What a horrible irony that now seemed to the enlightened woman!
Deanna rose and walked away, taking the nightclothes.
"Fear not, my Lady," Selna called after her. "I do not think our king will punish you for your weakness in the Iron Cross."
Deanna turned sharply on the woman, making her jump in surprise. "Has he told you that personally?" she asked.
"The king?"
"Of course, the king," Deanna replied. "Have you spoken with him since our return to Mannington?"
Selna appeared shocked. "My Lady," she protested, "why would his most royal King Greensparrow deem to talk with-"
"Have you spoken with him since we left the Iron Cross?" Deanna interrupted, speaking each word distinctly so that Selna could not miss the implications of the question.
Selna took a deep breath and lifted her jaw resolutely.
She feels safe within the protection of Greensparrow, Deanna mused. The duchess realized that her anger may have caused her to overstep her good judgment. If Selna's calls to Greensparrow were easily answered-perhaps the king had given her a minor demon to serve as courier-then Deanna's anger might soon bring Greensparrow's probing eye her way once more, something she most certainly did not want at this crucial hour.
"My apologies, dear Selna," Deanna said, moving over to put her hand on the woman's arm. Deanna dropped her gaze and gave the most profound of sighs. "I only fear that your perception of my weakness beside the cyclopians has lessened me in your view."
"Never that, my Lady," the handmaid said unconvincingly.
Deanna looked up, her soft blue eyes wet with tears. Ever since her childhood, Deanna had been good at summoning those; she called them "sympathy drops."
"It is late, my Lady," Selna said tersely. "You should retire."
"It was weakness," Deanna admitted with a slight sniffle. She noted that Selna's expression shifted to one of curiosity.
"I could not bear it," Deanna went on. "I hold no love for Eriadorans, and certainly none for dwarfs, but even the bearded folk seem a high cut above those ghastly one-eyes!"
Selna seemed to relax somewhat, even managed a smile that appeared sincere to Deanna.
"I only fear that my king and savior has come to doubt me," Deanna lamented.
"Never that, my Lady," Selna insisted.
"He is all the family that I have," Deanna said, "except for you, of course. I could not bear to disappoint him, and yet, that, I fear, is exactly what I have done."
"It was a task for which you of princessly temperament were not well-equipped," Selna said.
Princessly temperament. Selna often used that curious phrase when speaking to Deanna. Often the young woman wanted to yell in the face of it. If she was so attuned to royalty, then why was Greensparrow, and not she, who was of rightful blood, sitting on Carlisle's throne?
Deanna forced the angry thoughts deep within her. She let the tears come then, and wrapped Selna in a tight hug, holding fast until the woman remarked that it was time for her to go.
The duchess dashed those tears away in the blink of an eye as soon as Selna was safely out of the room. The hour was late, and she had so much to do this night! She spent a long moment looking at the dresser, at the crown and the bag, gathering her strength.
The hours passed. Deanna moved out of her room to make sure that all those quartered near her were asleep. Then she went back to her private chamber, closed and magically sealed the door, and went to her wardrobe, producing a small brass brazier from a secret compartment she had fashioned in its floor.
Not long after that, Taknapotin sat comfortably on her bed.
"A'ta'arrefi was not so formidable," the cocksure demon remarked.
"Not with the power of the storm I sent to you," Deanna replied coolly.
"Not so difficult a thing to channel the energy," Taknapotin admitted. "And so A'ta'arrefi is gone, poof!"
"And Resmore is out of the way, dead or in the dungeons of Caer MacDonald or DunDarrow," Deanna said.
"And we are one step closer to the throne," Taknapotin said eagerly.
Deanna still could not believe how easy this part of her plan had been. She had merely dangled the carrot of supreme rulership in front of Taknapotin and the fiend had verily drooled at the thought of overthrowing Greensparrow. This was the weakness of evil, Deanna realized. In alliance with such diabolical creatures, one could never securely hold any trust.
Not if one was wise.
Deanna walked over to the dresser and took up the crown, the link to her heritage, the one item that Greensparrow had managed to retrieve after the defeat of the usurpers. The one item that Greensparrow had given to her personally, begging her to keep it safe as a remembrance of her poor family.
"I do not think that any others need die," Taknapotin remarked. "Surely you are closest now, with Paragor and Resmore gone."
"Ah, but what of Duke McLenny of Eornfast in Baranduine?" Deanna asked. "He is wise to the world, my pet. So wise." The duchess chuckled silently at the irony of that statement.
"He suspects?"
Deanna shrugged. "He watches everything from the privacy of that wild land," she said. "Removed from the scene, he might better judge the players."
"Then he is a danger to us," the demon reasoned.
Deanna shook her head. "Not so." She turned from the mirror, holding the delicate crown in both hands. "Not to us."
