The Grammar Of English Grammars - The Grammar of English Grammars Part 226

The Grammar of English Grammars Part 226

cor._ "_The_ verb is a part of speech declined with mood and tense."--_Id._ "_The_ participle is a part of speech derived _from the_ verb."--_Id._ "_The_ adverb is a part of speech joined to verbs, [participles, adjectives, or other adverbs,] to declare their signification."--_Id._ "_The_ conjunction is a part of speech that _joins words or_ sentences together."--_Id._ "_The_ preposition is a part of speech most commonly set before other parts."--_Id._ "_The_ interjection is a part of speech which _betokens_ a sudden _emotion_ or passion of the mind."--_Id._ "_The_ enigma, or riddle, is also a species of allegory."--_Blair and Murray cor._ "We may take from the Scriptures a very fine example of _the_ allegory."--_Iidem_. "And thus have you exhibited a sort of sketch of art."--_Harris cor._ "We may 'imagine a subtle kind of reasoning,' as Mr.

Harris acutely observes."--_Churchill cor._ "But, before entering on these, I shall give one instance of _metaphor, very beautiful_, (or, one _very beautiful_ instance of metaphor,) that I may show the figure to full advantage."--_Blair cor._ "Aristotle, in his Poetics, uses _metaphor_ in this extended sense, for any figurative meaning imposed upon a word; as _the_ whole put for _a_ part, or a part for _the_ whole; _a_ species for the genus, or _the_ genus for a species."--_Id._ "It shows what kind of apple it is of which we are speaking."--_Kirkham cor._ "Cleon was _an other_ sort of man."--_Goldsmith cor._ "To keep off his right wing, as a kind of reserved body."--_Id._ "This part of speech is called _the_ verb."--_Mack cor._ "What sort of thing is it?"--_Hiley cor._ "What sort of charm do they possess?"--_Bullions cor._

"Dear Welsted, mark, in dirty hole, That painful animal, _the_ mole."--_Dunciad cor._


"Either thou or the boys were in fault."--_Comly cor._ "It may, at first view, appear to be too general."--_Murray et al. cor._ "When the verb has reference to future time."--_Iidem_. "No; they are the language of imagination, rather than of passion."--_Blair cor._ "The dislike of English Grammar, which has so generally prevailed, can be attributed _only_ to the intricacy of [our] syntax."--_Russell cor._ "Is that ornament in good taste?"--_Kames cor._ "There are not many fountains in good taste." Or: "Not many fountains are [ornamented] in good taste."--_Id._ "And I persecuted this way unto death."--_Bible cor._ "The sense of feeling can, indeed, give us a notion of extension."--_Addison, Spect._, No. 411. "The distributive _adjectives, each, every, either_, agree with nouns, pronouns, _or_ verbs, of the singular number only."--_Murray cor._ "Expressing by one word, what might, by a circumlocution, be resolved into two or more words belonging to other parts of speech."--_Blair cor._ "By certain muscles which operate [in harmony, and] all at the same time."--_Murray cor._ "It is sufficient here to have observed thus much in general concerning them."--_Campbell cor._ "Nothing disgusts us sooner than empty pomp of language."--_Murray cor._


"He is entitled to the appellation of _gentleman_."--_G. Brown_. "Cromwell assumed the title of Protector"--_Id._ "Her father is honoured with the title of _Earl_."--_Id._ "The chief magistrate is styled _President_."-- _Id._ "The highest title in the state is that of _Governor_."--_Id._ "That boy is known by the name of _Idler_."--_Murray cor._ "The one styled _Mufti_, is the head of the ministers of law and religion."--_Balbi cor._ "Ranging all that possessed them under one class, he called that whole class _tree_."--_Blair cor._ "For _oak, pine_, and _ash_, were names of whole classes of objects."--_Id._ "It is of little importance whether we give to some particular mode of expression the name of _trope_, or of _figure_."--_Id._ "The collision of a vowel with itself is the most ungracious of all combinations, and has been doomed to peculiar reprobation under the name of _hiatus_."--_Adams cor._ "We hesitate to determine, whether _Tyrant_ alone is the nominative, or whether the nominative includes the _word Spy_."--_Cobbett cor._ "Hence originated the customary abbreviation of _twelve months_ into _twelvemonth_; of _seven nights_ into _sennight_; of _fourteen nights_ into _fortnight_."--_Webster cor._


