The Collector - The Collector Part 7

The Collector Part 7

aDetective Cowan,a she sat up in bed, ignoring her husbandas grumbles behind her. She listened to the hysterical voice on the other end. aWait, wait, Remmy, wait. What? Dead?a Twenty minutes later Grace was pulling up to the store where Remmy worked, noting the young woman pacing back and forth in the parking lot, huddled in her oversized jacket, and sipping a cup of coffee. The dark woman pulled to a stop, barely out of her car before Remmy reached her. She was shocked by the ghostly pallor of Remmyas normal radiant face, her eyes now vibrant blue from what seemed to be hours of crying, the intense rays from the rising sun shone in them, making them almost scary-looking.

aHey,a the detective said softly, gently taking hold of Remmyas shoulder. aWhatas up?a She was truly concerned when the normally confident-albeit strange-girl fell apart. Grace took the steaming cup from Remmyas trembling hand, placing it on the roof of her car, then turned back to the girl, enfolding her in a motherly embrace.

aI think sheas dead, Grace,a Remmy sobbed, holding onto the older woman for dear life. She had never felt such palpable grief or loss. After a moment she calmed herself, gently pulling away from Grace, feeling stupid. She gave the older woman a sheepish, yet watery, smile. aSorry,a she whispered. Grace still held her by the arms.

aAre you okay?a Remmy nodded, bringing a hand up to wipe at her face. aYeah. Just hit me really hard.a aCome on. Letas go inside, out of the cold, and sit down.a Remmy nodded and dumbly followed Grace inside the store, both sliding onto the hard, wooden booths, which sat on either side of the scarred, veneered square table. Remmy placed her coffee on the table, raising a brow of offer to Grace.

aIall get my own. You want a warm-up?a At Remmyas nod, Grace snatched the cup, and quickly got them both taken care of. Once again sitting across from the younger woman, she waited expectantly to listen to what Remmy had to say.

Remmy swallowed hard, thinking of where to start. The fear and cold had not left her. In fact, if the situation hadnat been so completely serious, she would have looked at her journey to the store as quite amusing. She had felt like she were stuck in some sort of Cloak & Dagger story, checking around every corner before turning it, walking dead center of the street so no one could jump out and surprise or grab her. Eventually she had made it, and had stayed within the lights of the store while waiting. Her relief at seeing Grace pull up was unparalleled.

aI had, what I thought, would be just a basic, garden variety vision, which came in the form of a dream,a she began, her voice low and calm. She managed to hide the tremble in it well. aI had connected with her, but then,a Remmy looked down at her shaking hands, which betrayed her calm. aThen it got dark.a aDark?a Grace asked, almost holding her breath. She had a feeling of impending doom.

Remmy nodded. She looked up at the detective with shining eyes. aSomeone was killed tonight, Grace. Iam so afraid it was Julie.a Grace felt her heart stop. Throughout this entire situation, setting her formal training and cop instincts aside for Remmy the psychic, she had had her doubts about the girl, and what she said. But, in that moment, looking into the most sincere gaze shead ever encountered, she knew intuitively that Remmy was telling her the Godas truth. aWhat happened?a Remmy shook her head, sipping nervously from her cup. aIam not sure. I think she was strangled. But someone is definitely dead. With the brutality of it, Iad be looking for a body, Grace. This guy is capable of anything.a aWhere did it happen? What did he use?a aI think he used his bare hands. As for where, I think it was in the basement thingy, where heas keeping them.a Grace sighed, frustration and sleep disturbed making her short of temper. aWe need to know something specific, Remmy! I canat go get this mother fucker if I donat have something concrete! I canat go to every damn house all over the state and knock, asking nicely if they happen to have a a'basement thingya with possibly three women chained up in it.a Remmyas own eyes lit with a fire from within. aYeah? Well, imagine from my point of view. Iam no damn Clarice Starling, either! I wanna catch this guy as bad as you do.a Grace sighed, nodding in supplication. aIam sorry, Remmy, youare right.a ***

Julie had lain in numb silence for what felt like hours. Her brain had shut itself off, her emotions frozen in the image that kept replaying itself again and again before her mindas eye. She kept breathing and occasionally blinking, purely out of her bodyas natural instinct to do so. She couldnat get the image of Roxieas face out of her mind, eyes opened so wide as she struggled for breath, her face darkening as she slowly sank into unconsciousness, then finally death. Shead never forget the sight of her being murdered right before her eyes. Shead never be able to forget, or forgive.

