"No persons feel so much the distresses of others, as they who have experienced distress themselves."--_Murray's Key_, 8vo., p. 227. "Never was any people so much infatuated as the Jewish nation."--_Ib._, p. 185; _Frazee's Gram._, p. 135. "No tongue is so full of connective particles as the Greek."--_Blair's Rhet._, p. 85. "Never sovereign was so much beloved by the people."--_Murray's Exercises_, R. xv, p. 68. "No sovereign was ever so much beloved by the people."--_Murray's Key_, p. 202. "Nothing ever affected her so much as this misconduct of her child."--_Ib._, p. 203; _Merchant's_, 195. "Of all the figures of speech, none comes so near to painting as metaphor."--_Blair's Rhet._, p. 142; _Jamieson's_, 149. "I know none so happy in his metaphors as Mr. Addison."--_Blair's Rhet._, p. 150.
"Of all the English authors, none is so happy in his metaphors as Addison."--_Jamieson's, Rhet._, p. 157. "Perhaps no writer in the world was ever so frugal of his words as Aristotle."--_Blair_, p. 177; _Jamieson_, 251. "Never was any writer so happy in that concise spirited style as Mr.
Pope."--_Blair's Rhet._, p. 403. "In the harmonious structure and disposition of periods, no writer whatever, ancient or modern, equals Cicero."--_Blair_, 121; _Jamieson_, 123. "Nothing delights me so much as the works of nature."--_Murray's Gram._, Vol. i, p. 150. "No person was ever so perplexed as he has been to-day."--_Murray's Key_, ii, 216. "In no case are writers so apt to err as in the position of the word _only_."--_Maunder's Gram._, p. 15. "For nothing is so tiresome as perpetual uniformity."--_Blair's Rhet._, p. 102.
"No writing lifts exalted man so high, As sacred and soul-moving poesy."--_Sheffield_.
"How much more are ye better than the fowls!"--_Luke_, xii, 24. "Do not thou hasten above the Most Highest."--_2 Esdras_, iv, 34. "This word _peer_ is most principally used for the nobility of the realm."--_Cowell_.
"Because the same is not only most universally received," &c.--_Barclay's Works_, i, 447. "This is, I say, not the best and most principal evidence."--_Ib._, iii, 41. "Offer unto God thanksgiving, and pay thy vows unto the Most Highest."--_The Psalter_, Ps. 1, 14. "The holy place of the tabernacle of the Most Highest."--_Ib._, Ps. xlvi, 4. "As boys should be educated with temperance, so the first greatest lesson that should be taught them is to admire frugality."--_Goldsmith's Essays_, p. 152. "More universal terms are put for such as are more restricted."--_Brown's Metaphors_, p. 11. "This was the most unkindest cut of all."--_Dodd's Beauties of Shak._, p. 251; _Singer's Shak._, ii, 264. "To take the basest and most poorest shape."--_Dodd's Shak._, p. 261. "I'll forbear: and am fallen out with my more headier will."--_Ib._, p. 262. "The power of the Most Highest guard thee from sin."--_Percival, on Apostolic Succession_, p.
90. "Which title had been more truer, if the dictionary had been in Latin and Welch."--VERSTEGAN: _Harrison's E. Lang._, p. 254. "The waters are more sooner and harder frozen, than more further upward, within the inlands."--_Id., ib._ "At every descent, the worst may become more worse."--H. MANN: _Louisville Examiner_, 8vo, Vol. i, p. 149.
"Or as a moat defensive to a house Against the envy of less happier lands."--_Shakspeare_.
"A dreadful quiet felt, and worser far Than arms, a sullen interval of war."--_Dryden_.
"It breaks forth in its most energetick, impassioned, and highest strain."--_Kirkham's Elocution_, p. 66. "He has fallen into the most gross and vilest sort of railing."--_Barclay's Works_, iii, 261. "To receive that more general and higher instruction which the public affords."--_District School_, p. 281. "If the best things have the perfectest and best operations."--HOOKER: _Joh. Dict._ "It became the plainest and most elegant, the most splendid and richest, of all languages."--See _Bucke's Gram._, p. 140. "But the most frequent and the principal use of pauses, is, to mark the divisions of the sense."--_Blair's Rhet._, p. 331; _Murray's Gram._, 248. "That every thing belonging to ourselves is the perfectest and the best."--_Clarkson's Prize Essay_, p. 189. "And to instruct their pupils in the most thorough and best manner."--_Report of a School Committee_.
