The Divine Urban Physician - Chapter 241: A Cruel Game

Chapter 241: A Cruel Game

Chapter 241: A Cruel Game

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The man smiled and swaggered over to another wounded Dragon Soul soldier.

This time, it was Ying Qing!

I want to see if all Dragon Soul soldiers are so unyielding! Hahaha!

Then, the man stepped on Ying Qings finger, and the sharp pain instantly woke him up!

He looked at the man in front of him and tried to resist, but then realized that he was bound.

He struggled with all his might, trying to break free from the restraints. His hands were already bleeding, but he did not stop.

The masked man smiled.

You were all hit by the same attack, but you still have the strength to put up a fight. It seems that youre the strongest among this group.

Ill give you a chance now. If you say anything insulting about Huaxia, Ill consider letting you go!

Get lost! Ying Qings eyes narrowed as he cursed angrily.

Then, he turned his bound feet and sprung toward the man, trying to headb.u.t.t him!

The man sneered and sidestepped Ying Qing. At the same time, he swung his sword, creating a deep cut on Ying Qings thigh.


The man had no intention of stopping the torture. He kicked Ying Qings chest viciously, and then slashed him repeatedly.

Within moments, Ying Qings entire body was covered in wounds, and had grown extremely weak.

Ye Chen, who was watching the live broadcast from the car, could not hold it in anymore. He roared at the camera, I dont care who you are! If you dare to hurt anyone from Dragon Soul again, I swear that I will find you and make you wish you were dead! 1 will personally attack the Martial Emperor Society and erase it from existence. Beiye will receive the same treatment you dished out to them a thousandfold!

Hearing this, the masked man stopped swinging his sword.

He walked toward the camera, the smile on his face growing wider and wider.

I admire your arrogance!

However, you have no idea how terrifying the Martial Emperor Society is!

Since you want to find me, Ill give you a chance.

Suddenly, he walked toward Ying Qing and gently sliced the side of his neck.

A trace of blood seeped out.

Then, the man pressed a b.u.t.ton, and rope from the roof was lowered down. It was tied around Ying Qings feet, and then slowly raised back up

Ying Qing was suspended upside down!

Furthermore, the blood from his neck slowly dripped down his face.

Drip, drip.

The man returned to the camera, looked at his watch, and said, Ye Chen, why dont we play a game together?

There is about 4.4 to 5.6 liters of blood in the human body.

Losing 15% of his blood will make his heart rate increase, and he will feel dizzy and cold.

Losing 40% of his blood would affect the flow of blood back to his heart, and he will be in extreme pain as he dies.

You probably have two hours to find him. If you cant find him within these two hours, Ill throw his corpse into the sea to feed the sharks

The timer begins now. Happy gaming!

As soon as he finished speaking, the screen went completely black.

The SUV turned deathly silent.

Infuriated, but helpless, Lei Shuwei punched the laptop!

The screen shattered and sparks flew!

Then, Lei Shuwei took out his phone and made a call.

Hows the data departments a.n.a.lysis? Have you confirmed their location? Bustards! 111 give you three more f*cking minutes! If you dont give me an answer in three minutes, all of you will be f*cking transferred!

After saying that, Lei Shuwei glanced at Ye Chen and noticed that Ye Chen had closed his eyes, and that an almost tangible killing intent filled the air.

He even felt like he could see a pair of illusory blood dragons coiled around Ye Chen. It was very frightening. Then, when he rubbed his eyes, the illusory blood dragons were gone!

At that moment, Ye Chen opened his eyes.

What kind of eyes were those?

They were as red as blood!

It was as if he was a demon that had crawled out of h.e.l.l!

Mr. Ye

Lei Shuwei felt like he was being stared at by the Grim Reaper.

Help me guard the villa personally. Dont let anyone enter.

Mr. Ye, what about you? Lei Shuwei asked subconsciously.

Me? Ye Chen laughed coldly.

I want these people to feel true despair!

Lei Shuweis expression changed when he heard this. Mr. Ye, but theres still no result from the location a.n.a.lysis

I dont need it!

Ye Chen got out of the car immediately.

Mr. Ye, 111 send Dragon Soul to a.s.sist you.

I dont need anyone. 1 alone am enough.

Then, Mr. Ye, is there anything else I can do?

Ye Chen looked in a certain direction and said in a bone-chilling tone, Transport me to their last known location as fast as you can!

Yes, Mr. Ye!

Although Lei Shuwei was confused, he chose to trust Ye Chen unconditionally.

Out at sea, on a small s.h.i.+p.

A young man sat cross-legged with a longsword strapped to his back.

This young man was Ye Chen, and a strange rune was drawn out in front of him.

There was a bullet within the rune, which was one that had almost pierced Ying Qings heart during a mission.

Ye Chen had no choice now.

The Great Dao Searching Technique was the only way for him to locate Ying Qing. Waiting for Dragon Souls technicians to locate him would take too long.

Although this technique placed a toll on his body, it would be worth it if he managed to rescue Ying Qing and the other soldiers.

Also, he was full of pent-up fury!

Without further hesitation, Ye Chen formed a hand seal and began to chant

As Ye Chen chanted faster and faster, the rune shone, and the bullet began to float!

Then, it started burning green!


Ye Chen bit his finger and shot out a drop of his blood essence. When the blood essence collided with the flames, the flames erupted!

Images appeared in his mind.

A small island at the edge of the sea off Huaxias eastern coastline

It was deserted and there was only a dilapidated abandoned cruise s.h.i.+p

On the cruise s.h.i.+p, a young man was hanging upside down on the suspended rope with a pale face. Blood dripped down his face.

The light s.h.i.+ning on the pool of blood on the ground vaguely reflected Ying Qings stubborn and determined face.

Ye Chen opened his eyes and a monstrous killing intent swept out in all directions.

The entire s.h.i.+p trembled!

You will learn just what kind of existence you have offended!

The Dragonslayer Sword hummed and emitted a trace of killing intent in tune with Ye Chens own killing intent. Its blade flickered with light..