Judith was considered on the skinnier side, but there were two areas on her body which held amounts of flesh. First were clearly the breasts that he was passionately coveting, while the second was her backside that was concealed by her dress. Derrick slithered a hand behind her and upon firmly seizing one of her desirable buttocks, he kneaded them roughly.
Haa, no flavour can match this particular taste.
Mumbling with a rough voice, he pulled her body up to his and swallowed her lips. Her panting sounds were sucked into his mouth.
Judith was soon exhausted from his merciless acts of penetrating her lips, his tongue rashly stirring up the insides of her mouth. In the midst of all this, it was obvious as his tongue moved with hers, giving her that electrifying feel and making her dizzy, that this was another one of his tricks.
She barely managed to stop him, and once she pulled herself up, she sharpened her gentle, puppy-like eyes.
Do, do not do it.
Derrick asked with a deep, subdued voice. Judith was at a loss for words, surprised at him and asked a question back.
Then could it be that you will be doing it again?
If my wife eats a meal once, is she satisfied? No. She eats three meals a day. The same can be said for me.
His simple counter-argument was logic that made her speechless. Derrick, whose kiss was rejected, stared at her as he fondled her buttocks. Judiths body trembled sporadically from his strange touch.
As she looked into his eyes, red hues began to spread on his irises.
Im trying to make you feel good. Does my wife not feel any pleasure?
Truth be told, it was an aspect of his that made her feel crazy.
Judith, who never had any exposure to sexual experiences her whole life, felt awkward, unfamiliar, and embarrassed that she was an entirely different person when she felt excited.
As Judith remained still, her lips pursed in and were now hidden from him, so Derrick put his tongue out and licked her chin. He was like a person who contracted a disease a disease where he could never not pester her, even for just a brief moment.
In that case, just dont do that.
Not do what?
He asked her obliquely, his lips kissing her chin twice. All the while his hand that was massaging her buttocks stealthily penetrated her skirt.
Inciting my sexual excitement, that is.
Derrick raised his head, a perverse smile on his face as she caught his deeds.
Wife, did you know?
He, who was covertly whispering to her, roused the uneasiness inside Judith.
Ever since I put it in for the first time yesterday. Ive never raised my wifes excitement, even once.
Astonishment drowned all of her uneasiness.
Yesterday, she continuously felt pleasure and high peaks that she almost went mad. With those, she had thought that her pleasure and excitement were naturally elevated by his magic, but he said that he had never done it again after the first insertion, so?
In other words, when she was clinging onto him and crying loudly yesterday and today, all of the pleasure she felt when she was held by him, were all her own sensations.
As soon as Judiths face flushed scarlet, Derrick chuckled mischievously. Even if she didnt necessarily say anything, he seemed to clearly know what she was thinking.
Yesterday, you couldnt come to your senses and leaked so much.. You seemed to like it that much, no?
Derrick! Please dont say words like that
Last night, Judith was rolled over here and there by him, and she realized that he had an incredibly bad sexual habit. It was to the point that she reasonably doubted whether all demons were like this or not.
He deliberately drove her to the verge of climax, and by the time she was flushed all over, he would pull out. He would then keep spreading both of her legs apart and watch her juices leak out from her hole several as she trembled all over from the intense orgasm several times. Naturally, all those juice from her pleasure were then sucked into the inside of his mouth.
Unable to withstand the humiliation, Judiths eyes turned red many times. It was an endlessly promiscuous night as if they were wild beasts, even when she had remembered those again.
She thought he had raised her pleasure and did all of those, yet it turned out that
Why? Its true.
Derrick nibbled on Judiths finger as she covered his mouth.
Ah, then, by any chance, did you feel that just now? Is that why youre telling me not to do it?
He had a damn quick-witted mind like a sly serpent. Judith shut her mouth firmly, as it would seem that no matter how she answered him, she would be stopped by his actions.
Knock, knock.
It was at that time that somebody knocked on the office door.
Madame, I have brought the tea you requested.
Surprised by the unexpected presence, Judith pushed him away with a strong force. The office doors opened and a maid entered before she could even arrange her clothes.
The maids eyes widened when saw that she was perched on the desk, her hands on the button of her clothes, with Derrick standing in front of her. The servant hastened, placing down the teapot and cups, and dashing out of the office, perhaps noticing the thick atmosphere filling the room.
A while ago, she was the only one seen in the bedroom by her, and for that, now she was embarrassed at being seen like this. Judith heaved out a sigh, not knowing how to look at the maids faces in the future. Still, because of the maid, she was able to stop Derrick from going any further like last night, and she stood.
