The Enchanting Empress Dowager Is Really Poisonous - Volume 1 Chapter 31

Volume 1 Chapter 31

Volume 1 Chapter 31

Last night, His Majesty went to the Empress Dowagers chamber and was finally carried out unconscious. Qu Gonggong said His Majesty got drunk and went to the wrong place. The ministers had no choice but to believe it was true. Dont believe it? Dare you to question the Empress Dowager and His Majestys affairs openly?

After bathing, Leng Jiu had a good nights sleep. Long Yis madness was irrelevant to her. She was not Leng Jinghua, nor would she become Leng Jinghua. She was Leng Jiu, and everything about Leng Jinghua had nothing to do with her. She didnt want to know why she married the old emperor to become the Empress Dowager, nor did she want to know about her entanglement with Long Yi. As long as Long Yi didnt provoke her, everything would be fine. If he went too far, she wouldnt care whether he was the emperor or not!

Your Majesty! Lu Chang brought water for was.h.i.+ng and personally served Leng Jiu to freshen up. He instructed the palace maids to help Leng Jiu put on slightly thicker clothes, then glanced at Leng Jius complexion before speaking, Last night, I asked the imperial physician. His Majesty was indeed drunk, but he has a big on the back of his head thats bleeding. His Majesty woke up this morning in great anger, chastised two impudent palace servants, and is still furious.

Leng Jiu was well aware of her own abilities. That hit was nothing but a It wouldnt kill anyone. Who told him to rant about her while intoxicated? If she hadnt left him half crippled, it would have been lenient enough!

Let him be angry! He got drunk and barged into my chamber. Does he still dare to openly vent his anger at me?

Lu Chang adjusted Leng Jius clothes and sighed, In the past, the Empress Dowager always revolved around His Majesty. Ive been anxious every day because the last time His Majesty was heartless, the Empress Dowager finally let go of him. Now, His Majesty is entangling with the Empress Dowager again, and my heart is hanging in the balance once more!

Leng Jiu chuckled, Youre a eunuch, why bother with such matters of love and affection?

Lu Chang glared at Leng Jiu playfully, Your Majesty, youre teasing me again! How would a lowly servant like me understand matters of love and affection? Im only concerned about the ident.i.ty and ethics between Your Majesty and His Majesty. Throughout history, its always men who are fickle in love, and its women who bear the brunt of the blame. Your Majesty is young and beautiful. If theres really anything between you and His Majesty, Im afraid youll be accused by the officials and face public criticism. Im worried about you, Your Majesty!

Leng Jiu looked at Lu Chang with a bit more appreciation. She couldnt even remember the names of the palace maids around her until now. The only familiar person was this eunuch who had fainted her with his first appearance. She felt he harbored no ill intentions towards her, which was why she was willing to keep him around, even without saying much when Long Yue Li appeared. Now, hearing his words, she truly felt his sincere and heartfelt concern. She knew the servile nature of ancient servants. Once they were devoted to their master, they would be extremely loyal. But it was still somewhat touching to hear such sincere words!

How long have you been with me?

Your Majesty, its been exactly three years and three months! Ive been by Your Majestys side since the first day you entered the palace!

Is that so? Leng Jiu raised an eyebrow. What did you do before?

Lu Chang knew that Leng Jiu had forgotten many things, so he wasnt surprised by her question. He replied, I used to be the head of the Imperial Kitchen Bureau, in charge of managing the diet of various masters and consorts. Later, when Your Majesty entered the palace, I was chosen from among many people and have been by Your Majestys side ever since!

Is that all?

What does Your Majesty think?

Leng Jiu tilted her head, Not really! It just seems too ordinary, as if its not worth your loyalty to me!

Lu Chang chuckled lightly, Does Your Majesty doubt me? Im just a servant, and my fate is tied to my masters. Naturally, I hope for the best for my master. I am the first-cla.s.s eunuch by Your Majestys side. When Your Majesty is honored, I am honored; when Your Majesty falls, I will perish as well. As the saying goes, one prospers, all prosper; one suffers, all suffer. Can Your Majesty doubt my loyalty?

