[530] _Otia Imperialia_, p. 987: see above p. 302 _et alib_.
[531] Like the Irish _Play the Puck_, above, p. 371.
[532] _Otia Imper._ p. 981: see above, p. 394. It does not appear that the abode of these porpoise-knights was beneath the water.
[533] _Otia Imper._ p. 897. See above p. 407. Orthone, the House-spirit, who, according to Froissart, attended the Lord of Corasse, in Gascony, resembled Hinzelmann in many points.
[534] Ibid.
[535] _Hujusmodi larvarum._ He classes the Fadas with Sylvans and Pans.
[536] P. 989. Speaking of the wonderful horse of Giraldus de Cabreriis; Gervase says, _Si Fadus erat, i. e._ says Leibnitz, incantatus, ut _Fadae, Fatae, Fees_.
[537] Cambry, Monumens Celtiques, p. 342. The author says, that Esterelle, as well as all the Fairies, was the moon. This we very much doubt. He derives her name from the Breton _Escler_, Brightness, Lauza, from _Lac'h_ (Irish _Cloch_), a flat stone.
[538] Monuments religieux des Volces Tectosages, _ap._ Mlle. Bosquet, Normandie, etc., p. 92: see above, pp. 161, 342.
[539] See Leroux de Lincy, _ap._ Mlle. Bosquet, p. 93, who adds "In Lower Normandy, in the arrondissement of Bayeux, they never neglect laying a table for the protecting genius of the babe about to be born;"
see our note on Virg. Buc. iv. 63. In a collection of decrees of Councils made by Burchard of Worms, who died in 1024, we read as follows: "Fecisti, ut quaedam mulieres in quibusdam temporibus anni facere solent, ut in domo tua _mensam praepares_ et tuos cibos et potum cum _tribus cultellis_ supra mensam poneres, ut si venissent _tres illae sorores_ quas antiqua posteritas et antiqua stultitia Parcas nominavit, ibi reficirentur ... ut credens illas quas tu dieis esse sorores tibi posse aut hic aut in futuro prodesse?" GRIMM. _Deut. Mythol. Anhang_, p.
xxxviii., where we are also told that these Parcae could give a man at his birth the power of becoming a Werwolf. All this, however, does not prove that they were the origin of the _Fees_: see above, p. 6.
[540] This may remind us of the Neck or Kelpie above, p. 162. It seems confirmatory of our theory respecting the Visigoths, p. 466.
[541] Greg. Tur. De Glor. Confess. ch. xxxi., _ap._ Grimm. p. 466.
[542] Pilgrimage to Auvergne, ii. p. 294, _seq._
[543] Cambry, Monuments Celtiques, p. 232.
[544] It is evidently a _cromleach_. What is said of the nature of the stones is also true of Stonehenge.
[545] Lettres de Madame S. a sa Fille. Perigueux, 1830: by M. Jouannet of Bordeaux.
[546] See Mlle. Bosquet, La Normandie Romanesque et Merveilleuse, and the works there quoted by this learned and ingenious lady. What follows is so extremely like what we have seen above of the Korrigan of the adjacent Brittany, that we hope she has been careful not to transfer any of their traits to her Fees.
[547] Opera i. 1036; Paris, 1674, _ap._ Grimm, Deut. Mythol. p. 263.
[548] _Ap._ Grimm, _ut sup._ Douce (Ill. of Shak. i. 382) was, we believe, the first who directed attention to Abundia. He quotes from an old _fabliau_:
Ceste richesse nus abonde, Nos l'avons de par Dame Abonde.
One kind of these the Italians Fatae name; Fee the French; we Sybils; and the same Other White Nymphs; and those that have them seen, Night Ladies some, of which Habundia queen.
_Hierarchie_, viii. p. 507.
[550] Mr. Thoms prefers a derivation from the Cymric, _Mab_, boy, child.
[551] There is no satisfactory derivation of _Lutin_, for we cannot regard as such Grimm's _a luctu_. _Gobelin_, _Goblin_, or _Goubelin_, is evidently the same as _Kobold_. _Follet_ (from _fol_, _fou_) and _Farfadet_, are other names. Both _Gobelin_ and _Lutin_ were in use in the 11th century. Orderic Vitalis, speaking of the demon whom St.
Taurin drove out of the temple of Diana, says, _Hunc vulgus Gobelinum appellat_, and Wace (Roman de Rou, _v_ 9715) says of the familiar of bishop Mauger who excommunicated the Conqueror
_Ne sei s'esteit lutin ou non._
[552] Mothers also threaten their children with him. _Le gobelin vous mangera, le gobelin vous emportera._ PeRE L'ABBe, _Etymologie_, i. p.
[553] In another French tale a man to deceive a Fee, put on his wife's clothes and was minding the child, but she said as she came in, "Non, tu ne point la belle d'hier au soir, tu ne files, ni ne vogues, ni ton fuseau ne t'enveloppes," and to punish him she turned some apples that were roasting on the hearth into peas. SCHREIBER _ap._ GRIMM, p. 385.
[554] See above, p. 471.
[555] Lubin may be only another form of Lutin, and connected with the English Lob. Its likeness to _loup_ may have given occasion to the fiction of their taking the lupine form.
[556] Chartier.
[557] See above, p. 475.
[558] Histoire de Melusine, tiree des Chroniques de Poitou. Paris, 1698. Dobenek, des Deutschen Mittelalter und Volksglauben.
[559] _i. e._ Cephalonia, see above, p. 41.
[560] It is at this day (1698) corruptly called La Font de See; and every year in the month of May a fair is held in the neighbouring mead, where the pastry-cooks sell figures of women, _bien coiffees_, called Merlusines.--_French Author's Note_.
[561] A boar's tusk projected from his mouth. According to Brantome, a figure of him, cut in stone, stood at the portal of the Melusine tower, which was destroyed in 1574.
[562] At her departure she left the mark of her foot on the stone of one of the windows, where it remained till the castle was destroyed.
[563] In his poem of Melusina, dedicated to Christina of Sweden.
[564] Mlle Bosquet, _ut sup._ p. 100.
[565] Mlle. Bosquet, _ut sup._ p. 98. The castle of Argouges is near Bayeux, that of Ranes is in the arrondissement of Argentan.
[566] This proverbial expression is to be met with in various languages: see Grimm, Deut. Mythol. p. 802.
[567] See above, p. 458.
Up the hill I went, and gazed round.
Hoping golden maids to see; Trooping lovely maidens came, who Round the hill danced merrily.