The Collector - The Collector Part 13

The Collector Part 13

Chapter 29.

Julie walked around the room, looking at everything, fingers glazing over her things. The house smelled slightly stuffy. She knew Matt had come over when he could, airing things out, but he has his own home, and son, to take care of. Distantly she heard Bonnie and Clyde running through the house, happy to finally be home, too. She walked into every room, forever grateful that the abduction hadnat happened there. She knew there was no way she could step foot back inside if it had. The mere thought of heading back to the school made her stomach churn.

She had been seeing Dr. Corregan every day for the past three and a half weeks, and the good doctor felt it was time for Julie to start expanding in her life, edging outside of Mattas house. Matt had to go back to work at the beginning of the previous week, which terrified her, as she had to start getting herself back and forth to see Dr. Corregan, but at the same time, it had filled her with a sense of accomplishment. Shead even offered to take care of Skylar off and on over the past week. Earlier in the day, Julie had asked to use the car to head over to her own house.

She walked over to the French doors that when opened, led into the backyard, which shead spent so much time in over the summer, planting flowers and a small garden. The yard wasnat huge, but it was large enough for her and her dogs, and shead had a barbecue or two on the small, cement patio.

Taking a deep breath, Julie reached up and took the two ends of the heavy curtains in her fists, and then pulled the two ends apart. She half expected seeing that bastard standing on the other side, but he wasnat there. Sheas spoken her fears to Haley, that part of her couldnat quite reconcile with the fact that Sergio was dead. Her therapist had suggested maybe she should visit his grave, prove to herself that he was, in fact, dead and could never hurt her again. She was considering it, but wasnat ready. Not yet.

She unlocked the doors and stepped through, bringing her winter jacket further around herself. Her legs immediately felt tight and stiff in her jeans as the frigid November air swarmed around them. Thanksgiving was the following day, and part of her dreaded it. She wasnat looking forward to all the people. With Matt and Skylar her only family, and vice/versa for them, they always had Thanksgiving dinner with friends, one year at Mattas house, the next at hers. Matt had offered to have a small affair with just the three of them, but knew how much Matt and Skylar enjoyed the festivities, so insisted they keep with tradition. Besides, she felt that was important for her to do, as well. She couldnat hide forever.

She walked over to her patio furniture, grateful that Matt had covered it in plastic for her. Brushing off the newly fallen snow, she felt a small smile tug at the corner of her mouth, thinking that next summer maybe shead be ready for another barbecue.

Heading back inside, Julie made her way through all the rooms, feeling her smile increase with every one. She wanted to try spending time there, just her and her dogs, and maybe Skylar sometimes, too.

The nightmarish images had continued, just as Dr. Corregan said they would. After the first night, Matt had given her the option to stay with him, him with her, or Skylar. Julie had tried a second night on her own, but her nocturnal world had been rocked with even more garish images and fear. The next night she had curled up with her nephew, whoas warmth and youthful innocence had provided her with quiet strength.

She had felt strange since her return, not only drained emotionally and physically-able to put on a few pounds since-but also felt something was missing. She couldnat quite put a finger to it, but felt it. She hadnat wanted to think much about it, or put too much into it, as it forced herself to go back there, back to Hell. She wasnat sure she was ready.

Julie felt a bit of sadness wash over her as she called her dogs to her, getting ready to head back to Mattas. She felt sad because she felt shead left a part of herself back at that house, that Sergio had taken something from her that she could never get back from him. She felt the sadness turning into a burning anger, bright enough that her hands curled into a fist at her sides.

aYou wonat win, you son of a bitch,a she muttered, then left the house.

Remmy sipped from her coffee. Her cousin made the best around. She stood at the sliding glass door looking out at the white wonderland, ignoring the sounds of laughter and conversation behind her. She supposed she had a lot to be thankful for, but just wasnat in the mood to share. Instead, she stayed inside her own head, the taste of wonderful food still on her tongue. Shead been with Monica in her Omaha home for nearly a month, and was loving the familiarity that came with reuniting with her best friend. Monica was becoming her hero, the way shead managed to pick herself up out of the gutter-literally- and had a very productive life and beautiful home.