The man whom had cuddled up against her had slept peacefully beside her, though she was grateful that he had turned away in his sleep, now on his side, back to her. She studied his back, noting the broadness and a few freckles that were sprinkled across his shoulders and upper back. His dark hair flew in various directions from going to bed with it wet. To be perfectly honest, shead been stunned by his brutality and violence. Head never shown that side of himself-even Pam was stunned and terrified.

Julie didnat respond as the bed shifted, her body bounced slightly as he turned over to his other side, facing her. Though she could feel his eyes on her, she couldnat bring herself to look at him, to meet the gaze of a demon. In all honesty, she wasnat entirely sure what shead see if she did, nor did she have the presence of mind at the moment to care.

Sergio studied the profile of the woman in his bed. She the most beautiful of his prizes-her delicate features, wonderful body and vibrant, green eyes. He wished shead look at him with those eyes. Since she would not, he would make it so, as he was the master, the man of the house. With two fingers on the womanas jaw, he turned her head so she was looking at him. Yes, the vibrant color was there, but she was not.

He sighed, releasing her face, which turned to once again studied the ceiling. He moved over, resuming his position from when theyad gone to sleep. He could smell her skin, which in all honesty, wasnat pleasant. She needed a shower. But, for the moment, he just wanted to lie there, indulge in the feel of her skin, in the heat of another presence.

aI didnat mean to hurt her,a he said, his voice barely audible.

Julie was surprised to hear the deep rumble of his voice. She said nothing, just listened, not really wanting to hear what he had to say.

aIam not dangerous.a Sergio lifted his head, looking down into the blondeas face. aWhatas your name?a Julie swallowed, closing her eyes for a moment before whispering, aJulie.a aJulie.a Sergio tasted the name on his tongue, deciding he liked it. aJulie,a he said again, just before replacing his head. aI like that name. It sounds very a he struggled for the word, ainnocent.a He smiled, liking that image. aLike a schoolgirl.a He brought up a hand, slowly pushing down the sheet that still covered Julieas naked breasts. Once they were revealed to his eyes, he smiled, releasing a soft sigh. The same fingers head used mere hours before to end one life, traced delicate patterns around the rounded underside of Julieas right breast. He loved breasts, loved how women had them and men didnat. So beautiful. So mysterious. Much like a womanas heart.

Julie squeezed her eyes shut again, a feeling of cold dread entering her heart, as well as the trickle of fear that walked down her spine. She felt like she was in bed with a loaded gun, a mad manas finger on the trigger. Just as quickly as Sergioas touch found her skin, it was gone. She was relieved when her bonds were undone, and she was pulled up to a sitting position. It took all her energy just to hold her head up. She was exhausted, half-starved, and desperately needed some water.

aIave gotacha,a Sergio said softly, helping Julie to her feet. She had no choice but to lean against him. Slowly, they headed to the bathroom, where Julie was immediately set on the toilet. She had little in her, so had little peeing to do, though, to her disgust, dismay, and somewhat relief, she did feel a couple blood clots plop into the water below. Sergio never left her side, patiently waiting for her to finish, arms crossed over his bare chest, shoulder leaning against the bathroom doorway. Julie didnat look up at him, instead studying her own bare feet, noting the dark bruises around her ankles from the constant shackles placed around them.

When she was finished, she was humiliated as the man wiped her clean, then flushed the toilet. She was led to the tub, the water turned on and adjusted. To her horror, Sergio stepped in with her. She started as he rested large hands on her shoulders. He reached around her, which put his body against hers, to grab the shampoo from the shower caddy. She endured him washing her hair. She dreaded the moment when head decide to wash her body, which wasnat far in coming.

Sergio enjoyed the feel of Julieas flesh beneath his fingers, his tender washing strokes often turning into caresses. He liked this woman, her beauty, her silence. Looking at her body, he became excited by the firm muscle underneath the soft skin. He wanted her.

Remmy was exhausted, but walked through the stacks of the Woodland library, anyway. She already had a stack of books on the table shead claimed for herself, having turning in her old stack. Deciding that the Spiritual section wasnat going to do her any good, she moved on, finding herself in the History section, a passion of hers since she was a child.

