The Crimson Shadow - The Crimson Shadow Part 68

The Crimson Shadow Part 68

"The largest land force," Brind'Amour went on, moving the pointer appropriately, "will strike out from Malpuissant's Wall, securing Princetown, then sweeping down the open farmlands between Deverwood and the southern spurs of the Iron Cross, a straight run for Carlisle."

"Might they be held up at Princetown?" Oliver asked.

"By all reports, the city remains virtually defenseless," Brind'Amour said with confidence. "Neither the wizard-duke nor the garrison has been replaced."

"And the fourth prong?" Luthien asked impatiently, guessing that this last, and perhaps most important, move would likely be his to lead.

"Straight south from Caer MacDonald," Brind'Amour answered. "Collecting King Bellick's dwarfs and pressing straight through the mountains."

Luthien eyed that intended line. The Iron Cross was no easy traverse, even with a dwarvish army leading the way, and worse, it was widely accepted that the bulk of Greensparrow's cyclopian allies, including the highly trained and well-armed Praetorian Guards, were encamped along that same route. Even if those obstacles were overcome, it wouldn't get much easier for the Eriadoran army once the mountains were crossed, for that pocket of Avon, tucked into the nook between the Straits of Mann and the southern and western reaches of the Iron Cross, was the most populous and fortified region in all of Avonsea. Towns dotted the banks of all three rivers that ran from the mountains into Speythenfergus Lake, culminating with mighty Warchester, the second city of Avon, with walls as high as those of Carlisle itself!

Finally, a resigned Luthien looked to Katerin and shrugged, managing a smile.

The woman only shook her head; now that the true scope of their undertaking had been laid out before them, it seemed a desperate, almost impossible attempt.



THE GROUP WAS BACK in the war room later that afternoon, this time joined by Proctor Byllewyn and Brother Jamesis. The two men of Gybi talked excitedly about the prospects of war with Avon, but both of them, particularly Proctor Byllewyn, seemed to Luthien to be holding some serious reservations. The young Bedwyr didn't know how much Brind'Amour had told them of the previous meetings, but he could guess what was troubling them. in the war room later that afternoon, this time joined by Proctor Byllewyn and Brother Jamesis. The two men of Gybi talked excitedly about the prospects of war with Avon, but both of them, particularly Proctor Byllewyn, seemed to Luthien to be holding some serious reservations. The young Bedwyr didn't know how much Brind'Amour had told them of the previous meetings, but he could guess what was troubling them.

All eyes went to the door as Brind'Amour entered, his features locked. "This will be our last meeting," he said with all confidence, "until we rejoin at Carlisle's gates."

Murmurs of approval rolled about the table. Luthien kept his eyes on the men of Gybi-Proctor Byllewyn's wide smile showed that he was more than a little intrigued.

"I will entertain the ambassadors from Gascony and Avon presently," Brind'Amour explained. "The charges will be openly declared."

"War should not be declared until our armies are ready to march," Byllewyn interjected.

"But they are," Brind'Amour insisted. "Even the force from Gybi."

Byllewyn's expression turned dour. "You and I still have much to discuss," he protested quietly, calmly.

"Not so," replied Brind'Amour. "With all deference to your position, good proctor, and with all understanding that I am in desperate need of your influential cooperation, I cannot undo what has been done."

"You have signed a treaty with Asmund?" Byllewyn asked, his tone growing sharp.

There it was, Luthien realized. The men of Gybi, so recently under siege by the Huegoths, were not thrilled at the prosect of an alliance with King Asmund.

Brind'Amour shook his head fiercely, his huge white beard flopping from shoulder to shoulder. "Of course not," he replied. "My signature will not be penned until that of Proctor Byllewyn is in place on the document."

"You presume-" the proctor began.

"That you have the best intent of Eriador in mind," Brind'Amour interrupted.

Byllewyn rested back in his chair, not knowing how to respond.

Brind'Amour turned and whistled and the door opened immediately. In strode a tall, powerful-looking woman, handsome but fierce, with black hair and black eyes and the assured gait of a true warrior.

