It has an incorrigible determination towards the form-side, the concrete-side of existence. It sees nothing but the body and is darkened by the forces of _Maya_. It sees nothing but separation. Yes, it is the matter-fed mind. People with a development of this side of consciousness are invariably selfish; have generally small, conical eyes, understand nothing, but the welfare of the body. They are subject to the fear and the delight in making others fear them. This mind needs illumination from the soul, the Subjective Man, the "I am I" side of consciousness. It is not that you are a body and have a soul--this is the dirty conviction of the matter-fed mind--but you are a soul and have a body. The dawn of Soul-Consciousness makes a man a Force for good. He himself is Fearless.
His is the voice of strength that does not crush and dominate but that puts warmth, life, energy, hope and indomitable courage into cold and despairing hearts. Some are born with this Soul-Consciousness. Do not think that I am feeding with the theories of eccentricity. Often when a boy playing with others the thought would strike me hard, "Are you the same that is running and jumping and shouting." I would stop, looking blankly ahead. A feeling of confusion would come over me and I would forget everything. I could recall the feeling distinctly and vividly. Now I understand. These were flashes of Soul-Consciousness unfolded in a past life and struggling for "recognition" in this life. Such men face DEATH for themselves calmly. They know they can't die. Such men are incapable of sustained hatred. They too have their physiognomical signs and distinctions. They represent an advanced order of intellect.
And, lastly, when the full blaze of realisation comes, your one object in life shall be to bestow your sense of freedom on others. You shall not be able to mock and smile calmly at the pain, the ignorance to imperfections of your brother-man. You shall realise what it is to 'feel'
for humanity, yea, even for animals. You shall glimpse, in some measures, the great feeling of pain that rent the hearts of the Buddas, the Christs, the Ramakrishnas, the Vivekanandas of this world. They suffered, they felt for humanity. And when undeveloped humanity forced them to the Cross; they bore it in the same spirit in which the gentle nurse bears the blows and abuses of the disease-racked patient. "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." Verily to know all is to forgive all.
This Soul-Consciousness is as much yours as that of anyone. It comes through meditation on the Infinite, and the Formless Absolute--the Over-soul of the universe--the Brahman of the Vedanta--the Self of the philosophers--the Atman of the Yogis--the personal--impersonal G.o.d of the devotee--and, last, but not least, the humanity of the humanitarian.
The mind can think of one thing only. Fear is an acute form of negative concentration--worry its chronic form. If you learn how to place your mind upon a particular subject and inhibit or "shut off" all other thoughts, the fascination of fear and worry shall have no power over you.
Most of the things you fear never happen--others can be routed by a bold front. Even if something ugly does befall you, you have the power within to enable you to 'bear up' heroically. Fear is a mere negative thought-habit. It is a negative tendency in the mind. You can best eradicate this weed from your mind by cultivating the positive att.i.tude of Courage. There are particular sets of brain-cells being created or destroyed by particular types of thoughts. The best way to destroy negative brain-cells is to develop positive brain-cells. If you want to _Kill off Fear-thoughts_, do not fight them. That would be like trying to realise how dark a place is and then starting to pitch it out by the handful. You know you cannot do it. Just open the blinds and let in sunshine and the place will be flooded with light. The mind hypnotised by negative thoughts has been compared by a mental scientist to a dirty wash-bowl full of dirty water. Take the wash-bowl near a tap and turn the tap on. The steady pour of clean water will soon wash off all the dirty water and fill the wash-bowl with clear water. So the only way to root out and destroy evil thoughts is to turn a steady stream of positive thoughts to overcome all fear thoughts, you should think courage-thoughts. Don't crawl on your belly; don't call upon Heaven to witness that despicable creature you are. No--a thousand times--no. Act Courage. Think Courage. Say Courage. That's the way. Turn your face towards the rising sun. Take "Courage" for your watchword. Affirm it as far as you can. Fasten it deep and strong in your mind. Always tell yourself that you are full of courage, morning, noon and night; never tell yourself that you are weak.
