Gibbs didn't believe a word, but then he didn't dare not to believe him either. So when Schiller took out a Sony tape recorder from his pocket, Gibbs agreed to be interviewed. It was hard, however, to figure where Schiller was coming from. That guy Farrell just kept glaring at him.
When Schiller asked if he would sign a contract for his story, Gibbs asked, "How much?" He knew already there was nothing like ten grand in it, but he still wanted to get on Carson. Have all of America see his face, then use the proceeds to get a face-lift, ha. Still, he did think Johnny Carson had quick wits. They'd make a good fit. There'd be a fast understanding back and forth.
Schiller, however, just looked to be in pain at the idea of laying out money. "You are trying," he said, "to sell your information after Gary has already given you a check for $2,000 which is the fourth-largest amount given out to anyone, including his mother."
"Gary gave me that money out of friendship."
Schiller looked him right in the eye and said, "When I told Gary of our conversation, he wanted to stop payment on your check."
"I don't believe you," said Gibbs. "Anyway, it's cashed.'
Gibbs had received a letter two days ago from Gary that said Powers was telling people that he, Gibbs, was an informer. Gary wrote that Powers was a no-good son of a bitch for trying to start such rumors, Now, this. Schiller certainly had to be the most insensitive individual in the world. He actually had the gall to say, "Gary is talking bad about you. I would worry about being seen in Salt Lake."
Stuff like that came out of a turkey's asshole. Gibbs knew better than anybody that Gary didn't have connections in Salt Lake. Still Gibbs felt full of weak sentiments. He didn't know if it was fear, or just feeling horrible that Gary knew, but it couldn't have been worse.
"How long have you worked for the police?" asked Schiller.
"I've been twelve years undercover," said Gibbs. "This is the first time I've had to come up."
"It must scare you," said Schiller.
"Not that much," said Gibbs, "I know my job. Yesterday in court, I was up against what is probably the heaviest criminal element in the State of Utah." Gibbs puffed on the Viceroy Super Long. "When I got on that stand yesterday, they didn't say, is this guy an informer or a paid fink, they asked, is he a reliable counterintelligence agent? If they wanted, I could have given them names of FBI agents I worked for, showed plane tickets they gave me, vouchers. Halterman can tell you. I've got a photographic memory. I could sit on this tape recorder for a day, and tell you everything about Gary."
"Did they place you next to Gary for any reason?" Schiller asked.
"No," Gibbs said, "he didn't know anything they needed to know. It was just for my own protection. I didn't like the idea of being in the main tank. Some of the people I was going to testify against could have had friends passing through."
"Did you feed Halterman any stuff on Gary?" asked Barry Farrell.
"The only thing I told Halterman is, 'Watch. If they give Gilmore the death penalty, they're going to have to execute him.' "
"What if they had asked you to spy on him?" Farrell went on.
"I don't think I would have," said Gibbs. "I liked the guy."
Without a pause, Farrell asked, "Is Gary well hung?"
"I don't know," Gibbs said, "I never paid no attention."
"I'm just curious," said Farrell, looking carefully at him.
"I never paid no attention to it," said Gibbs.
"Did Gary have sex with April?" Schiller asked.
"Gary ain't no raper," Gibbs said. "If he did it, he fooled me better than I fooled him."
What with the fact that Gary now knew his occupation, Gibbs was feeling so nervous and out of tune, that to get himself humming right again, he ended by giving Schiller and Farrell a list of the outfits with whom he had been associated over the last ten years. What the hell, they could get it anyway from the court transcript.
Gibbs had worked, he said, for the Salt Lake City Police Department, Salt Lake County Sheriff's Office, FBI, Treasury Department, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, Regent Eight Task Force, and the University of Utah Police Department, Narcotics Division.
"I've been a crook and I've worked for law enforcement," said Gibbs, "and either one by itself is not enough."
"What are you going to do now?" asked Schiller.
