It is not just pleasant to a.s.sociate c.o.c.kroaches and ants with our kitchens and pantries, but where heat and moisture and food are, there insects will be also, for they seem to enjoy a taste of high life and to thrive on it. Keep the house clean, dry, and well aired, and all dish and cleaning cloths sweet and fresh by washing and drying immediately after use, with a weekly boiling in borax water; dispose carefully of all food, and then wage a war of extermination. This is all that will avail in an insect-infested house. Hunt out, if possible, the nests or breeding places of ants and saturate with boiling water or with kerosene. Wash all woodwork, shelves, and drawers with carbolic-acid water and inject it into any crack or opening where the pests appear. It has been suggested that ants can be kept out of drawers and closets by a "dead line" drawn with a brush dipped in corrosive sublimate one ounce, muriate of ammonia two ounces, and water one pint, while a powder of tartar emetic, dissolved in a saucer of water, seems to be effective in driving them away. Sponges wet with sweetened water attract them in large numbers, and when full should be plunged in boiling water. Another successful "trap" is a plate thinly spread with lard, this also to be dropped into boiling water when filled. In order to protect the table from an invasion stand the legs in dishes of tar water to a depth of four inches. Ants have a decided distaste for the odors of pennyroyal and oil of cedar, a few drops of either on bits of cotton frequently sufficing to drive them away entirely. As for c.o.c.kroaches, there appear to be almost as many "exterminators" as there are housewives; but what is their poison in one home seems to make them wax and grow fat in another. Borax and powdered sugar, scattered thickly over shelves and around baseboards and sink, is a favorite remedy with many, but it is an unsightly mess, particularly in summer, when the sugar melts and becomes sticky. After all, experience has demonstrated that the one really effectual method of extermination is to besiege the roaches in their own bailiwick--the pipes and woodwork about the sink--with a large bellows filled with a good, reliable insect powder. Exit roaches!
The refrigerator may or may not stand in the pantry, according to convenience, or as there is sewer connection for it. Some authorities maintain that there is grave danger from sewer gas where the refrigerator is connected directly with the sewer, and that, therefore, the only safe way to dispose of the waste water is to catch it in a pan placed beneath the refrigerator, unless the house is so built that the waste pipe can be continued down into the cellar and there empty its contents into a sink. A good, zinc-lined refrigerator, interlined with charcoal, with a hundred-pound capacity, a removable ice pan, which facilitates cleaning, and three shelves, is to be had for $16.50. In selecting a refrigerator it is well to choose one of medium size, as a larger one entails waste of ice, while a smaller necessitates the placing near together of foods which should be kept apart, as b.u.t.ter and milk with fish, fruit, etc. If one cares to invest in the higher-priced refrigerators, of course those lined with tile, porcelain, or enamel are very desirable, as they are easily kept clean and do not absorb odors. But for the average income and use, a first-cla.s.s zinc-lined refrigerator answers every purpose. It should be thoroughly cleansed, on the mornings when the ice is to be renewed, with hot sal soda water followed by a cold bath and a thorough drying.
The drain pipe must not be overlooked, but given the same sal soda treatment, otherwise it becomes coated and a fruitful source of germs.
If, after this has been done, a musty odor still clings about the refrigerator, remove the shelves and boil in the clothes boiler for twenty minutes. Pieces of charcoal placed in the corners of the refrigerator and frequently renewed will absorb much of the odor.
Never place warm food in the refrigerator, nor food of any kind on the shelves, unless it is first placed on a plate or platter. It is economy to keep the ice chamber well filled, and all ice should be well washed before being placed therein. Some housekeepers cover the ice, with newspapers or carpet. This no doubt helps to preserve it, but it also keeps the cold from the food chambers. No food and nothing containing it should ever be placed directly on the ice.
And now, having cleaned and decorated our kitchen and pantry, and provided for the refrigeration and partial disposal of our food, suppose we turn our attention to the fascinating task of selecting the different parts of the machinery which turns out that finished masterpiece--a perfect meal--bearing in mind in the meantime that the saying, "Art is the expression of joy in one's work," applies to nothing more truly than to the art of cookery, and that no tools necessary to its perfect success nor to her comfort and convenience should be denied that master artist, the cook, be she mistress or maid.
