The Enchanting Empress Dowager Is Really Poisonous - Volume 2 Chapter 3 - The Essence of Tea! The Prime Minister is Granted a Marriage

Volume 2 Chapter 3 - The Essence of Tea! The Prime Minister is Granted a Marriage

Volume 2 Chapter 3 - The Essence of Tea! The Prime Minister is Granted a Marriage

**In the Imperial Palace**

Long Yi received news that Leng Yue had escaped. He left Hua Yuxuans quarters that night, and Hua Yuxuan could not detain him despite her efforts, causing her to have another fit of anger in the middle of the night.

d.a.m.n it! He was clearly gravely injured, with only one attendant by his side. How could he still escape right under my nose?

Your Majesty, someone intervened to rescue him and even brought a doctor from the city. They were very alert, and we were careful not to ride horses, but we dont know how they discovered us. They actually split up and fled in two directions!

Who? Who rescued him?

It was a tall woman. She rode a horse into the city and took away a doctor. According to the city guards, she seemed somewhat like the Empress Dowager!

Long Yis expression darkened: The Empress Dowager?


Immediately go to Weiyang Palace and see if the Empress Dowager is there!

The person left and returned shortly, surprised: The Empress Dowager is still in Weiyang Palace, she just had dinner and is now resting!

d.a.m.n it! Long Yi smashed an inkstone down: If she really rescued Leng Yue, how could she still be in the palace? Ineptly handled and still making excuses!

Your Majesty, forgive me!

Hmph! Forget it! If he were so easy to kill, he wouldnt be Leng Yue. You go and receive the punishment yourself!


The study returned to calm. Long Yi sat in his position for a while before standing up, his face cold as he went back to his quarters.

The next morning, Leng Jiu woke up early, not from sleep but from hunger. She hadnt eaten anything the previous afternoon, and after a night of tossing and turning, she fell asleep from exhaustion. Now that she was well-rested, her hunger became apparent.

Upon opening her eyes, she found herself in an unfamiliar environment and realized she had slept in the Generals residence. Moving her body, she immediately felt stiffness all over, and her neck was nearly immovable: Ugh! This is terrible!

After a struggle, she finally managed to get up, her posture far from graceful. She moved her wrists and put on her shoes, then noticed Leng Yue lying on a soft couch not far away. Was he here all night? She only meant to use his bed, did he have to stay up all night?

She glanced around the room, saw the wardrobe, and walked over stiffly. As she opened the wardrobe, a cold voice came from behind: What are you doing?

Leng Jiu looked inside and found only dark blue clothes, all similar in color but with different patterns. She grimaced and pulled out a piece, then turned around: What do you think Im doing? My back was exposed all night. Havent you seen enough?

Leng Yue turned his face away: Ive never seen a woman so thick-skinned!

And Ive never seen such a petty and detestable man! Leng Jiu shot back defiantly.

Unable to argue further, Leng Yue saw her trying to put on his clothes and finally couldnt hold back: Wait a moment, Ill have someone bring you a set of clothes!

Why didnt you say so earlier? Leng Jiu quickly discarded his clothes and said with disdain, Hurry up! Also, get something to eat. Im starving!

Leng Yue watched her, moved his lips but said nothing, and silently turned to leave.

Soon after, an old woman came in with a set of clothes and a food box: Miss!

Leng Jiu nodded to her, declined her help, and quickly changed into the clean clothes. Although the clothes covered her back injury, they were a bit uncomfortable, but she endured it.

After eating and tidying up, she walked out, thinking that the palace might have noticed her absence. She needed to return quickly.

Where are you going? Leng Yue came from a side path and blocked her way.

Leng Jiu looked at him with increasing dislike: Of course, Im going back to the palace. Do you expect me to stay here?

Leng Yue remained expressionless: Last night I had Qing Ling disguise herself as you. She has done it many times before and can pa.s.s as you. Your injuries arent healed yet, so stay here for a few days and return when youre better!

Leng Jiu raised an eyebrow coldly: Qing Ling? Shes still here?

She has been trained in disguise since childhood and exists as your shadow. If she were sent away, she would lose her value.

Leng Jiu retracted her cold demeanor, accepting his explanation: I suppose I shouldnt return to the palace just yet. Let it be.

She walked past Leng Yue toward the door. Leng Yue finally showed a slight expression: Youre going out?

Handling some matters. Dont worry, I wont cause you any trouble!