"Kayryn Kulthwain, the leader of the Riders of Eradoch," Brind'Amour explained, though she needed no introduction. She was well-known to the people in the room, particularly to the two men of Gybi.

"My greetings," Byllewyn extended, standing in salute to this warrior, a close ally of the folk of Bae Colthwyn. Byllewyn had met with Kayryn many times in Mennichen Dee for the great trading carnivals, and the two shared great respect and great friendship.

"Kayryn Kulthwain," Brind'Amour said again, "the duchess of Eradoch."

The title brought a moment of stunned silence.

"Duchess?" Katerin echoed incredulously.

"It is time for us to put our kingdom in line," Brind'Amour explained. "Wouldn't you agree, Duke Byllewyn, who is second in line to the throne of Eriador?"

Byllewyn slumped back down in his seat, overwhelmed. Brother Jamesis, beaming from ear to ear, put a comforting hand on his shoulder. All about the oval table, expressions shifted from ecstatic to confused, encompassing every emotion in between.

"A logical choice, would you not agree?" Brind'Amour asked them all. "Who in the land is more experienced in matters of state than our dear Proctor Byllewyn of Gybi?"

"False flattery to seal a necessary alliance?" Byllewyn asked slyly.

"Well-earned respect," Brind'Amour assured him, "though I admit that the alliance is necessary."

"None in this room, none in all of Eriador, would dispute the choice," Luthien piped in, and those words were indeed important from this man, the Crimson Shadow, perhaps the only man in all of Eriador whose claim as second in line for the throne of Eriador was greater than Byllewyn's. Luthien understood the importance of this as did Brind'Amour, for Gybi was viewed by most of northern Eriador as the spiritual center of the kingdom.

"I demand that the Huegoths be kept in close check," the proctor said at length. "I'll not have them slaughtering and enslaving innocents, Eriadoran or Avonese!"

"We have formulated our plans with exactly that in mind," assured Brind'Amour, who was happy to have Gybi serve as his moral conscience. "They will be kept offshore as much as is possible, and when they do come to land, they will be escorted by an Eriadoran force of at least equal strength."

Byllewyn chewed on that information for many seconds. "We will meet with Asmund when this is concluded," he finally agreed. "My folk will not sail beside the Huegoths, though!"

Brind'Amour was already nodding. "My hope is that the militia of Gybi will run with the Riders of Eradoch to lead the charge from Malpuissant's Wall," Brind'Amour explained. "With both Byllewyn and Kayryn Kulthwain to guide them, the march to Carlisle will go smoothly."

Byllewyn nodded his approval, and both Brind'Amour and Luthien sighed, realizing that the major obstacle in properly launching this war had just been overcome. Without the support of Gybi, the support from Eradoch would have been tentative indeed. Now, with Proctor Byllewyn and Kayryn Kulthwain in agreement and fully in the fold, northeastern Eriador's proud and independent folk would take part in the campaign with all their hearts.

"Ethan will be my link to the Huegoths," Brind'Amour explained, "and to the eastern Eriadoran fleet."

"I am thinking that you put much stock in a man who has proclaimed his allegiance to King Asmund," Oliver interjected.

Brind'Amour conceded the point. "He is Bedwyr," the Eriadoran king replied, as though that alone should suffice.

"I will go with the Huegoths," Brother Jamesis unexpectedly volunteered. "I understand their ways," he said in the face of the doubting expressions. "And their honor."

Brind'Amour looked to Byllewyn, who nodded his agreement.

"Very well, then," the king said. "My two eastern arms are thus secured." He paused, his gaze settling on Katerin. The woman understood what he was asking of her. In the previous war, Katerin had served well as emissary to Port Charley. She among them best understood the seafolk of western Eriador. Katerin was of that same stock.

"I will ride out for Port Charley this day," she agreed, ignoring the crestfallen expression that came over Luthien at the proclamation.

"I will get you there more quickly than any horse," Brind'Amour said with a smile.

"I will go with her," came Luthien's not-unexpected call.

Brind'Amour smiled and did well to hide his chuckle. "You will strike due south," the king replied. "At my side, with Shuglin and Bellick and the dwarfs, with Siobhan and the Fairborn, and with the militia of Caer MacDonald. Praetorian Guards await us, my young friend, and their hearts will surely sink at the knowledge that the Crimson Shadow, the man who outmaneuvered legendary Belsen'Krieg, has come against them."

