"Did you hear it?"
"I didn't imagine it."
"It talked. It said said something." something."
"Did you hear what it said? said?"
Chapter Forty-Seven.
Irons sat in his office atop the Berg Brothers tower in downtown Orlando. He was calm. He was cool. The news was pouring into him by the second. His fax machines whirred constantly and his e-mail was logjammed and his other lines rang incessantly.
But he was cool.
He had picked up the phone and he had made a phone call. One was all it would take. Now he would just have to wait. He sighed and buzzed his secretary.
A day later.
Davis Cauthen was there. He sat in Grisham's office, the two of them with Cauthen's own a.s.sistant, a willowy man named Morgan, and Redmond was there. They had things to talk about before Grisham went out once again to wipe out those d.a.m.ned birds.
"It's too late for this kind of action, Winston," Cauthen told him. "The word's out. Too many people saw saw them. The government is already down here like white on rice, and you know it. There's nothing you can them. The government is already down here like white on rice, and you know it. There's nothing you can do, do, now." now."
Colonel Grisham sat and steamed. His face was pale with rage. "Well, I'm not taking the fall for this bull. My men were supposed to clean Holcomb's place, mop it up, leave nothing nothing. But those d.a.m.ned birds took my men out out. All of them." He pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his military-cut head in disbelief.
"They're going to be here to question you, soon, Winston. And there are things you're going to have to say. You're going to have to take some of the heat for this. You know that." Senator Cauthen looked grimly at his old friend. His expression was not without some pity.
"No way. I'm not taking any heat for this. I have the proof of who ordered this action, how I was bribed and entrapped into it. And I'm going to cough it all up to the media. I won't play their stinking games. Do you hear hear me?" He smashed his hard fists down on the desk to punctuate his threat. me?" He smashed his hard fists down on the desk to punctuate his threat.
"I'm sorry you feel that way, Win. You don't really mean it, do you?"
"You're d.a.m.ned right I mean it. I'm not playing any games with these Yankee a.s.sholes. They don't know who I am or what I am. They know nothing of the things we deal with on a daily basis: our word, and the loyalty of our fellows. I've got the proposal they offered me, and I have the information they already had concerning the existence of these d.a.m.ned monsters monsters."
"That's your final word then," Cauthen said.
"It is. You can take that back to them. We'll see how this ends up. You have my word on it. And I have my men. Men like Redmond here, who will always stand up for me."
"Well, then." Cauthen cleared his throat.
At that signal, Cauthen's a.s.sistant and Redmond were on Grisham in a flash. The younger men each rushed forward and held him down. The old colonel stared in complete shock at the two, then at his old friend. "What? What's the meaning, Davis? What are you do-"
But he never finished the question. For Cauthen produced and had jammed the barrel of a .44 magnum into Grisham's opened mouth and pulled the trigger. All three men were spattered with blood and tissue as the bullet emerged from the top of the colonel's skull and lodged in one of the old books on a shelf just behind his head.
"What happened here, Redmond?" Cauthen asked as he straightened.
"We tried tried to stop him. That's why he called you down here. To help him out of the jam he'd gotten himself into. He ordered the attack on Holcomb's compound, to try to get rid of the commie eco-freak. And while you were sitting here trying to talk him into turning himself in, he blew his brains out. We tried to stop him, but it was just no good. He was a determined man." to stop him. That's why he called you down here. To help him out of the jam he'd gotten himself into. He ordered the attack on Holcomb's compound, to try to get rid of the commie eco-freak. And while you were sitting here trying to talk him into turning himself in, he blew his brains out. We tried to stop him, but it was just no good. He was a determined man."
Wiping the pistol clean of his prints, the senator placed it in the hand of his old friend. "Very good, son. I'm sure you'll find your life enriched by your testimony. You keep mind of that each time you buy something nice for your kids or that new house for your wife."
"Don't give it another thought, sir."
No one did.
In Irons' office, a special line rang for him. Only three people had that number, and he always always picked it up. On the other end a familiar voice spoke to him. picked it up. On the other end a familiar voice spoke to him.
"It's taken care of," the voice said. "Grisham ordered it alone."
"Thanks for the news," Irons said. And he hung up.
Chapter Forty-Eight.
Looking back on it, Ron had to be amused.
After the brown one went down and the red one ran off, the place had almost become the media-driven madhouse Mary had predicted. As if what had happened already had not been bad enough.
The first thing that happened was that Holcomb seemed to take command, despite the fact that most of the officials who showed up were employed by a company that thought of him as an implacable foe. It was rather funny, or would have been in a world in which true justice exits. A large truck with a large cage was needed, Holcomb had informed the security boys. And somehow, some way, just such a contraption was located. And before Big Bird woke up. It was all so comforting to see the truck arrive and the bird be locked safely behind iron bars just before it began to stir.
And that's when Holcomb noticed Ron and Mary. Really Really noticed them. noticed them.