As Leng Jiu walked, she let her hair down a little and arranged it into a loose, casual style, changing her demeanor instantly.

Quick, quick, quick!

Just as Leng Jiu reached the door, Chang Qing came in with Dr. w.a.n.g, both looking anxious. She approached them, puzzled: What happened?

Chang Qing caught her breath: There were many people in front of Dr. clinic. Although they were in plain clothes, I immediately recognized they were likely sent by the Emperor. I couldnt let Dr. w.a.n.g be in danger, so I brought him back!

Dr. w.a.n.g didnt seem surprised by the mention of the Emperor, indicating he had already guessed it.

Leng Jiu said to Dr. w.a.n.g: Im sorry for involving you, but we have no other options. Ill send someone to bring your family here. How about living in the Generals residence from now on?

Dr. w.a.n.g smiled kindly: Dont worry, Miss. Im a solitary old man without many ties. If General Leng doesnt mind, Id like to be a military doctor. I was one when I was younger, and after years of practice, Ive always wanted to return to the army. I wonder if General Leng would agree?

It would be an honor for the Eagle Army to have Dr. w.a.n.g. I welcome you on behalf of all the soldiers! Leng Yue, who had come along, said sincerely.

Dr. w.a.n.g immediately clasped his hands: Thank you, General!

Seeing the matter settled, Leng Jiu stepped out. Leng Yue glanced at her, then at Chang Qing. Chang Qing understood and turned to follow Leng Jiu: Miss, Ill accompany you to protect you!

Accompany me? Leng Jiu looked toward Leng Yue and raised an eyebrow playfully: Lets see if you can handle it!

Having witnessed Leng Jius strength the previous day, Chang Qing didnt dare be careless. His eyes widened as he followed her. However, half an hour later, Chang Qing, with a drooping head and a dejected look, appeared before Leng Yue: Im sorry! I lost track of her!

Leng Yue looked at him but said nothing. Chang Qing felt deeply disheartened and went off to reflect on his mistake.

In a teahouse, Leng Jiu chose a secluded spot and ordered a pot of pre-rain Longjing tea. While sipping her tea, she listened to the gossip of the nearby ladies. Their clothes were fine and luxurious but somewhat vulgar, clearly the families of minor officials.

Ah! The selection has already pa.s.sed. I was hoping my daughter would make a name for herself, but she was too young and didnt even get close! a heavily made-up woman sighed sorrowfully.

Isnt that so? another added, My daughter is so beautiful, but her father is only a sixth-grade official, and all the daughters of stewards below fifth-grade were eliminated. Not to mention entering the palace, she didnt even get to see the Emperor!

Why are you sighing? The Emperor kept over twenty candidates, but now only about ten have been promoted to serve. There are a Concubine Hua, Concubine Hui, and Concubine Li. Our daughters from small families wont even get a look-in. The palace may be a place of wealth, but its also a place that devours people without a trace. You should be relieved that your daughters arent suffering! a slightly more refined woman said.

Pretty words are easy to say, but whether thats what they truly think is another matter! the first woman retorted.

Alright, alright! a younger woman tried to smooth things over, The selection is over, and everything is decided. Whats the use of discussing it? Our young ladies are now of marrying age. We should talk about finding them good matches; although they didnt enter the palace, there are still many young n.o.bles in the aristocracy. Getting a proper wife or concubine position isnt necessarily worse than entering the palace!

The others nodded in agreement: Youre the only one who says something useful!

Among the young n.o.bles now, the most notable is probably Young Master Hua of the Duke of Des residence, but hes the Emperors cousin. Now that his sister is a concubine, would he be interested in families like ours?

Dont be silly! Just now you were thinking about the Emperor. Now that its his cousin, youre not considering it?

Young Master Hua is good, but dont forget, our current Prime Minister is also just over twenty, and General Leng hasnt married yet. They have real official positions and power, which is no less than Young Master Hua!


Several people quickly recovered from their recent disappointment and began discussing the three individuals with great enthusiasm. They talked as if those three had already become their ideal matches, and before long, they couldnt sit still. They each got up to leave, heading home to discuss the matter further in private!

Leng Jiu watched them quickly descend the stairs, a smile she could not hide on her face. It was rather amusing to her that they were only concerned with others status and ident.i.ty, without considering their own. They were eager to climb the social ladder but didnt even think about whether others would value them. It was quite laughable!