"He is a better writer than reader."--_W. Allen_. "He was an abler mathematician than linguist."--_Id._ "I should rather have an orange than _an_ apple."--_G. Brown_. "He was no less able _as_ a negotiator, than courageous _as_ a warrior."--_Smollett cor._ "In an epic poem, we pardon many negligences that would not be permitted in a sonnet or _an_ epigram."--_Kames cor._ "That figure is a sphere, globe, or ball."--_Churchill's Gram._, p. 357.


"_The_ carriages which were formerly in use, were very clumsy."--_Key to Inst_. "The place is not mentioned by _the_ geographers who wrote at that time."--_Ib._ "Those questions which a person _puts to_ himself in contemplation, ought to be terminated _with_ points of interrogation."-- _Mur. et al. cor._ "The work is designed for the use of _those_ persons who may think it merits a place in their libraries."--_Mur. cor._ "That _those_ who think confusedly, should express themselves obscurely, is not to be wondered at."--_Id._ "_Those_ grammarians who limit the number to two, or three, do not reflect."--_Id._ "_The_ substantives which end in _ian_, are those that signify profession." Or: "_Those_ substantives which end in _ian_, are _such as_ signify profession."--_Id._ "To these may be added _those_ verbs which, among the poets, _usually_ govern the dative."--_Adam and Gould cor._ "_The_ consonants are _those_ letters which cannot be sounded without the aid of a vowel."--_Bucke cor._ "To employ the curiosity of persons _skilled_ in grammar:"--"of _those_ who are skilled in grammar:"--"of persons _that_ are skilled in grammar:"--"of _such_ persons _as_ are skilled in grammar:" or--"of _those_ persons _who_ are skilled in grammar."--_L. Murray cor._ "This rule refers only to _those_ nouns and pronouns which have the same bearing, or relation."--_Id._ "So that _the_ things which are seen, were not made of things _that_ do appear."--_Bible cor._ "Man is an imitative creature; he may utter _again_ the sounds which he has heard."--_Dr. Wilson cor._ "But _those_ men whose business is wholly domestic, have little or no use for any language but their own."--_Dr.

Webster cor._


"Great benefit may be reaped from _the_ reading of histories."--_Sewel cor._ "And some attempts were made towards _the_ writing of history."--_Bolingbroke cor._ "It is _an_ invading of the priest's office, for any other to offer it"--_Leslie cor._ "And thus far of _the_ forming of verbs."--_W. Walker cor._ "And without _the_ shedding of blood _there_ is no remission."--_Bible cor._ "For _the_ making of measures, we have the best method here in England."--_Printer's Gram. cor._ "This is really both _an_ admitting and _a_ denying at once."--_Butler cor._ "And hence the origin of _the_ making of parliaments."--_Dr. Brown cor._ "Next thou objectest, that _the_ having of saving light and grace presupposes conversion. But that I deny: for, on the contrary, conversion _presupposes the_ having _of_ light and grace."--_Barclay cor._ "They cried down _the_ wearing of rings and other superfluities, as we do."--_Id._ "Whose adorning, let it not be that outward adorning, of _the_ plaiting _of_ the hair, and of _the_ wearing of gold, or of _the putting-on_ of apparel."--_Bible cor._ "In _the_ spelling of derivative words, the _primitives_ must be kept whole."--_Brit. Gram. and Buchanan's cor._ "And the princes offered for _the_ dedicating of the altar."--_Numb. cor._ "Boasting is not only _a_ telling of lies, but also _of_ many unseemly truths."--_Sheffield cor._ "We freely confess that _the_ forbearing of prayer in the wicked is sinful."--_Barclay cor._ "For _the_ revealing of a secret, there is no remedy."--_G. Brown_. "He turned all his thoughts to _the_ composing of laws for the good of the State."--_Rollin cor._