"The Father is figured out as an old venerable man."--_Dr. Brownlee's Controversy_. "There never was exhibited such another masterpiece of ghostly assurance."--_Id._ "After the three first sentences, the question is entirely lost."--_Spect._, No, 476. "The four last parts of speech are commonly called particles."--_Alex. Murray's Gram._, p. 14. "The two last chapters will not be found deficient in this respect."--_Student's Manual_, p. 6. "Write upon your slates a list of the ten first nouns."--_Abbott's Teacher_, p. 85. "We have a few remains of other two Greek poets in the pastoral style, Moschus and Bion."--_Blair's Rhet._, p. 393. "The nine first chapters of the book of Proverbs are highly poetical."--_Ib._, p.
417. "For of these five heads, only the two first have any particular relation to the sublime."--_Ib._, p. 35. "The resembling sounds of the two last syllables give a ludicrous air to the whole."--_Kames, El. of Crit._, ii, 69. "The three last are arbitrary."--_Ib._, p. 72. "But in the phrase 'She hangs the curtains,' the verb _hangs_ is a transitive active verb."--_Comly's Gram._, p. 30. "If our definition of a verb, and the arrangement of transitive or intransitive active, passive, and neuter verbs, are properly understood."--_Ib._, 15th Ed., p. 30. "These two last lines have an embarrassing construction."--_Rush, on the Voice_, p. 160.
"God was provoked to drown them all, but Noah and other seven persons."--_Wood's Dict._, ii, 129. "The _six first_ books of the aeneid are extremely beautiful."--_Formey's Belles-Lettres_, p. 27. "A few more instances only can be given here."--_Murray's Gram._, p. 131. "A few more years will obliterate every vestige of a subjunctive form."--_Nutting's Gram._, p. 46. "Some define them to be verbs devoid of the two first persons."--_Crombie's Treatise_, p. 205. "In such another Essay-tract as this."--_White's English Verb_, p. 302. "But we fear that not such another man is to be found."--REV. ED. IRVING: _on Horne's Psalms_, p. xxiii.
"Oh such another sleep, that I might see But such another man!"--SHAK., _Antony and Cleopatra_.
"_The_ is an article, relating to the noun _balm_, agreeable to Rule 11."--_Comly's Gram._, p. 133. "_Wise_ is an adjective relating to the noun _man's_, agreeable to Rule 11th."--_Ibid._, 12th Ed., often. "To whom I observed, that the beer was extreme good."--_Goldsmith's Essays_, p. 127.
"He writes remarkably elegant."--_O. B. Peirce's Gram._, p. 152. "John behaves truly civil to all men."--_Ib._, p. 153. "All the sorts of words hitherto considered have each of them some meaning, even when taken separate."--_Beattie's Moral Science_, i, 44. "He behaved himself conformable to that blessed example."--_Sprat's Sermons_, p. 80.
"Marvellous graceful."--_Clarendon, Life_, p. 18. "The Queen having changed her ministry suitable to her wisdom."--_Swift, Exam._, No. 21. "The assertions of this author are easier detected."--_Swift_: censured in _Lowth's Gram._, p. 93. "The characteristic of his sect allowed him to affirm no stronger than that."--_Bentley: ibid._ "If one author had spoken nobler and loftier than an other."--_Id., ib._ "Xenophon says express."--_Id., ib._ "I can never think so very mean of him."--_Id., ib._ "To convince all that are ungodly among them, of all their ungodly deeds, which they have ungodly committed."--_Jude_, 15th: _ib._ "I think it very masterly written."--_Swift to Pope_, Let. 74: _ib._ "The whole design must refer to the golden age, which it lively represents."--_Addison, on Medals: ib._ "Agreeable to this, we read of names being blotted out of God's book."--BURDER: approved in _Webster's Impr. Gram._, p. 107; _Frazee's_, 140; _Maltby's_, 93. "Agreeable to the law of nature, children are bound to support their indigent parents."--_Webster's Impr. Gram._, p. 109. "Words taken independent of their meaning are parsed as nouns of the neuter gender."--_Maltby's Gr._, 96.
