except_, verb, whether more properly followed by _from_ or by _to_
_Exclamation_, note of, (see _Ecphoneme_) --_Exclamation_, nom. absolute by --the _case_ of nouns used in
_Exclusive_ and _inclusive terms_ of a comparison
_Exercise_, in grammar, what
_Expecting_, &c., verbs of, see _Commanding_
_Extended_ compositions, gradation of the parts in
F, its name and plur. numb.
--final in monosyllables, to be doubled --formation of the plur. of nouns in, and in _ff_ --its sound