"And you feared that my soldiers would not be ready!" the fake Theredon roared, clapping Kreignik on the back-an inappropriate action that made Deanna wince yet again. "Ready?" Brind'Amour roared. "Why, with all the cyclopians that have come down from the north, we are more than ready!"
Deanna noted the skeptical look on Kreignik's face and knew she had to do something to salvage the situation. "Why my dear Duke Theredon," she said with a laugh, "you have been drinking that Fairborn vintage I gave to you!"
"What?" Brind'Amour stammered, growing serious at the sight of Deanna, her lips drawn tight again as soon as the obviously mocking chuckle had ended. "Oh, yes," the old man improvised. "But not so much."
"I warned you of its potent kick," Deanna said, and Brind'Amour understood that she would have liked to really kick him then and there. "What good will you be in the coming battle?"
"What good?" the old wizard scoffed, and he assumed a more regal posture. "With the Praetorian Guards from the Iron Cross, I estimate that we outnumber the Eriadoran fools by nearly two to one. And we have the better side of the walls in our faces!" He snapped his fingers in the air before Deanna's unblinking eyes. "They could not take Warchester in a hundred years!"
Kreignik seemed to like that proclamation, so much so that the scowl melted from the ugly brute's face. Kreignik even dared to reach over and pat the imposter duke on the back, though Brind'Amour was quick to flash a scowl at the one-eye, backing it away.
"Perhaps they will not then attack," Deanna prompted. "But lay in wait in siege."
Brind'Amour laughed, and so did Kreignik, but Deanna was not amused. The plan, after all, had been to convince the cyclopian undercommander that retaining their forces in the city would be foolish and dangerous. Brind'Amour's words were true enough; even with Deanna and Brind'Amour working their magic, the Eriadorans had little chance of crashing through Warchester's fortified gate with the city so swollen by retreating cyclopians. Even if Luthien and Bellick somehow managed to enter and win out, their army certainly would be badly wounded, and with two hundred miles still to go to Carlisle.
Deanna's skin felt prickly as a wave of anxiety crept up about her. All of this seemed suddenly foolhardy; how could they hope to win out all the way to Carlisle? How could she, even with Brind'Amour and Ashannon, hope to defeat Greensparrow? The duchess firmly shook the thoughts away, reminding herself that Greensparrow's strength lay mostly in terror and in the hordes of cyclopians he had brought under his rule. Magic and demons and dragons were powerful weapons, but in the end measure, this war would be won by the resolve of the common soldiers and the cunning of their leaders.
Steadied once more, Deanna focused on the immediate task at hand, that of convincing Kreignik to go out from Warchester. She was about to try another course, when Brind'Amour abruptly stopped laughing.
"That is it!" the old wizard shouted in Kreignik's face.
The cyclopian backed a step, its expression twisted with confusion.
"Do you not see our opportunity?" Brind'Amour shouted, and danced about the corridor. "We can take the offensive, Kreignik," he explained. "We will go out onto the field and utterly destroy them. And we will catch this Crimson Shadow fool, and the fool Brind'Amour, too, if he is among their ranks. Oh, what gifts will King Greensparrow give to us when the Eriadorans are delivered to him!"
Kreignik didn't seem to buy it, though the brute had trouble hiding its intrigue at the possibility of such glory.
"We have no choice in the matter," Deanna quickly put in. "By all reports, there is a second Eriadoran army rounding the southern spur of the Iron Cross. If this army at our gates gets bogged on the fields outside Warchester, we can expect the second group to join up with them. Or worse, both armies will bypass Warchester altogether and march straight on to Carlisle."
"We will pursue them then," reasoned Kreignik. "We will catch them from behind and squeeze them against Carlisle's walls."
Brind'Amour draped an arm across the brute's wide shoulders. "Would you like to be the one who tells King Greensparrow that we willingly allowed the Eriadorans to get all the way to Carlisle?" he asked quietly.
The brute stood straight, as if slapped. "Catch them on the field!" he proclaimed. "Ten thousand Praetorians will go out this night!"
Brind'Amour tossed a wink Deanna's way, and the woman managed a slight nod and smile before Kreignik turned back to her. She noticed then that Brind'Amour went suddenly stiff, the grin flying from his face. He looked all about frantically, and Deanna had no idea what was so suddenly causing him such distress.
"The Fairborn wine," the old wizard stammered. "I must . . ." He gave a wail and ran off, leaving Deanna mystified.
Until a moment later, when King Greensparrow stalked around the corner at Deanna's back, flanked by an escort of five Praetorian Guards.
Deanna nearly fainted. "My King," she stuttered, dropping a respectful curtsy.