Now, in order to inhibit fear-thoughts and exhibit Courage-thoughts, you must possess CONCENTRATION. You should be able to take your mind off a certain subject and put it on something else at your will. Do you know what Concentration means? Let me give you in my own words something I remember reading about Napoleon. When banished to St. Helena and suffering from disease, one day his doctor expressed his curiosity as to the secret of his success and astonishing power. Napoleon replied "Doctor, there are drawers in my brain. When I want to think of politics I pull out the drawer of politics, when I want to think of Josephine, I pull out the drawer of Law, and so on; and when I shut all these drawers, I can go to sleep." The doctor smiled incredulity blandly. "Doctor, I can show you this minute. Doctor, I shut all drawers"--even while saying this, Napoleon fell with a thud on his pillow. He was fast asleep. The man of science and medicine examined him in all ways, but Napoleon had fallen actually fast asleep. This is Concentration and Mind-Control. I don't admire men of Napoleon's selfish types. Their place is in dark h.e.l.l. They use their power for preying upon others. But that his powers of mind were great, I don't deny. Napoleon in his past life had been a great Yogi, but the remnants of self and c.u.mulative force of bad Karma precipitated the b.l.o.o.d.y results you all know in connection with Napoleon's career. No doubt, this man was only a means used by G.o.d to bring about certain changes and revolutions.
To develop Concentration, pay attention to the daily work of your life.
Don't neglect small things. Put interest and attention into whatever you think, say, or do. Be a wide-awake man. Don't go about your work half-asleep. Wake up and display a few signs of life. Be progressive.
Think much and to the purpose.
You all understand this. It is that aspect of your make-up that enables you to make your mind and body obey you. The true principle of Will is closely interlocked with the "I am I" as I have already explained it.
Resolve at the start to do one thing once in 24 hours that you would do if you were not afraid. Face fear and it is your slave. Your Will-power enables you to prove things practically to yourself and to the world; to make actions match-thoughts. Give your Will much exercise in the right direction. Without Will a man is no better than a log of wood. Keep your Will strong by auto-suggestion and exercise. Try the powers of your Will on your personality till you can do anything and be anything. Say "I can and I will" in a thousand different ways and prove it too. The requisite qualities that form valuable adjuncts to Will-power are: 1. Determination. 2. Stick-to-it-ive-ness. 3. Perseverance. 4. Invincible and indomitable courage. 5. Non-attachment. 6. Faith in yourself.
7. Faith in G.o.d. 8. I can and I will. Repeat this affirmation often till it becomes a constant mental trait.
1. I am fearless. I am full of courage. There is nothing to fear.
I say courage, I think, I act courage.
2. Courage is my distinct and leading trait. Everyone knows me as a man of Indomitable courage. The criticisms and opinions of others cannot affect me the least.
3. I am part of the Divine Self. I harm none. My nature knows no harm. Hence no harm comes to me.
4. I am equal to anything. Nothing can crush my spirit. I can face everything. I can face everybody.
5. My powers of resistance are strong, strong, strong. I use them never for the aggression of others. They are for my self-defence.
6. I am absolutely fearless morally and physically.
7. I stand for absolute truthfulness and justice and manifest them in myself.
8. Work with this affirmation. Strongly implant it in your mind.
The use of strong, positive Affirmation in the Silence is valuable in that it gives you a firm hold of your thought so that you can "carry the thought" mentally. The value of expressing thought in act and speech lies in this that it clinches your thought into a permanent habit. Remember this psychologic axiom: 1. Thoughts take form in action. 2. Action induces thought and corresponding habits. Therefore act out the part physically. If you want a courageous mind--"act out" the part physically, in your daily life, on suitable occasions, in all earnestness as you would in a theatre or drama. In a very short time it shall become a confirmed habit. Force yourself to it. Take an interest in what you do and say. Have confident expectations of SUCCESS. Never be daunted and cowed down by initial difficulties and failures. Never say die. If you go down--don't remain lying and moaning. Never, I say, never. Get up.
Shake yourself up free and say, like the royal lion "Come one, come all, this rock shall fly sooner from its base than I." Have a will of your own and be a force for good. Exercise your Will-power. Be something.
Do something.