"Well," said Gibbs, "Halterman is going down to the Board of Pardons tomorrow, and get me released. They'll give me new papers, a new name, and let me carry a pistol. The fact of the matter is I've got to make a run for my life. I have a target on my back." The hand holding the Viceroy Super Long didn't shake that much, but he said, "Okay, I'll tell you. In twelve years of working under, I've never had the fear like I got it right now. Yesterday, Halterman had to clear the courthouse for me, that's how worried he was."
"Halterman a good friend?" Farrell asked.
"I would say," said Gibbs, "he is nobody to fool with." He giggled.
"Ken likes to tell how he's a bad shot, because one time he tried to hit a friend of mine in the heart, but missed and hit between the eyes. Now he wants to be on the firing squad for Gilmore." He giggled again.
"What are we wasting our time with this snitch for?" Farrell asked Schiller. "I don't even like to be in the same room." He got up abruptly and walked out. They were really trying to reduce the price, Gibbs thought.
Halterman happened to be in the corridor. Farrell buttonholed him. "I heard that story how you hit the fellow between the eyes," he said.
It caught Halterman by surprise. "Well," he said, "ha, ha," trying to get started.
"Have you put in your application for Gilmore's firing squad?" Barry asked.
"I'd be proud to get on it. Gilmore is a homicidal maniac."
"Well," said Barry, "when it comes to Gary, you must not miss! Gilmore's eyes, his kidneys, his liver, and some other valuable organs are going to people who need them. If you shoot, get the heart." Halterman looked back at him like he didn't know if Farrell was a lunatic or a Judge.
"You get it straight," said Halteman. "I'm not a bad shot, I'm a good shot. I aimed to hit Gibbs's friend in the eye and I hit him in the eye. You have to know you can take a human life before you ever put on a police uniform."
Gibbs knew he had been talking to Schiller too freely. Supposedly, it was just samples, but he was really giving it away. Yet, divulging the information seemed to cool his fear a bit.
Trying to up the ante, he said, "Gilmore has told me things he hasn't told anyone else alive."
"Gary has already given us everything you said," Schiller replied.
More turkey product, thought Gibbs. But he had blown it, he knew. The offer, when it came, was for two hundred, no more. A release, not an exclusive.
Schiller was feeling good. Gibbs had corroborated every story they picked up in Gary's letters. He had talked about Luis the wetback jailer, and Powers, and the dixie cup with the string that burned, and Gibbs's generosity with money. There was the mending of the false teeth, the haircuts, painting on the walls, painting each other's faces-all of it had been told again by Gibbs. Moreover, he was no threat. He really didn't know much about Nicole. Just a sidebar to the main tale.
So Schiller had gained a lot. That phrase of Gary's: "Larry, have you read the letters I wrote to Nicole?-Tell me" was still vibrating in his head. He had needed a way to ask Gary questions that originated from the letters, but he had also needed a means of concealing how he acquired such information. Gibbs's stories would take care of that.
Maybe it had gone too well. Even as Schiller reached into his pocket for the release, and said, "Two pages. One for you to keep, one copy for me," Gibbs looked back with a real sleazo grin. "You just dropped some money on the floor, you got so much," he said.
Schiller looked down. There were green bills all over. "Ah, shit," said Schiller, "am I that rich?" A key from the TraveLodge was also on the floor.
"You and Barry," asked Gibbs, "staying at the TraveLodge?" At this point, Farrell nodded, and Schiller shook his head in the negative. Gibbs commented. "He shakes his head yes, you say no." Schiller said, "You didn't ask me if I was registered at the TraveLodge, you asked me if I was staying there." He laughed loudly. "Well, I'll advise you of your rights." Gibbs gave him a look, and changed the subject.
