The Divine Urban Physician - Chapter 711: Acquaintance

Chapter 711: Acquaintance

Chapter 711: Acquaintance

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

This time, he managed to save you because of his hard work cultivating. If he were to spend time looking for someone he doesnt know, it would be useless. Alright then. Ji Lin agreed helplessly, feeling a little disappointed.

Although Ye Chens strength was not considered very strong in the Kunlun Mountains, if he could go with her, there would be more hope. Also, she would have someone to talk to on the way.

At the same time, Ye Chen had just left the Kunlun Mountains and felt the sudden lack of spiritual energy in the outside world. He was not used to it.

He took out his phone from the Samsara Graveyard. As soon as he turned it on, he received countless messages.

Xia Ruoxue, Sun Yi, Zhu Ya, Wei Ying, Bai Libing, and even Shen Haihua had sent him many messages.

He glanced at them, but did not reply.

His mother and the others should be in the Ye familys residence in Capital City, and he wanted to give them a surprise today.

That person had said that he would protect the Ye family, so he naturally trusted him.

Without further ado, Ye Chen headed toward Kunlun International Airport.

As there was no one around and there was no means of transportation, he could only walk there. Fortunately, Ye Chen was a transcendent realm cultivator, so he moved very quickly.

When Ye Chen was three kilometers away from the airport, a mountaineering team entered Ye Chens field of vision.

There were a total of six people in the team.

Two women and four men, all very young.

However, their faces were a little travel-worn and could even be said to be in a sorry state. The alt.i.tude here was high, and it would indeed take a lot of effort for ordinary people to come up.

One of the girls was wearing a mountaineering suit, but Ye Chen immediately recognized her.

Du Yunyan.

She was a student from Capital City University.

The first time Ye Chen took a plane from Jiangnan Province to the capital, he met Du Yunyan and her mother. He was lucky enough to save Du Yunyans mother during that incident, and the two of them even invited him to stay at a villa near the university for a night, but Du Yunyans father chased him away. After that, Ye Chen had seen her a few times at the university, but that was it.

He did not expect that the first person he met after leaving the Kunlun Mountains would be Du Yunyan.

However, after thinking about it, it was normal. Du Yunyan liked excitement and loved to travel. Other than going to school, she would always be outside. It was not strange for her to appear here.

He shook his head helplessly. Naturally, he would not stop for Du Yunyan. He quickly headed toward the airport.

However, he had only taken a few steps when he was spotted by the six people.

Two tall men walked over and blocked Ye Chens path. They were carrying large backpacks with camping gear, and obviously looking for a place to camp.

Hey, let me ask you something. Did you just come down from above? How long would it take to reach the top of the mountain?

The tone of the man who asked the question was somewhat arrogant. It was obvious that his ident.i.ty was not ordinary, and he was thus used to getting what he wanted.

Ye Chen ignored and brushed past them.

His cold and arrogant att.i.tude shocked the two of them.

What kind of person is this? I was just asking him for directions, yet hes acting all high and mighty?

The man who asked for directions was upset. He knew that the two girls behind him were watching. It had not been easy for him to convince two beautiful girls from Capital City University to watch the sunrise today.

Furthermore, once they reached the top of the mountain, camping was definitely the best opportunity for him to make his move.

Of course, the two women were very vigilant. Along the way, they did not even give the two men a chance to touch them, which frustrated them.

Forget it, that little brat is probably in a hurry to reincarnate.

The other man patted the shoulder of the man who spoke and laughed evilly.

At this moment, a clear and excited voice suddenly rang out.

Mr. Ye?

Du Yunyan had noticed Ye Chen, who was about to leave. Although she could only see his back, Ye Chen still had the same attire and hairstyle since the last time she saw him.

After Ye Chen disappeared from the university, she had even gone to ask the The princ.i.p.als answer was that Ye Chen had been transferred away and might have gone abroad.

However, Du Yunyan knew Ye Chens other ident.i.ty, which was a Major General.

Ye Chen was probably involved in what happened at the university.

Ye Chen stopped in his tracks.

Du Yunyans eyes lit up. She became certain that the other party was Ye Chen and quickly ran over.

Mr. Ye, what a coincidence. Why are you here too?

Ye Chen glanced at Du Yunyan and then at the people behind him.

Dont go further anymore. This is where you should stop.

This was Ye Chens reminder.

After all, if they went deeper, they might encounter some cultivators. Although cultivators would not attack ordinary people, it did not mean that there were no heinous bad people.

Du Yunyan was stunned. She looked at the top of the mountain and nodded seriously, Mr. Ye, are you preparing to leave the mountain now?

Im going to the airport.

Du Yunyans face lit up. She quickly returned to the group and picked up her backpack.

Mr. Ye, in any case, my body wont be able to take it if we climb any further, so lets go together.

Then, Du Yunyan waved at another girl.

Chen Xia, come here quickly. This is a professor from our university. Weve climbed up to here, so its enough.

The girl called Chen Xia was a little puzzled. She looked at the people around her and nodded.

Actually, she regretted coming here.

The sunrise and sunset were beautiful, and the Kunlun Mountains were perfect to see this. However, the two men that accompanied them made her feel very uncomfortable.


After saying that, Chen Xia came over to Ye Chen and nodded.

h.e.l.lo, Professor Ye.

When the two men saw that Du Yunyan and Chen Xia were about to leave, their faces were filled with anger.

They had thought that this person was just an ordinary pa.s.serby, but he actually s.n.a.t.c.hed their prey?

Yunyan, you cant do this. Well reach the top of the mountain in a short while.

I ve heard that the sunrise and sunset there are extremely beautiful. Dont you think its a pity to give up when youre so close?

Its not too late to go up and stay for a while before going back, one of the men said seriously.

Du Yunyan hesitated for a moment.

Ye Chen did not want to waste time here and said straightforwardly, There isnt much scenery to see up there.