"What preparations have you made, Duchess Wellworth?" Greensparrow snapped. "And why have you not returned to Mannington, guiding the fleet against the Eriadorans?"
"I . . . I did not think so small an Eriadoran flotilla would prove a problem," Deanna explained. "My captains are more skilled . . . and Duke Ashannon will sail across the channel, no doubt." Deanna hardly knew what she was saying, was desperately trying to improvise. "The more immediate threat seemed this army. The speed and sureness of its approach has been remarkable-I could not leave Warchester unattended."
She noticed a frown grow on Kreignik's ugly face. The brute was not stupid. How could Deanna have been in on a "test" with Theredon, as the duke had claimed, yet now claim she thought Warchester had been unattended? Deanna's heart beat faster; it could all come tumbling down right here, right now. The undercommander said nothing, though, probably too afraid of Greensparrow's wrath should it speak out of turn.
Greensparrow mulled over the explanation for a moment, then nodded, though his dark eyes never blinked, and his gaze never left Deanna's eyes. "So you came into Warchester and assumed control," the king said.
"As we discussed," Deanna replied, resolutely not looking at Kreignik.
Greensparrow nodded and turned to Kreignik. "And what have you planned?"
"We will go out to destroy the enemy on the field," the undercommander replied.
Deanna held her breath, not knowing how Greensparrow would feel about such a daring move. The king, after all, understood that the Eriadorans could not possibly crush Warchester, especially since he believed that Brind'Amour was dead.
"This was Deanna's idea?" Greensparrow asked.
Deanna could tell by his suspicious tone that the king was prying for something. She wondered if Brind'Amour would reveal himself now, come out in open challenge to Greensparrow once and for all. Deanna felt faint with that possibility. Neither she nor the Eriadoran wizard had prepared for such an encounter; both were magically drained from their journey to the city, and Brind'Amour even more so from his impersonation. And to fight the Avon king in here, in the midst of an Avon stronghold, with more than fifteen thousand loyal cyclopians around him, was nothing short of foolish.
Kreignik straightened. "I only thought that . . ." it stammered. "The duchess was not . . . I mean . . ." Kreignik continued to stumble, even more so as Greensparrow's dark eyes flashed dangerously and the king began to wave his arms. Kreignik took a deep breath, visibly trying to sort out its thoughts, but before the brute got the next word out of its mouth, it was dead, lying in a smoldering heap on the floor. Deanna stared wide-eyed, and then turned her stunned gaze on Greensparrow, who stood shaking his head angrily.
Watching the action through a mirror in a side room far removed from the corridor, Brind'Amour, too, stared wide-eyed at the unexpected scene. The old wizard knew that he should break the connection-certainly he was taking a risk in divining so near to Greensparrow-but he feared that the Avon king had discovered them, that Deanna would need him. He got some relief when he glanced down to the yellow disenchanting powder he had set about the perimeter of the room the night before. Only the mirror was open to the palace, but even that was dangerous, Brind'Amour realized. He had detected Greensparrow quite by accident, by luck, and now he had to hope that the Avon king was not so fortunate. For Brind'Amour did not want a fight now, not here, not with Luthien oblivious to it all out on the field. At first he had considered throwing himself at the Avon king, in a desperate effort to finish this ugly business once and for all. That course would have gotten him killed, though, and Deanna, too, even if they managed to overcome Greensparrow. Brind'Amour lamented again the weakness of magic in these days. In times of old, if he and another wizard had fallen into a personal battle, then all the soldiers, human or cyclopian, in the area would have run for cover, would have been absolutely inconsequential in the magical fight. But now a sword could be a formidable weapon against a wizard, and those cyclopians standing defensively around Greensparrow certainly knew how to wield their swords!
So Brind'Amour could only watch and pray-pray that Deanna would make no mistakes, and that Greensparrow wouldn't happen to notice him.
"Cyclopians," the Avon king fumed. "This one's orders were explicit: only Duke Theredon Rees or myself could issue any commands concerning the Warchester garrison. Yet here he is, the fool, abiding by the requests of the duchess of Mannington."
"You disapprove of my plan?" Deanna asked, trying to keep the sincere relief out of her voice. "I thought that we had agreed-"
"Of course I do not disapprove," Greensparrow replied with a growling voice, obviously agitated. "I have Eriadorans coming at me from four sides. You destroy the middle here, while Ashannon crushes their flank in the straits, and the threat, if there ever was one, is ended.