Luthien couldn't deny the logic, or dismiss the call of his country. "Then Oliver will go with Katerin," he decided, and it made sense, for the halfling had been with Katerin during her first mission as ambassador to Port Charley.

Oliver started to protest, but Siobhan, sitting beside him, kicked him in the ankle. He looked to her and went silent, realizing that this one's heart was for Eriador first, for him second.

"I hate boats," was all the complaint the halfling offered, though his blue eyes, so obviously full of longing, locked on to the fair Siobhan as he spoke.

"Then it is settled," Brind'Amour said. "Now let us turn our discussion to the meeting I must soon hold with the ambassadors. We each will have a role to play."

Felese Raymaris de Gilbert was a tall and slender man with soft gray eyes and dark hair, neatly coiffed, and a clean-shaven, unblemished face. His posture was perfect, but he did not appear rigid; his dress was fashionable and rich, but he did not appear foppish. And unlike many Gascon (and Avonese) lords, he did not reek from an overabundance of perfume. His hands, though manicured, were not soft from luxury.

Felese had been chosen by the Gascon lords to represent them to the tough Eriadorans for just these reasons. The man had a lord's appearance, but a workingman's sensibilities, a rare combination that had set him in good standard in the court of Brind'Amour.

He stood now beside puffy Guy deJulienne in Brind'Amour's audience room, facing the grim-faced king of Eriador. DeJulienne's gaze was more centered on the king's companions standing behind the throne, particularly on the gaily dressed halfling who stood beside the fair half-elf named Siobhan.

Oliver eyed the foppish Avonese as well, winking and blowing kisses at the man.

It was a strange scene for the two ambassadors, and Felese was worldly enough to know that something important was brewing. Brind'Amour sat in his customary throne, but a second seat had been brought in and placed beside the first. It was empty, and Felese, suspicious and wary, hoped that Brind'Amour meant to announce that he would soon wed, or something as innocuous as that.

Judging from the king's companions, standing with perfect posture in a line behind the chairs, he didn't think so. Anchoring the line to Brind'Amour's left stood the tough dwarf with the bushy blue-black beard, Shuglin by name. Beside him stood Proctor Byllewyn of Gybi, a most important man in Eriador, and next to him, a fierce-looking black-haired woman, obviously a warrior. Then, at the king's left shoulder, stood Katerin O'Hale, a fiery woman Felese longed to know better. Looking to Brind'Amour's right, the ambassador was reminded of the impossibilities of such a tryst, though, for there stood Luthien Bedwyr, the famed Crimson Shadow, slayer of Duke Morkney and hero of the last war.

And also, Katerin's lover.

Beside Luthien came Oliver deBurrows, a fellow Gascon, that most curious of fellows. Felese liked Oliver quite a bit, mostly because of the way the halfling unnerved deJulienne, whom Felese did not like at all. Anchoring the line on Brind'Amour's right stood the half-elf Siobhan, a former slave, leader of the notorious Cutters, a band of Fairborn who had ever been a thorn in the side of those who would unlawfully rule Eriador.

Felese looked them over carefully, trying to guess the intent. It was the presence of Kayryn Kulthwain, the one he did not know, who finally tipped him off. This was no announcement of a future queen of Eriador, Felese realized, for these were Brind'Amour's generals!

"I do appreciate your coming here on such short notice," Brind'Amour said casually.

"We are entertaining a great guest?" deJulienne asked, nodding to the empty chair.

"A fellow king," Brind'Amour replied.

"Huegoth?" Felese asked hopefully, for news that the war on the eastern shores was at its end would have been most welcome to the Gascon.

Brind'Amour didn't miss that excited smile, and he also noticed that deJulienne didn't seem so pleased.

The Eriadoran king shook his head. "No," he replied. "Not Huegoth." Then, without dragging out the suspense, Brind 'Amour motioned to one of the guards standing in front of a side door. The man opened the door and an orange-bearded dwarf, regally attired in a flowing purple tabard hanging loosely over gleaming silver mail, strode confidently into the room.