The brunette had herself seated and surrounded by books, cheek resting in her palm as she read about the fall of the Ottoman Empire. A soft whisper. Her brows drew, raising her gaze from the words on the page to scan the tables around her. She saw a small group of school-aged girls dutifully doing homework, but it didnat look like any of them had said anything. Turning her attention back to her book, Remmy cleared her throat and continued to read.


Remmy shoved her chair back, hopping up and looking around her. A few nearby patrons glanced at her with mild curiosity before returning their attention to whatever they had been doing. Remmyas heart was pounding, fear and confusion painting a thin glaze of sweat on her brow.

Remmy Realizing it was coming from within her own mind, Remmy sat heavily in her chair, heart racing. Noting that she was being stared at from the girls two tables away, she quickly gathered up her books into a neat stack, and hurried to a study room, closing the door behind her. Leaning against the wall, she closed her eyes, a sharp pain beginning to flair up dead center of her forehead.

White tile, the individual squares blurring together, the reflected light from a light source a splotch of brilliant white. Bottles of some sort a shower head. Hundreds of tiny diamonds fall from it, warm on chilled skin.

Remmy almost couldnat breathe. She didnat want to get her hopes up, but she quickly shoved her books aside, making room for herself on the small, sturdy table. Feet resting on the chair seat below, she closed her eyes, trying to relax herself.

Fear. Uncomfortable. Cold tile on hot palms. Hot pain. A word. The letter a'Ra. Canat say the word. Forty-one stones.

Julie gasped, forced to bend over as she stopped her head from slamming into the wall by bracing with her hands on the wall. She squeezed her eyes shut-no lube, and she wasnat relaxed. The pain was hot and searing, and beyond uncomfortable.

Closing her eyes, she tried to release her mind, to send it flying off somewhere ***

Remmy squirmed on the table, her legs clamping together, the need to scoot up into a fetal position so tempting. She focused, and brought the field into sight, the sky the bluest blue shead ever seen. The water from last time, calm and refreshing. All that was missing was Julie.

As Julie braced herself from the increasing thrusts behind her, she felt herself being beckoned away, her mind flying freely, wandering above tree tops and the roofs of neighborhood houses. She saw the gently falling snow that frosted the landscape. She flew through the sweet smell of burning logs, the smoke couched out from the brick chimneys.

Am I dying?

Finally the houses gave way to an open field, the snowy winter turning magically into spring.

Remmy walked to the wateras edge, amazed to feel the cool breeze come off the water, chilling her skin. She was alone, but desperately hoped Julie would hear her pleas, and come to her.

Suddenly, the pain and discomfort began to recede, leaving only a sense of peace, and a sort of happiness that was right on the tip of her brain-especially as the field began to come into focus.

Julie felt her feet hit the ground, and suddenly she was on solid ground. She could smell the flowers and the lush trees that surrounded the lake, where she could see the silhouette of a woman standing, waiting. She smiled, knowing instinctively it was her savior.


Remmy felt a presence behind her, and with baited breath, turned. Julie stood not five feet away.

Julie felt herself become enveloped in a strong, reassuring embrace. She rested her cheek against a soft shoulder, her body relaxing, not feeling, not thinking. The wonderful touch on her back stroked slow circles, a hand resting on the back of her head, holding her in place with a gentle strength. She felt herself melting deeper into the hug, not wanting to let go.

aThis, too shall pass,a floated to her on the breeze. aYouare alive a.

Julie nodded, still lost in the embrace. aIam alive.a ***

Remmy gasped in surprise as she was suddenly thrust back into reality. She looked around, seeing the confines of the small study room in the library. The small window over the desk showed that the sun had fallen. Remmy was startled again at the insistent knocking on the closed door.

aExcuse me? Is someone in there?a Remmy climbed down from the table, her head pounding in that central spot of her forehead, but she didnat care.

