The Glorious Summoner - ~


In the world of omnipresent chaos, the beginning of chaos, Pangu opened the sky and the earth, there is the universe, and then Nuwa created human beings. Human race came out of the world and became the world. After a few years, the sky cracked, and countless monsters, monsters and monsters surged from the sky Out, the world is fierce, the creatures are overwhelmed, and Nuwa went to the gods to find the colorful divine stone to repair the sky and did not return. The human race fought for survival, which lasted for tens of thousands of years, and continues to this day!

-"Liezi. Hongmeng Chapter".

In 221 BC, the first emperor built the Great Wall to protect the people in order to guard against the disaster!

"Historical Records Volume VIBenji of the First Emperor"

In 1421 AD, the mighty Shenzhou fleet traveled north along the Kuril Islands and crossed the Bering Strait to the New World. The fleet's expedition team discovered that there was a "Valley of Guanghua", "The river flows from the valley into the bottomless abyss" and "Sunrise" on the New World. Here," the famous Magong who led the Shenzhou fleet here named this continent Guangzhou, which means the state of sunrise.

The circumnavigation of the Shenzhou fleet ushered in the era of the great voyage of mankind. In the following hundreds of years, the nations of mankind, while facing resistance to space invasion, began to fight for colonies, and the earth entered the era of great powers. .

Gavin Menzies "1421, China Discovered the World"

In 1895 AD, a terrible space invasion came to the British Isles. It was an unprecedented disaster for the whole of Europe. This space invasion was an S-class space invasion. The entire British Isles became a hunting ground for monsters. Halfway after this space invasion, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland completely became history, and the British Isles became the dead end of the magic island.

After the destruction of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in a space invasion, the Western and Eastern powers took the fastest time to carve up the overseas colonies of the British Empire!

"A Brief History of Modern Europe"

At the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century, a large number of top talented physicists were born in Europe. These physicists have raised human's understanding of the universe to a new height. Atomic energy has entered the field of vision of scientists...

The destruction of Great Britain in the space invasion stimulated the nerves of the entire European continent. The countries of the European continent realized that the entire Europe must unite to resist this disaster that came to the entire human race. It was against this background that the Eden Project began. Up.

Under the unremitting efforts of a group of genius scientists, after more than ten years of research and hard work, the Eden Project was successful, as people of later generations have seen, yes, at the end of 1944, through the concerted efforts of the whole of Europe, we are in The German factory made the atomic bomb and made the rocket. The atomic bomb was the most powerful weapon in the world at that time. The rocket can send the atomic bomb to places thousands of kilometers away. We put the atomic bomb on the rocket and put this weapon Named Adam.

The core of the entire Eden project is the hope to use new and more powerful atomic weapons to defend Europe and resist space invasion. At that time, we didn't know that we had opened Pandora's box.

On March 17, 1945, after careful planning and arrangements, the European countries participating in the Eden Project agreed to launch six Adams to the British Isles. One minute before Adam's lift-off, we made a briefing at the United Nations. All were very shocked.

We thought that Adam who fell on the British Isles would be the end of space invasion, and humanity would usher in the dawn of a new world and rebuild our Garden of Eden on this planet.

In the observation post on the Normandy Coast Line, we saw the mushroom cloud rising across the strait and the brighter light hotter than the sun. Adam did not let us down. All six Adams fell where they should fall, those six places. It is London, Birmingham, Manchester... There is no one there anymore, it is the place where the most monsters are entrenched, it is the lair of space invasion monsters, it is the gunpowder barrel that threatens the entire European continent.

Adam destroyed the bodies of the nests and monsters, and detonated the powder barrels, but in the end, it caused even greater disaster...

Adam made those monsters lose their bodies, but those monsters became immortal monsters and demons under the power of atomic weapons. They lost their bodies, but they no longer fear bullets, flames, or anything. With physical attacks in the form of physical attacks, more and more demons have crossed the strait, entered the European continent, spread across the world, and brought a catastrophe to the European continent and the world.

With the help of a group of summoners, we captured a demon and studied it. We finally determined that the physical form of the demon is not any known form of matter. The form is like the legend. The components that make up the ghost, we named that state of matter "Bose-Einstein condensate." U U Reading

The power of atomic weapons allows the monsters who invaded the space to complete their physical transformation.

Only the summoner can destroy the "Bose Einstein Condensate" monster.

Adam did not replace the summoner, but made the summoner the last resort of mankind!

How was the Magic Box OpenedThe Secret of the Garden of Eden Project

The key to becoming a summoner is the world beads. The world beads are obtained from the monsters that invade from space. As long as the monsters are killed, we may get the world beads. The biggest obstacle to the integration of the world beads is the "mystery of the world." , This "mystery of the world" is like the "mystery of the world" in the legend of the reincarnation of living beings. The "mystery of the world" makes people forget everything in the previous life when they are reincarnated, and the "mystery of the world" "Mystery" can make people forget everything that happened after the fusion of the world beads.

Until today, we still don't know why the one who succeeds will succeed, and the one who fails, why it fails when fusing the world beads.

But no matter how difficult and dangerous it is to become a summoner, as long as the threat of space invasion still exists one day, our pace of becoming a summoner will not stop, nor will humanity's efforts to survive!

The world's best-selling book in the 20th century, "How to Become a Summoner-Excerpt".

On June 18, 1996, a team of 268 people composed of elite summoners, scientists, biologists, environmentalists, and soldiers from China and the Great Yan Republic entered through the passage of space invasion for the first time. To the world over there.

This is a small step for 268 people, but it is a big step for mankind...

"Chapter 20 of the Charter of the United Nations: Provisions on the Status of Summoners in Global Anti-Space Invasion Security Cooperation"