Of paramount importance is, of course, the stove, and what kind it shall be, whether gas, coal, or oil. Those of us who have grown accustomed to the immunity from those inevitable accompaniments of a coal range, ashes, soot, dust, and heat, afforded by the gas range, with its easily regulated broiler and oven, could hardly be persuaded to go back to first principles, as it were, and the coal range. But when this is necessary, either for warmth or because there is no gas connection in the house, one has a wide choice of first-cla.s.s stoves and can hardly go astray in selecting one. Twenty-one dollars will buy a good, durable stove with all modern improvements and a large oven. A stove with the same capacity but manufactured under a world-famous name sells for $32, while between the two in price is one at $28. Two firms manufacture, in connection with their regular line of ranges, a three-plate gas stove which can be attached directly to the range, and sells for $6. A portable steel oven, covering two burners, for use on gas and oil stoves alike, adds to the convenience of the gas plate, and sells for $2. If a gas range is desired, an excellent one with a large oven, broiler, and all conveniences may be purchased for $18, one with a smaller oven for $15. It might be well to suggest in pa.s.sing that a small oven is poor economy. Water backs, for both gas and coal ranges, are $3.50 each. Where gas is un.o.btainable a three-burner wickless oil-stove plate will be found to give very good satisfaction, and can be placed on the coal range or on a table or box. The range of the same capacity is $1 more, with an increase in price corresponding with the number of burners, until we have the five-burner stove at $11. To do away with the odor which is apt to result from the use of oil as fuel, remove the burners, boil in sal soda water, dry thoroughly, and return to the stove. In setting up a stove look carefully to it that the height is right, otherwise the cook's back is sure to suffer. If too low, blocks can be placed under the legs to raise it to a comfortable height. A whisk broom hung near the stove is useful in removing crumbs, dust, etc., and keeping it tidy. A rack behind the stove, on which to hang the spoons and forks used in cooking, is a great convenience and a saving to the table top.
The table should stand on casters and be placed in a good light as far from the stove as may be. The latest product of the manufacturer's genius in this line contains two drawers--one s.p.a.ced off into compartments for the different knives, forks, and spoons for kitchen use--a molding board, and three zinc-lined bins, one large one for wheat flour, and two smaller one for graham flour, corn meal, etc.
When one considers the economy of steps between kitchen and pantry which it makes possible, its price, $6.75, is not large, while it obviates the necessity for purchasing bins and molding board. Our friend, the white table oilcloth, tacked smoothly in place, gives a dainty top which is easily kept clean with a damp cloth--another labor-saving device, which stands between cook and scrubbing brush. A zinc table cover is preferred by some housewives, as it absorbs no grease and is readily brightened with scouring soap and hot water.
Separate zinc-covered table tops can be had for $1.50. The marble-topped table is not desirable, for, though it undoubtedly is an aid to the making of good pastry, it stains easily, dissolves in some acids, and clogs with oils. The easiest way to keep the table clean and neat is simply to--keep it so. When the mixing of cake, pudding, etc., is in process, a large bowl should be near at hand, and into it should go egg beater, spoons, and forks when the cook is through using them, after which they, with all other soiled utensils, should be carried to the sink, washed, dried, and put away. Never lay upon the table nor allow anything to dry on the utensils. If, as occasionally happens even in the best-regulated kitchens, one is baking in too great a hurry to observe all these precautions, a heavy paper spread on the table will catch all the droppings and can be rolled up and burned. Jars containing sugar, spices, etc., which have been in use, should be wiped with a damp cloth before returning to the pantry.
The first aid to the cook should be at least one comfortable chair, neither a rocking chair nor one upholstered, both of which are out of place in the kitchen; but one low enough to rest in easily while sh.e.l.ling peas or doing some of the numerous tasks which do not require the use of the table. A chair of this kind has a cane seat and high back and can be purchased for $1.25, the other chair to be of the regulation kitchen style at 55 cents. The second aid is a 24-inch office stool at 85 cents, for use while washing dishes, preparing vegetables, etc. This sort of a stool is light, easily moved about, and means a great saving in strength. Though it has sometimes been dubbed a "nuisance" by the uninitiated, the woman who has learned its value finds it a very present help and wonders how she ever did without it.