"Conceit in weakest bodies strongest works."--_Beaut. of Shak._, p. 236.
"Though he was not known by them letters, or the name Christ."--_Wm.
Bayly's Works_, p. 94. "In a gig, or some of them things."--_Edgeworth's Castle Rackrent_, p. 35. "When cross-examined by them lawyers."--_Ib._, p.
98. "As the custom in them cases is."--_Ib._, p. 101. "If you'd have listened to them slanders."--_Ib._, p. 115. "The old people were telling stories about them fairies, but to the best of my judgment there's nothing in it."--_Ib._, p. 188. "And is it not a pity that the Quakers have no better authority to substantiate their principles than the testimony of them old Pharisees?"--_Hibbard's Errors of the Quakers_, p. 107.
"Hope is as strong an incentive to action, as fear: this is the anticipation of good, that of evil."--_Brown's Institutes_, p. 135. "The poor want some advantages which the rich enjoy; but we should not therefore account those happy, and these miserable."--_Ib._
"Ellen and Margaret fearfully, Sought comfort in each other's eye; Then turned their ghastly look each one, This to her sire, that to her son."
_Scott's Lady of the Lake_, Canto ii, Stanza 29.
"Six youthful sons, as many blooming maids, In one sad day beheld the Stygian shades; These by Apollo's silver bow were slain, Those Cynthia's arrows stretched upon the plain."
--_Pope, Il._, xxiv, 760.
"Memory and forecast just returns engage, This pointing back to youth, that on to age."
--See _Key_.
"These make the three great subjects of discussion among mankind; truth, duty, and interest. But the arguments directed towards either of them are generically distinct."--_Blair's Rhet._, p. 318. "A thousand other deviations may be made, and still either of them may be correct in principle. For these divisions and their technical terms, are all arbitrary."--_R. W. Green's Inductive Gram._, p. vi. "Thus it appears, that our alphabet is deficient, as it has but seven vowels to represent thirteen different sounds; and has no letter to represent either of five simple consonant sounds."--_Churchill's Gram._, p. 19. "Then neither of these [five] verbs can be neuter."--_Oliver B. Peirce's Gram._, p. 343. "And the _asserter_ is in neither of the four already mentioned."--_Ib._, p. 356.
"As it is not in either of these four."--_Ib._, p. 356. "See whether or not the word comes within the definition of either of the other three simple cases."--_Ib._, p. 51. "Neither of the ten was there."--_Frazee's Gram._, p. 108. "Here are ten oranges, take either of them."--_Ib._, p. 102. "There are three modes, by either of which recollection will generally be supplied; inclination, practice, and association."--_Rippingham's Art of Speaking_, p. xxix. "Words not reducible to either of the three preceding heads."--_Fowler's E. Gram._, 8vo, 1850, pp. 335 and 340. "Now a sentence may be analyzed in reference to either of these [four] classes."--_Ib._, p.
"Does not all proceed from the law, which regulates the whole departments of the state?"--_Blair's Rhet._, p. 278. "A messenger relates to Theseus the whole particulars."--_Kames. El. of Crit._, Vol. ii, p. 313. "There are no less than twenty dipthhongs [sic--KTH] in the English language."--_Dr.
Ash's Gram._, p. xii. "The Redcross Knight runs through the whole steps of the Christian life."--_Spectator_ No. 540. "There were not less than fifty or sixty persons present."--_Teachers' Report._ "Greater experience, and more cultivated society, abate the warmth of imagination, and chasten the manner of expression."--_Blair's Rhet._, p. 152; _Murray's Gram._, i, 351.