"It is salvation to be kept from falling into a pit, as truly as to be taken out of it after falling in."--_Barclay cor._ "For in receiving and embracing the testimony of truth, they felt their souls eased."--_Id._ "True regularity does not consist in having but a single rule, and forcing every thing to conform to it."--_Phil. Museum cor._ "To the man of the world, this sound of glad tidings appears only an idle tale, and not worth attending to."--_Say cor._ "To be the deliverer of the captive Jews, by ordering their temple to be rebuilt," &c.--_Rollin cor._ "And for preserving them from being defiled."--_Discip. cor._ "A wise man will _forbear to show_ any excellence in trifles."--_Kames cor._ "Hirsutus had no other reason for valuing a book."--_Johnson, and Wright, cor._ "To being heard with satisfaction, it is necessary that the speaker should deliver himself with ease." Perhaps better: "_To be_ heard, &c." Or: "_In order to be_ heard, &c."--_Sheridan cor._ "And, to the _end of_ being well heard and clearly understood, a good and distinct articulation contributes more, than _can even the greatest_ power of voice."--_Id._

"_Potential_ purports, _having power or will_; As, If you _would_ improve, you _should_ be still."--_Tobitt cor._


"For the same reason, a neuter verb cannot become passive."--_Lowth cor._ "_A_ period is _a_ whole sentence complete in itself."--_Id._ "_A_ colon, or member, is a chief constructive part, or _the greatest_ division, of a sentence."--_Id._ "_A_ semicolon, or half-member, is a _smaller_ constructive part, or _a_ subdivision, of a sentence or _of_ a member."--_Id._ "A sentence or _a_ member is again subdivided into commas, or segments."--_Id._ "The first error that I would mention is, too general _an_ attention to the dead languages, with a neglect of our own _tongue_."--_Webster cor._ "One third of the importations would supply the demands of _the_ people."--_Id._ "And especially in _a_ grave _style_."--_Murray's Gram._, i, 178. "By too eager _a_ pursuit, he ran a great risk of being disappointed."--_Murray cor._ "_The_ letters are divided into vowels and consonants."--_Mur. et al. cor._ "_The_ consonants are divided into mutes and semivowels."--_Iidem_. "The first of these forms is _the_ most agreeable to the English idiom."--_Murray cor._ "If they gain, it is _at_ too dear _a_ rate."--_Barclay cor._ "A pronoun is a word used _in stead_ of a noun, to prevent too frequent _a_ repetition of it."--_Maunder cor._ "This vulgar error might perhaps arise from too partial _a_ fondness for the Latin."--_Ash cor._ "The groans which too heavy _a_ load extorts from her."--_Hitchcock cor._ "The numbers of a verb are, of course, _the_ singular and _the_ plural."--_Bucke cor._ "To brook no meanness, and to stoop to no dissimulation, are indications of a great mind."--_Murray cor._ "This mode of expression rather suits _the_ familiar than _the_ grave style."--_Id._ "This use of the word _best_ suits _a_ familiar and low style."--_Priestley cor._ "According to the nature of the composition, the one or _the_ other may be predominant."--_Blair cor._ "Yet the commonness of such sentences prevents in a great measure too early _an_ expectation of the end."--_Campbell cor._ "A eulogy or a philippic may be pronounced by an individual of one nation upon _a_ subject of _an_ other."--_J. Q. Adams cor._ "A French sermon is, for _the_ most part, a warm animated exhortation."--_Blair cor._ "I do not envy those who think slavery no very pitiable lot."--_Channing cor._ "The auxiliary and _the_ principal united constitute a tense."--_Murray cor._ "There are some verbs which are defective with respect to _the_ persons."--_Id._ "In youth, habits of industry are _the_ most easily acquired."--_Id._ "_The_ apostrophe (') is used in place of a letter left out."--_Bullions cor._