Occasionally it happens that a house is built with such slight regard for pantry room that we are constrained to wonder if, at the last minute, the pantry was not tucked into a little s.p.a.ce for which there was absolutely no other use, and there left to be a means of grace to the thrifty housewife, whose pride it is to see her pots and pans in orderly array and with plenty of room to shine in. At this point there comes to her rescue the kitchen cabinet, which not only relieves the congestion in the pantry, but adds in no small measure to the attractiveness of the kitchen. These cabinets come in the natural woods, and should, as nearly as possible, match the woodwork of the kitchen. Many have the satin finish which renders them impervious to grease, and all are fitted out with molding boards, shelves, cupboards, and drawers of various sizes. So convenient is a cabinet of this kind, and so economical of steps, that it might well be called "the complete housewife." First and foremost, it accommodates the kitchen dishes, plates, platters, and saucers, standing on edge of course, with cups hanging from small hooks, and pitchers, bowls, etc., variously arranged. Then come the jars of spice, sugar, salt, tea, and coffee--all groceries, in fact, which are in most frequent use. Where the decorative design in both jars and dishes is carried out in the blue and white, with a utensil or two of the same coloring, the effect is truly charming, though this is, of course, a matter of individual taste. The cupboards are handy hiding places for the less ornamental bottles, brushes, etc., while the base, which is really nothing more nor less than a very complete kitchen table, usually has a shelf for kettles, stone jars, etc. A good cabinet can be had for $10, a more commodious one for $16, and so on. The cabinets without bases range from a tiny one, just large enough to hold six spice jars, at $1, to one, with five drawers, shelves, and cupboards with gla.s.s doors, for $6. Any price beyond this simply means elaboration of design without additional increase of capacity or convenience.
In selecting dishes and cooking utensils it is well to remember that cheapness does not always spell economy, and that one buys not alone for the present, but for the future as well. Utensils which require scouring are not economical, either, for scouring is friction, and "friction means loss of energy." Scouring has gone out with the heavy ironware which required it, in whose stead we have the pretty porcelain enamel ware and the less expensive agate ware, both of which need only a thorough washing in hot, soapy water, rinsing in boiling water, and careful drying. Ware of this kind helps to produce the kitchen restful, and so, indirectly, the cook rested. A well-cared-for kitchen is always more or less attractive, but why not make it rather more so than less? Taste and harmony add nothing to the expense of furnishing, and there is a certain dignity and inspiration, as well as satisfaction, in being able to "bring forth b.u.t.ter in a lordly dish."
Kitchen crockery is being rapidly supplanted by the porcelain enamel dishes, which, though rather more expensive in the beginning, are unbreakable, and so cheaper in the long run. They are even invading the domain of the faithful yellow mixing bowl and becoming decidedly popular therein, being light in weight and more easily handled. The complete equipment of the kitchen is a more costly operation than one is apt to imagine, individual items amounting comparatively to so little. But the sum total is usually a rather surprising figure. And so, remembering that Rome was not built in a day, carefully select those things which are really the essentials of every day, adding the useful non-essentials bit by bit. The size and number of utensils must be governed by the size of the family in which they are to be used.
Never buy anything of copper for kitchen use, as the rust to which it is liable is a dangerous poison. There is one utensil only which is better to be of iron--the soup kettle--as it makes possible the slow simmering which is necessary for good soups and stews. It is not worth while to buy knives of anything but wrought steel, which are best cleaned with pumice stone. Cheesecloth for fish bags and strainers, and strong cotton for pudding bags must not be overlooked.
And so, with kitchen complete, artistic, and satisfactory in every detail, it remains but to emphasize two facts--that perfect cleanliness is absolutely essential to health, and that she who looketh well to the ways of her kitchen eateth not the bread of idleness.