If she had been asked five years ago where Monica would end up, or what her home would look like, never would the small, homey country-style house ever have come to mind. In some ways, it wasnat Monica at all, but in others, it made Remmy feel more at home than shead felt in a long, long time. She and her cousinas closeness had picked up right where it left off, without the drugs, this time. Hell, in their own ways, theyad both become respectable.

aHey.a Remmy turned to find her cousin standing just behind her, a plate in either hand, both with a generous piece of whipped cream-topped pumpkin pie. aOh, for me?a Remmy grinned.

aYes it is. You always loved it.a Monica handed the plate to the younger woman, snagging a plastic fork from her back pocket, and one for herself. aI remember you once told me that you could live off the stuff. That and pizza.a Remmy chuckled. aGood thing I donat-Iad die of clogged arteries by 30.a aThat you would.a The cousins ate in silence, both watching the snow fall. Monica studied her cousinas profile, sensing the trouble that was brewing in Remmyas heart. aSomethingas wrong,a she said after awhile. Remmy said nothing for long moments, then turned to Monica.

Remmy knew she couldnat lie to Monica, who she knew damn well could read her like a book. She thought it was actually pretty ironic that it took Monicaas vocalized observation to make the problem click into place. aI feel lost, Monica,a she said, her voice quiet.

aWhat do you mean?a Monica set her plate down on a kitchen counter, indicating with a nod of her head that Remmy should follow. One leaning against the sink, the other the fridge, Monica waited for her cousin to expound on her statement.

aI donat know. Itas hard to explain.a Remmy sighed, running her hands through her hair. aI donat know. Itas like, for the past few weeks, since I got shot, I just feel like something is wrong. Something is missing.a aWhat is it?a aMon, if I knew that, I wouldnat be confused.a They both chuckled at the absurdity of Monicaas question. aItas just there. I want to cry. Itas almost like Iave lost something that I need, and donat know what it is. I feel like if I found that one thing,a she held up a finger to emphasize her point, alife would be great.a aWhat do you want to do? Maybe you should talk to someone, Rem. I know my minister would be more than willing.a Remmy smiled, reaching across the small space and squeezing her cousinas arm. aThanks. I think I need to get through this on my own. Iall figure it out.a She shrugged, grabbing up her plate of pie again. aWho knows? Maybe Iam just missing my spleen.a Julie lay in her bed, Bonnie and Clyde snuggled up on either side of her. She stared up at the ceiling, studying the shadows the moon painted across it. The day had been a success, for the most part. The usual suspects had arrived to help celebrate Thanksgiving, many brining food to add to the feast Matt and Julie had made. Julie had seen many of them since shead returned, but others had kept their distance, offering her space to recover. Though grateful for that, she had to admit shead been happy to see so many familiar faces.

No one really commented on the fact that Julie kept to herself a great deal, or she would stick with the children, their youth and laughter a balm to her badly damaged soul. All throughout the day she kept turning around, expecting to see someone who she felt shouldave been with her, someone she couldnat put a face or finger to, but who should be there. It was a strange feeling.

It felt good to be warm, fully clothed, and with a full tummy. She was a fortunate woman. She had been thinking a lot about Pamela Beecham, and there was a part of her that wanted to speak with her, as Pam was truly the only person who could understand what she was feeling. She wondered how the older woman was doing, how was she handling all this. Cameron had only been in the pit for a very short time, lucky for her. She was young, and Julie had no doubt shead bounce back. She just hoped that she, herself would. She was tired of not feeling herself, and wondered if she ever would again. Yes, she knew she was forever changed, but would the core of who she truly was begin to seep back into her daily life?

There were things about the new Julie that the blonde did not like. Her patience, for instance, was at an all time low. Shead snapped at Skylar a few times over things that she never would have in the past. Shead apologized to the startled boy later, once facing him with tears in his eyes, which broke her heart. Maybe she needed to move back into her own place-by herself she couldnat hurt anyone else.