"By which means knowledge, much more than oratory, is become the principal requisite."--_Blair's Rhet._, p. 254. "No less than seven illustrious cities disputed the right of having given birth to the greatest of poets."--_Lemp. Dict., n. Homer._ "Temperance, more than medicines, is the proper means of curing many diseases."--_Murray's Key_, 8vo, p. 222. "I do not suppose, that we Britons want genius, more than our neighbours."--_Ib._, p. 215. "In which he saith, he has found no less than twelve untruths."--_Barclay's Works_, i, 460. "The several places of rendezvous were concerted, and the whole operations fixed."--HUME: see _Priestley's Gram._, p. 190. "In these rigid opinions the whole sectaries concurred."--_Id., ib._ "Out of whose modifications have been made most complex modes."--LOCKE: _Sanborn's Gram._, p. 148. "The Chinese vary each of their words on no less than five different tones."--_Blair's Rhet._, p.
58. "These people, though they possess more shining qualities, are not so proud as he is, nor so vain as she."--_Murray's Key_, 8vo, p. 211. "'Tis certain, we believe ourselves more, after we have made a thorough Inquiry into the Thing."--_Brightland's Gram._, p. 244. "As well as the whole Course and Reasons of the Operation."--_Ib._ "Those rules and principles which are of most practical advantage."--_Newman's Rhet._, p. 4. "And there shall be no more curse."--_Rev._, xxii, 3. "And there shall be no more death."--_Rev._, xxi, 4. "But in recompense, we have more pleasing pictures of ancient manners."--_Blair's Rhet._, p. 436. "Our language has suffered more injurious changes in America, since the British army landed on our shores, than it had suffered before, in the period of three centuries."--_Webster's Essays_, Ed. of 1790, p. 96. "The whole conveniences of life are derived from mutual aid and support in society."--_Kames, El. of Crit._, Vol. i, p. 166.
"To such as think the nature of it deserving their attention."--_Butler's Analogy_, p. 84. "In all points, more deserving the approbation of their readers."--_Keepsake_, 1830. "But to give way to childish sensations was unbecoming our nature."--_Lempriere's Dict., n. Zeno._ "The following extracts are deserving the serious perusal of all."--_The Friend_, Vol. v, p. 135. "No inquiry into wisdom, however superficial, is undeserving attention."--_Bulwer's Disowned_, ii, 95. "The opinions of illustrious men are deserving great consideration."--_Porter's Family Journal_, p. 3. "And resolutely keeps its laws, Uncaring consequences."--_Burns's Works_, ii, 43. "This is an item that is deserving more attention."--_Goodell's Lectures._
"Leave then thy joys, unsuiting such an age, To a fresh comer, and resign the stage."--_Dryden._
"The tall dark mountains and the deep toned seas."--_Sanborn's Gram._, p.
278. "O! learn from him To station quick eyed Prudence at the helm."--ANON.: _Frost's El. of Gram._, p. 104. "He went in a one horse chaise."--_Blair's Gram._, p. 113. "It ought to be, 'in a one horse chaise.'"--_Dr. Crombie's Treatise_, p. 334. "These are marked with the above mentioned letters."--_Folker's Gram._, p. 4. "A many headed faction."--_Ware's Gram._, p. 18. "Lest there should be no authority in any popular grammar for the perhaps heaven inspired effort."--_Fowle's True English Gram._, Part 2d, p. 25. "Common metre stanzas consist of four Iambic lines; one of eight, and the next of six syllables. They were formerly written in two fourteen syllable lines."--_Goodenow's Gram._, p.
69. "Short metre stanzas consist of four Iambic lines; the third of eight, and the rest of six syllables."--_Ibid._ "Particular metre stanzas consist of six Iambic lines; the third and sixth of six syllables, the rest of eight."--_Ibid._ "Hallelujah metre stanzas consist of six Iambic lines; the last two of eight syllables, and the rest of six."--_Ibid._ "Long metre stanzas are merely the union of four Iambic lines, of ten syllables each."--_Ibid._ "A majesty more commanding than is to be found among the rest of the Old Testament poets."--_Blair's Rhet._, p. 418.
"You sulphurous and thought executed fires, Vaunt couriers to oak cleaving thunderbolts, Singe my white head! And thou, all shaking thunder Strike flat the thick rotundity o' the world!"--_Beauties of Shak._, p. 264.
The rules for the agreement of Pronouns with their antecedents are four; hence this chapter extends from the tenth rule to the thirteenth, inclusively. The _cases_ of Pronouns are embraced with those of nouns, in the seven rules of the third chapter.