The following list may be too extensive for some purposes, not suited to others, but out of it the new housekeeper can select what she thinks her establishment will need, and estimate the price of stocking her kitchen with those necessaries which make for good housekeeping:
1 dozen individual jelly molds........................ $0.60 1 griddle............................................. .35 1 small funnel........................................ .03 1 large funnel........................................ .06 1 gas toaster......................................... .55 1 coal toaster........................................ .08 1 gas broiler......................................... .65 1 coal broiler........................................ .32 1 six-quart iron soup kettle.......................... 1.50 1 skimmer............................................. .14 1 small ladle......................................... .09 1 porcelain enamel dipper............................. .40 1 porcelain enamel sink strainer...................... .40 1 towel rack.......................................... .10 1 clock............................................... 1.00 1 puree sieve, with pestle............................ .18 2 galvanized iron refrigerator pans................... .50 1 dozen dish towels................................... 1.20 6 dishcloths.......................................... .30 1 set of scales....................................... .95 1 vegetable slicer.................................... .25 2 b.u.t.ter paddles...................................... .12 1 can opener.......................................... .08 1 potato ricer........................................ .25 1 apple corer......................................... .05 1 chopping bowl....................................... .15 1 tea kettle.......................................... 1.05 1 ice pick............................................ .12 1 pair scissors....................................... .23 1 scrub brush......................................... .20 1 sink brush.......................................... .08 1 mop handle.......................................... .38 1 oil can............................................. .35 1 whisk broom......................................... .15 1 small porcelain enamel pitcher...................... .26 1 two-quart porcelain enamel pitcher.................. .55 1 cake turner......................................... .08 1 porcelain enamel wash basin......................... .28 1 potato scoop........................................ .18 1 towel roller........................................ .10 1 rolling-pin......................................... .15 1 four-quart porcelain enamel saucepan, with cover.... .57 1 eight-quart porcelain enamel bread bowl............. .72 1 gravy strainer...................................... .18 1 nutmeg grater....................................... .09 1 spatula............................................. .25 1 egg beater.......................................... .10 1 dish mop............................................ .05 2 iron baking pans.................................... .20 1 collander........................................... .35 1 ten-inch porcelain enamel bowl...................... .35 2 eight-inch porcelain enamel bowls................... .48 3 five-inch porcelain enamel bowls.................... .33 1 fryer and basket.................................... 1.50 4 bread pans.......................................... .60 1 two-quart double boiler............................. .95 2 dish pans (agate)................................... 1.10 1 omelet pan.......................................... .10 1 porcelain enamel teapot............................. .65 1 porcelain enamel coffeepot.......................... .85 6 porcelain enamel plates............................. .78 1 porcelain enamel platter............................ .40 1 porcelain enamel platter (small).................... .35 6 porcelain enamel cups and saucers................... 1.14 Dredging boxes for salt, pepper, and flour............ .35 3 pie tins. .......................................... .12 1 galvanized iron garbage can, with cover............. .50 1 large dripping pan.................................. .17 1 small dripping pan.................................. .15 1 lemon squeezer...................................... .05 1 molding board....................................... .40 4 layer-cake tins..................................... .16 2 porcelain sugar jars................................ .50 6 porcelain spice jars................................ .60 1 half-pint tin cup................................... .05 1 six-quart milk pan.................................. .23 1 four-quart milk pan................................. .17 3 wrought-steel knives................................ .48 3 wrought-steel forks................................. .48 1 egg spoon........................................... .08 1 dozen m.u.f.fin rings.................................. .46 1 biscuit pan......................................... .25 1 round fluted cake tin............................... .12 2 basting spoons...................................... .24 6 kitchen knives...................................... .50 6 kitchen forks....................................... .50 6 kitchen teaspoons................................... .48 3 kitchen tablespoons................................. .15 3 asbestos mats....................................... .15 1 chopping knife...................................... .20 1 wire dishcloth...................................... .12 1 flour scoop......................................... .19 1 sugar scoop......................................... .10 1 meat grinder........................................ 1.50 1 soap shaker......................................... .10 1 flour sifter........................................ .25 1 coffee mill......................................... .50 2 measuring cups...................................... .15 1 meat fork........................................... .09 1 larding needle...................................... .10 2 brooms.............................................. .60 1 long-handled hair broom............................. 1.45 1 dustpan............................................. .12 1 scouring box........................................ .50 1 draining rack....................................... .10 1 bread knife......................................... .25 1 cake knife.......................................... .20 1 meat knife ......................................... .55 1 peeling knife....................................... .10 1 bread box........................................... .70 1 cake box............................................ .70 1 three-quart porcelain enamel saucepan............... .36 1 oblong loaf-cake tin................................ .15 1 jelly mold.......................................... .30 1 wooden spoon........................................ .05 1 salt box............................................ .25 1 pepper box.......................................... .10 1 graduated quart measure............................. .16 3 small vegetable brushes............................. .15 1 dozen gla.s.s fruit jars.............................. .60 2 two-quart porcelain enamel saucepans................ 1.00 1 grater.............................................. .18 1 paper scrub pail.................................... .25 2 two-quart agate pans................................ .36
What visions of dampness and disorder, of air malodorous with steam and soap, of meals delayed and hurriedly prepared, of tempers ruffled and the domestic machinery all disarranged and the discomforts of home prominently in the foreground, are called forth by that magic word--washday! And yet, maligned though it be, it really is the day of all the week the best; for does it not minister more than any one other to our comfort and self-respect and general well-being? It may be "blue Monday" or blue Tuesday or blue any-other-day, but we very soon come out of the azure when it is achieved and we find ourselves entering upon another week's enjoyment of that virtue which is akin to G.o.dliness. In the brief interim of upheaval we may possibly wish we could hark back to the days of the "forty-niner," who solved his individual problem of personal cleanliness by simply dropping his soiled clothing into a boiling spring, where it was turned and churned and twisted and finally flung out, a clean and purified testimonial to Mother Nature's ability as a laundress. Or perhaps the pretty pastoral of the peasant girl knee deep in the brook, rubbing her household linen on the stones, hath even greater charms. But the trouble is that we are neither "forty-niners" nor peasants, but just plain, latter-day housekeepers with a laundry problem to face, and finding that it, like most other problems, is best solved by attacking it boldly, systematically, and according to certain fixed rules.