"What are you doing with those guns?" he asked, pointing at the rifles with the very fancy nightscopes mounted on.
Ron and Mary stammered for a bit, the hired cops looking upon them with suspicion now that the resident jillionaire had singled them out for questioning. Their cop brows went up in what amounted to curiosity behind their thick skulls. What came out of Ron and Mary was, basically, "We got them from dead guys." They were quickly disarmed and handcuffed.
But they were not formally arrested until the real police arrived from the county seat.
From there, things got interesting and it was only after long bouts of questioning and the hiring of lawyers and the arrival of further representation from Fish & Wildlife that first Ron, and then Mary were released. After a few days their story was finally believed and authorities took them at their word that they were not involved in the killings that had taken place at Holcomb's compound. It was roughly around the time that Holcomb appeared on their behalf with testimony from a witness to corroborate their tale.
"Kate Kwitney was there. She saw the whole sordid event unfold," Holcomb had told them. And sure enough, the wounded young woman had told her tale from her hospital bed. Her own story was pretty amazing, too, Ron and Mary thought. The militia madmen had left the lady for dead, The militia madmen had left the lady for dead, and only when Holcomb had arrived with help was she discovered unconscious in the lab where she and her murdered coworkers had often worked. and only when Holcomb had arrived with help was she discovered unconscious in the lab where she and her murdered coworkers had often worked.
In the days thereafter, Ron and Mary tried to convince everyone who would listen that Kate had provided the killers with aid, had even gunned down Adam Levin. But she said it had been an unfortunate accident; that she was aiming for one of the killers she saw in the forest. She would never touch a gun again as long as she lived, she pouted to one and all.
The newspapers and the video magazines had a field day with it. Grisham, extremist nut that he was, took the fall for everything. But Ron and Mary knew better. Not that the information meant anything. They had talked it over and had decided not to rock the boat. It wouldn't do either of them any good, and might even get them sued into oblivion, the only fate they knew of worse than death.
So they kept their mouths shut. "Sure," Mary had told the cops. "Come to think of it, I think maybe she was was aiming at someone past Levin." aiming at someone past Levin."
Case closed.
A week after things began to calm down, Ron was at Mary's for dinner. It was the first chance they'd had to really be alone together. They had sat and eaten Mary's good cooking. All kinds of offers for her exclusive interview were pouring in, and people were tossing very attractive money offers for the print rights to the story of her adventures in the land of the dino-birds. Several news shows were falling over themselves for exclusive rights to interview the quite photogenic young woman. Playboy Playboy had even sent an offer for a pictorial. She and Ron had laughed over it, and Mary was happy to note that the offer seemed to bother Ron more than a little. had even sent an offer for a pictorial. She and Ron had laughed over it, and Mary was happy to note that the offer seemed to bother Ron more than a little.
For a while, Ron and Mary made small talk and tried to avoid the matter they were dancing around. "What's this about you signing on the register at the Seminole Nation, Ron?" Mary asked. "Why now?"
"I don't know," Ron said. He paused and thought about it, wondered whether he would tell anyone. "To tell you the truth, I still don't feel completely comfortable with it. But that's part of why I went ahead and did it. I've felt too uncomfortable about who-and what-I am for too long. And maybe I did it because of Billy Crane. And because of you. Just got me thinking, I guess."
And that seemed to weaken the barriers that Ron had erected between himself and his feelings for Mary. Some of the tension vanished.
"What about you, Ron? They must must be calling you, too. The people with the money for your story, I mean," Mary said. be calling you, too. The people with the money for your story, I mean," Mary said.
He looked into her pretty face, her black hair almost glowing like polished onyx. "Nah. I mean, I've had some offers, but not so much money that it would make a difference to me."
Mary looked at Ron, disbelief in her eyes.
"No. It's true. Really," he said.
"Well, you've obviously got the wrong agent," she told him.
"Agent? You're kidding."
"Do I have to do everything everything for you? I'll give you the phone number later." for you? I'll give you the phone number later."
With the dinner done and the dishes cleared away, they retreated to Mary's modest den to watch some television. Mary put a videotape in her player. "I wanted to make sure you saw this," she said. It was one of the recent fluff news pieces with Michael Irons' and Vance Holcomb's smiling faces showing as the two sat shoulder to shoulder at a press conference to announce the news.
"Berg Brothers has always always been interested in preserving the natural world," Irons said through his shark's grin. "That's why Salutations USA was been interested in preserving the natural world," Irons said through his shark's grin. "That's why Salutations USA was already already a model of eco-sensitive development. But now, with the discovery of this priceless treasure of the existence of a model of eco-sensitive development. But now, with the discovery of this priceless treasure of the existence of t.i.tanis walleri t.i.tanis walleri living in our world, and living in our world, and here, here, why Berg Brothers could not stand idly by." why Berg Brothers could not stand idly by."
