The couple approached the carriage, after which the coachman immediately opened the door. Derrick gently sat her down on the seat, but Judith was in the clouds. In fact, she had more rights and opportunities than Sylvia. Judith is truly beautiful, which immediately conquered social circles and many homes. There was no door she couldnt open. However, she did not have one thing the love of her husband. This was what made him feel deeply defeated and desperate.
Weighing all this in her head, Judith herself did not understand why the mere loss of Derrick made her so pathetic.
What kind of emotional game is this?
Judith didnt want to think that she was worse than Sylvia. Moreover, she never loved her husband, so his mistresses did not cause mental discomfort, because the antipathy was mutual. Perhaps the demons possession of Derricks body made her feel a similar pain in her heart. However, although their appearance was the same, the deceased husband could not be compared to the devil in anything.
Perhaps if Derrick was alive, the girl would try to get a divorce by all means when she gets tired of it. With each new quarrel, Judith felt more and more disgusted with his person.
Thank you for supporting me she whispered softly.
She was actually pleased that the new Derrick behaved in this way. Previously, Judith had always seemed like an empty place, but today everything was different. But Sylvia will never know why such a change has come. And the girl endlessly liked this secret.
By the way Judith recalled, what did you talk about with His Majesty? Did he ask you something?
She had been waiting outside the room all this time, so a lot of questions had accumulated.
Why did he throw you out? Because youre a woman?
Judith couldnt understand it either, but she was skeptical about the assumption that everything happened because of a gender trait.
Unlikely. Most likely, he wanted to make sure that you really lost your memory.
Or shes suspicious, he added.
Judith, after living with him for a few days, discovered a lot of oddities in Derrick. However, the Emperor, even with his sharp eyesight, would not be able to notice this for only a few minutes. Now Judith could really relax and take a deep breath.
Undoubtedly, in the future we will have to face a huge number of problems associated with a miraculous resurrection, but at least now the couple could enjoy a corner of tranquility.
Judith was suddenly startled when Derrick touched her hand and kissed it.
You know, he smelled so bad.
What? Judith didnt understand what he meant.
The Emperor.
Anyone in the Empire was afraid to pronounce this title. However, Derrick not only turned out to be fearless, but also mentioned the man in this context. This seemed surprising to his wife, so she decided to ask what he meant.
I dont quite understand?
The Emperor smells dirty and disgusting, he repeated his thought.
Judith knew perfectly well that devils could smell people, and also that she smelled wonderful. However, the fact that the Emperor smelled terrible was amazing. The Duchess was interested to clarify the details out of curiosity.
What exactly does it smell like?
I cant explain it. I just know that you smell like something sweet, delicious. And he This smell makes you feel sick, you want to wash yourself after a second of thought, he continued: As I said, innocent people smell good. But the more murders youve committed, the worse the smell.
Judith didnt know of any scandals involving the Emperor. Everyone considered him a man with good manners, because he always behaved perfectly at official events. That is why, surprisingly, there were no bad rumors about him.
However, there must be some reason that the Emperor and Derrick were incredibly close. And such a bright person, as is commonly believed, simply could not coexist with such a person as her late husband.
Suddenly, the image of Sylvia popped up in my head again: what was she doing in the castle?
Undoubtedly, dozens of people come to the Palace every day, it was not something unique or strange. But still, she came at the same time as the couple.
You know, you saw that woman, right?
Derrick, who had bitten her fingertip, enjoying the process as if he was eating a delicious fruit, looked up. The pupil, which had turned distinctly red, shone strangely inside the dark car. He answered in the affirmative.
I didnt expect to see her at the Palace today.
Why not?
Well this is the woman my husband loved.
The woman my husband loved? Is there anything in this world that sounds more absurd?
Judith didnt know what else to say, so she chewed the words in her head.
I knew about her, but Ive never met her Thats why I feel strange she quietly lowered her eyes. The expression on Sylvias face when she saw Derrick came back to her eyes.
Despite the fact that they were both nobles, there was a huge gap between Sylvias title and Derrick. Therefore, it is logical that she did not know about his miraculous resurrection. In addition, the mistresss family lived far from the capital, trying to expand their possessions in the east, which is why even the most important news arrived late.
The man she had loved so much in life had been resurrected.
So your husband was having an affair with a girl you didnt even see? He took a deep breath and touched Judiths thin chin. She looked at him in confusion. What was he thinking about, having such a wife? Derricks face was not as playful as it had been. The Duke was completely serious.
The man looked at her very persistently, enjoying the beauty. Judith grew up listening to the praise of appearance throughout her life. Even in secular circles, ladies and gentlemen talked about it. But despite this, her heart is full of doubts. It seemed shameful to think of myself in this way.
Before she got married, many men tried to court, gave gifts and showed attention. But they were all very stupid and wanted to meet only for the sake of status, and not because they really fell in love with Judith.
Moreover, although Derrick always showed mischief, his words sounded serious when it came to the appearance or personality of the Duchess. Which made Judith feel embarrassed.
I can smell you clearly, he said again. His head was pressed against his wifes neck. Derrick rubbed his nose, inhaling deeply.
This compliment, although it was strange, still let Judith know that he was not indifferent to her.
Do you understand? Youre perfect for me.
Judith felt a thrill and a tremor in the depths of her heart when he said this. It was pounding harder and harder, as if someone had grabbed it with his knuckles. The Duchess had never experienced anything like this in her entire life. My heart has never fluttered so much with anyone else. Derrick, who was watching her, suddenly laughed.
Madames heart is beating so fast he chuckled again.
Judith thought again about the fact that he was not a human being. After all, a mere mortal would never have felt and caught it.
It turns me on every time When the wifes feelings become stronger Derricks tone gradually decreased. Despite the strong noise of the shaking carriage, his voice went far beyond the limits of hearing, and the smell penetrated deep into the head.
Derrick took Judiths wrist and licked her palm.