4. _Filamentous Colonies:_
Filamentous: As already defined.
Floccose: Composed of filaments, densely placed.
Curled: Filaments in parallel strands, like locks or ringlets (Fig.
(E) ~Edges of Colonies.~--
Entire: Without toothing or division (Fig. 148, a).
Undulate: Wavy (Fig. 148, b).
Repand: Like the border of an open umbrella (Fig. 148, c).
Erose: As if gnawed, irregularly toothed (Fig. 148, d).
[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 148.--Edges of colonies: a, Entire; b, undulate; c, repand; d, erose.]
Lobulate: Minutely lobate (Fig. 149, e).
Auriculate: With ear-like lobes (Fig. 149, f).
Lacerate: Irregularly cleft, as if torn (Fig. 149, g).
Fimbriate: Fringed (Fig. 149, h).
Ciliate: Hair-like extensions, radiately placed (Fig. 149, j).
Filamentous: As already defined.
Curled: As already defined.
[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 149.--Edges of colonies: e, Lobar-lobulate; f, auriculate; g, lacerate; h, fimbriate; i, ciliate.]
(F) ~Optical Characters~ (after Shuttleworth).--
1. _General Characters_:
Transparent: Transmitting light.
Vitreous: Transparent and colourless.
Oleaginous: Transparent and yellow; olive to linseed-oil coloured.
Resinous: Transparent and brown, varnish or resin-coloured.
Translucent: Faintly transparent.
Porcelaneous: Translucent and white.
Opalescent: Translucent; greyish-white by reflected light.
Nacreous: Translucent, greyish-white, with pearly l.u.s.tre.
Sebaceous: Translucent, yellowish or greyish-white.
Butyrous: Translucent and yellow.
Ceraceous: Translucent and wax-coloured.
Cretaceous: Opaque and white, chalky.
Dull: Without l.u.s.tre.
Glistening: Shining.
2. _Chromogenicity_:
Colour of pigment.
Pigment restricted to colonies.
Pigment restricted to medium surrounding colonies.
Pigment present in colonies and in medium.
~Streak or Smear Cultures.~--
_Gelatine and Agar._--Note general points as indicated under plate cultivations.
_Insp.i.s.sated Blood-serum._--Note the presence or absence of liquefaction of the medium. (The presence of condensation water at the bottom of the tube must not be confounded with liquefaction of the medium.)
_All Oblique Tube Cultures._--
1. Colonies Discrete: Size, shape, etc., as for plate cultivations (_vide_ page 261).