Leng Jiu nodded absentmindedly, That seems to make sense!

Seeing Leng Jiu revealing her innocent and foolish demeanor again, Lu Chang couldnt help but smile, Alright! Your Majesty, its time for you to change clothes and go out. Theres a horseback archery compet.i.tion today, where the young masters will showcase their talents. Its quite lively. Didnt you always complain about the lack of excitement? Dont miss it today!

Although it was called a hunting trip, it naturally wouldnt be just about hunting. Entertainment programs were also indispensable. Young masters and misses from various families would come to show off their skills in front of the emperor. If the emperor took a liking to them, they might be directly appointed to official positions or even gain n.o.ble t.i.tles. At the very least, they could gain some fame in the n.o.ble circle. So, the young masters with some skills were all gearing up for today!

When Leng Jiu arrived, it hadnt started yet. The bright yellow tents were pitched on the small hill, with the officials seats arranged in descending order, followed by the seats for the young ladies and gentlemen. Upon closer inspection, there were actually more than two hundred people!

Her Majesty has arrived!

With a loud shout from Lu Chang, everyone immediately stood up and bowed, Greetings, Your Majesty!

No need for formalities! Leng Jiu waved casually and walked towards the high platform without paying attention to the gazes shot by Long Yi. She sat down in her designated seat without acknowledging him.

Did Her Majesty sleep well last night? Ignoring her didnt mean Long Yi wouldnt speak. As soon as she sat down, Long Yis slightly aggressive voice sounded, immediately drawing the attention of the officials, whose gazes s.h.i.+fted between the two!

Leng Jiu smiled and glanced over, This humble woman slept very soundly. Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty!

Long Yi looked at her coldly, But I didnt sleep well!

Leng Jiu casually lifted her hand and played with the rouge on her hand, Your Majesty labors day and night for the affairs of the state, so its normal to have trouble sleeping. In the future, have Qu Gonggong prepare some calming incense. Im sure Your Majesty will sleep better then!

Long Yis eyes were so cold they could almost shoot out daggers. Even the people around could feel his anger. But Leng Jiu seemed completely unaffected, Your Majesty! Shouldnt you announce the start?

Long Yi clenched his fists and withdrew his gaze, gesturing for the start. Qu Gonggong nodded and waved his dusting cloth, Begin!

The first round was archery, with the target set at a hundred meters. Ten young n.o.blemen took turns to shoot arrows, three each. Only if all three arrows. .h.i.t the target would they pa.s.s! Leng Jiu squinted slightly as she watched the target ahead. Ten arrows were shot simultaneously, some fast and some slow. Although all reached the target, only seven hit the mark, and only two hit the bullseye!

With one miss, there was no chance for the next round. It was now seven arrows, all of which hit the mark, and two of them hit the bullseye. Especially one, with the arrows tightly cl.u.s.tered together, vertically like a pair of chopsticks. Leng Jiu couldnt help but glance over and saw Hua Jinzhi there, still in his flamboyant crimson attire, adorned with gold. Handsome and charming, he stood out among the group of young n.o.blemen, and those two arrows were shot by him.

Seeming to notice Leng Jius gaze, Hua Jinzhi turned his head and looked at her arrogantly, with a smug look. Leng Jiu couldnt help but smile at this!

Before the smile faded, she immediately felt a deep gaze. Leng Jiu turned her head and saw Long Yueli looking away. He was wearing a purple casual outfit today, still loose-fitting and casual on him, but she could sense a difference in his mood compared to usual. She knew why, but what he wanted, she couldnt give. Even if she did, he couldnt afford it!

Just as she was about to retract her gaze, she met the chilly and probing eyes of the palace guard. She naturally knew why he was looking at her like that, but she wasnt going to feel guilty. As if she hadnt seen anything, she turned her eyes away. The third round was over, and Hua Jinzhi still hit the bullseye. Three arrows stood side by side, clearly showing his superb archery skills!