As she refocused on herself, pouring a cup of tea and savoring it slowly, she remembered that they were all of marriageable age. Hua Jinzi had just come of age and wasnt yet of marrying age, but Gong Yuwei was already over twenty. He was a virtuous person, unaligned with any factions, and Long Yi would surely want to win him over. She recalled that there were still many princesses in the palace, and Long Yi had previously mentioned arranging a marriage for Hua Jinzi, but ultimately had not given him to Hua Jinzi. This must have been due to other considerations, like Gong Yuwei!

Leng Yue should have been one of Long Yis potential allies, but it seemed unlikely that Long Yi would accommodate him. There might be overt gestures of inclusion, but privately, Long Yi would be ruthless!

Leng Yue and Long Yi had already come into conflict, though it had not yet become public. Thus, there was no need to worry about Long Yi restraining him. However, Gong Yuweis disposition made her wonder if Long Yi truly had the intent to bend him to his will.

While Leng Jiu was lost in thought, the bustling street suddenly fell silent as two groups of soldiers cleared a path. With gongs and drums leading the way, a group of eunuchs and several palace maidens surrounded a sedan chair as it made its way slowly down the street.

This is a palace procession. Could it be a certain concubine?

Could it be the return of n.o.ble Consort Hua?

Doesnt seem like it! Even if it were the consort returning, it wouldnt be through this street. The Deqin residence isnt on this street!

Then who is it?

Didnt you hear? The Prime Minister is seriously ill. The Emperor was very worried and sent three imperial physicians to the Prime Ministers residence yesterday. Later, a decree was issued for the Seventh Princess to visit, but due to the late hour, the Prime Minister declined due to the propriety of men and women. This procession must be heading to the Prime Ministers residence, so its undoubtedly the Seventh Princess!

The Prime Minister is still young, and the Seventh Princess is almost at marriageable age. Could it be that a good match is approaching in the capital?

It seems so!

How amusing! Leng Jiu, having overheard the conversation, looked at the sedan chair. Through the beaded curtain, she couldnt clearly see the womans face, but a slender figure in luxurious clothing was faintly visible, resembling a princess. It must be the Seventh Princess. Long Yi had once used her to provoke Hua Jinzi, and now he was pus.h.i.+ng her towards Gong Yuwei. It was no different from using a disposable item. Everyone said that princesses were n.o.ble, but they were merely p.a.w.ns and bargaining chips in the Emperors hands!

However, if the Seventh Princess had a gentle disposition, it might be good if Gong Yuwei could accept her. She couldnt offer him what the Seventh Princess could, so letting him forget her and live his life might not be a bad thing!

As she pondered, a charming face suddenly flashed through her mind. Leng Jiu frowned. Why am I thinking of him?

Long Yue had been sulking with her for several days, and he would have come to find her by now. But days had pa.s.sed, and he hadnt even shown a trace. Had he really given up? It was strange that while everyone considered Hua Jinzi and the others as the best marriage prospects, no one thought of marrying their daughters to Long Yue. Despite being a prince, he seemed to be largely forgotten. Was it because he was a failure or because his demonic aura made people wary?

Leaning lazily against a pillar, she sipped her tea and thought it had lost its flavor. Too bland! It would be better if there were some wine!

Pfft! Vulgar! A disdainful voice came from behind her, making it impossible for Leng Jiu to ignore.

Turning around, she saw a young servant in green, with an air of disdain and contempt. Despite Leng Jius gaze, the servant continued to look at her with a Im talking about you expression!

Yunshan! Dont be rude! A voice emerged from behind a screen, like a gentle stream flowing down from a mountain peak. Even without seeing his face, one could imagine that he was a person of exceptional grace and charm. His voice was not commanding or harsh, but the young servant immediately corrected his att.i.tude and respectfully responded, Yes!

After a moment, the voice continued, If the servant has been impolite, please forgive him, Miss!

Leng Jiu raised an eyebrow, smiled while holding her tea cup, and replied, I dont know you, nor have I offended your servant. Why should I forgive him just because of your words?

The servant Yunshan, seeing his master speaking kindly and noticing that Leng Jiu still didnt show any grat.i.tude, became angry. This high-quality rain-before-tea, you drink so crudely. Not only do you fail to appreciate its flavor, but you also complain its too bland and wish for wine instead. Is this not vulgar? My master loves tea, and I cannot stand those who dont appreciate it. However, since my master has spoken, I am willing to apologize. But my masters status is such that his willingness to apologize should be considered a great favor to you. How can you be so ungrateful?