Julieas thoughts were cut short by a soft knock on her closed bedroom door. aCome in,a she called, not wanting to disturb the dogs by getting up to open it. The door squeaked softly open-she refused to allow Matt to oil it so she could always hear if someone entered-and Matt popped his head in.

aHey,a he said softly. aYou sleeping?a Julie shook her head. aNo. Come on in.a Matt entered, closing the door softly behind him so their voices wouldnat wake up Skylar. He nodded toward the end of the bed, making sure he could sit without making Julie jumpy. At her nod, he sat. aIt was fun today,a he said, a lopsided grin on his face. aEven when my boss accidentally dropped his teeth into the mashed potatoes.a They both had a good laugh at that, Bonnie glared up at her Mommy for interrupting her sleep. aYes, that was one of the funniest things Iave seen in a very long time.a Matt sobered slowly. aHow did you feel today? Other than being quiet, you seemed like you were okay.a aYeah. It was alright. It was really good to see some of those people again. I was really glad Grace stopped by, too. She seems like a really nice woman.a aDamn good detective, too,a Matt said. aShe was so dogged, Jules. She just wouldnat quit. Great gal.a Matt was silent for a moment, then, aJulie, will you ever tell me what happened to you? I mean, Iam not pushing you. I want you to feel comfortable. But, will you?a Julie nearly melted by the little boy who sat at the end of her bed. She smiled, pulling an arm out from her cocoon and reaching for his. He grasped it, holding her hand tightly in his. aI will. Someday. To be honest with you, Matty, I donat want to upset you when I do. It will.a Matt nodded. aIam sure. But I want to be able to understand. I mean, like the thing with the eggs-you love eggs.a aNot anymore.a Julie studied the top of Clydeas head for a moment, loving the way the thin hairs stood up like he was a little rocker dog. When she spoke again, her voice was very quiet. aWhen head bring us upstairs, head always feed us omelets.a She stared past Matt, back into a memory that was forever burned into her brain. aCheese and ham.a Matt wallowed down his own emotions at seeing the deadness in Julieas normally vibrant green eyes. aHow often?a Julie shook her head, the fear and anger swelling inside her. She shook her head. aI canat, Iam sorry. I donat want to talk.a Matt hid his disappointment. He wanted to understand, but knew better than to push. He squeezed his sisteras hand then let it go. aOkay. Get some rest.a Julie watched him get up and head for the door, his hand on the doorknob. aMatt?a He turned to look at her. aHappy Thanksgiving. I have a lot to be thankful for.a Matt smiled. aMe, too. Goodnight, Jules.a aNight, Matty.a Part 15.

Chapter 30.

Remmy was walking along Maple Street, admiring the storefronts of some of the shops. It was her day off, as shead been working on the Laundromat on 6th for the past month, working as the general help: someone needed quarters and the machine was broken, she was your girl; dryer stopped working or overheated due to lint buildup, she was your girl; dropping laundry off to be washed by the employees at Gilas Fluff, she was your girl. She enjoyed the work, nice and laid back, and she was able to wear jeans. She enjoyed tinkering, so fixing the machines was nice, too.

It was a gorgeous day for January, blue skies and no snow in the forecast, and it was a nice, mild forty-six degrees out. Bundled up, she walked along, moving out of the way of a kid on a bike, absently side-stepping him as her eyes stayed glued to the simple white letters on the store window she stood in front of: BRENDEN-SPIRITUAL HEALER AND GUIDE.

Underneath the large letters was a list of what Brenden could do for the customer, including palm readings, magic stones, and past lives mapping.