I cannot too strongly emphasise the difference between Self-Esteem and Self-Conceit. I wish to drive and thoroughly pound this difference into your brain. Self-Esteem is decidedly a manly trait. It is based upon a conviction of the Kingship of G.o.d and the Sonship of Man. Man is a dignified being with divine attributes. He should not disgrace his Maker by crawling on the ground. This is Self-Esteem. Self-Esteem does not lower itself. It never lowers others. You shall never see a leader of mankind without tremendous faith in himself. But equally truly you shall never see a true man or woman taking delight in having others crawl to dust before them. They feel pained and shocked at such a sight.
There is infinite humiliation to them hi this sorry spectacle. But Self-Conceit is that original obliquity that leads a man to make a hog of himself. It is the old, dirty, unmanly "I-am-greater-than-you" feeling.
Such men are hogs, hogs, hogs. They are not the true sons of their mothers. They are b.a.s.t.a.r.ds and imbeciles. If you come across this type and get a chance to deal with him on your private strength open his eyes to his hoggishness. If he has any manly stuff in himself, he shall reform. If not, let him sizzle in his fat. Nature and its rigorous Laws will rub the lesson home some day. But don't you stand their nonsense for want of moral backbone. And the "I am" in you shall revolt against any such meanness and smallness in yourself. Encourage it not. Revere G.o.d.
Revere yourself. Revere others. Next, as to energy and aspiration--these two characteristics trans.m.u.te your mind from a negative into a positive type. They give you an aura of thought-force such as never knows fear. In point of fact fear is starved off to death. Be progressive. Take an interest in the affairs of this world and be a force for good. Raise yourself first. Then give others a lift. Have an Increasing Purpose in your life. Work towards its accomplishment. The man who renounces the world does not become a burden unto others. He helps others to shoulder their responsibilities. Nature aids at building up strong individuals. It has no use for barnacles and is always them off. Nature does not tolerate leeches, vampires and parasites. Aspire to do something great in life "for the good of many, for the happiness of many." Live to some purpose. When you have a positive life-purpose, your tone of mind shall be dominant and positive and your thoughts shall match. All-strength shall come to you. Bad health, fear, worry and the whole array of disintegrating forces are set into active motion by a purposeless life.
The Purposeful Man has no time to bother about them. Understand clearly, spirituality is not laziness, whatever else it may be.
1. I have perfect Self-Confidence. I am a Divine Being. I lower not myself--I lower not others.
2. My Life-Purpose is Constructive--not Destructive.
3. I will be great spiritually and mentally. I will make others great. I am an irresistible force for good.
4. I live to some great purpose. I am an Individual. I recognise the Fatherhood of G.o.d and the Brotherhood of man.
Chast.i.ty and Self-Control bring to you a clean healthy physique. Strong health means strong brain. And strong brain means abounding vitality, magnetism and ambition. Remember our aim is the development of courage.
The Chaste brain has tremendous energy. You should observe Bramhacharya--the conservation of vital energy in the body. You should acquire control over your pa.s.sions and appet.i.tes. The energy generated in your body should not be drawn off at the lower end of your being, but should be trans.m.u.ted into creative activity mentally and spiritually. Get a clean body, first. You can get it by fasting, breathing and exercise.
If you feel heavy in body and brain, if you feel mentally sluggish it is a sure indication that your system is "clogged" with waste matter, due to partial or total inactivity of the physical channels of elimination.
You have been indulging in high living and gluttony or you have been indulging in physical gratifications and have thus exhausted the vital fibres of your body. Perhaps you have drunk very little water which is nature's demand for cleaning the vessels of the body. Perhaps you have exercised little and thus the supply of oxygen required for burning off carbon and energising the blood has been rather limited. Mental depression, 'weak nerves,' melancholy, despair, fear, lack of concentration and lots of other mental weakness are due to a clogging of the system with acc.u.mulated refuse. In brief, the following are a few of the benefits derivable from scientific fasting:--(1) It gives nature a chance to "Clean Up." The day of fasting is a day of physical "house cleaning." (2) Like the galvanic battery the body "recuperates" its energies. Strength is invariably rested to one's powers of digestion after a careful fast. No case of dyspepsia, constipation, etc., there is, but can benefit or be totally and radically cured by fasting. Fasting will increase powers of a.s.similation, quicken hunger, purify and strengthen the nerves and raise your health in all ways. (3) By gaining control over appet.i.te you gain control over your lower nature. It is a splendid drill for your Will. You shall gain in spiritual strength. You shall grow positive to your flesh and its cravings. Jesus Christ fasted for 40 days in order to prepare himself to face his great trial and temptation. Our Yogis are all great fasters.