Taknapotin looked at her curiously, particularly at the way her hands were clenched about that all-important crown.
Deanna's voice changed suddenly, dropping a complete octave as she began her chant. "Oga demions callyata sie," "Oga demions callyata sie," she recited. she recited.
Taknapotin's eyes blazed brighter as the beast felt the impact of the chant, a discordant recital that pained any creature of Hell to its black heart. "What are you doing?" the fiend demanded, but it knew all too well. Deanna was issuing the words of banishment, a powerful enchantment that would send Taknapotin from the world for a hundred years!
She continued her chant, bravely, for the fiend rose up powerfully from the bed, fangs gleaming. The enchantment was powerful, but not perfect. Deanna couldn't be sure that it would work, in part because in her heart, in the heart of any wizard who has tasted such power, she could not fully desire to be rid of the demonic ally. She continued, though, and when Taknapotin, struggling and trembling, managed to take a step closer to her, she lifted high the crown that was her heritage, the gift of Greensparrow, the item that she now believed held more value than its gems or its memories. With a knowing smirk, Deanna twisted the metal viciously.
A sizzling crackle of black energy exploded from the crown, stunning Deanna and temporarily interrupting her chant. But it affected Taknapotin all the more. That crown was the demon's real tie to the world. It had been empowered by Greensparrow, the true master, and given to Deanna for reasons greater than nostalgia.
"You cannot do this!" Taknapotin growled. "You throw away your own power, your chance of ascension."
"Ascension into Hell!" Deanna yelled back, and with her strength renewed by the pitiful sight of the writhing agonized fiend, she took up her chant once more, uttering every discordant syllable through gritted teeth.
All that remained of Taknapotin was a black stain on her thickly carpeted floor.
Deanna threw down the twisted crown and stamped her foot upon it. It was the symbol of her foolishness, the tie to a kingdom-her kingdom-and to a family she had unwittingly brought down. kingdom-and to a family she had unwittingly brought down.
Though she had just enacted perhaps the most telling and powerful magical feat of her young life, and though Taknapotin, the demon that gave to her a great part of her power, was gone from her forever, Deanna Wellworth felt strangely invigorated. She went to her mirror and took up a vial, supposedly of perfume, but in truth, filled with a previously enchanted liquid. She sprayed the liquid generously over her mirror, calling to her closest friend.
The mirror misted over, and the fog seemed within the glass as well. Gradually the center cleared, leaving a distinct image within the foggy border.
"It is done?" asked the handsome, middle-aged man.
"Taknapotin is gone," Deanna confirmed.
"Resmore is in the care of Brind'Amour, as we had hoped," said the man, Duke Ashannon McLenny of Baranduine.
"I wish that you were here," Deanna lamented.
"I am not so far away," Ashannon replied, and it was true enough. The duke of Baranduine resided in Eornfast, a city directly across the Straits of Mann from Mannington. Their connection in spirit was even closer than that, Deanna reminded herself, and, though she was more scared than she had ever been, except of course for that terrible night twenty years before, she managed a smile.
"Our course is set," Deanna said resolutely.
"What of Brind'Amour?" Ashannon asked.
"He searches for a friend of old," Deanna replied, for she had heard the wizard's call. "He will unwittingly answer my call."
"My congratulations to you, Princess Deanna Wellworth," Ashannon said with a formal bow and the purest of respect. "Sleep well."
They broke the connection then, both of them needing their rest, especially since their respective demons were no more. Deanna was truly charmed by the man's respect, but it was she who owed the greatest debt in their friendship. Ashannon had been the one to open her eyes. It was the duke of Baranduine, who had ruled the largest clan of the island when Deanna's father was king of Avon, who had figured out the truth of the coup.
Now Deanna believed him, every word. Ashannon had told her as well the truth about her crown: that it was the key to Taknapotin, a tie in an unholy triangle that included Greensparrow and allowed the king to keep her under close scrutiny. That crown was the link that had allowed Greensparrow to call in Deanna's demon so easily that night in the Iron Cross. That crown, both by enchantment and by the subtle feelings of guilt that it incessantly forced upon poor Deanna, was the key that allowed Greensparrow to keep her locked under his spell.
"No," Deanna reminded herself aloud. "It was only one of the keys."
She walked determinedly across the room and gathered up her robe. Selna's room was only three doors down the hall.
In the duke's private room in Eornfast, Ashannon McLenny watched his mirror cloud over and then gave a great sigh.
"No turning round'about now," said a voice behind him, that of Shamus Hee, his friend and confidant.
"If ever I had meant a round'about, I'd not have told Deanna Wellworth the truth of Greensparrow," the duke replied calmly.