Yunshan! Have I not disciplined you for days, causing you to become so unruly?

Yunshans expression changed, but he still insisted, Id rather be punished by my master than not make things clear!

The voice from behind the screen sighed slightly, seemingly helpless. If you want to drink wine, there are two jars of eighteen-year-old daughter red in the Zui Xiang Lou to the east. Consider it an apology for my servant!

Leng Jiu slowly swirled her tea cup, waited for the conversation to end, then gently put down the cup. She elegantly stood up, adjusted the folds of her sleeves, and after finis.h.i.+ng these actions, raised her eyes. Her gaze was calm, neither angry nor pleased, as she said, Tea is bitter and cold, with the deepest shade of yin. It is best at calming the fire. Fire causes all illness; when the fire is lowered, the clarity is achieved. However, fire has five degrees, both real and false. Bitter tea is suitable for the robust stomach of youth, as the fire in the heart, lungs, spleen, and stomach is often strong, hence tea suits it well!

Teas original purpose was only to clear heat, reduce fire, and quench thirst; it is a common and simple medicine for ordinary people. However, as it became favored and elevated to the table, after packaging and promotion, it became a prized beverage for the wealthy, a treasure worth its weight in gold. But in essence, it is still just tea!

Keep your daughter red for yourself. No matter how good the wine is, if its consumed by someone like me, its just a spicy throat and stomach. Dont waste it!

With a slight smile, Leng Jiu turned and left.

Yunshan stared at Leng Jiu, still shocked. She was the same person, but why did he feel something was off? He was at a loss on how to respond to her words.

Behind the screen, a slender yet attractive hand held a jade tea cup, its polished nails reflecting the cups jade color, looking fair and delicate. The tea in the cup was clear and green, with a tea leaf floating in the center, as if freshly picked. The tea set on the table was made of fine jade, indicating the owners great love for tea.

Yunshan peeked carefully at the screen and saw his master mimicking the movements of the woman just now, turning the tea cup casually. He was astonished, as his master was usually calm and unmoved by anything. When had he been influenced by someone else?

Master! That woman was merely speaking nonsense. Please dont take it to heart!

The slender hand put down the tea cup, and the air seemed to s.h.i.+ft slightly, as if the master was lightly laughing. She didnt speak wrongly. As the saying goes, A hundred flowers bloom, each is unique. My love for tea is merely because of my personal preference. The essence of tea doesnt change because of my affection. Whether its a hundred liang or one liang of rain-before-tea, it doesnt change because of her dislike. Tea is just tea!

Yunshans forehead almost furrowed into a knot. Why is the master speaking so strangely today? I dont understand a word!

If you understood, you wouldnt be my servant but a monk in a temple!

Yunshan quickly relaxed his face. Then its better not to understand. I dont want to be a monk!

The master said nothing more and turned to look at the bamboo curtain. Through the gap in the curtain, he saw the street behind, where the woman was leisurely strolling as if the earlier elegance and calm were nothing but an illusion. She was indeed an interesting woman!

On the street, people continued to talk about the Prime Minister and the Seventh Princess. Some speculated about the Seventh Princesss appearance, while others dug up gossip about her background, her mother, and even her maternal familys scandals. Groups of people were excitedly discussing these rumors as if they were on a drug, their enthusiasm palpable. The previously obscure Seventh Princess was suddenly famous in the capital because of this event, making everyone aware that there was indeed a Seventh Princess in the palace. Even her long-deceased mother, Consort Xue, became a topic of conversation again, highlighting the power of gossip.

Due to Leng Yues words, Leng Jiu had indeed stayed at the Generals residence, and she had been there for three days. Every day, Chang Qing followed her around, determined to be by her side, yet always returned dejected. When reporting back to Leng Yue, he didnt even raise his eyebrows. Chang Qing, feeling disheartened, went off to train, only to return the next day and start all over again.

During these days of leisure, Leng Jiu didnt focus on the palace affairs but dedicated herself to training Mo Yina. She discussed various matters with Mo Di and selected ten people from among them for personal training. Initially, they were not very respectful of Leng Jiu, even complaining about her peculiar demands to Mo Di. However, after three days, all of them became obedient and eager to please her. Mo Di informed them that Leng Jiu was indeed the true master, and after some awkward jokes, their embarra.s.sment dissolved, leaving them fully submissive.

