The Duke’s Eldest Son Escaped to the Military - Chapter 132

Chapter 132

The Dukes Eldest Son Escaped to the Military (132)

Translator: ChubbyCheeks

45 Rewards and Suspicious Ones from the Center (4)

Iron, Crimson and Jayden Wicks expressions hardened at the end of his words.

Just now did you just ask for the elves bodies?

He nodded lightly after hearing Irons question.

Hoo Most of them are buried in the Northern Forest. And that place has now turned into the World Trees realm. Asking for the elves bodies is no different from saying that you want us to become hostile with the World Tree.

The two commanders also nodded their heads in agreement with Irons explanations.

They had clearly witnessed how the World Tree had easily crushed the dimensional gate with force and sealed the dimensional crack. Of course, there would be limitations in expressing that enormous power this far. But its strength was overwhelming enough that the two commanders, who were in charge of protecting the North, did not want to offend the World Tree and confront it. Iron was also of the same mind.

Was there a need for him to do something that could offend the World Tree when he had clearly received her blessings?

But the man just smiled as if he had expected their reactions.

It is necessary for the Empire.

We want to know the reason. Is your reason enough for the North to risk offending the World Tree?

Jayden Wicks looked at the Shadows as he spoke. The man smiled and answered him.

I think you know that the Center is in a frenzy. In a situation like that, we have to find ways to strengthen the Royal Guards protecting His Majesty as well as the Shadows. And this is one of them.

Iron smiled blandly. He looked like he was dumbfounded at the mans reasoning.

This is essential for us to develop stronger knights, soldiers and weapons. We ask for your cooperation.

The two commanders remained silent at the Shadows soft and placating words. This was because his reason was absurd. That was not enough reason to antagonize the World Tree.

Even those who were loyal to the Emperor would worry over this matter. Perhaps only those who were extremely loyal to the Emperor and only had the glory of the Empire in their minds would willingly agree.

However, both of the commanders did not have any loyalty left to the Emperor. They were noblemen who had great antipathy for the Center. That was why they did not answer despite the Shadows placating words.

Iron shook his head as he watched this scene.

Crazy bastards.

Among the forces that solely existed for the Emperor was the Royal Guards. They were one of the staunch supporters of the Emperor and not much was known about them. Information about them was strictly confidential that no one knew who and how strong they were.

He just knew that there was such a thing.

There was also the Shadows, the force that was hidden in the dark. Information about them was even more confidential and unknown. Even the two commanders were only privy to information about their existence, nothing more. They were extremely secretive but this situation was giving them a glimpse of how they had maintained their strength and ranks.

In his past life, the Emperors secret organizations and forces were briefly revealed. And he recalled that there was another one of them and they were called the Homunculus. Rumors about them went viral all over the Empire. However, those who had seen them personally changed their words which tagged the rumors as false.

But seeing the situation right now, it seemed like those rumors werent false.

Dont tell me are they using different races for their experiments?

Perhaps it was not only the elves but even the minority of the races like the witches that they used to experiment on to copy and gain their abilities.

If Irons reasoning was correct then

The Imperial Family bastards are truly madmen!

This thought lingered in his head. He had felt this already in his previous life but it was now made even clearer to him that they were extremely crazy.

They were truly selfish bastards who only used their brains to think of something for their own gain. There was no such thing as the glory and well-being of the Empire in these bastards hearts. An arrogant family who only thought of raising their authority and prestige.

While Iron was cursing the Imperial Family in his head and strengthening his determination to smash them completely someday

No matter how badly you need it, its impossible. The power of the World Tree is so vast that we dont dare estimate it on our own. We cant become hostile to such a being.

Seeing Crimson shake his head, one of the Shadows realized that placating words wont work so he spoke firmly.

Its His Majestys orders.

The two commanders flinched upon hearing His Majestys orders.. On the other hand, Iron smiled as if he knew that he would use this trick.

What the Imperials did in his previous life was not that much different from this. They seemed to believe that saying that it was the Emperors orders would be enough. Just like those bastards who believed that they were the best. He also recalled being intimidated back in his previous life once the name of the Emperor had been mentioned.