Iam alive.

aSheas alive,a she whispered, grabbing the doorknob of the study room and yanking the door open. The woman on the other side was startled at Remmyas sudden appearance. aSheas alive!a the brunette gushed, grabbing the unsuspecting woman and hugging her, jumping them both up and down in a quick circle. aSheas alive!a Remmy left the poor librarian staring after her as the brunette went running and laughing through library, bursting out into the cold night, the snow falling upon her heated skin. She breathed it in, eyes closing in appreciation. aJulieas alive.a Her adrenaline surged again at the realization, and she took off, running into the night, a victorious hoot echoing in the stillness.

aOpen up, little one.a Julie blinked several times, disoriented and confused. She was shocked to find herself on his bed, her right wrist cuffed to the drawer of the side table, her back against stacked pillows. Her left hand was free, sitting in her naked lap. Looking up, she saw that her capturer sat cross-legged next to her, a large dinner plate resting on his open palm. A cheese and ham omelet took up a good portion of the space, as well as a couple sausage links. Meeting his dark eyes, she saw the expectant expression on his face.

Without word or thought, Julie opened her mouth, allowing the forkful of food to be inserted. Mindlessly she chewed, grateful for it, even if it was another damn omelet. She could barely taste the flavors of the sharp cheddar mixed with ham and egg. Any feeling and joy she had left her the moment she came back to herself. She was shocked to see that it was dark beyond the closed curtains, the overhead bedroom light on. She wanted to ask him how long head been at it, but dare not. All that she knew was that she had an extremely sore backside.

Sergio took pleasure in feeding his prize, Julie. She accepted the food without question or fuss. He had enjoyed their encounter immensely, and from the soft smile that had adorned her lips, he thought that perhaps she had, too. He wanted to get her fed, then he had some plans for their night. He wanted to enjoy it. He watched as Julie accepted another bite, this time of sausage. He noted the way her teeth drug the meat from the tines of the fork, pink tongue coming into play to pull it into the hot, wet depths of her mouth. Head need a moment to recover from their first session, but he knew it wouldnat take long.

Remmy wasnat sure which movie she was caught in: Itas A Wonderful Life, or Singina In the Rain, as she hurried down the flurry-covered streets, yelping and laughing her way toward the police station. Once she got there, she was thrilled to recognize Graceas ugly, cop sedan in the parking lot.

The desk sergeant, whom Remmy read on her nametag was Renee OaReilly, looked up expectantly at her as the brunette breezed inside the lobby.

aCan I speak to Detective Cowan, please?a aIn reference to what?a aTo the Julie Wilson case.a The woman merely nodded then picked up the phone. aGrace, someoneas here about the Wilson case.a Remmy watched as the officer nodded into the phone, then set it into its cradle. aSheall be out in a minute.a aThanks,a Remmy said, giving the sergeant her best smile. She puttered around the lobby, absently reading public notices that had been put up on a cork bulletin board. After fifteen minutes of cooling her heels, she felt a presence behind her. Remmy turned to see a very bedraggled Grace. The woman looked dead on her feet. Dark brows drew. aHey, you not get any doughnuts today, or what?a Grace smiled, mildly amused. aWhat can I do for you, Remmy?a she asked, finding her way to one of the uncomfortable plastic chairs and dropping her body into it.

Remmyas smile was nearly blinding as she recalled her reason for being at the police station in the first place. aSheas alive, Grace.a Grace stared at the girl for a moment. aHow do you know?a aShe made contact with me this afternoon. Sheas alive! Told me so, herself!a Remmyas disappointment was obvious at the older womanas lack of enthusiasm to the news. aWhat is it?a aAnother woman has come up missing. In Burrow Key.a Grace sighed, resting her arm on the back of the chair next to hers. aI was there all day today.a aWhereas Burrow Key?a Remmy plopped down in the chair.

Grace shrugged, aMaybe twenty minutes from here.a aAnd you think theyare related?a aI do.a Grace rested her head back against the wall behind her. aI donat believe in coincidences, Remmy.a Remmy thought about that for a moment, then spoke. aDo you have a picture of the victim? Maybe I can help.a aNot yet. The police in that town are working with us pretty closely, so as soon as I do, Iall get with you, okay?a Grace slapped her hands on her thighs, ready to push up and head back to her desk. Though it was after nine p.m., she knew she still had lots of work to do. Her husband would be sleeping alone again.

aShe told me something, and I canat really work it out quite yet,a Remmy said, staring at her hands in lap, looking through them as she tried to remember.

aWhat?a aSomething to do with a she thought, squeezing her eyes shut. Suddenly she saw it all again. aThe letter a'Ra. I donat know, but that letter seemed to really upset her. Also something about forty-one something. Shit, I canat remember!a She sighed, frustrated and looked at the dark woman. aIam sorry. Thatas all I can remember. I just hope it helps do something.a Grace smiled, filing the information away in her memory. She patted the young womanas thigh affectionately. aYouare a good egg, Remmy.a Groaning as she got to her feet, she stretched her arms high over her head. aTalk to you later.a Remmy watched her head back through the Personnel Only door.