Curious, Remmy pushed through into the shop, the light tinkling of gentle chimes announcing her presence. The store was long and narrow, shoulder-height shelving units offered various books on spirituality, past lives, astro-projection, dream interpretation, and astrology just to name a few. Candles of every shape, size and color adorned an open glass case, hand-written signs beneath each explaining what it was used for. The store was filled with an earthy incense, which Remmy thought was wonderful, if a little too intense for the space. She stopped, staring at a large cloth poster, the face of a man filling it, a round glow seeming to emanate from dead center in his forehead.

THE LIFEaS THIRD EYE, it read in black lettering across the top.

aWonderful work, isnat it?a Remmy jumped, never hearing anyone come up beside her. A small man, short in stature and frail in frame, stood beside her, a knowing smirk on his boyish face. aA friend of mine made that for me.a Remmy nodded in acknowledgement, realizing that the man on the cloth was the man standing next to her.

aIam Brenden.a He held out his hand, which was taken for a brief shake. The man studied her, his short, light brown hair falling into one brown eye. His gaze was intense, and made Remmy extremely uncomfortable. She flinched when he reached up, gently tapping the center of her forehead. A strange sensation flowed through her body at the contact, it was almost as though shead received a mild electrical shock originating from that spot. Uncomfortable, she backed away one step. aYou have the sight, donat you?a he said, his voice soft, his words very much a statement.

aI donat know what you mean,a she said, unable to shake his dark gaze.

Brenden smiled. aHow can I help you today? Are you in the need of some Tarot cards? Or perhaps a deck of Angel cards, instead? Maybe a charm or magic stones.a aOh, uh, no. I was just looking around,a she said, indeed doing that. She had been in spiritual shops before, many times, in fact, always drawn by that which most did not understand. aThis is nice,a she said lamely. In truth, this shop felt very different. It felt as though she were being watched, though she knew it had nothing to do with security cameras. There was a buzz in the air, a feeling of the shop, itself almost being alive.

aYou look lost,a Brenden said, once again stealthily at her side. From the slight lift of his brow, Remmy wondered if his observation was as simple as it sounded.

aDo you have any pendulums?a Remmy asked, not really wanting one, but at a loss of some way to answer. Her own misgivings and uncertainties were hearing things in Brendenas voice that likely werenat even there. As she looked at him, she had the strangest sensation that he had all the answers. If only she knew the questions.

aOf course.a He led her through the maze of aisles and displays to the cash register, which sat on a glass case, filled with various types of pendulums. There were large ones, small ones, some made of stone, while others were made of semi-precious jewels. aDo you have much experience with pendulums?a he asked, all business.

aYes. I used to have one.a aWhat happened to it?a Brenden asked, unlocking the cabinet door from the other side of the case, and reaching in, bringing out the large display case out to rest on top of the glass counter top. The pendulums were laid out, chains pinned to the felt.

aI donat know,a Remmy said with a sheepish grin. aOne move too many, is my guess.a He nodded. aYes, Youare a restless soul. A wanderer.a Remmy said nothing, only barely holding his gaze. Brenden smiled again, indicating the pendulums at his fingertips. aWell, since youave had one before, you know that not all pendulums speak to you. The spirit inside must feel you, and you it, or it will not work.a Remmy nodded, having heard that before. She glanced at him with questioning eyes. At his nod, she reached out and gently unpinned tear drop-shaped pendulum made of onyx. It was heavy in her hand, the chain thin silver. She studied the pendulum in her palm, trying to see if she could feel the heat from the stone that she could from her old one.

aI donat think thatas the right one for you,a Brenden said, plucking the onyx from her hand. She would have been irritated if she hadnat agreed with his assessment. aTry this one.a Remmy accepted the pendulum made of jade, shaped into a smooth cone nearly three inches long. It was heavy, a small jade button was fastened at the top of the chain as a grip. Again, she held it in her palm, closing her eyes as she tried to feel the pendulum, allowing it to speak to her. She could feel the subtle heat pouring into her palm, almost as though the jade were aflame from the inside. Taking the grip between thumb and index finger, she let her palm drop out under the pendulum, its own weight falling to pull the chain taut as she held it aloft, her palm no more than an inch below the point of the cone.