"The whole need not a physician, but _they_ that are sick."--_Bunyan cor._ "He will in no wise cast out _whosoever_ cometh unto him." Better: "He will in no wise cast out _any that come_ unto him."--_Hall cor._ "He feared the enemy might fall upon his men, _who_, he saw, were off their guard."--_Hutchinson cor._ "_Whosoever_ shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain."--_Matt._, v, 41. "The _ideas_ of the author have been conversant with the faults of other writers."--_Swift cor._ "You are a much greater loser than _I_, by his death." Or: "_Thou art_ a much greater loser by his death than _I_."--_Id._ "Such _peccadilloes_ pass with him for pious frauds."--_Barclay cor._ "In whom I am nearly concerned, and _who_, I know, would be very apt to justify my whole procedure."--_Id._ "Do not think such a man as _I_ contemptible for my garb."--_Addison cor._ "His wealth and _he_ bid adieu to each other."--_Priestley cor._ "So that, 'He is greater than _I_,' will be more grammatical than, 'He is greater than _me_.'"--_Id._ "The Jesuits had more interests at court than _he_."--_Id.

and Smollett cor._ "Tell the Cardinal that I understand poetry better than _he_."--_Iid._ "An inhabitant of Crim Tartary was far more happy than _he_."--_Iid._ "My father and _he_ have been very intimate since."--_Fair Am. cor._ "Who was the agent, and _who_, the object struck or kissed?"--_Mrs. Bethune cor._ "To find the person _who_, he imagined, was concealed there."--_Kirkham cor._ "He offered a great recompense to _whosoever_ would help him." Better: "He offered a great recompense to _any one who_ would help him."--_Hume and Pr. cor._ "They would be under the dominion, absolute and unlimited, of _whosoever_ (or _any one who_) might exercise the right of judgement."--_Haynes cor._ "They had promised to accept _whosoever_ (or _any one who_) should be born in Wales."--_Croker cor._ "We sorrow not as _they_ that have no hope."--_Maturin cor._ "If he suffers, he suffers as _they_ that have no hope."--_Id._ "We acknowledge that he, and _he_ only, hath been our peacemaker."--_Gratton cor._ "And what can be better than _he_ that made it?"--_Jenks cor._ "None of his school-fellows is more beloved than _he_."--_Cooper cor._ "Solomon, who was wiser than _they_ all."--_Watson cor._ "Those _who_ the Jews thought were the last to be saved, first entered the kingdom of God."--_Tract cor._ "A stone is heavy, and the sand weighty; but a fool's wrath is heavier than both."--_Bible cor._ "A man of business, in good company, is hardly more insupportable, than _she whom_ they call a notable woman."--_Steele cor._ "The king of the Sarmatians, _who_ we may imagine was no small prince, restored to him a hundred thousand Roman prisoners."--_Life of Anton. cor._ "Such notions would be avowed at this time by none but rosicrucians, and fanatics as mad as _they_."--_Campbell's Rhet._, p. 203. "Unless, as I said, Messieurs, you are the masters, and not _I_."--_Hall cor._ "We had drawn up against peaceable travellers, who must have been as glad as _we_ to escape."--_Burnes cor._ "Stimulated, in turn, by their approbation and that of better judges than _they_, she turned to their literature with redoubled energy."--_Quarterly Rev. cor._ "I know not _who_ else are expected."--_Scott cor._ "He is great, but truth is greater than _we_ all."

Or: "He is great, but truth is greater than _any of us_."--_H. Mann cor._.