The redness on Leng Jius back had long since faded, leaving only a few scabs from injuries, which had already formed a crust. As long as she didnt make any large movements that might cause them to reopen, she would be fine.

Meanwhile, the topic of the Prime Minister, Gong Yuwei, and the Seventh Princess had only grown hotter. The Seventh Princess had been staying at the Prime Ministers residence for three days and finally stayed there last night. The next morning, a marriage decree from Long Yi confirmed everyones speculation.

Upon hearing the news, many womens hearts were broken!

Leng Jiu heard this news while she was in a beggars den, listening to two beggars who had just returned from begging. Yes, beggars. She was standing among them, observing their tattered clothing and the skin so black it was hard to distinguish, all while enduring the unpleasant smell.

Mo Di, having endured many hards.h.i.+ps, had little reaction. He thought Leng Jiu would surely struggle in such an environment, but when he saw her unchanged expression and unwrinkled brow, his curiosity about her grew. She was enigmatic, like a pa.s.sing breeze. Despite his skill in reading people, he had not been able to understand her, not even a little!

Where is she?

At the very back!

Leng Jiu stepped inside, ignoring the pitiable figures on the ground, and made her way to the innermost corner of the dilapidated stone house. There, in a corner with a straw mat, was a man around thirty years old, huddled there, his body as thin as a stick, his cheeks so sunken it was painful to look at, and one of his feet twisted into an extremely unnatural position, clearly broken!

This man was the son of a wealthy merchant in the capital who ran a tea business and tea houses. However, he was the son of a concubine. Not long ago, the merchant died, and his legitimate wife and legitimate son couldnt tolerate him and his mother. They were driven out, stripped of their wealth, and one of his legs was broken! Despite this, Leng Jiu wasnt particularly concerned. What truly mattered to her was that this man was reputed to be the most business-savvy among the merchants sons. The merchant had even considered pa.s.sing the family business to him, which is why the legitimate wife and legitimate son bore a grudge and acted ruthlessly right after the merchants death!

His mother had to beg for their survival, but the legitimate family made things even harder by hiring ruffians to follow and hara.s.s her. They deprived her of money, making her struggle to the point where she had to beg for food from dogs, and almost had to sell herself to survive. Leng Jiu wondered if he felt truly despairing and sorrowful about his current situation.

Leng Jiu approached the man, pushed aside some straw, and squatted down. Zhu Kongyang! Young Master Zhu, isnt that right?

The man on the ground moved slightly, then buried his face in the straw, remaining still.

Leng Jiu wasnt bothered by his reaction and continued, Youre intelligent, skilled in business, and well-regarded by your father, who even considered pa.s.sing the family business to you. However, you were secretly harmed by the legitimate wife and your legitimate brother, falling to this state. Not only are you penniless and reduced to begging, but your leg was also broken, making survival a challenge. Dont you feel very sad and desperate?

Zhu Kongyang remained motionless, clearly numb from having heard such humiliating words too many times.

Since you are so desperate, why dont you just die? Why continue to struggle on like this? Dont you think it would be better to die in your current state?

Mo Dis eyelids twitched; her words seemed too vicious.

Youre now crippled and have no means of business. Why burden your aging mother? Do you know that she knelt outside a medicine shop for a day and night to get medicine for you? Do you know she had to fight dogs for food? Even daily hara.s.sment from ruffians left her on the brink of selling herself to survive. Dont you think you should die?

Zhu Kongyang could no longer endure and suddenly sat up, tears streaming down his pale, almost bluish face. His bloodshot eyes were filled with pain and shock. Is what youre saying true?

Why would I lie to you?

I Zhu Kongyang looked at Leng Jiu, tears flowing endlessly. Once a handsome young man, he now had lost all his charm, his appearance disheveled and despondent. Please, miss! I want to see my mother. Please!

Leng Jiu clapped her hands and stood up. If you want to see her, we need to make a deal!

Yes! Yes! Ill agree to anything just to see my mother! Zhu Kongyang, despite the pain in his leg, struggled to stand.

Leng Jiu stepped back. If you want to make a deal with me, you need to show me you have enough capital to earn my trust!

Zhu Kongyang hesitated. What does the miss want?

Leng Jiu raised an eyebrow, looking at his foot. You still have one good leg. Stand up for me. If you can stand and walk out of this straw hut, then I will trust you!

