The Grammar Of English Grammars - The Grammar of English Grammars Part 150

The Grammar of English Grammars Part 150

"Am _I_ not an _apostle_? am _I_ not _free_? have I not seen Jesus Christ our Lord? are not _ye_ my _work_ in the Lord? If I be not an apostle unto others, yet doubtless I am _to_ you; for the _seal_ of _mine_ apostleship are _ye_ in the Lord."--_1 Cor._, ix, 1, 2.

"Not _to insist_ upon this, _it_ is evident, that formality is a term of general import. It implies, that in religious exercises of all kinds _the_ outward and [the] inward man _are_ at diametrical variance."--_Chapman's Sermons to Presbyterians_, p. 354.


"_See_ the sole bliss Heaven _could_ on all _bestow_, Which _who but_ feels, can taste, _but_ thinks, can know; Yet, poor with fortune, and with learning blind, _The bad_ must miss, _the good_, untaught, will find."--_Pope_.

"There _are, who, deaf_ to mad Ambition's call, Would shrink to hear th' obstreperous trump of fame; Supremely _blest_, if to their portion fall Health, competence, and peace."--_Beattie_.

"High stations _tumult_, but _not bliss_, create; None think _the great_ unhappy, but _the great_.

Fools gaze and _envy_: envy darts a sting, Which makes a swain as _wretched_ as a king."--_Young_.

"Lo, earth receives him from the bending skies!

_Sink_ down, _ye mountains_; and, _ye valleys, rise_; With heads declin'd, _ye cedars_, homage _pay_; _Be_ smooth, _ye rocks; ye_ rapid _floods, give_ way."--_Pope_.

"Amid the forms which this full world presents _Like rivals to his_ choice, what human breast E'er doubts, before the _transient and minute_, To prize the _vast_, the _stable_, and _sublime_?"--_Akenside_.

"Now fears in dire vicissitude invade; The rustling brake _alarms_, and quiv'ring _shade_: _Nor_ light nor darkness brings his _pain_ relief; One shows the plunder, and one hides the thief."--_Johnson_.

"If Merab's choice could have complied with _mine_, Merab, my elder comfort, had been _thine_: And _hers_, at _last_, should have with _mine_ complied, Had I not _thine_ and Michael's heart descried."--_Cowley_.

"The people have _as much_ a negative voice To hinder _making_ war without their choice, As kings of making laws in parliament: '_No money' is_ as _good_ as '_No assent_.'"--_Butler_.

"Full _many a gem_ of purest ray serene The dark unfathom'd caves of ocean bear; Full _many a flower_ is born to blush unseen, And waste its sweetness on the desert air."--_Gray_.

"_Oh fool_! to think God hates the worthy _mind_, The lover and the love of human kind, _Whose_ life is healthful, and _whose_ conscience clear, Because _he_ wants _a_ thousand pounds _a_ year."--_Pope_.

"O _Freedom_! sovereign _boon_ of Heav'n, Great _charter_, with our being given; For _which_ the patriot and the sage Have plann'd, have bled thro' ev'ry age!"--_Mallet_.


"Am I to set my life upon a throw, Because a bear is rude and surly? _No_."--_Cowper_.

"_Poor, guiltless I_! and can I choose but _smile_, When every coxcomb knows me by my style?"--_Pope_.

"Remote from man, with God he pass'd his days, _Prayer_ all his _business_, all his _pleasure praise_."--_Parnell_.

"These are _thy_ blessings, _Industry_! rough power; _Whom_ labour still attends, and _sweat_, and _pain_."--_Thomson_.

"_What ho! thou genius_ of the clime, _what ho_!

Liest thou _asleep_ beneath these hills of snow?"--_Dryden_.

"_What_! canst thou not forbear me _half an hour_?

Then _get_ thee gone, and _dig_ my grave thyself."--_Shak_.

"Then palaces and lofty domes arose; _These_ for devotion, and for pleasure _those_."--_Blackmore_.

"'Tis very dangerous, _tampering_ with a muse; The profit's small, and you have much to lose."--_Roscommon_.

"_Lucretius English'd_! 't was a work _might shake_ The power of English verse to undertake."--_Otway_.

"_The best_ may slip, and _the_ most _cautious fall_; He's _more_ than _mortal_, that ne'er err'd _at all_."--_Pomfret_.

"_Poets_ large _souls_ heaven's noblest stamps do bear, _Poets_, the watchful angels' darling care."--_Stepney_.

"Sorrow breaks reasons, and reposing hours; Makes the night _morning_, and the noon-tide _night_."--_Shak._

"Nor then the solemn nightingale _ceas'd warbling_."--_Milton_.

"And O, poor hapless _nightingale_, thought I, How _sweet_ thou singst, how _near_ the deadly _snare_!"--_Id._

"He calls for _famine_, and the meagre fiend Blows mildew _from between his_ shrivell'd lips."--_Cowper_.

"If o'er their lives a refluent _glance_ they cast, Theirs is _the present_ who can praise _the past_."--_Shenstone_.

"Who wickedly is _wise_, or madly _brave, Is but the more_ a fool, the _more_ a knave."--_Pope_.

"Great _eldest-born_ of Dullness, blind and bold!

_Tyrant!_ more cruel than Procrustes old; Who, to his iron bed, by torture, fits, Their nobler _part_, the _souls_ of suffering wits."--_Mallet_.

"Parthenia, _rise_.--What voice alarms my ear?

_Away_. Approach not. Hah! _Alexis_ there!"--_Gay_.

"Nor is it _harsh_ to make, nor _hard_ to find A country _with--ay_, or without mankind."--_Byron_.

"A _frame_ of adamant, a _soul_ of fire, _No_ dangers fright him, and _no_ labours tire."--_Johnson_.

"Now _pall_ the tasteless _meats_, and joyless _wines_, And _luxury_ with sighs _her slave resigns_."--_Id._

"_Seems?_ madam; nay, it is: I know not _seems_-- For I have that within which passes show."--_Hamlet_.

"_Return? said_ Hector, fir'd with stern disdain: _What! coop_ whole armies in our walls again?"--_Pope_.

"He whom the fortune of the field shall cast _From forth_ his chariot, _mount_ the next in haste."--_Id._

"_Yet here, Laertes? aboard, aboard, for_ shame!"--_Shak_.

"_Justice_, most gracious _Duke; O grant me_ justice!"--_Id._

"But what a _vengeance_ makes thee _fly_ From me too, as thine enemy?"--_Butler_.

"Immortal _Peter_! first of monarchs! He His stubborn _country_ tam'd, _her_ rocks, _her_ fens, _Her_ floods, _her_ seas, _her_ ill-submitting sons."--_Thomson_.

"O arrogance! Thou liest, thou thread, thou thimble, Thou yard, three-quarters, half-yard, quarter, nail, Thou flea, thou nit, thou winter-cricket, thou:-- Brav'd in mine own house with a skein of thread!

Away, thou rag, thou quantity, thou remnant; Or I shall so be-mete thee with thy yard, As thou shalt think on prating whilst thou liv'st."

SHAK.: _Taming of the Shrew_, Act IV, Sc 3.