"_He_ I accuse has entered." Or, by ellipsis of the antecedent, thus: "_Whom_ I accuse has entered."--_Fowler cor.; also Shakspeare._

"Scotland and _thou_ did each in other live."--_Dryden cor._

"We are alone; here's none but _thou_ and I."--_Shak. cor._

"_I_ rather _would_, my heart might feel your love, Than my unpleas'd eye see your courtesy."--_Shak. cor._

"Tell me, in sadness, _who_ is she you love?"--_Shak. cor._

"Better leave undone, than by our deeds acquire Too high a fame, when _he_ we serve's away."--_Shak. cor._


"Now, therefore, come thou, let us make a covenant, _thee_ and _me_."--_Bible cor._ "Now, therefore, come thou, we will make a covenant, _thou_ and _I_."--_Variation corrected_. "The word came not to Esau, the hunter, that stayed not at home; but to Jacob, the plain man, _him_ that dwelt in tents."--_Penn cor._ "Not to every man, but to the man of God, (i.e.,) _him_ that is led by the spirit of God."--_Barclay cor._ "For, admitting God to be a creditor, or _him_ to whom the debt should be paid, and Christ _him_ that satisfies or pays it on behalf of man the debtor, this question will arise, whether he paid that debt as God, or man, or both?"--_Penn cor._ "This Lord Jesus Christ, the heavenly Man, the Emmanuel, God with us, we own and believe in: _him_ whom the high priests raged against," &c.--_Fox cor._ "Christ, and _He_ crucified, was the Alpha and Omega of all his addresses, the fountain and foundation of his hope and trust."--_Exp. cor._ "Christ, and _He_ crucified, is the head, and the only head, of the church."--_Denison cor._ "But if Christ, and _He_ crucified, _is_ the burden of the ministry, such disastrous results are all avoided."--_Id._ "He never let fall the least intimation, that himself, or any other person _whosoever_, was the object of worship."--_View cor._ "Let the elders that rule well, be counted worthy of double honour, especially _them_ who labour in the word and doctrine."--_Bible cor._ "Our Shepherd, _he_ who is styled King of saints, will assuredly give his saints the victory."--_Sermon cor._ "It may seem odd, to talk of _us_ subscribers."--_Fowle cor._ "And they shall have none to bury them: _they_, their wives, nor their sons, nor[533] their daughters; for I will pour their wickedness upon them."--_Bible cor._ "Yet I supposed it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus, my brother, and companion in labour, and fellow-soldier, but your messenger, and _him_ that ministered to my wants."--_Bible cor._

"Amidst the tumult of the routed train, The sons of false Antimachus were slain; _Him_ who for bribes his faithless counsels sold, And voted Helen's stay for Paris' gold."--_Pope cor._

"See the vile King his iron sceptre bear-- His only praise attends the pious heir; _Him_ in whose soul the virtues all conspire, The best good son, from the worst wicked sire."--_Lowth cor._

"Then from thy lips poured forth a joyful song To thy Redeemer!--yea, it poured along In most melodious energy of praise, To God, the Saviour, _him_ of ancient days."--_Arm Chair cor._



"_Man's_ chief good is an upright mind."--_Key to Inst_. "The translator of _Mallet's_ History _has_ the following note."--_Webster cor._ "The act, while it gave five _years'_ full pay to the officers, allowed but one year's pay to the privates."--_Id._ "For the study of English is preceded by several _years'_ attention to Latin and Greek."--_Id._ "The first, the _Court-Baron_, is the _freeholders'_ or _freemen's_ court."--_Coke cor._ "I affirm that _Vaugelas's_ definition labours under an essential defect."--_Campbell cor.; and also Murray_. "There is a chorus in _Aristophanes's_ plays."--_Blair cor._ "It denotes the same perception in my mind as in _theirs_."--_Duncan cor._ "This afterwards enabled him to read _Hickes's_ Saxon Grammar."--_Life of Dr. Mur. cor._ "I will not do it for _ten's_ sake."--_Ash cor._ Or: "I will not _destroy_ it for _ten's_ sake."--_Gen._, xviii, 32. "I arose, and asked if those charming infants were _hers_."--_Werter cor._ "They divide their time between _milliners_'