Sergio climbed out of his van as the garage door buzzed shut behind him. He walked around to the side door, sliding it open, then carefully removing the large drum, and sliding it across the cement floor until it was against the wall. He walked past his work bench. He noted the large container of liquid lye, making a mental note to destroy it, too, just as he had the empty containers earlier that day. But for now, he was tired and wanted to get to bed. Work came awfully early in the morning after such a hectic weekend.

Part 9.

Chapter 16.

Grace pulled on a pair of latex gloves as she entered through the front door. The house was small, but well-kept and cute, with itas own charm. The furniture looked to be all hand-me-downs, though it had been taken care off, the ugly, avocado-green color of the material covered in red bed sheets.

aTell me about the victim,a Grace said absently to the detective in charge.

aName: Cameron Sanchez, aged 20. Sheas a junior at the college,a Detective Dick Robb read from a file in his hands. aFive feet, two inches, brown hair, hazel eyes. She lived alone, been in the house for a year. No known boyfriend, no known enemies, no priors.a Snapping the file closed, the twenty-six year veteran looked around the house, rubbing the back of his neck with a large hand.

CSI had been on the scene the night before, tell-tale signs of their investigation throughout the small house. Grace wanted a second look-see. Cameronas was the first where there actually was a crime scene, which made her wonder if this case was linked to the others, as the MO was just too different.

aThis look anything like your gal?a Robb asked.

Grace shook her head. aWeave never had a home invasion with any of our girls.a She glanced at the robust detective, thinking he couldnat be anymore stereotypical if he tried: short-cropped graying hair, hard lines on his face, and long trench over his poorly-fitted brown suit. aWhat was found?a aNot a goddamn thing,a the older man said, blowing out a long breath. He had heard of the other cases that Woodland and the other counties were dealing with. Burrow Key was a small town, and this apparent abduction had left its people shaken. aNo fingerprints, nothing.a He sighed out his frustration.

Grace nodded acknowledgement to the detectiveas words, then decided to take a little tour, unescorted. She found herself in the girlas bedroom, noting the scattered clothing, as though Cameron had stripped before getting into bed, leaving the dayas clothing to be picked up the next morning, only the next morning never came. At least, not in her bedroom. The bed had been left in disarray, the blanket nearly on the floor, the sheet and under sheet rumpled. All evidence of that was gone now, CSI having bagged the bedding and taken it for lab work to see if any DNA evidence could be found.

It was thought that perhaps the offender knew Sanchez, as there was no evidence of breakin: no windows broken, all locked from the inside. The front and back doors were in tact, though as Grace studied the back, she knelt down, groaning as her knees popped-old volleyball injury. She looked at her gnarled reflection in the silver knob of the door. Bringing up a latex-covered finger, she touches the cool knob, wishing so badly she could see who touched it, who reached out and turned it in the middle of the night. It was assumed the offender used the back door, as he would have been seen on the very visible front porch.

As Grace peered at the knob, her brows drew. She blindly reached to the inside pocket of her jacket, feeling her reading glasses. Sliding them on, she looked closely at the knob. Just barely she could see a sort of residue powder? She ran her fingertip over it, catching a few granules on the tip of her finger. Bringing it close, she could tell it was itsy bitsy metal shavings. Reaching inside the pocket again, she brought out a flip-magnifying glass, removing the glasses as she placed the glass over the keyhole. Just barely visible at the mouth of the keyhole were tiny markings, almost like scrape marks.

aSon of a bitch picked the lock,a she murmured, sitting back on her heels. Pushing up with another groan, Grace looked around the rest of the yard, tucking her magnifying glass away. Detective Robb joined her. She pointed back toward the door. aPicked it. She didnat let him in, nor did he have a key.a They made their way around to the front yard. Grace could see what tire casts had been made in the driveway, and was satisfied that CSI had done a good job. Standing on the sidewalk in front of the house, she looked everything over, making sure shead missed nothing, retracing every room in her mind, every single tiny little detail that had clung to the particles in her brain but hadnat seemed important at the time.