Alright! For the first time, there was a spark of life in Zhu Kongyangs despondent face. He excitedly grasped the wall and tried to pull himself up, not caring about how he looked, only focused on getting up to see his mother.

He struggled again and again, sweat pouring from his forehead, but he did not give up, continuing to climb. Leng Jiu, seeing this, finally couldnt bear it and kicked a stick over. Determination is good, but dont be foolish. Learn to use external help!

Zhu Kongyang understood immediately, grabbing the stick and using it to support himself against the wall. Finally, he managed to stand. After so many days of being beaten, this was the first time he managed to stand up. The moment was so precious, and his once pale face finally showed some color!

You must walk out of here!

Okay! Since he was already standing, he was determined to walk out. A voice inside him told him he must leave!

Leng Jiu watched him painstakingly move step by step, supporting himself against the wall as he walked out. He begged the beggars to move aside. Some people did, but a few malicious ones kicked him and laughed when he fell. Zhu Kongyang didnt get angry, continuing to crawl towards the door.

The path was only twenty meters long, but it took him an entire hour to cover it. Leng Jiu watched him with patience as he made his way out. Finally, after he stepped into the sunlight, she had Mo Di take him back. She only helped those who proved their worth through their actions, and he had done so, so she decided to help.

Mo Di carried Zhu Kongyang to the courtyard, left him with others to be cleaned, and then ran off, presumably to bathe!

Mo Yina had already called the best bone doctor and prepared the necessary herbs, waiting for Leng Jiu to bring Zhu Kongyang.

After Zhu Kongyang was cleaned, it was evident that those who helped him were unwilling, so the cleaning was rough. His face turned even whiter, his hair barely combed, and though he was dressed in clean clothes, they were far from presentable, but at least he looked somewhat human.

The doctor examined his leg and, after feeling the bones, said, Fortunately, its just a dislocated joint. The bones themselves are not severely damaged, and once reset, there will be no problem. However, since the injury was left untreated for so long, it has swollen and become infected. We need to cut it open to drain the pus.

Doctor, just treat him. As long as he can be cured, thats all that matters!

I will do my best!

Miss! Zhu Kongyang looked at Leng Jiu with difficulty. I want to see my mother!

Leng Jiu replied, Your mother is in the courtyard in front. First, get your leg treated, and you can see her tomorrow!

Knowing that Leng Jiu wouldnt lie to him, Zhu Kongyang expressed his grat.i.tude with a smile. Thank you, miss!

Because she had to train others, Leng Jiu didnt return to the Generals residence and stayed here. Mo Yina was the happiest, quickly cleaning her bed and insisting on sharing it with Leng Jiu!

Sister Jiu! Do you have someone you like?

Sister Jiu! Although my brother is cold and has a bad temper, he is actually very good!

Sister Jiu! My brother he

Be quiet! Go to sleep!

Sister Jiu! Do you like someone?

Do you want me to kick you out?

The next morning, Leng Jiu went to check on Zhu Kongyang. He was hugging a middle-aged woman, and they were weeping and embracing each other.

Thank you for your great kindness, miss! The woman, surnamed Kong, Kong Xiangyun, was gentle by nature. After such a storm, she cried uncontrollably, kneeling and bowing her head to Leng Jiu.

Leng Jiu helped her up. Please, get up. I cant accept such a great gift!

Kong Xiangyun, holding Leng Jius hand, said, You deserve it! Even if I had to kneel from ten miles away, it would be worth it!

The love of parents is greater than the heavens. If you truly did that, I would feel like I am shortening my life! Leng Jiu smiled. Besides, my saving him had a purpose and cant be considered a great favor!

Miss, you have saved our lives. Dont speak of purpose or not. Just tell me what you need! Kong Xiangyun said sincerely.

Leng Jiu took out two papers filled with writing and handed them to Zhu Kongyang. Take a look at this first!

Zhu Kongyang took them, and after reading, he was stunned. His lips and hands trembled. Miss, what is this?

Kong Xiangyun, seeing his reaction, was alarmed. Yanger, what does it say?

After a while, Zhu Kongyang found his voice. Miss wants me to work for her. She has funded me to run a business in my name, and this is a thirty-year contract!

Kong Xiangyun was also stunned, unable to imagine such good fortune. It took a long time for her to react, and she tried to kneel again to thank Leng Jiu. Leng Jiu quickly stopped her. I call you Auntie. Please dont kneel. Ill get dizzy!