A total of twenty-six young n.o.blemen partic.i.p.ated, but only fifteen remained in the end. Next, fifteen targets were set up. This time, they were still a hundred meters away, but instead of shooting standing, they would be shooting arrows while riding horses, which made it much more difficult!

Bang! With a loud roar, fifteen horses galloped out at the same time, and arrows were shot out simultaneously. Just now, the man who shot arrows with Hua Jinzhi hit two arrows, instantly winning applause from the officials, and the young ladies below couldnt help but cheer along!

Hua Jinzhi didnt rush to shoot like the others. He waited for the horse to run to the center before placing three arrows on the bowstring, drawing the bow to its full moon, Swis.h.!.+

Excellent! A martial officer stood up excitedly and clapped his hands vigorously!

Hua Jinzhi turned his horse around and raised an eyebrow at Leng Jiu, looking proud!

Leng Jiu shook her head slightly, picked up a jujube from the table, and started eating!

How does Your Majesty feel about Hua Jinzhi? Long Yis voice suddenly sounded beside her. Leng Jiu retracted her gaze, spat out the jujube pit, and replied, Naturally, hes very talented. Didnt you see how excited those officials were?

Long Yis gaze was fixed on her, What does the Empress Dowager think?

Leng Jiu looked back, Is the Empress Dowagers opinion that important?

Of course! Hua Jinzhi once had an engagement with the Seventh Princess. If you count the days, the Seventh Princess has also come of age this year, and Hua Jinzhi has just come of age as well. If the Empress Dowager thinks Hua Jinzhi is good, I will decree to appoint him as a n.o.ble consort. What does the Empress Dowager think?

A n.o.ble consort? Leng Jiu glanced at Hua Jinzhi, who had returned from riding, and nodded seriously, Fresh clothes and an angry horse, the young n.o.bleman does indeed have the demeanor of a n.o.ble consort!

Long Yi narrowed his eyes, Does the Empress Dowager really think so?

Leng Jiu raised an eyebrow and looked over. With a smile that was not quite a smile, she asked, Does His Majesty think Im joking with him?

Long Yi looked at her deeply for a long time. Seeing that she didnt care in the slightest, and even showed no signs of anything unusual, he seemed to relax, dispelling the gloom from just now and smiling broadly, In that case! I will decree the marriage later!

Leng Jiu picked up her teacup and gently brushed away the tea leaves on it with the lid, ignoring his words. Through the misty heat, she looked at Hua Jinzhi, who had dismounted from his horse. Despite his inner joy, he still wore a serious expression. Leng Jiu couldnt help but find it amusing. Indeed, he was still just a child!


Roar! Here comes the burst of bubbles that needs to be thickened! Otherwise, Ill turn Hua Jinzhi into a n.o.ble consort! Ah! Todays word count is much higher, so please reward me with some bubbles!

A n.o.ble consort, also known as a fuma in Chinese, refers to a high-ranking woman who is married to a monarch or a member of a royal family. In historical contexts, a n.o.ble consort holds a position of honor and influence within the royal court, often partic.i.p.ating in court ceremonies and events. She may also have certain duties and responsibilities, such as managing the household or supporting charitable causes. The t.i.tle of n.o.ble consort is typically bestowed upon a woman who has been formally recognized as the spouse of a monarch or a prince through marriage or betrothal.

If the t.i.tle of n.o.ble consort is bestowed upon a man, it would imply that he holds a similar position of honor and influence within the royal court, but as the spouse of a female monarch or a member of a royal family. In historical contexts where such t.i.tles were used, the male equivalent of a n.o.ble consort might be referred to as a husband of the queen or prince consort. Like a female n.o.ble consort, a male n.o.ble consort would likely partic.i.p.ate in court ceremonies and events, support the monarch in their duties, and potentially have responsibilities within the royal household. However, the specific roles and duties would depend on the customs and traditions of the particular royal court.