Nothing. She felt satisfied that everything had been covered. About to turn toward her car, she glanced down, noticing something at the very edge of the grass on Cameron Sanchezas property. Squatting, Grace used a single finger to bring it further into view-cigarette butt.

aThatas old, Grace. Probaly been there for a week or more.a Though she knew the detectiveas words were most likely true, Grace felt something clench in her gut, and wanted to run the butt in, anyway. aYou have anything? Baggie or envelope?a she asked, gingerly taking the butt between thumb and index finger. Dick Robb nodded, unhappy that the woman wasnat listening to him. He walked over to his car, grabbing a plastic evidence baggie from the console. He watched as the dark woman placed the butt inside, sealing the baggie and pulling a Sharpie out of the inside pocket of her jacket.

Heavy brows drew. aHow much you got in that pocket, anyways?a Grace grinned. aI donat carry a purse for a reason, Detective.a Grace stood, slipping the marker back into her pocket after shead marked the baggie with date, time and victimas name. aIf it doesnat fit in a pocket, I donat need it.a Dick Robb chuckled. aGood to live by, I sapose.a aWell, I think Iam all done here.a Grace looked to the older man, asking with her eyes if he needed her for anything else. He shook his head, rubbing his neck.

aIall keep in touch,a he said, heading for his car.

Julie lay on the bed, both wrists cuffed to the bed. It was daytime, though the curtains and blinds had been pulled on the windows before head left for, what she assumed, was work. Though dim, it wasnat dark like it was downstairs. That was a nice change. It was also a nice change to be lying down, though shead been there for hours. Head made her sit on the toilet for about thirty minutes while he got dressed, then brought her into the bedroom and bound her. She had had nothing to drink since their omelet feast the night before, which sucked, but at the same time, she was grateful because she didnat have to pee. She felt like a child, though, as head stuck an opened diaper under her ajust in casea.

aBastard,a she muttered.

Since she had nothing better to do, Julie decided to look around the largish bedroom. The bed was probably a queen-she didnat seem to be far enough away from him during sleep for it to be a king. On the wall directly in front of the bed was a tall eight-drawer dresser, one of which shead watched him get in quite often, and it didnat seem it was always for clothing. His back was always to her, so she was never able to see what he was messing with. Always the top drawer, which for her small stature was fairly high.

Atop the cherry wood dresser were a few scattered knickknacks, a couple scattered bottles of cologne, and a picture. The strange thing was, in the five by seven frame, only half a picture was present, the other torn away. The half that was showing was of her captor, smiling in front of, what looked to be, a wooded backdrop.

Eyes scanning on, she noticed there were no pictures or decorations on the wall, whatsoever. The walls were painted plain white, very clean. She had noticed much about the bathroom, as well-no decorations, everything had its place. Everything neat and very clean. The closet door was closed, so she could see nothing inside there. From her vantage point on the bed, she could just barely make out half of what looked to be an upside down cross hanging on the wall. Though not religious by stretch of the imagination, the young, conditioned girl who went to Sunday school every week at the Lutheran church downtown, it sent chills down her spine. Who was this guy?

Anytime Julie had been brought up from the pit, shead been knocked out, only regaining consciousness once she was already positioned on the bed, so she had no idea what the rest of the house looked like. She turned her attention back to the windows, damning the man for pulling the blinds-shead do anything to see some sunlight. She had no idea why shead been left upstairs, something that had never happened before during her other couple jaunts upstairs.

Julie thought back to that morning before head left for work. Head gotten up and taken a shower, then padded back into the bedroom naked as a jay bird. She had groaned inwardly when she saw his excitement. He had un-cuffed one of her hands, then brought it to him, warning her that if she did anything he didnat like, head kill her. It had taken an agonizingly long time for the guy to finally finish, Julie trying her best to not grimace at the stickiness on her hand. She was grateful for the wet towel he used to clean her up. She was also grateful that he left her alone, giving her body a chance to bounce back. She was still sore from the marathon the day before.

With a sigh, she decided to try and sleep.

Chapter 17.