Weigh out
Vesuvin 0.5 gramme
and dissolve in
Distilled water 100.0 c.c.
~Aniline Gentian Violet~ (For Weigert's Fibrin Stain).--
Weigh out
Gentian violet 1.0 gramme
and dissolve in
Absolute alcohol 15.0 c.c.
Distilled water 80.0 c.c.
then add
Aniline oil 3.0 c.c.
Shake well and filter before use.
~Haematoxylin~ (Ehrlich).--
1. Weigh out
Haematoxylin 2.0 grammes
and dissolve in
Absolute alcohol 100.0 c.c.
2. Weigh out
Ammonium alum 2.0 grammes
and dissolve in
Distilled water 100.0 c.c.
3. Mix 1 and 2, allow the mixture to stand forty-eight hours, then filter.
4. Add
Glycerine 85.0 c.c.
Acetic acid, glacial 10.0 c.c.
5. Allow the stain to stand for one month exposed to light; then filter again ready for use.
~Haematin~ (Mayer's).--
A. Weigh out
Haematin 1.0 gramme
and dissolve in
Alcohol 90 per cent. (warmed to 37C.) 50 c.c.
B. Weigh out
Potash alum 50 grammes
and dissolve in
Distilled water 100 c.c.
Prepare these two solutions in separate flasks. Take a clean flask of 250 c.c. capacity and insert a large funnel in its neck. Pour the solutions A and B simultaneously and slowly into the funnel to mix thoroughly. Store for future use.
NOTE.--If acid haematin is required, introduce glacial acetic acid (3 c.c.) into the mixing flask before adding the solutions A and B.
~Alum Carmine~ (Mayer).--
Weigh out
Alum 2.5 grammes Carmine 1.0 gramme
and place in a gla.s.s beaker.
Measure out in a measuring cylinder,
Distilled water 100.0 c.c.
Place the beaker on a sand-bath, add the water in successive small quant.i.ties, and keep the mixture boiling for twenty minutes. Measure the solution and make up to 100 c.c. by the addition of distilled water.
~Lithium Carmine~ (Orth).--