Holcomb chimed in on cue. "And that's why Berg Brothers, working with Holcomb Industries, is cooperating to lock up over four hundred thousand acres of pristine forest and lowland habitat as a wilderness to be administered by the Department of the Interior, with Holcomb and Berg Brothers footing the bill for additional research. The studio will also, I'm happy to say, be sponsoring the redevelopment of Salutations USA as a combination educational center with continuing growth as a model of ecologically sensitive residential areas and entertainment complexes."
There was footage of the t.i.tanis t.i.tanis bird Holcomb had tranq'd being released at the edge of the forest. As the animal dashed from its cage, vanishing into the green, an appropriate selection of rather moving and dramatic music played in the background. bird Holcomb had tranq'd being released at the edge of the forest. As the animal dashed from its cage, vanishing into the green, an appropriate selection of rather moving and dramatic music played in the background.
"What's going on with those birds, Ron? Are you hearing anything at work?" Mary asked, watching the footage of the bird dashing for freedom.
"I've heard a little. I talked to one of the big predator guys who came down from Alaska. He's been working with grizzlies for five years. I guess they figured he'd know something something about how a about how a t.i.tanis t.i.tanis might think. At any rate, he says that what they have been able to see is that the flock seems to be functioning as a unit. Except for the red one, the big one. He's off on his own, now. Has a couple of others with him. They say he's got two females, may be forming his own flock. Who knows?" might think. At any rate, he says that what they have been able to see is that the flock seems to be functioning as a unit. Except for the red one, the big one. He's off on his own, now. Has a couple of others with him. They say he's got two females, may be forming his own flock. Who knows?"
"Do you think they'll make it? I mean, now that Man knows about them? Now that we'll be messing around in their wilderness and tampering with them?"
"I don't think I even want to guess, Mary. Look. They've survived there for this long. And, if we're very careful and don't get in their ways and don't intrude...well, I'd like to believe that they will continue to thrive."
"Let's hope so," she said as she reached for the remote and shut the television off. "Can you believe that bullc.r.a.p with Holcomb, though? Berg Brothers tried to have him killed, and he knows knows it. How can he sit there with them like that?" it. How can he sit there with them like that?"
Ron sighed and slumped in the midst of the big couch. "h.e.l.l, I don't know. Maybe he's getting a vicious thrill out of them having to actually help him see his vision become a reality." He sighed again. "d.a.m.n."
Mary slid up close to Ron. She put her hand in his and motioned him to her. Ron was only too happy to cooperate and he soon had his arms around her, feeling her muscular form in his grasp. Their faces met, each breathing in the good scent of one another. They kissed, and kissed, kissed again. Ron was wondering how he had ever thought Mary had been anything less than the one for him.
After a moment, Mary disengaged and put her lips close to Ron's ear. "Beats smooching on that deceitful b.i.t.c.h, doesn't it?"
"d.a.m.n straight," he said.
Mary was laughing at him, her face pretty, her teeth showing brightly. She was beautiful to Ron.
"I've been such a fool," he told her. "I was afraid of falling in love with you. Of even admitting that I had fallen in love with you. A part of me-the part of me who's a fool-kept saying we didn't belong together. And...I can't explain it, and I know it doesn't make sense...but I didn't want to think of having a family with you. I kept telling myself we were too different. The fact is, we're so much alike. I know you must be sick of hearing me say it, but I'm sorry."
"It's ugly. That was self-loathing. I've seen it before, in others. But, I'm stuck on you, so I have to forgive you, don't I?"
They looked at one another, their eyes full of desire and growing love. Ron moved toward Mary again, to embrace her for another round of kissing that he hoped would lead them to the bedroom. But before they could begin, Mary pushed him away.
"Um." Mary cleared her throat. "I don't know if I should mention this, and I don't think you've heard, since one of the reporters I've been working with told me..." she trailed off.
"What?" Ron sat straight and looked at his host. "What is it?"
"That number, Kate Kwitney."
"What about her?" He blinked.
"She's going to be chief administrator at Holcomb's research center. Seems she knows more about these d.a.m.ned birds than anyone but Holcomb. So she's eminently qualified."
Ron covered his face. "G.o.d. Give me a break."
Mary reached over and gave him a playful punch in the shoulder. "Well, don't look too depressed," she said. "Look what came out today. Have you seen it, yet?" Mary reached beside the couch and produced a newspaper. Unfolding it, the paper rattling loudly, she presented it to Ron. "Ain't it a gas?"
Ron looked while Mary began to chuckle.
It was the National Inquirer National Inquirer. The front page was a grainy photo of the head of a t.i.tanis walleri t.i.tanis walleri. GIANT DINO-BIRD LIVES, GIANT DINO-BIRD LIVES, it said. it said. UTTERS THE NAME OF JESUS UTTERS THE NAME OF JESUS.
Along with Mary, Ron found himself laughing.
"Now, then," Mary said. "Where were we?"
Books by James Robert Smith
The Flock
The Clan