shops and _the_ taverns."--_Dr. Brown cor._ "The _angels_' adoring of Adam is also mentioned in the Talmud."--_Sale cor._ "Quarrels arose from the _winners_' insulting of those who lost."--_Id._ "The vacancy occasioned by Mr. _Adams's_ resignation."--_Adv. to Adams's Rhet. cor._ "Read, for instance, _Junius's_ address, commonly called his _Letter to the King_."--_Adams cor._ "A perpetual struggle against the tide of _Hortensius's_ influence."--_Id._ "Which, for _distinction's_ sake, I shall put down severally."--_R. Johnson cor._ "The fifth case is in a clause signifying the matter of _one's_ fear."--_Id._ "And they took counsel, and bought with them the _potter's_ field."--_Alger cor._ "Arise for thy _servants_' help, and redeem them for thy mercy's sake."--_Jenks cor._ "Shall not their cattle, their substance, and every beast of _theirs_, be _ours_?"--COM. BIBLE: _Gen._, xxxiv, 23. "_Its_ regular plural, _bullaces_, is used by Bacon."--_Churchill cor._ "Mordecai walked every day before the court of the _women's_ house."--_Scott cor._ "Behold, they that wear soft clothing, are in _kings_' houses."--_Alger's Bible_. "Then Jethro, _Moses's_ father-in-law, took Zipporah, _Moses's_ wife, and her two sons; and Jethro, _Moses's_ father-in-law, came, with his sons and his wife, unto Moses."--_Scott's Bible_. "King _James's_ translators merely revised former translations."--_Frazee cor._ "May they be like corn on _houses_'

tops."--_White cor._

"And for his Maker's _image'_ sake exempt."--_Milton cor._

"By all the fame acquired in ten _years'_ war."--_Rowe cor._

"Nor glad vile poets with true _critics'_ gore."--_Pope cor._

"Man only of a softer mold is made, Not for his _fellows'_ ruin, but their aid."--_Dryden cor._


"It was necessary to have both the _physician's_ and the surgeon's advice."--_L. Murray's False Syntax_, Rule 10. "This _outside_ fashionableness of the _tailor's_ or _the tirewoman's_ making."--_Locke cor._ "Some pretending to be of Paul's party, others of _Apollos's_, others of _Cephas's_, and others, (pretending yet higher,) to be of Christ's."--_Wood cor._ "Nor is it less certain, that _Spenser and Milton's_ spelling agrees better with our pronunciation."--_Phil. Museum cor._ "Law's, _Edwards's_, and _Watts's Survey_ of the Divine Dispensations." Or thus: "_Law, Edwards_, and _Watts's_, Surveys of the Divine Dispensations."--_Burgh cor._ "And who was Enoch's Saviour, and the _prophets'_?"--_Bayly cor._ "Without any impediment but his own, his _parents'_, or his _guardian's_ will."--_Journal corrected_. "James relieves neither the _boy's_ nor the girl's distress."--_Nixon cor._ "John regards neither the _master's_ nor the pupil's advantage."--_Id._ "You reward neither the _man's_ nor the woman's labours."--_Id._ "She examines neither _James's_ nor John's conduct."--_Id._ "Thou pitiest neither the _servant's_ nor the master's injuries."--_Id._ "We promote _England's_ or Ireland's happiness."--_Id._ "Were _Cain's_ and Abel's occupation the same?"--_G. Brown_. "Were _Cain_ and Abel's occupations the same?"--_Id._ "What was _Simon_ and Andrew's employment?"--_Id._ "Till he can read _for_ himself _Sanctius's_ Minerva with _Scioppius's_ and Perizonius's Notes."--_Locke cor._

"And _love_ and friendship's finely-pointed dart Falls blunted from each indurated heart." Or:--

"And _love's_ and friendship's finely-pointed dart _Fall_ blunted from each indurated heart."--_Goldsmith cor._