"Your Excellency is now aware of the names of two of those whom you may thank for your safety. I myself, to whom the Queen-Regent owes the recovery of her daughter, am a Scottish gentleman of good birth. My companions below are severally the Count de Saint Pierre, a French n.o.bleman of ancient family, and Don Juan Mortimer, an English merchant of unchallenged probity.
"Here therefore are five men who have defended the Queen-Regent with their lives, and who now judge it to be necessary for her and the Princess that they should put themselves immediately under our protection and leave this place of instant and terrible danger!"
"The Queen will not be dictated to by any combination of men whatsoever," the Duke answered; "she has resolved to remain at La Granja, and therefore nothing can move her!"
Rollo bowed gracefully, but there was a dangerous glitter in his eye which might have warned his opponent.
"Your Excellency," he went on, with great calmness, "we look confidently for your voice and interest in this matter. You will have the goodness to introduce us into the presence of the Queen-Regent. You are at liberty to announce our intentions and prepare her Majesty for a visit!"
A quick light flashed over the indifferent and dogged countenance of Senor Munoz. The hope of escape was written there as plainly as if printed in Roman characters across his brow. But for this also Rollo had made provision.
"Guard that inner door," he cried to El Sarria; and the giant moved swiftly to his post, motioning away the gentleman-in-waiting as one might displace a dog from a cushion. Then Rollo stepped briskly into the corridor, set his hand to his mouth and called a single word aloud.
And the girl stood before him almost ere his voice had ceased to echo along the corridors. Silent she waited his pleasure. For this time it was not Rollo, upon whose love for her the new sun had risen, who called her, but Colonel Rollo Blair, the chief of the expedition of which she was no insignificant part.
"You are armed?" he queried, as she followed him within the door and her quick eyes took in the scene.
The girl nodded a little resentfully. Surely it was a superfluous question. An Andalucian maiden, whose lover's life is in danger every hour, always goes armed. But of course it was Rollo's duty as an officer to make certain. All the same he might have known. _She_ would.
"Then," said Rollo, firmly, "you will accompany this gentleman to the apartments of the Queen-Regent. You will permit him ten minutes' private conversation with her Majesty in your presence. You will then accompany him back. During his absence he is not to lay his hand upon any weapon, have any personal contact with the Queen, or open any drawer, cabinet, or case-of-arms. Also he is to return with you as soon as you inform him that the time allotted is at an end. Here is my watch!"
"And if the _Senor_ should refuse to comply with any of these demands?"
suggested Concha.
"He will not refuse," answered Rollo; "but if the thing should happen, why, you have full discretion! You understand?"
Concha nodded, and her lips, ordinarily so sweet and yielding, grew firm with determination. She understood. So also did Munoz.
"You do not need to say more," she said clearly; "I am an Andalucian."
Rollo turned to Munoz. Not being a Spaniard, he thought it necessary to make the matter yet more clear.
"You have heard," he said; "treachery will do you no good, and may indeed suddenly deprive her reigning Majesty of the inestimable consolations of your companionship. Be good enough to accompany this young lady, sir. In ten minutes I shall expect your return with a favourable answer. Permit them to pa.s.s, Don Ramon!"
But the consort of the Queen-Regent Maria Cristina fingered his chin uncertainly without moving, and Rollo's brow darkened ominously, while the Sergeant began to look hopeful. Neither were in the mood to put up calmly with any further refusal or hesitation.
"I am quite willing--nay, even anxious to oblige you," said Munoz; "I would gladly undertake the commission, but--but----!"
He stopped as if searching for words, still, however, rubbing his chin.
"But what?" thundered Rollo. The blood of all the Blairs was rising.
"Well, to put the matter plainly, I have never appeared before her Majesty in this condition before. You would not have me go as I am?"
"In what condition?" cried the Scot in great astonishment.
"Unshaven, and with my hair undressed. That idiot there"--pointing to the trembling valet--"spilt the water just when you came in."
"Nay," laughed Rollo, much relieved that there was to be no shedding of blood, "indeed you must forgive him for that. El Sarria there is entirely to blame. And on this occasion I trust that her Most Catholic Majesty will pardon the informality of your appearance. You can point out to her that you come, not on your own part, but as the amba.s.sador of others who were somewhat over-earnest in persuading you. I am sure that my two friends here will share with me the very serious responsibility of your unshaven chin."
"That I shall not fail to represent to her Majesty," said the Duke, bowing imperturbably.