His Majesty, the Emperor, personally requests this. He needs the bodies of the elves for the stability of the Center and for a stronger Empire.

Iron sighed at the sight of the Shadow handing over a document. He could tell that they werent official documents in just a glance. Based on the arrogance of the Imperial Family, they would sprinkle gold powder on these documents and decorate it magnificently but the document itself was very simple.

We are well aware of the two commanders worries. The war has just ended and you believe that its hard to take risks.

Then, the Shadow looked over at Iron as if he had already planned everything.

Please lend me Brigadier General Iron. I will take out a few elven bodies secretly. If we get caught by the World Tree, I hope Brigadier General Iron would persuade the World Tree on our behalf. This is essential for us to escape the continental crisis.

The Shadow wrapped his words as if he was doing it for a greater cause but it was just bullshit.

Do you truly believe that the World Tree would allow you?

Even if he said yes, the World Trees goodwill would immediately disappear at that moment. That meant that the barely safe North would probably face unknown forces once again and be brought back to danger.

Iron smiled deep inside as he looked at the Shadow.

Youre getting more and more suspicious, no?

He has a silver tongue, unlike that arrogant family. The Central Officials worked in the same way as well as those small officials back in the Center but it seemed like the Shadows also liked giving lengthy explanations.

Arent these nasty fellows really strange?

Just looking at the documents that he brought, he could tell that they werent official documents, however there were plenty of explanations and no threats were given. This meant that they were hiding something bad behind them.


Iron pointed at the request letter held by the Shadow.

Is that an official document?

The two commanders immediately looked at the Shadows at Irons words. But he remained silent.

Iron smiled when he saw him being like that.

Hoo No matter how urgent it is, the North risks being put in danger once again with your request. Dont you think that theres a problem if you ask us to operate just with those secret documents?

The two commanders expressions returned to normal after hearing Irons words. Their smiles returned as they looked at the Shadows.

Hoo From the Norths perspective, another war is impossible. It would be difficult for us to move in such a situation unless His Majesty issues an official order.

The same goes for the Northeast. Even if its His Majestys orders, we would dare go to the capital and dissuade him from doing so.

The Shadows expression was distorted by the words of the two commanders. He almost glared at Iron, who disturbed their plans, but it did not mean anything to Iron. Even if he glared at him, Iron wouldnt be scared. In fact, he would just find his reaction to be quite cute especially in their current situation.

This is for the glory of the Empire. Please think again.

In the end, the Shadows brought up the Empire. But it was to no avail.

The Center chewed them out and told them that they were having difficulties of their own so they did not send any support during the Great Northern War.


Such a thing could only be seen in the trash right now. And even if some of it remained, it would have long disappeared the moment war began in the North.

I hope you dont regret it later. Your judgement and decision right now is seriously threatening the safety of His Majesty

Please dont worry. If the Center is ever in danger, were always ready to send support.

Hooo Do you know what will happen with your decision?

The Shadow let out a sigh and bursted out a short laugh when he heard Crimsons words.

If the Center is in danger, please make sure to formally ask us for support.


The Shadow sighed once again at Crimsons words. He looked like he did not want to come here if possible. The Shadows, who were in a position where they couldnt reveal anything, eventually gave up with another sigh.

You will regret this decision later.

The Shadow threatened them for the last time but the two commanders just smiled and guided them to the warp gate and sent them back to the Center. The two commanders sent them with a hospitable smile until the light had disappeared and the Shadows with their distorted expression had gone back to the Center.

The two commanders immediately cursed them the moment the Shadows disappeared.

Theyre out of their minds?

This do they think that our commanders faces are ridiculous and useless. I cant believe I have to deal with such small matters

Tch. I met with them since they said that they were Shadows but I didnt know that theyd spoil the mood like this.

Iron thought quietly from behind while the two commanders continuously spat out curses at the Shadows.

