The Girl with the Green Eyes - Part 23

Part 23

JINNY. [_With all her nerves tied tight._] That's the best answer you will give me?

AUSTIN. My dear girl, it's the only answer I _can_ give you.

JINNY. When you are through I have something for you!


JINNY. I'll give it to you when you have finished.

AUSTIN. I'm ready. [_He rises. JINNY rises too, and gives him the telegram with the torn tickets on top, and then rings the bell, at Right._] What are these torn papers?

JINNY. Our theatre tickets!

[_He looks at her._

AUSTIN. And when did this telegram come?

JINNY. This afternoon.

AUSTIN. Why didn't I get it when I came in?

JINNY. [_Bitingly._] I kept it to have the _pleasure_ of giving it to you myself; it's from Ruth Chester.

AUSTIN. How do you know?

JINNY. Oh, I haven't opened it! But I know! When I held it in my hand it burnt my fingers! [_MAGGIE enters Right._] Take away the tray, please, Maggie.

MAGGIE. Yes'm.

[_She leaves the room with the tray._

[_JINNY replaces the small table carelessly, almost roughly._

[_AUSTIN opens and reads the telegram; there is a second's pause._

JINNY. May I read it?

AUSTIN. [_After a moment's hesitation._] Yes, if you wish.

[_Not handing it to her._

JINNY. I _do_!

AUSTIN. [_Reaches over and hands her the telegram; he speaks quietly._]

When you behave like this it's impossible for me to feel the same toward you.

JINNY. And how do you think I feel when I read this?

[_Reads it, satirically, bitterly._

"Arrived safely; please let me see you before the day goes. Ruth."

"_Ruth_" if you please!

AUSTIN. [_Standing over JINNY._] I want you to be careful to-night. I want you to control yourself. I've been through a great deal to-day, and if you make me angry G.o.d knows what I mightn't say and _do_!

JINNY. And _I've_ been through a great deal _for many a day now_, and I want the truth about this at last! It's all very well for you to spare her by not telling me what this _mysterious_ trouble is about which you've been hoodwinking me ever since we were married, but _now_ you've got to choose between sparing _her_ and sparing _me_!

[_She sits determinedly._

AUSTIN. Is this your answer to me when I beg you to be very careful to-night to control yourself?

JINNY. It's your turn to be careful! What did you marry me for if you were in love with Ruth?

AUSTIN. _Jinny!_

JINNY. [_A little frightened, to excuse herself._] You gave me your word of honor she would stay abroad indefinitely.

AUSTIN. Nonsense! I said I understood she was going to stay some time--indefinitely.

JINNY. It's the same thing, and here she is back practically the moment we are!

AUSTIN. I can't control Miss Chester's movements--I couldn't foresee when she would come back. In Rome she told me she would stay on.

JINNY. [_Rising and facing him._] Ah! that's what I wanted to see, if you really _would lie_ to me!

AUSTIN. What do you mean?

JINNY. [_Beside herself._] Liar! [_He only looks at her, with his face hard and set; she is insane with jealousy for the moment._] _You sent_ for Ruth to come back.

AUSTIN. _And_ if _I did_?

JINNY. You tried to deceive me about it. And if you'll tell me a lie about one thing, you'll tell me a lie about another, and I don't believe one word of all your explanations about the intrigue between you and Ruth Chester!

AUSTIN. [_Taking her two hands._] Sit down!

[_She sits in the arm-chair, half forced by him._

JINNY. _Why_ did you send for Ruth Chester to come back?

AUSTIN. I have told you before, I am trying to help Miss Chester.

JINNY. "_Ruth!_"

AUSTIN. I am trying to help her in a great and serious trouble.

JINNY. Why did you send for her to come back? What's the trouble?

AUSTIN. I've told you before I can't tell you.