By the time they got back to the motel, Farrell realized that Schiller was taking Gibbs seriously. Of course, Gibbs had done some talking about his connections with the heaviest gang in Salt Lake City, but Farrell expected such connections were about as good as his own to the Johnny Carson show. However, as soon as they parked their car at the TraveLodge, Larry went to see the woman at the desk, and said, "Give me two blank registration cards, and two rooms that are empty, okay?" While the woman stood by stupefied, Schiller made up cards for empty rooms, backdated them to yesterday when he and Farrell had moved in, and tore up the current registration cards for Barry and himself. "Bet they didn't teach you this at the TraveLodge Training School," Farrell said to her. He was feeling entertained by all this registrationmanship, but also thinking, "Maybe I'm really underestimating what went on."
The way Schiller looked at it, Gibbs was capable of hating him.
No reason why he shouldn't. So Gibbs might want to finger him.
Walking out of that police station in Orem, it had hit Schiller. He was not only dealing with some dangerous people, but living pretty exposed.
He might need a little protection. There was a bodyguard he hired in Los Angeles from time to time, Harve Roddetz, who worked for one of the Cadillac limousine companies as a driver, but farmed out on special occasions. Harve had protected him in the Watts riots, and right after Schiller's house had been bombed in the aftermath of the Susan Atkins story. So Schiller felt like having Harve around now. After all, he was situated in this motel room on the ground floor.
Anybody could walk up to his door, blow a Magnum through the window, and take off in a car. But he reasoned the problem through. The thing to do for tonight was not change rooms. At this hour it would attract attention, and anybody watching would see him move luggage. It was simpler to switch the registration cards. That way, if Gibbs talked a cop into making a call here to find out the room numbers, the registration would provide incorrect information.
Meanwhile, Schiller could see that Barry was enjoying it.
Maybe he just has a more cavalier attitude toward certain types of danger than I do, thought Larry. All the same, he decided, provisionally, to do without Harve Roddetz. It was paramount that mutual respect between Farrell and himself be maintained,
In the morning, they visited Gibbs and paid over the $200 for a release.
Gibbs, getting out that day, seemed less nervous, but Schiller was not in a good mood. On the way back to the motel, going over his problems, his revenues, and his potential outlets, Larry began to feel a cumulative fatigue. He also felt hungry for a little time alone with Stephie. She was still pissed at the way they never did have a real Thanksgiving. It gave him an idea. What if he went with her to Hawaii for Christmas week? They could visit his brother. While he was gone, Barry could take up the slack. She was still pissed at the way they never did have a real Thanksgiving. It gave him an idea. What if he went with her to Hawaii for Christmas week? They could visit his brother. While he was gone, Barry could take up the slack.
When he told Moody and Stanger that he wanted a rest before the big push in January, Stanger said, "If you're going to Hawaii, maybe it's time for us to grab a vacation as well. Where are our airplane tickets?" He was kidding, but it was as close to the line as you could get. Schiller blew. "This is no expense-account scare. I'm going to Hawaii on my own. If you want to go, pay for it."
Then the first phone call next morning was from Time. They were still willing to give proper space for Gilmore, but were definitely having second thoughts about paying the $25,000. They would give four pages plus the cover, and no money. A policy decision had been made in the last week to stop checkbook journalism. It was all fashion, Schiller thought unhappily. In another two months they would reverse themselves and buy things again, but for now it forced his hand with the Enquirer, and that meant less revenue from the foreign sales. Still, right after the vacation, he would send Stephie, his mother, and her mother over to Europe to sell the letters. For something like this, they were the only people he could trust.
In the last day before he left, Schiller got together a force of typists in Los Angeles to transcribe Gilmore's letters to Nicole, a huge job. Fifteen hundred pages of manuscript. Still there was no other way to sell the stuff overseas. Foreign editors couldn't even read typed English without lighting a cigarette. They certainly wouldn't go through hundreds of pages in longhand.
