The Enchanting Empress Dowager Is Really Poisonous - Volume 1 Chapter 49

Volume 1 Chapter 49

Volume 1 Chapter 49

After that night, Long Yueli didnt come to find Leng Jiu, and Leng Jiu didnt bother to ask about him either. She continued to change her clothes and sneak out of the palace. Just as she stepped out of the palace gate, she stopped. Leng Jiu smirked, sensing an extra tail this time! Every time she left the palace, someone would be monitoring her. She didnt know who they worked for, but she could always shake them off in a couple of moves. However, this time, there was clearly an extra person. The two were standing in different directions, obviously not from the same faction. Leng Jiu raised an eyebrow and walked forward as if she hadnt noticed.

Leng Jiu had planned to change clothes, but now there was no need. She headed directly to the Prime Ministers residence, entering through the front gate. However, instead of stopping, she quickly leaped inside and dashed forward. The two followers saw her enter and naturally wanted to follow to see what was going on, unaware that Leng Jiu was waiting for them inside.

Who goes there? A stern voice startled the two who had followed, realizing they had been discovered and also noticing each other. Both knew they were in trouble and turned to run, but they had already been spotted. How could they escape?

Several shadows darted out, entangling with them in an instant, while no one noticed that another figure had already slipped away!

Leng Jiu went to an inn to change back into her previous outfit, dotted a mole on her face, and then bounced back to the Prime Ministers residence.

Xaio Jiu! The gatekeeper Xiao Qian smiled as soon as he saw Leng Jiu. You finally came!

Leng Jiu, in a hurry today, hadnt had time to buy anything. She looked at him innocently and spread her hands, I didnt bring any bribes today. Will you still let me in?

Xiao Qian laughed, What are you saying, Xaio Jiu, Am I that kind of person? Go on in, Mr. Yuwei is here!

Thank you! Leng Jiu waved at him and bounced inside. She quickly reached the spot where the fight had just happened and saw two men in green pressing two others to kneel before Gong Yuwei. Leng Jiu glanced at the two mens faces; she didnt recognize either.

Big brother! Leng Jiu called out sweetly. Gong Yuwei, who was sternly interrogating the captives, was startled and immediately waved his hand, Lock them up and interrogate them later!

Big brother! Leng Jiu ran over, just in time to see the backs of the two being taken away. She looked at Gong Yuwei in confusion, Why were they arrested?

Gong Yuwei looked at her gently, subconsciously wanting to touch her head but restrained himself. They committed some crimes. By the way, why do you have time to come over today?

Does big brother not like me coming? Leng Jius face fell immediately. My mother says the Prime Ministers residence is too high-cla.s.s for a little girl like me and forbade me to come. But I wanted to see big brother, so I sneaked over!

Gong Yuwei tensed at her initial words, but hearing the last two sentences, his heart melted like honey. He awkwardly explained, If you like it here, you can come anytime!

Leng Jiu looked up at him uncertainly, Really?

Gong Yuwei nodded, Of course!

Leng Jiu smiled, Big brother is the best!

Gong Yuweis handsome face blushed. He dared not look at Leng Jiu but couldnt help peeking at her, looking so adorably conflicted.

By the way, I need to go out and buy some things, so Ill be leaving now. Ill see big brother next time! She turned to leave but felt her sleeve being tugged, making her stop and turn around in confusion, Big brother, anything else?

Gong Yuwei, seeing her turn around, immediately released her sleeve as if scalded. His ears turned red, and after a while, he stammered, I also need to go out. Can I go with you?

Leng Jiu blinked, Huh?

And so, Gong Yuwei, with a blus.h.i.+ng face, followed Leng Jiu shopping. Leng Jiu walked a few steps and glanced at Gong Yuwei, who was trying hard to maintain a cold demeanor but had ears so red they were almost visible. She couldnt help but wonder, is he shy?

Her gaze fell on his waist, where a small jade gourd hung. It looked familiar. Could it be the one she gave him? She thought she should show her grat.i.tude since she had borrowed something from him, but giving something valuable didnt fit her current status, so she specially bought a small jade gourd for him. She thought such a thing wouldnt attract the Prime Ministers attention, but

Leng Jiu pondered and couldnt help but twitch her mouth. Could it be maybe possibly he likes me? Leng Jiu almost choked on her own thoughts, but Gong Yuweis next question truly made her choke.

Xaio Jiu, you said your mother was considering your marriage. Did she agree?

Leng Jiu shook her head, No! Agree to what? Her mother had been dead for hundreds of years!