Brenden watched with intense curiosity as Remmy waited for the pendulum to stop spinning, finally coming to rest. He could tell this one was more powerful than head seen in a long time, though he wasnat sure if she knew it yet or not. He felt she was blocking him out, which no one had ever been able to do.

Remmy wanted to see how this one reacted, so asked it to simply show her ayesa. After a moment the pendulum shook slightly, as though unsure which way to move. The heat began to swell once more in Remmyas palm, the jade slowly circling clock-wise.

aStop,a Remmy murmured, the pendulum coming to almost instant stop. aShow me a'noa.a Again the stone seemed someone what unsure, then began to circle counter clock-wise.

aIt seems like a good match,a Brenden said. aThe stone responds to you well.a Remmy nodded, watching the almost hypnotic movement as the pendulum circled in a swift, strong movement. aStop,a she said, the stone immediately complying. aHow much?a she asked, glancing up at the small man.

aPendulums are seventy-five.a aOh.a Somewhat bummed, as shead like to have a pendulum again, Remmy handed the stone over. aThatas a little steep for me. Iam sorry. But thanks for your help.a She turned to walk out of the store.

aRemmy?a he said, stopping her dead in her tracks. aFor you, twenty. This would be good for you.a He held the pendulum out to her in invitation.

Remmy studied him, truly shaken. aDo I know you?a Brenden met her gaze, cupping the stone in his left hand, the chain dangling from between his fingers. aWe all know each other. The Sight doesnat lie.a Truly disturbed, Remmy backed away from Brenden, her back coming into contact with the front door, which sent the chimes tinkling again. aI gotta go,a she muttered, pushing out into the afternoon sunny day.

aSkylar, I need you to bring in the rest of the dogsa stuff,a Julie said, calling out from her kitchen, where she was beginning to unpack the groceries shead just bought. She had been completely shocked when for Christmas the community had given her a check for twenty-thousand dollars, monies collected through donations from Woodlandas citizens, and local businesses. Deeply touched and moved to tears, shead taken the money and had used some of it to restock her fridge, and was going to have to use part of it to get her house payments caught up. The bank had been working with Matt, as there was no way he could afford to mortgages while shead been gone. But now that she had returned, their generosity had come to an end.

Tonight would be her first night to stay at the house, and Skylar had happily volunteered to stay with her. They had a video game marathon planned for later, giant bowls of popcorn to munch on. Julie smiled to herself, listening to her dogs tear around the house as they chased each other, their quiet growls heard every once in awhile.

Skylar ran back into the house, the dogsa bed and toys in hand, immediately heading toward the living room where he knew they belonged. Bonnie and Clyde tore out of the kitchen and nearly knocked Skylar over with their excitement to get into their bed. The boy giggled, plopping down onto his butt and accepting the Yorkie bath.

For a short while Julie felt normal again. She laughed and cried out as her now 9 year old nephew kicked her butt with the Wii system head brought over. She was exhausted from their intense tennis match, then giggling like a school girl as they boxed. She couldnat believe theyad actually worked up a sweat.

aUncle! I give!a she called out, plopping down on the couch. With a cry of victory, Skylar jumped at her, ultimately landing with his head in her lap, and torturing her by quick pokes in the stomach. aYou little shit,a she growled, laughing wildly as she tried to avoid his fingers, meanwhile getting in her own licks. Pooped and hungry, boy and woman trekked off toward the kitchen to make dinner.

The blue sky above shimmered with the bright sun. A few lazy clouds floated by, their shadows painted across the wild flowers, erasing the sunas reflection upon the calm waters of the nearby water for just a moment.

Julie felt the softness of her dress flowing around her legs, and a sense of peace and happiness filling her. She turned in a slow circle, eyes scanning the seemingly endless field, though the fourth side faded into dark woods, the waters of a small stream to her left. She headed toward the water, knowing she was waiting for someone. She would go to the coolness of the stream and wait.