He also wanted to give something to Gary before he left, but in fact didn't know whether to send a Christmas present. Since he was going away, and this was resented, okay, it was the wrong time to try to impress him with an expensive gift. He decided to send a telegram. Fifteen years ago, covering the Hemingway suicide in Ketchum, Idaho, for Paris Match, Schiller had written a line to go out under his photographs. It said Hemingway had not wanted to evade the greatest adventure of his life, which was death. That became Paris Match's headline for their picture essay on the funeral. Now, Schiller thought he would use it, or something like it, for Gilmore.
Make the man think of him while he was gone. A touch of the mystical.
Not an hour before plane time, there was a call from Bill Moyers.
He was starting a TV show called "CBS Reports." First show would be on Gilmore. When he heard Schiller was on his way to Hawaii, Moyers even said, "We'll visit you there." Schiller said, "Come on, Mr. Moyers, I am not going to be photographed lying on the beach, doing checkbook journalism with my bare belly out to the sun. That's neither the way I see myself, nor the way I intend to present myself."
Moyers began to chuckle. "You're sharp, aren't you?" he said.
Schiller found out that the show was tentatively scheduled to air just before Gary's execution. He told Moyers he would be happy to get together with him in Provo after New Year's and might cooperate provided certain things were understood. It was his way of telling Moyers that he knew the name of the game. Off to Hawaii!
Chapter 20.
On the morning of Wednesday, December 22nd, Ken Halterman appeared before the Board of Pardons. He testified that Richard Gibbs had been a witness for the State of Utah in two felony trials, the first in Provo against Jim Ross, the other in Richfield, Utah, against Ted Burr, and his testimony had helped to convict one of the largest theft rings ever uncovered in the State of Utah. It had been a million-dollar-a-year operation, stated Halterman, that dealt in stolen recreational vehicles, boats, camper trailers, horse-trailers, and trucks.
Gibbs got out of Orem Jail around eleven, and was driven to the University of Utah Police Department where he acquired an ID in the name of Lance LeBaron, after which he picked up $400 that the Salt Lake Police was paying him, and went from there to the bank, where he withdrew the balance of Gary's $2,000.
Next morning, Gibbs got license plates for the big 98 he had just bought, a blue and white 1970 Olds, and then went to a barber shop and got his hair cut and his mustache and goatee removed, after which he took off for Helena, Montana. He had the idea he might even push on to Canada.
It was about noon when Gibbs left, and he stopped at Pocatello around four, filled up with gas, and went on to Idaho Falls where he stopped at the Ponderosa Motel. Downtown, he picked up a girl in a bar and got laid. No big deal. On the other hand, it didn't cost nothing.
In the morning, he went over to see his grandmother and aunt who lived in Idaho Falls, and were 89 and 65 respectively. His grandma was going to turn 90 on January 17, Gary's new execution date, and that made him think of "psychic powers, Geebs," a bad thought.
He spent a couple of hours with these ladies, and left a fifty-dollar bill for their Christmas, then stopped and ate, drove for a few more hours, got the car greased, the oil changed, antifreeze checked, bought a new filter and had the tires rotated. It took an hour. While he was waiting, he had a few drinks. Then he headed out, hoping to get to Helena that same night.
About fifteen miles north of Butte, he was heading up a mountain road in the dark when a logging truck came down fast around a turn and barreled over onto his side of the road. Huge headlights.
Gibbs had a quick choice: hit the truck or ditch. He went to the right and smacked into something in the gully.
When he came to, his head was bleeding and his false teeth were broken. The side of his face was screaming with pain. He managed to get the car door open, but when he went to step out, he fell face down in the snow. No way could he put any pressure on his left leg, he had to crawl to the edge of the highway. The first car that went by saw him lying on the side of the road but just kept going. A few minutes later, a pickup stopped. Two men helped him in, and took him along the road to a cafe called the Elk Pack. There, they phoned the Highway Patrol. The bartender gave him a wet towel to wipe the blood off his head and Gibbs sat on a barstool so his leg could hang down without pressure while he drank three straight shots of whiskey.