Gong Yuwei fell silent, looking tense. After a while, he nervously asked, If I propose, would you would you marry me?

Boom! Leng Jius suspicion was confirmed. She suddenly didnt know what to say. She had thought that Gong Yuwei, being so shy and introverted, wouldnt say anything shocking, but unexpectedly, he proposed out of nowhere! She wanted to brush it off, but when she saw his sincere and expectant eyes, her perfunctory words got stuck in her throat, and she couldnt utter a single word.

The man in front of her, though appearing cold, was kind-hearted and pure. They hadnt known each other for long, but she had always been using him. Even just now, she had used his hidden guards to get rid of the followers. He had never done anything to displease her and was always careful not to upset her. How could she bear to deceive him any further?

With this thought, her usual innocence and liveliness faded away, leaving a serene and graceful demeanor he had never seen before. She smiled at him gently, Im happy to hear your proposal, but its impossible between us. Ive lied to you a lot, and I cant explain. The only thing I can say is sorry. I wont appear in front of you again. If we ever meet again, just pretend you never knew me. From now on, we are strangers. Goodbye, Prime Minister.

Leng Jius figure slowly disappeared. Gong Yuwei watched her quietly, the colors of the world fading away with her. He stood there, dumbfounded, his expression blank, as if he had turned into a statue.

The rain started to drizzle. People hurried away from the streets, and soon only Gong Yuwei remained, standing there in his moon-white attire. When Uncle Xiang arrived with the carriage, he found Gong Yuwei looking like a statue and quickly helped him onto the carriage and drove him home.

Leng Jiu looked at the rainy sky, smirking bitterly. Even the heavens couldnt stand her ruining someones sincere feelings. Without an umbrella, she walked through the rain, and by the time she reached the courtyard, she was drenched.

Miss! Why didnt you use an umbrella? Mo Yina exclaimed in surprise, barely recognizing the soaked Leng Jiu.

Leng Jiu brushed her hair aside. I havent walked in the rain for a long time, so I wanted to.

Mo Yina was speechless. Hurry in and change your clothes. Its not good to get sick even if you like the rain.

Mo Yina led Leng Jiu to her room. As they pa.s.sed the flower hall, Leng Jiu spotted Mo Zhai practicing boxing s.h.i.+rtless in the rain. His honey-colored skin, perfect V-shaped torso, and powerful yet proportionate muscles made Leng Jiu click her tongue in admiration. Who would have thought he was so well-built!

Mo Yina was at a loss for words. People always said Central Plains girls were shy and reserved, but Leng Jius words were bolder than those of prairie women. My brother is our tribes greatest warrior, so naturally, hes strong. Not only that, but hes also the most handsome man in our tribe. Many girls want him in their tents.

Leng Jiu looked doubtful. I believe hes the greatest warrior, but the most handsome?

Mo Yina nudged her with a mysterious smile. Change your clothes first, and youll see soon enough!

Leng Jiu was pushed into a room by Mo Yina and came out shortly after, dressed in a simple white outfit with her hair tied up using only two ribbons. When Leng Jiu emerged, Mo Yinas eyes widened. So this is your true appearance!

Leng Jiu was indifferent. Is the difference that big?

Mo Yina nodded vigorously. Its like night and day!

Leng Jiu was speechless. It was just two different outfits; was it really that dramatic?

Mo Yinas gaze moved past Leng Jiu, waving to someone behind her. Brother! Over here!

Leng Jiu turned around and her eyes widened slightly. Mo Zhai had changed into new clothes. He stood tall and strong, with broad shoulders and a narrow waist. His hair flowed freely, exuding a unique prairie aura. What caught Leng Jius attention wasnt his aura but his face. It bore a striking resemblance to the one she had seen a few days ago, but this one was deeper, with the distinct contours of a prairie person, exuding his unique charm and handsomeness, especially with those distinctive purple eyes. He was indeed very handsome!

Mo Yina patted Leng Jius shoulder proudly. So, isnt my brother handsome?

Leng Jiu nodded honestly. He is indeed a rare beauty!

Mo Zhai paused at her words, looking at Leng Jiu expressionlessly. Mo Yina, hoping to see Leng Jius amazement or distraction, was disappointed by her casual comment, losing her excitement.


The Prime Ministers proposal ended in failure. Am I too mean? Hehe!

By the way, ladies! Any plans for New Years? I just realized that I started this novel on New Years Day, >_

If you dont come, I wont tell you that I posted over 20,000 words on the first day. I also wont tell you that the empress was awesome that day, punis.h.i.+ng the sc.u.mmy woman and theres some steamy action too! Hoo hoo!