The Compleat Surgeon - Part 18

Part 18

_What are the kinds of Tumours that partake of the Nature of an _Oedema_?_

They are the _Phlyctaena_, the _Emphysema_, the _Batrachos_ or _Ranunculus_, the Wen, the _Talpa_, the _Bronchocele_, the _Ganglion_, the _Fungus_, the Scurf, the _Scrophula_ or King's-Evil, and all sorts of Dropsies both general and particular.

_What are _Phlyctaena's_?_

They are Pustules or Blisters fill'd with a white and somewhat yellowish Humour.

_What is an _Emphysema_?_

It is a kind of flatuous Tumour, wherein Wind is contain'd, with a little slimy Phlegm.

_What is a _Batrachos_ or _Ranunculus_?_

It is a Blister fill'd with slimy Water, that ariseth under the Tongue near the String, and in _French_ is call'd _Grenouillette_, or _the little Frog_; which is the same with its _Greek_ and _Latin_ Names. {121}

_What is a Wen?_

It is a Tumour consisting of thick plaistry Phlegm, which is reckon'd among the _Encysted_.

_What is a _Talpa_?_

It is a soft and very broad Tumour, which usually appears in the Head and Face, containing a white, thick and pituitous Matter.

_What is a _Bronchocele_?_

It is a bunch'd Tumour which ariseth in the Throat, and causeth it to swell extremely; being compos'd of thick Phlegm mix'd with a little Blood, and ranked among the _Encysted_ Tumours.

_What is a _Ganglion_?_

It is a very hard Tumour, void of Pain and wavering, produc'd by thick Phlegm: But it is always found upon some Nerve or Tendon.

_What is a _Fungus_?_

It is a spungy Tumour that grows upon Tendons bruis'd or weaken'd by some Hurt.

_What is the Scurf?_

It is a whitish and scaly Tumour rais'd in the Skin of the Head by a viscous and mixt Phlegm, having its Root in the bottom of the Skin.

_What is the _Scrophula_ or King's-Evil?_

_Scrophulae_ or _Strumae_, commonly call'd _the King's-Evil_, are Tumours that generally shew themselves in the Glandules of the Neck, and in all those Parts where there are any. They consist of a viscous, serous, and malignant Phlegm, The Source or Root whereof is suppos'd to be in the Glandules of the Mesentery. They are also of the number of the _Encysted_ Tumours. {122}

_What is the Dropsie?_

It is a soft Tumour occasion'd by the setling of abundance of serous Matter in the Parts where it appears.

_How many sorts of Dropsies are there?_

There are three general _Species_, _viz._ the _Ascites_, _Tympanites_, and _Leucophlegmatia_.

_What is an Ascites?_

It is a kind of Dropsy that forms the Tumour or Swelling of the _Abdomen_ or lower Belly, by a Ma.s.s of Water.

_What is a _Tympanites_?_

It is a kind of Dropsy, which in like manner causeth a Tumour or Swelling in the lower Belly, with this difference, that a great deal of Wind is mixt with the Water, which renders the Tumour transparent, and sounding, as it were a Drum; whence this Disease hath taken its Name.

_What is the Dropsy call'd _Leucophlegmatia_?_

It is a Tumour, or, to speak more properly; a general Swelling or Bloating of all the other Parts of the Body, as well as of the lower Belly. It is produc'd by a viscous and mucilaginous sort of Phlegm; whence it happens that the Print of the Fingers remains in those places that have been press'd.

_What are the particular kinds of Dropsies?_

They are those that are incident to different Parts, of which they bear the Names; as the _Hydrocephalus_, which is the Dropsy of the Head; the _Exomphalus_, of the Navel, and the _Hydrocele_ of the _s.c.r.o.t.u.m_. There is also a Dropsy of the Breast, and that of the _Matrix_.

{123} _What are the Remedies proper for all these sorts of Tumours or Dropsies?_

They are in general all those that are agreeable to the _Oedema_, which are variously us'd, as Liniments, Fomentations, Cataplasms, and Plaisters: Internal Medicines ought also to be much consider'd, as Diaph.o.r.eticks, Sudorificks, and Purgatives, when they are a.s.sisted by a regular Diet.

A Decoction of the Roots of Briony with Cinnamon and Liquorish, provokes Urine very much; as well as a Decoction of Turneps and Carrets, and an Infusion of Sage in White-Wine.


_Of a _Scirrhus_, and its peculiar Remedies._

_What is a _Scirrhus_?_

It is a hard unmoveable Tumour, almost altogether void of Pain, and of a livid dark Colour; which is form'd of a Melancholick Humour, frequently succeeding _Phlegmons_ and _Oedema's_ that have not been well dress'd with convenient Remedies.

_How is a _Scirrhus_ cur'd?_

By mollifying or dissolving it, and seldom by bringing it to Suppuration.

It may be mollify'd by the application of a Cataplasm or Pultis, compos'd of the Leaves of Violet-Plants, Mallows, Beets, Elder, Rue, and Wormwood, with Camomile-Flowers, {124} Horse-Dung, Cow-Dung, and White Lillies. The whole Ma.s.s is to be boil'd together in Wine, afterward adding Honey and Hogs-Lard, to make a Cataplasm thereof with the Crum of White Bread.

It is dissolv'd with Plaisters compos'd of those of _Diachylon_, Melilot, and Mucilages, to which is added _Oleum Lumbricorum_, and Flower of Brimstone. To render the Remedy more effectual, Oil of Tobacco may be also mixt with it, and Gum _Ammoniack_ dissolv'd in Vinegar.

Furthermore, these Topical or outward Medicines are to be accompany'd with others taken inwardly, which serve to prepare the Humours for convenient Evacuations; Such are Crab's-Eyes, the Decoctions of _Sarsaparilla_, the use of good Wine, and light Meats of easie Digestion.

_Of _Scirrhous_ Tumours, and their Remedies._

_What are the Tumours that partake of the Nature of a _Scirrhus_?_

They are the _Polypus_, _Carcinoma_, _Sarcoma_, _Natta_, and _Cancer_.