Don't undertake too much. If you have never observed a fast begin with a 24 hour fast. Drink at least 5, if possible, 8 tumblers of pure water at frequent intervals slowly. Keep yourself gently active and occupied the whole day, mentally and physically. You may feel a feeling of faintness, all-goneness and an irresistible craving for food. These are mischievous pranks of a cultivated and pampered and artificial appet.i.te. Drink water slowly but don't give your body anything else.
Always keep before yourself the distinction between the regal "I--am--I"
the soul and the carnal, sensating animal known as the body. The great point of achievement during a fast lies in thinking high thoughts and forgetting the demands of the flesh. Don't think of your fast. If you do think say to yourself "this is to develop my will." Breathe plenty of fresh air. Exercise gently and walk. I have seen educated men afraid to go out for a walk during a day's religious fast "lest they should feel hungry." O shame! You can't control a little hunger! You should bathe daily thoroughly early in the morning, fast or no fast.
And don't be afraid. "Man liveth not by bread alone but by very word that proceeds from the mouth of G.o.d"--said Christ. Starvation may kill off your body but not fasting. Deny the power of all disease and weakness over yourself. Your mind is master of your body. a.s.sert this mental control. Lastly, during a fast, your body is sensitive to your suggestions. Fill your mind with incessant affirmations of courage.
Think courage, say courage, act courage. Take time by the forelock.
Force your suggestions upon body and brain right now.
When breaking a fast, be sure to control re-action. Eat very lightly and only sensible food. Now that you have a clean body, stay clean You can train yourself to fast for 40 days at a stretch.
TRANs.m.u.tING s.e.x-ENERGY.
Here is some sensible advice from a leading thinker and teacher: To be a perfect Bramhacharin (a regenerate).
1. You must have a clean, healthy body; 2. Good breathing capacity and some control over same; 3. A strong will such as can move body and mind; 4. a.s.siduous cultivation of the intellectual side; 5. Control over emotions; 6. A fearless mind; 7. Great determination; 8. and abstemious living and high thinking.
The Yogis possess great knowledge regarding the use and abuse of the reproductive principle in both s.e.xes. Some hints of this esoteric knowledge have filtered out and have been used by Western writers on the subject, and much good has been accomplished in this way. In this little book we cannot do more than touch upon the subject, and omitting all except a bare mention of theory, we will give a practical breathing exercise whereby the student will be enabled to trans.m.u.te the re-productive energy into vitality for the entire system, instead of dissipating and wasting it in l.u.s.tful indulgence in or out of the marriage relations. The reproductive energy is creative energy, and may be taken up by the system and trans.m.u.ted into strength and vitality, thus serving the purpose of regeneration instead of generation. If the young men of the Western world understood these underlying principles they would be saved much misery and unhappiness in after years, and would be stronger mentally, morally and physically.
This trans.m.u.tation of the reproductive energy gives more vitality to those practising it. They will be filled with great vital force, which will radiate from them and will manifest in what has been called "personal magnetism." The energy thus trans.m.u.ted may be turned into new channels and used to great advantage. Nature has condensed one of its most powerful manifestations of prana into productive energy, as its purpose is to create. The greatest amount of vital force is concentrated in the smallest area. The re-productive organism is the most powerful storage factory in animal life, and its force can be drawn upward and used, as well as expended in the ordinary functions of reproduction, or wasted in vicious l.u.s.t. The majority of our students know something of the theories of regeneration, and we can do little more than to state the above facts, without attempting to prove them.
The Yogi exercise for trans.m.u.ting re-productive energy is simple. It is coupled with rhythmic breathing, and can be easily performed. It may be practised at any time, but is especially recommended when one feels the instinct more strongly, at which time the re-productive energy is manifesting and may be most easily trans.m.u.ted for regenerative purpose.
The exercise is as follows:--