Both ambassadors went down to one knee as the orange-bearded dwarf walked past to take his seat beside Brind'Amour.

"I trust that you two are familiar with King Bellick dan Burso of DunDarrow?" Brind'Amour asked, and he did well to hide his smile at the hint of a frown tugging at the edges of Guy deJulienne's mouth.

"I am honored, good King Bellick," said Felese sincerely.

"My friend Brind'Amour has spoken well of you," Bellick answered, and neither ambassador missed the importance of the fact that Bellick had not referred to Eriador's leader as "King Brind'Amour."

"I, too, am honored," said deJulienne.

Bellick snorted derisively and looked to Brind'Amour.

"I have summoned you here to announce a truce," Brind'Amour explained, then looked to his dwarvish friend. "More than a truce," he corrected. "Know you that the kingdoms of Eriador and DunDarrow are now one."

Felese wore a grin, though he realized that the situation in Avonsea might soon deteriorate. DeJulienne, though, openly gawked, obviously displeased by the prospect of taking such unwelcome news to his merciless king!

"Under Eriador's flag?" Felese asked.

Brind'Amour looked to Bellick, and both shrugged. "Perhaps we will design a new flag," Brind'Amour said with a laugh, for they hadn't even thought of such minor details.

"But you, Brind'Amour, will speak for DunDarrow in Eriador's dealings with Gascony?" Felese pressed, thinking that this might work out well for his merchant kingdom.

"Well-reasoned," replied Brind'Amour.

Guy deJulienne could hardly contain himself; he knew by the fearful flutter of his heart that something bigger would be revealed here.

Brind'Amour saw his discomfort, and so he played along, enjoying the spectacle. "All goods traded between Gascony and DunDarrow will flow through Port Charley," he explained. "Port Charley to Caer MacDonald, and then distributed to the dwarvish encampments in the Iron Cross."

Guy deJulienne was trembling.

"And what of the east?" Felese pressed. "When will Chalmbers be opened to Gascon trade?"

"The fighting in the east is ended," Brind'Amour announced, and it seemed to him as if deJulienne was having trouble drawing breath. How the Eriadoran king was enjoying this! "The men of Isenland will not fight in the face of Eriador's fleet."

"A stolen fleet!" deJulienne blurted before he could help himself.

Brind'Amour shrugged and chuckled, willing to concede that irrelevant point. "However gotten, the fleet flies under Eriador's flag, and the fierce Huegoths will not battle with these ships, for they have no desire to give aid to Greensparrow, who is Eriador's enemy."

The words sent a shock ripple through the gathering, sent murmurs along the line behind the Eriadoran king and even from the guards standing at the room's three doors. All of those waves seemed to gather heavily on the shoulders of the foppish diplomat from Avon.

Baron Guy deJulienne worked very hard to control himself, to steady his breathing. Had Brind'Amour just declared war with Avon?

"Surely we have not come together on this glorious occasion to hurl insults," said Felese, trying to soothe things. The news of the Caer MacDonald-DunDarrow alliance was marvelous, the news of cessation of hostilities with the Huegoths even better, and Felese didn't want the continuing animosity between Eriador and Avon to put a damper on this bright situation. From Gascony's greedy perspective, it was better for all if the two kingdoms of Avonsea were at peace.

"Insults?" deJulienne managed to stammer. "Or threats?"

"Neither," Brind'Amour said sternly, coming out of his seat to stand tall over the foppish man. Felese tried to intervene, but the powerful wizard simply nudged him aside. "Know you that there will be no peace between Eriador and Avon as long as Greensparrow sits on Avon's throne," Brind'Amour proclaimed, as overt a gesture of war as could be made.

"How dare you?" deJulienne said breathlessly.

"My good King Brind'Amour," soothed the shocked Gascon ambassador.

Brind'Amour relaxed visibly, but did not sit down and did not let the scowl diminish from his face. "We asked for peace," he explained. "In good faith earlier this same year, we signed in Princetown with Duchess Deanna Wellworth, who spoke for King Greensparrow of Avon, a binding document for peace."