If they werent fools, then they should be well aware that their demands were too much. They had just gotten over a war where not only the Northern armies but even the chosen and the other-worlders had gathered to fight on. They should be well aware of how the World Tree was like and what the blessings that they had received were.

But still making these demands

Is the Center really in danger?

The two commanders, who were chewing the Shadows hard, stopped and looked back at Iron when they heard his mumbles.

What do you mean?

Jayden Wicks also looked at Iron curiously after Crimson asked him.

Its a bit strange that theyre making these demands despite staying still.

The two commanders tilted their heads at Irons words.

Iron sighed when he looked at the expressions on their faces that screamed that they needed additional explanation.

If this is the Centers original style, then, they should come out as if they would take out an official document and press us for cooperation while telling us that they will give us something in return. Even if the document is unofficial, they shouldnt just persuade us with words, especially with a request like this. They should have brought something that they could exchange and negotiate with.

No matter how much he thought back on it, this was not the Centers style.

The two commanders nodded as if they agreed with Iron.

Somethings weird.


Iron spoke again after the two commanders expressed their agreement.

Maybe the current situation in the Center is more serious than we think. Its highly likely that their finances are getting difficult and that they cant bring a deal.

Hmmm Im sure the Center is also crazily busy too.

Crimson and Jayden Wicks nodded. It seemed like there was some information reported too. Since they were in the commanders position, the quality of the information that they received would definitely be different.

That was why they could roughly guess the situation that the Center was currently experiencing.



Crimson urged Iron to speak when he stopped speaking.

There may really be something going on inside the Center.



Do you mean spies?

Jayden Wicks tilted his head as he asked.

Just like the mermaid race in the East, the elves in the North, the birdmen in the West and the werebeasts in the South. With the information that they gathered about them alone, one could tell that there were similarities between all these races. However, it was also difficult to conclude and finalize these similarities.

If there were only external threats, then it would be weird that the Center is trying to hide this information from us.

The situation of the battlefield in the South and the West was being broadcasted in real time. The same was true for the East and the North. Strangely enough, it was only widely known that there were threats in the Center. However, no one was clear on the identity of their enemies nor the specific damage done. They only posted vague information like Some of the units had been hit! and Some of the zones had been damaged! but none were detailed. This meant that there was a reason why the Center was hiding information.

But even the Emperors immediate guards, the Shadows, acted like this? His idea had no choice but to turn from simple doubt to conviction.

What you meant is that there are spies like in the East, right?

Crimson also nodded his head when Jayden Wicks spoke after recalling the scenario in the East.

Im sure there arent any half-breeds.

Hmm The problem would become serious if something really happens to His Majesty.

What would happen if the key figure of the Empire disappeared? That meant that the Empire would collapse.

No matter how much the two commanders hated the Center, they knew that there should still be a necessary evil that should remain especially in their current situation.

Hoo Lets go back to Command and think about it.

I need to find out more information. Ill contact you as soon as I find out anything.

Lets do it like that.

Crimson left those words as he boarded the warp gate that would send them back to the Northeast Command.

Not long after, Crimson, who returned with Iron, brought in the intelligence officers and asked them to gather information about the Center. This was because they had to go and send support if the Center was truly in danger.

However, no matter how hard they tried, they couldnt get any information about the Center. It was as if it was being blocked by someone or something.

They had received more detailed reports than the generally known information but it only included information about the damage in some areas with some troops being sent to those places to suppress the said damage.

And contrary to the Shadows warning, the North and the Northeast did not receive any pressure at all.

However, that fact made them even more nervous and tense.

Whats happening in the Center?

Jayden and Crimson were both uneasy because of this.

However, this thought was bound to be erased from their heads soon enough. This was because they were both busy rebuilding their own armies. Iron was also busy rolling around the rookies like crazy and turning his unit into a useful one. Everything was so hectic as they put their all into rebuilding their armies.

Today too, the officers, who had become listless and exhausted from the continuous meetings, were slowly wrapping things up and getting prepared to stand up from their seats.

But then

One of the communications officers suddenly rushed into the conference hall and urgently approached the Commander for a report.

The The Wests frontline has been breached!