No, no, no! You deserve it. Im willing to work for you to repay your great kindness ! Kong Xiangyun said, wiping her tears and smiling through them. You deserve it. I will gladly work for you to repay your great kindness!

Leng Jiu supported her. You dont need to go that far. What I actually need is for you to help manage this courtyard. Its lacking a steward, and you seem capable of handling it. So, Ill need your a.s.sistance.

Kong Xiangyun was taken aback but quickly grew excited. Miss, you value me so much. I will do a good job!

Leng Jiu smiled and asked Zhu Kongyang, Will you sign?

With tears in his eyes, Zhu Kongyang nodded. I will sign! Even if it were a lifetime indenture, I would sign it, let alone such a contract!

Kong Xiangyun wiped her tears and smiled as she did so. Even without a contract, you would be bound to work for the miss for the rest of your life. Make sure to serve her well and dont make any mistakes!

Zhu Kongyang nodded solemnly. I understand!

Seeing this, Leng Jiu felt that saving this mother and son was worth it. Auntie, dont call me miss. Just call me Leng Jiu, or Xiao Jiu if you prefer.

No, no! Although Im older, I cant be so presumptuous. From now on, Ill call you Miss Jiu. It sounds more respectful and intimate!


Leng Jiu had Mo Yina show Kong Xiangyun around the courtyard. It wasnt long before Kong Xiangyun got accustomed to it. By evening, she had settled in and started managing everything efficiently. To repay Leng Jius kindness, she worked diligently, as if she feared making a mistake.

Auntie Kong is truly a good person, but fate hasnt been fair to her. Fortunately, she met Sister Jiu, and thats her blessing! Mo Yina remarked.

Leng Jiu didnt respond, focusing on organizing her things.

That evening, Leng Jiu returned to the Generals residence and directly went to ask Leng Yue for money.

Why do you need so much money? Leng Yue asked, his gaze sharp and penetrating but otherwise calm.

Leng Jiu frowned. Is the Generals residence so impoverished that it cant provide this amount?

We have the money, but why do you need such a large sum?

Im not a three-year-old child. Why should I explain everything to you? If you have it, just give it to me. Why all the fuss? Leng Jiu said tersely.

Leng Yue was somewhat irritated by her response. Why should I give it to you?

Of course, because Im your sister! Leng Jiu replied without blinking. Its only natural for a brother to give money to his sister.

Leng Yue was almost speechless with anger. It was clear she wasnt truly his sister, yet she spoke so naturally. A thousand taels is possible, but dont expect more than ten thousand taels!

Leng Jiu raised an eyebrow. Oh, so you wont give it? Then dont blame me for being rude!

With that, she stood up to leave. Leng Yue asked warily, Where are you going?

Leng Jiu gave him a sidelong glance and said, If you wont give it to me, Ill just take it myself. Ive already figured out where the storeroom is. Breaking a lock is easy enough.

Leng Yues eyes twitched in disbelief. Are you serious?

Do I look like Im joking?

Alright! Ill give it to you! He reluctantly agreed.

With the silver in hand, Leng Jiu slept soundly, of course, continuing to occupy Leng Yues bed and sending him to sleep in the guest room!

In the night, Leng Yue looked around his room for a long time. She had returned to sleep here, and the previous night, while she was absent, he had slept in his own room. The bedding still carried her lingering scent, and despite his usual calm demeanor, he had actually been unable to sleep because of that scent!

Perhaps it wasnt just the previous night; ever since her return, he felt something strange about himself every time he encountered her. He didnt quite understand what was odd, but he had to admit that he was being influenced by her.

He wanted to ask her where the essence was, and had even thought about tying her up and interrogating her, but in all these days, he hadnt taken any action. Instead, he had repeatedly indulged her, and his behavior had become so unusual that he could barely recognize himself.

His fists clenched in his sleeves as he turned and walked toward the guest room. Lying on the bed, thinking about her sleeping in his room, he fell asleep soon enough, and he dreamt of nothing throughout the night.

The next day, after Leng Jiu gave the silver to Mo Di, she heard surprising news: the palace had rejected the marriage proposal and sent the Seventh Princess back to the palace, forcing her to kneel at the palace gates despite her still-unhealed condition, and she had already been kneeling for an entire night!

Feeling a pang of urgency, Leng Jiu could no longer stay outside and quickly changed her clothes to return to the palace.

Side Note

I have a feeling this post will get a lot of attention!