Let us talk a bit while we drink tea.
He looked as if he didnt find the idea appealing, as was expected. Though they were the only ones in the office, Judith whispered to him with the thought that she would not be able to defeat him.
Let us stop now, and we can do it at night.
As soon as she brought that up to avoid any crisis, the dissatisfaction in his eyes vanished a bit. In any case, this was the first time she had seen a man who wore his heart on his sleeves.
Judith came down from the desk and headed to the sofa first. Derrick, who turned his body to the window and fiddled Karmens foot, followed her not long after and sat on the sofa.
As Judith was about to pour the tea, Derrick whipped his hand in the air and the tea pot and cups went up midair by themselves. Eventually, they were placed perfectly in front of her and Judith could only stare blankly until then.
Magic was a mysterious force with principles she couldnt comprehend.
I havent understood properly what we discussed last night. I would like for us to talk about it more.
Which one?
Derrick asked, taking a sip of tea from his cup. Judith lowered her eyes briefly, concerned with what she should ask him first.
Why did that devil, Hannibal you said, trap you in my husbands body?
She had heard that not only was Hannibal a devil whose rank was lower than his, but that he had betrayed him during the war which took place in the devildom, confining Derrick into a human body. It was reasonable to be curious about his intentions.
Derrick put down his tea cup and crossed his legs, propping up his chin.
To exterminate me.
To humans, death can end their lives anytime. But for devils, there is no death. We cant possibly call it dying, as were closer to souls compared to living things in the first place.
Derrick added after sweeping his hands over his disheveled hair lightly.
Theres exactly one case in which devils would disappear from this world. The situation where they become destroyed. Literally, the soul itself will completely disappear. But exterminating the natural existence of a devil is not that easy of a task because they own an extraordinary power called, mana. No, it should be seen as a very difficult task.
Their end, which they called extermination, was different from the concept of human death. Even then, their extermination was complicated as they wielded incredible power.
Im saying that theres a time when one can exterminate devils like us more easily than we thought.
Derrick then shrugged his shoulders, as though gesturing for her to guess. Judith then realized without difficulty.
It cant be when theyre confined in a humans body?
Correct. We are souls, but when we are trapped inside a body like this, theres nothing else we can do but to be exterminated inevitably.
Derrick then gulped down his tea after casually responding to her, as though it had become someone elses business.
Then, dont you have to escape from that body to avoid being exterminated?
Judith asked impatiently, because right now, she was more restless than the one who would be exterminated. Derrick, who was leering at her, chuckled.
Why is that?
Because while I am trapped inside this body, I cant use my powers as I have lost all of my mana.
Judith looked at him, at a loss of words. After that, she asked immediately about the mysterious scenes he showed her yesterday, scenes that kept flashing on her mind.
If that is the case, then what of the magic you showed me yesterday? I think thats the power you talked about, but isnt that something you can use to some extent?
Are you that curious about me, my wife? Your questions are endless.
Not even afraid of his own extinction that would remove him off this world forever, Derrick continued to respond with a mischievous look.
Theres a way I can recover my powers.
What would that be?
What, you ask? Its something we did last night.
There had been only one thing they did last night. An act which was normally seen as an obligation between a married couple.
Clearly, it was sex.
Are you saying your powers are restored with sex?
Judith raised her eyes suspiciously, as if hearing something absurd.
Yes. To be exact, I need the dark energy of a human. You can say that dark energy becomes a driving force for us to exert mana. Ever since Ive kissed my wife, Ive become able to use my magic.
As she looked back at it, drastic changes had been prominent ever since they had kissed. His irises, which had changed only for a moment every time, would turn red like rubies, he would move objects at will with just a wave of his hand, and other such things.
When you recover that power, would you be able to leave my husbands body?
The possibility of being able to do that will get higher. In fact, only when I get my powers back will I be able to lift Hannibals curse and leave this body.
Then, when you leave What would become of my husband?
His fingers which were tapping on the armrest stopped. Not long after, he leaned his body towards her, and his face stopped smiling for some reason.
My wife.
Judith felt the tension around her rise with him trying to sound pretentious all of a sudden.
You may know it or not, but your husband is dead. The truth is that this body is merely a corpse now, and the only reason it is still alive is because my soul is dwelling in it.
With a calm and kind voice, Derrick gave to Judith the news that her husband was truly dead, like she would be a person who would be shattered by it. Instead, Judith was curious. After he, a devil, would leave her husbands body, what would happen to Derrick Vaisil?
And so?