NEB, nose, point. NEEDSNA, need not. NICHER, sn.i.g.g.e.r. NICKS, notches. NIFFER, exchange. n.o.bLE, a gold coin, value 6s. 8d. sterling. NOWTE, black cattle. NUNCHION, luncheon, food taken between meals.
OR, before. OTHER GATE, other kind of. OWER SICKER, too careful.
PAIK, fight, chastise. PANGED, crammed. PAPISTRIE, Popery. PEASE-BOGLE, scarecrow among the pease growing. PENNY-WEDDING, a wedding where all who attend contribute a trifle towards the expenses of the merrymaking. PICKTHANK, a parasitical informer. PIG, earthen pot, vessel, or pitcher. PINK, stab, pierce holes into. PLACK, a copper coin, value the third part of an English penny. PLOY, trick. POCK-END, empty pocket or purse. POCK-PUDDING, bag pudding. POORt.i.tH, poverty. PORK-GRISKINS, sucking-pigs; also broiled loin of pork. POUCH, pocket. PRIE, taste. PULLET, a young hen.
QUEAN, wench, young woman.
RAMPALLIONS, low women. RAVE, tore. RAXING, stretching. REDDING-KAME, hair-comb. REDD-UP, tidy, put in order. RED WUD, stark mad. REIRD, shouting. REMEID, resource, remedy. ROOPIT, croupy, hoa.r.s.e. ROSE-n.o.bLE, a gold coin, value 6s. 8d., impressed with a rose. ROUT, ROWT, to roar or bellow. RUDAS, wild, forward, bold.
SAAM, same. SACK, sherry or canary wine, warmed and spiced. SACKLESS, innocent. SCAT, tribute, tax. SCAUDING, scalding. SCAUR, scare, frighten. SCLATE-STANE, slate-stone. SCRIVENER, one who draws up contracts. SHABBLE, cutla.s.s, SHOON, shoes. SHOUTHER, shoulder. SHULE, shovel. SIB, related. SIBYL, prophetess. SICKER, careful. SICLIKE, just so. SILLER, money, silver. SIRRAH, sir! SKEIGH, skittish. SKELDER, plunder, s.n.a.t.c.h. SLEEVELESS, thriftless. SMAIK, mean, paltry fellow. SNAP-HAUNCHES, firelocks. SPANG, spring. SPEER, ask. SPEERINGS, information, inquiries. SPRAIKLE, to get on with difficulty. s.p.u.n.k, slip. s.p.u.n.kIES, will-o'-the-wisps. STEEKING, closing. STEEKIT, shut. STONERN, stone. STOT, a bullock between two and three years old. STRAND-SCOURING, gutter-raking. St.u.r.dIED, afflicted with the st.u.r.dy, a sheep disease. STYPIC, astringent, something to arrest haemorrhage. SUCCORY-WATER, sugar water. SUNDOWN, sunset. SUNER, sooner. SUMPTER HORSE, pack-horse. SWITH, begone! be off! SYNE, ago.
TAIT, lock. TANE, the one. TAWSE, leather strap used for chastis.e.m.e.nt. TEINDS, t.i.thes. THROUGH-STANES, gravestones. TIKE v. TYKE. TINT, lost. t.i.tHER, the other. TOCHER, dowry. TOOM, empty. TOUR, see. TOUT, blast on the horn. TOYS, goods. TREEN, wooden. TROTH, truth. TROW, believe, guess. TRYSTE, appointment. TURN-BROCHE, turn-spit. TYKE, TIKE, dog, cur. TWA, two. TWIRING, coquetting, making eyes at.
UMQUHILE, late, deceased.
VIVERS, victuals.
WAD, pledge. WADNA, would not. WADSET, mortgage. WANION, misfortune. WARE, spend. WARLOCKS, wizards. WASTRIFE, waste, extravagance. WAUR, worse. WEEL KEND, well known. WHA, who. WHEEN, few, a number of. WHIGMALEERY, trinkets, nicknacks. WHILK, which. WHINGER, cutla.s.s, long knife. WHINYARD, sword. WHOMBLE, upset. WIMPLED, wrapped up. WINNA, will not. WITHY, gallows rope. WOO', wool. WYLIE-COAT, under-petticoat. WYND, street, alley. WYTE, blame.
YESTREEN, last night.