And without any further objections he went out, followed by Concha. And that young lady with all the dignity of responsibility swelling in pride under the crossed folds of her _rebozo_, did not vouchsafe even so much as one glance to Rollo, but pa.s.sed her commanding officer with eyes like those of a rear-rank man on parade, fixed immovably on the broad back of Senor Munoz. As soon as they were alone, however, she moved up alongside, fingering her pistol-b.u.t.t significantly. For this little Concha was quite resolved to use her discretion to the uttermost should any treachery be intended--aye, or even the appearance of it.
During their absence the remaining quartette in the chamber of Don Fernando Munoz held their ground without a word of mutual converse.
Rollo stared out of the window and listened eagerly to the slamming of doors and the far-away murmur of voices in the direction of the royal apartments. Ramon, like the natural fine gentleman he was, fixed his eyes on the Persian rugs which strewed the polished floor and awaited orders. But Sergeant Cardono, unconditioned by any such fine scruples, regarded with undisguised contempt mingled with pity the gold and ivory fittings of the ducal dressing-table, the plated lamps, the gilt candelabra, the Dresden china shepherdesses holding out ash-trays, and all the varied elegancies which the affection and grat.i.tude of a Queen had provided for the tobacco-seller of Torrejon de Ardoz, who, like our own Shakespeare, was said to have held many a steed outside his father's door for a meagre dole of pence. For thus by merit, diverse in kind it is true, do the really great soar above the insignificance of their birth.
Thus in a straining silence, acute almost to breaking point, they waited. Yet something of the epic's argument came to them even at that distance--a shrill woman's voice vehemently debating, then a ba.s.s mutter of masculine argument, a quick stamp, distinctly feminine, upon the floor, then the slamming of a door, and on the back of that the sound of returning footsteps.
"The Queen refuses to receive you, I am sorry to inform you, gentlemen,"
said the Duke. "That I did my best this lady will bear me witness. But having had no opportunity of private conference with her Majesty, I was unable (as indeed I antic.i.p.ated) to effect anything."
Rollo turned to Concha without wasting words on his former amba.s.sador.
"Return to the Queen's chamber," he said, "and inform her Majesty that we will wait her pleasure here for other ten minutes. And if by the end of that time we are not honoured with a visit from her Majesty, we shall (most reluctantly and with all respect) be compelled to shoot Senor Fernando Munoz, whose person we hold as a hostage for her Majesty's complaisance in the affair we have undertaken. We can waste no more time."
Concha's lips became more rigid than ever. They looked as if they never would, should, or could be kissed. Juno herself, pa.s.sing sentence upon the object of great Jove's latest admiration, could not have appeared more inflexibly stern.
But she only saluted, turned on her heel like a drill-sergeant, and marched out by the side door.
In these trying circ.u.mstances the Duke of Rianzares displayed an unexpected and wholly admirable calm. He leaned against the mantelpiece, glanced once at the ormolu timepiece with the address of a Paris maker below the winding-holes, and fell again to fingering his unshaven chin.
He then turned quickly toward the trembling valet, who regarded him with eyes which seemed to apologise for such unprecedented circ.u.mstances.
"There would have been time to shave me even yet," he said, "only that you were fool enough to spill the shaving-water."
Then, as if relinquishing hope, he sighed again and fell listlessly to regarding himself in the mirror. He was a handsome man, even with an unshaven chin that showed over a dressing-gown with yellow flowers on a purple ground. Also the pulses of the tobacco-seller's son of the Ardoz _estanco_ must have been urged by a pretty equal-beating heart, to enable him to take matters so calmly.
The Sergeant muttered to himself once or twice as if making mental note of an important fact which he desired to remember.
"All dandies are not cowards," was what he was saying.
Five, six, seven, eight of the ten slow minutes pa.s.sed away, and beyond a glance at the clock and a more absorbing interest in the furze on his chin, Senor Munoz had not moved. The seconds hand upon the clock on the mantelshelf was crawling round its miniature dial for the ninth time with vast apparent deliberation, when a noise was heard from the direction of the Queen's apartments.
There was a rapid gabble of tongues, a scurry of footsteps, the hissing rustle of stiff silken skirts along narrow pa.s.sages, and a voice which exclaimed more and more shrilly, "The murderers! The cowards! Surely they will never dare! Have they forgotten that I am a Queen?"
And with these words Maria Cristina of Naples burst like a whirlwind into the room. Her long black hair streamed down her back. Her little daughter followed, a comb still in the hand with which she had been struggling to take the place of the lost Dona Susana, who, as before related, had gone to visit her relations.
After these two Concha followed, in appearance calm and placid as the windless Mediterranean on a day of winter.