KATHY MAYNARD Out in front of the school. On a lawn.
INTERVIEWER How long did you go with him before you married him?
KATHY MAYNARD 'Bout a month.
INTERVIEWER Where did you get married?
KATHY MAYNARD At his house in Heber..
INTERVIEWER Why did you get married at his house and not yours?
KATHY MAYNARD Because my mom was living in a motel.
INTERVIEWER Was your mother happy about you getting married or what?
KATHY MAYNARD No, she was pretty shook up-she didn't want me to.
INTERVIEWER He's got the peanut butter jar, is that okay?
KATHY MAYNARD Kevin, put the peanut butter up! Come on!
INTERVIEWER How long were you married?
KATHY MAYNARD Ohhhhh, let's see-three months.
INTERVIEWER Had you slept with him before you got married?
KATHY MAYNARD Oh yeah. (snickers) INTERVIEWER Right. And uh, what happened to that marriage?
KATHY MAYNARD He killed hisself.
INTERVIEWER He killed himself?
INTERVIEWER While you were married?
INTERVIEWER Why-I mean what happened-what's the story surrounding it?
KATHY MAYNARD Well, he was drinking and we was going to Provo, we was Christmas shopping . . . and he stopped on the way out of PEDRO and bought a hunting knife, and I didn't think nothing of it . . .
KATHY MAYNARD And coming back we was arguing 'cause he kept rolling the window down and it was cold so when we got back to mom's . . . he started arguing with me again and my mom was asleep, she was working graveyard, and I just asked him if he would be quiet you know . . . if he'd keep his voice down so it wouldn't wake Mom up and he got mad and walked out the door. I was in bed.
And then he turned around and come back and he flipped the light on, had his knife out and said, "Watch," and he stabbed hisself.
INTERVIEWER Right in front of you?
KATHY MAYNARD Uh huh. Kevin put the peanut butter up!
INTERVIEWER Do you have any idea why he did it?
KATHY MAYNARD I don't know-He shot hisself in the foot once.
INTERVIEWER When you were married?
KATHY MAYNARD Before we was married because I was with another guy.
KATHY MAYNARD Kevin, go play for a minute.
INTERVIEWER Did you blame yourself?
KATHY MAYNARD Ohh, I did for quite a while 'cause it kinda shook me up 'cause I thought well, if I hadn't been fighting with him . . .
KATHY MAYNARD I don't know, after talking to quite a few people I realized he was sick and needed help.
INTERVIEWER Where did he stab himself?
KATHY MAYNARD Well, it was in the stomach. They couldn't get the bleeding stopped to tie his arteries so he got into shock and loss of blood . . .
INTERVIEWER Did he die in the-in the apartment?
KATHY MAYNARD Oh no, he died in the University of Utah . . . in Salt Lake . . . two days later.
INTERVIEWER Two days later?
INTERVIEWER And uh, you weren't pregnant at that time or anything?
KATHY MAYNARD Well, I was pregnant-my twins were Tim's.
INTERVIEWER And did you know you were pregnant at that time?
INTERVIEWER How long after he died did you know you were pregnant?
KATHY MAYNARD Ohhh, Why don't you bring me the peanut butter and the lid, okay? Uhhh, let's see I had missed one period but I wasn't worried about it because I had messed up before so . . .
INTERVIEWER So you found out about it two months later then?
INTERVIEWER You say that with a sigh- KATHY MAYNARD Ohhh, kind of messed me up. Like I say, l married Les Maynard two weeks after Tim died so . . .
INTERVIEWER You mean you got married right after Tim died?
KATHY MAYNARD I met Les at Tim's funeral.
INTERVIEWER Did you know Les Maynard before or what?
KATHY MAYNARD Didn't even know who he was.
INTERVIEWER How come he was at the funeral?
KATHY MAYNARD He was one of Tim's friends. He knew Tim.
INTERVIEWER Right. So you met him at the funeral? What happened after that?
KATHY MAYNARD Uh huh. (pause) Well, I was staying with my cousin and her husband and Les came down-I stayed drunk for two weeks after Tim died . . .
INTERVIEWER Stayed drunk?
KATHY MAYNARD I did. (snickers) INTERVIEWER On beer, whiskey or what?
KATHY MAYNARD Oh, you name it-we had it. I took all the money from Tim's funeral and just bought booze with it and Les stayed down there with me for two weeks and then we got married . . .
INTERVIEWER Why did you marry Les?
KATHY MAYNARD Lonely. I guess I was scared.
INTERVIEWER And why did he marry you?
KATHY MAYNARD I have no idea-maybe 'cause he felt sorry for me.
INTERVIEWER You never discussed it with him?
INTERVIEWER Arid how was your marriage with Les?
INTERVIEWER From the very beginning?
KATHY MAYNARD Well, after I sobered up and realized what I had done I couldn't stand him to touch me and I-I would sit up at the cemetery by Tim's grave all the time and I threw my wedding ring on Tim's grave. So, I was pretty messed up-for a while I took off for a couple of months, which caused a lot of problems, started jealousy and stuff like that . . .
INTERVIEWER When you took off, did you start to make it with other guys?
INTERVIEWER You just took off to be by yourself?
INTERVIEWER So you were never in love with him.
KATHY MAYNARD It wasn't love. It couldn't have been. But I think it kind of grew to that. After we had the kids.
INTERVIEWER The first two?
KATHY MAYNARD Hmmm, hmmm [yes].
INTERVIEWER And how long did you live with him?
KATHY MAYNARD Couple of weeks.
INTERVIEWER You only lived with Les a couple of weeks, too. When was the last time you saw him?
KATHY MAYNARD Les? Ha, ha, day before yesterday.
INTERVIEWER So you see him periodically?
KATHY MAYNARD Hmmm, hmmm, he's with my best girl friend.
INTERVIEWER When he comes back, and sees you, does he make it with you or what?
INTERVIEWER Did you and Les ever get a divorce?
KATHY MAYNARD We're going through it now.
INTERVIEWER What does he do now?
KATHY MAYNARD Works at a service station out in Spanish.
Kathy had been waking Nicole up every morning. In order to get out early to see Gary, it was necessary for Kathy to come by. Most days, Nicole just couldn't wake herself.
On that special sunrise, Kathy took the coffeepot over, and knocked, and rang Nicole's bell, then looked through the window to see Nicole asleep. She was lying stomach down on the couch. You could see a little of her bare back. After Kathy had rung awhile, she tried the door. It was locked, which kind of bothered her. She returned the coffee to her own house, went back, and started calling Jeremy's name until he finally woke up and came out of the bedroom.
He was still half asleep and just flopped down on the couch beside Nicole. He was wearing a little pair of green pajamas and all he wanted was to get back to sleep. Finally, after fifteen minutes, she got Jeremy to open the door, but when Kathy went in and shook Nicole and turned her over, she didn't respond.
Nicole had fallen asleep on top of a picture of Gary in a little gold frame, just a color photo in a blue jacket in prison, but he was looking good. Next to the picture was a letter, and Kathy saw at a glance that it was an old one, written early in August. She noticed the date because Nicole had often talked about how much his first long letter meant to her. Then Kathy tried to wake Nicole up again. All the while, Jeremy was looking at both of them.
Finally, Kathy called on Sherry, another neighbor, and both women went over to shake Nicole, and stood around on the balcony in their Levi's and bare feet, looking worried. About the time they decided to ring the doctor, there came along that reporter, Jeff Newman, heading right toward Nicole's door, and Kathy hollered out, "She's asleep. Nicole's asleep."