"But do not think that your duties will be ended!" Greensparrow snapped suddenly, sharply, and Deanna jumped in surprise. "I expect the invaders to be crushed, slaughtered to the man, or dwarf, and then I charge you and Ashannon with our counterattack. Retrace Brind'Amour's own steps back to the north, while Ashannon sails to Port Charley. Your forces will meet in Montfort, which the upstarts call Caer MacDonald. Raise my pennant over the city once more, on your life!" He paused a moment, taking a full measure of the woman: recalling, Deanna knew, her failure in the Iron Cross. "Kill anyone who argues the point, and murder their children as well!" he finished, his eyes narrowing.
Deanna nodded with every word, glad that Greensparrow was still following his typically overconfident instincts, thoroughly relieved that he was too assured to suspect the treachery that she and Brind'Amour had attempted here in Warchester. Also, the king's orders left little doubt in Deanna's heart that she was following the correct course. When evil Greensparrow told her to murder children, he meant it.
He meant it as he had meant to murder Deanna's own brothers and sister that night in Carlisle.
It took all the woman's resolve and years of training for her to hold her thoughts private, and properly shield her emotions. She wanted to lash out at the evil king then and there, force Brind'Amour into the fight so that she could pay this wretched man back for the deaths of her family.
She grinned wickedly instead, nodding.
"You," Greensparrow snapped at one of his Praetorian Guard escorts. The brute immediately jumped forward, fearing a fate similar to that of Undercommander Kreignik.
"What is your name?"
"Undercommander Akrass," Greensparrow corrected. "You are to follow Duchess Wellworth's commands as you would have followed those of Duke Theredon Rees."
Akrass shook its head. "I cannot," the brute replied. "My orders are to stand by you, and you alone, to the death."
Greensparrow chuckled and nodded. "You have passed the test," he assured the brute. "But the test is no more, by my own words.
"Deanna Wellworth is the duchess of Warchester," he went on, then to Deanna, he added, "Temporarily."
This caught the five Praetorian Guards by surprise, and Akrass even dared to look back to the others.
Deanna nodded. "I will not fail in this," she said with clear resolve, and she meant every word, though her intended mission was not what King Greensparrow had in mind.
Not at all.
"You are leaving?" Deanna asked as Greensparrow suddenly swept away.
"I am off to the coast to see about Ashannon," he snarled.
Deanna was glad that he turned back to the corridor before realizing how pale her face suddenly went.
"You should fly to the east instead," she blurted, stopping Greensparrow short. He turned slowly to regard her.
"New information," she stammered, searching for something to tell this tyrant. "I fear that some Huegoths have joined in with our enemies. Their western fleet . . ."
Greensparrow's face screwed up with rage.
"I wanted to search it out more before speaking with you," Deanna tried to explain. "I cannot be certain. But now, I have other duties, more important." She straightened her shoulders, finding her courage. "You should fly out to the east and determine if the information is true. Ashannon will see to the Eriadoran fleet, and I will strike back to the north. We will await you in Montfort!"
Greensparrow let his gaze linger a bit longer on the woman, then turned and pushed through the Praetorian Guards.
Deanna nearly fainted with relief.
In a room not so far away, Brind'Amour sighed.
Luthien had heard the earlier reports that a great winged creature had landed on the fields south of Warchester. The descriptions had been vague-the army was still several miles from the city, and miles further from those southern fields-but the young Bedwyr could guess at what his scouts were talking about.
This time, he, too, spotted the beast, its great lizardlike form, widespread wings, and long, serpentine tail, as it flew far off to the south and east. Some on the hillock beside him called it a bird, but Luthien knew better.
It was a dragon.
Luthien's heart sank at the sight. He was one of the very few people alive in all the world who had faced a dragon before, and only dumb luck and the work of Brind'Amour had allowed him to escape. The young Bedwyr couldn't even imagine fighting such an enemy; he wondered if his entire army could even harm the great beast if it turned suddenly to the north and attacked.
Luthien shook that thought away; if such was true, then the dragon would have come north, breathing its fire and rending man and dwarf. The young Bedwyr looked back over his troops, and took heart. Let the wyrm come north, he decided, and they would put up such a barrage of arrows that the sheer weight of the volley would bring the beast down!
The dragon continued to the east, Luthien saw as he looked back, and was now no more than a speck on the distant horizon.
"Keep going," Luthien prayed quietly. He suspected that he would see this one again, though. It had landed south of Warchester, which meant that Greensparrow's allies included more than cyclopians and a handful of wizards.
"How could you tell him?" Brind'Amour asked, comfortable in his own form again when he and Deanna were alone in the locked and magically secured room.
Deanna held up her hands.
"Of the Huegoths," Brind'Amour explained impatiently, for she knew what he meant. "How could you tell Greensparrow of the Huegoths?"