[Ill.u.s.tration: The laundry.]
The home laundry must be well ventilated and lighted, and in the bas.e.m.e.nt if possible, for obvious reasons, the chief being the relief thus afforded to the otherwise congested kitchen and overburdened kitchen stove, while at the same time one other menace to health--the steam generated by the washing and drying--is removed from the main part of the house. It is highly essential that the laundry be properly and completely equipped for the work of washing, boiling, drying, and ironing. Stationary tubs are much to be desired, those porcelain-lined being more sanitary than either soapstone, which has a tendency to absorb grease, or wood, which absorbs the uncleanness from the soiled linen. It is especially necessary that the tubs be as impervious as possible when the linen is soaked overnight. If tubs are to be bought, the paper ones have a decided advantage over the more well-known cedar ones in being much lighter and consequently more easily handled, with only a slight difference in price. It seems so well worth while to minimize the strain of heavy lifting when and wherever one can, since washing at best involves much hard work and fatigue.
The stove for laundry use may be either gas, oil, or coal, the latter being considered the most economical of fuel, while it often comes in very handy in the preparation of foods which require long stewing or simmering. The wringer should be of medium size, either wooden or iron-framed, the former having the advantage of lightness, the latter of strength. The screws must be loosened after each washing and thoroughly dried. Any particles of rust can be removed with kerosene.
The following list gives a very fair idea of the essentials of the well-furnished laundry, and their cost:
2 paper tubs................................ $2.40 1 wringer................................... 3.75 1 block-tin boiler with copper bottom....... 2.15 1 washboard................................. .25 1 paper pail................................ .25 1 long-handled starch spoon................. .08 1 long-handled dipper....................... .12 1 set clothes bars ......................... .95 1 wash bench ............................... .75 1 fifty-foot hemp line...................... .20 1 ironing board, or ) ...................... .95 1 skirt-board ) ...................... .50 3 Mrs. Potts' nickel-plated irons........... 2.85 1 sleeve and ruffle iron.................... .35 1 iron rest................................. .08 1 clothes stick............................. .10 1 clothes basket............................ .80 5 dozen clothespins......................... .10 2 pieces beeswax............................ .05
If the ordinary flatirons are preferred, they may be had at 5 cents a pound. They require, of course, the use of a good, stout holder, asbestos covered with ticking affording the best protection to the hand. Slip cases are nice for use of this kind, as they can be taken off and washed. Pad the ironing board with Canton flannel or a coa.r.s.e blanket, then draw tightly over it a white cotton cloth and fasten on the under side. The padding must be absolutely smooth and without a wrinkle. And there must be a piece of cheesecloth with which to wipe possible dust from the line, a scrubbing brush for the cleaning-up process which closes the washing drama, and the various preparations used to remove stains and a.s.sist in the cleansing of the linen and clothing--borax, starch, bluing, ammonia, oxalic acid, soda, kerosene, turpentine, etc.
With all the "properties" in readiness, the fire burning well, and plenty of hot water to draw upon, the curtain rises on the laundress sorting the flannels, table linen, fine underwear, towels, and bed linen, colored clothes and stockings into separate piles, each to be disposed of in its turn, from fine articles down through to coa.r.s.e, laying aside any which have stains. These stains she removes in a variety of ways, according to their nature, but removed they must be before going into the tub, where, in most instances, the hot suds will render them ineradicable, although it has the reverse effect on dirt.
It is a wise plan to mark, with a black thread before putting in the wash, any stains which are apt to be overlooked by the laundress, and those on large pieces, such as bedspreads.