"Still, 'tis a scary thing," Shamus remarked.
McLenny didn't disagree. He, above perhaps any man in the world, understood Greensparrow's power, the network of spies, human and diabolical. After the coup in Avon, Ashannon McLenny had thought to break Baranduine free of the eastern nation's clutches, but Greensparrow had put an end to that before it had ever begun, using Ashannon McLenny's own familiar demon against him. Only the duke's considerable charm and wits had allowed him to survive that event, and he had spent the subsequent decade proving his value and his loyalty to the Avon king.
"I'm still not knowing why Greensparrow ever kept the lass alive," Shamus mumbled. "Seems a cleaner thing to me if he had just wiped all the Wellworths from the world."
"He needed her," McLenny answered. "Greensparrow didn't know how things would sort out after the coup, and if he could not cleanly take the throne, then he would have put the lass there, though he would have been in the shadows behind her, the true ruler of Avon."
"Wise at the time, but not so much now, so it seems," remarked Shamus with a chuckle.
"Let us hope that is the case," said McLenny. "Greensparrow has slipped, my friend. He has lost a bit of his rulership edge, perhaps through sheer boredom. Events in Eriador are proof enough of that, and, perhaps, a precursor to our own freedom."
"A dangerous course," said Shamus.
"More dangerous to Deanna by far than to us," said McLenny. "And if she can succeed in her quest, if she can even wound Greensparrow and steal his attention long enough, then Baranduine will at long last know independence."
"And if not?"
"Then we are no worse off, though I will surely lament the loss of Deanna Wellworth."
"You can break the ties to her and her little plan that easily, then?"
Ashannon McLenny nodded, and there was no smile upon his face as he considered the possibility of failure.
Shamus Hee let it go at that. He trusted Ashannon's judgment implicitly; the man had survived Greensparrow's Avon coup, after all, whereas almost all of the other sitting nobles at the time had not. And Shamus understood that McLenny, whatever his personal feelings for Deanna (and they did indeed run deep), would put Baranduine first. He had seen the man's face brighten with hope when they had first learned from Deanna Wellworth that Brind'Amour of the ancient brotherhood was alive and opposing Greensparrow.
Yes, Shamus understood, McLenny was a man for the ages, more concerned with what he left behind than with what he possessed. And what he meant to leave behind was a free Baranduine.
YES, MY DEAR DEJULIENNE," Brind'Amour said absently, leaning back in his throne, chin resting heavily in his palm. "DeJulienne," he muttered derisively under his breath. The man's name was Jules! Brind'Amour said absently, leaning back in his throne, chin resting heavily in his palm. "DeJulienne," he muttered derisively under his breath. The man's name was Jules!
The other man, dressed all in lace and finery, and spending more time looking at his manicured fingernails than at Brind'Amour, continued to spout his complaints. "They utter such garish remarks," he said, seeming horrified. "Really, if you cannot keep your swine civilized, then perhaps we should put in place a wide zone of silence about the wall."
Brind'Amour nodded and sat up straighter in his throne. The argument was an old one, measuring time from the formation of the new Eriadoran kingdom. Greensparrow had sent Praetorian Guards to Malpuissant's Wall to stand watch on the Avon side, and from the first day of their arrival, bitter verbal sparring had sprung up between the cyclopians and the Eriadorans holding the northern side of the wall.
"Uncivilized," Brind'Amour replied casually. "Yes, deJulienne, that is a good word for us Eriadorans."
The fop, Avon's ambassador to Caer MacDonald, tilted his head back and struck a superior pose.
"And if you ever speak of my people again as 'swine,'" Brind'Amour finished, "I will prove your point exactly by mailing your head back to Carlisle in a box."
The painted face drooped, but Brind'Amour, seeing his friends enter the throne room, hardly noticed. "Luthien Bedwyr and Oliver deBurrows," the king said, "have you had the pleasure of meeting our distinguished ambassador from Carlisle, Baron Guy deJulienne?"
The pair moved near to the man, Oliver bobbing to stand right before him. "DeJulienne?" the halfling echoed. "You are Gascon?"
"On my mother's side," the fop replied.
Oliver eyed him suspiciously, not buying a word of it. It had become common practice among the Avon nobles to alter their names so that they sounded more Gascon, a heritage that had become the height of fashion. To a true Gascon like Oliver, imitation did not ring as flattery. "I see," said Oliver, "then it was your father who was a raping cyclopian."
"Oliver!" Luthien cried.
"How dare you?" deJulienne roared.
"A true Gascon would duel me," Oliver remarked, hand on rapier, but Luthien grabbed him by the shoulders, easily lifted him off the ground, and carried him to the side.
"I demand that the runt be punished," deJulienne said to Brind'Amour, who was trying hard not to laugh.