Deanna shrugged. "It seemed the lesser evil," she replied casually. "If Greensparrow had gone to the west, as he had intended, then Ashannon and our fleets would be sorely pressed-likely destroyed even, when you consider the power such a wizard might exert over the cloth and wood of sailing ships. Even worse for us all, if Greensparrow flew west, he would likely discern the truth of it all. Flying east, he will spend many days confirming the information of the Huegoths, if they are as far offshore as you believe, days that we will need if we ever hope to get to Carlisle."
Brind'Amour was upset, but he understood Deanna's reasoning. There had to be a measure of truth within a web of lies, the wizard realized, and that truth had to be convincing. Deanna had thrown Greensparrow a bit of valuable information that she might keep his trust, something that she and Brind'Amour certainly needed. It was only that confidence Greensparrow held, in himself and in those he had subjugated, that had thus far kept him oblivious to the treachery. Still, it occurred to Brind'Amour that Deanna's goals and his own were not one and the same. Both wanted Greensparrow thrown down, but Brind'Amour didn't think that the duchess would shed many tears if the Eriadoran, dwarvish, and Huegoth forces were badly diminished in the effort.
He would have to keep a close eye on Deanna Wellworth. With that in mind, the wizard closed his eyes and began his transformation once more, assuming the form of Theredon Rees.
"Have you the strength for the illusion?" Deanna asked, drawing the wizard from his contemplations.
Brind'Amour stared at her blankly.
"Dusk is nearly upon us."
Brind'Amour nodded, catching on. Akrass was busy assembling the ten thousand who would go out from Warchester under cover of darkness.
"The mantle of Duke Theredon is ready to be donned," Brind'Amour assured her.
Deanna wasn't sure if that would even be necessary-or wise, since they would have to make up yet another story to satisfy the curiosity of Akrass. Greensparrow had publicly given her power over the entire Warchester garrison, after all, and Theredon was not needed.
Brind'Amour understood the same, but he wasn't about to let ten thousand cyclopians march out of Warchester under Deanna's control with his own forces so vulnerable if things were not handled just right. Not yet.
The pair left the room soon after to meet with Akrass, Deanna explaining quickly that since Theredon had returned-and wouldn't Greensparrow be pleased to learn that his duke was indeed still alive?-she was relinquishing command to him, but also that Greensparrow's words concerning her own power still held, and she would serve as the duke's second.
Akrass believed it-what choice did the poor brute have?
They came out of the gates after sunset, the full moon rising in the east. "Theredon" and Deanna headed the procession, in step with the cyclopian Akrass, whose chest was swollen with pride. The one-eye wasted no time in beating any who ventured too near, or who showed even the least amount of disrespect.
Before they had gone very far, before the entire cyclopian line had even crossed under the huge gates, Brind'Amour put out a whistling call that was answered, a moment later, by a small owl, which flew down to the wizard's arm and cocked its head curiously.
Brind'Amour whispered into the bird's ear and sent it away, flying north with all speed.
"What do you do?" Akrass asked.
Brind'Amour scowled at him, reminding him that his newly granted power did not include questioning the duke of Warchester! The cyclopian lowered its gaze accordingly.
"Now we have eyes," Brind'Amour remarked to Deanna.
"Eyes and a plan," the duchess replied.
That plan was fairly simple: the cyclopians broke up into three groups, with three thousand going over the Dunkery River to flank the Eriadorans on the right, three thousand going over the Eorn River to flank the enemy on the left, and the remaining four thousand, including a fair amount of ponypig cavalry, going straight north, between the rivers, headlong into the Eriadoran encampment with the initial attack. The confusion caused within the Eriadoran army's ranks would turn to sheer panic, it was reasoned, as soon as the one-eyes came across the Dunkery and the Eorn, squeezing like a vise.
Of course, Brind'Amour and Deanna had other ideas.
Luthien, Bellick, and Siobhan were quick to respond when word reached them that a talking bird had entered the camp. The young Bedwyr prayed that this might be the work of Brind'Amour, even the wizard himself in a transformed body.
He was a bit disappointed when he found the owl perching on a low branch. It seemed oblivious, and though Brind'Amour often appeared that way, Luthien knew that this was not the wizard. Still there was no doubt that there was a bit of magic about the bird, for it was indeed speaking, uttering only one word: "Princetown."
"Brind'Amour has gone to Princetown?" Siobhan asked the bird.
"Princetown," the owl replied.
"At least we now know where the wizard has gone off to," Bellick remarked sourly, not thrilled to think that Brind'Amour would not rejoin them for their all-important attack against Warchester. As far as any of those in the camp knew, there was an enemy wizard ready to meet that charge.
Luthien wasn't convinced. He tried questioning the bird along different lines: "Are we to go to Princetown?" and "Has Princetown claimed allegiance with Eriador?" but all that the bird would reply was that one word.