Bending down, she dipped her fingers in the water, finding it strange that she didnat feel the cool wetness she expected, but rather hot air, which nearly burned her fingertips. Suddenly, she felt a trickle of fear drip lazily down her spine. Slowly she rose to her feet, squeezing her eyes shut as she dreaded turning around. Her heart was pounding, and she felt faint. Opening her eyes, she saw a shadow on the bank of the stream, right next to, and slightly behind, her own.

aRemmy!a Julie shot up, nearly knocking Clyde to the floor. She didnat notice as her heart pounded, a thing sheen of sweat covering her body. Wide green eyes took in the darkened room. She felt a presence and turned, seeing Skylar standing next to the bed.

aAre you okay, Aunt Julie?a he asked, fear making his voice tremble. aYou were making funny noises.a Julie took several deep breaths, hand trembling as she ran it through her hair, pushing it off her forehead. aYeah,a she murmured, aJust a bad dream.a She calmed as her nephew wrapped his arms around her neck.

aIam sorry youare so upset, Aunt Julie,a Skylar murmured into her neck. She hugged him tighter, then kissed him on the forehead.

aIam sorry I woke you up, baby. Go back to sleep, okay?a He studied her, eyes far more mature than they should be. The boy had been through a lot. aAre you sure youare gonna be okay?a aIam sure.a She watched him reluctantly leave her alone, listening until she heard him climb into the bed that was reserved for only him, then she blew out a breath. Two pairs of large, brown eyes looked up at her. aSorry, guys,a she said, gathering her two little dogs to her and closing her eyes, reveling in the comfort they gave her.

Unable and unwilling to get back to sleep, Julie headed down to the kitchen and made herself some coffee. Ironically, that had been one of the most difficult things to deal with during her captivity-no coffee. She had no idea just addicting it really was until she started getting caffeine headaches. They had passed quickly, but she had missed even just the taste, let alone what it did for her.

Sitting at one of the breakfast barstools with her coffee, sipping. She tried bring her mind back to the nightmare, needing to know what it was about. She had always been a fan of dreaming, and felt that it truly was the soul speaking desires, fears, or plain needs that the conscious mind wasnat ready to admit, or was too busy to consider. Yes, she knew it had to do with Sergio and the fear that felt would forever be her companion now. The actual details of the dream were fading fast, leaving her with the unease it had caused.

Chapter 31.

Matt drained his coffee, nodding when Roman walked over and grabbed his mug to refill it. aHow are you?a he asked, his gratitude with the young redheaded man, as he knew that head helped Remmy find Julie and the others.

aIam great, Matt. How is Julie doing?a aGood, good. Day by day, you know?a Roman nodded, setting the newly-filled cup on the table, then walked away to wait on other customers.

Matt, left to his own thoughts, looked around the coffeehouse with mild interest, hearing snippets of othersa conversations: telling you, itas wrong thought it was time we actually went out time does the movie start? After another ten minutes, the door opened and a customer was blown in on the January cold and wind. He raised his hand, getting Grace Cowanas attention. She wove her way through the busy shop, taking the chair across from him. She removed her heavy overcoat, resting it on the back of her chair.

aSorry Iam late,a she said.

aNo problem. Glad you could meet with me on such short notice.a aAnytime, Matt, you know that.a Grace waved Roman down, the young man quickly making his way over and taking her order. Within five minutes, head returned with her muffin and cup of hot chai tea. As she mixed in some cinnamon and honey, Grace looked up at Matt Wilson, dark eyes expectant.

aJulie has moved back into her own house,a he began, sipping from his cup. aSkylar, my son, stayed with her about a week ago. He said she woke up from another nightmare, and she said something when she woke up that rattles me, Grace.a aWhat did she say?a Grace asked, biting into her muffin. She stopped chewing at Mattas answer.

aRemmy.a At Graceas silence, Matt continued. aHow would she know that name, Grace? Iave never mentioned her, not wanting to bring back anything that might upset her. She refused to watch any news coverage of the story.a aHer therapist?a Matt shook his head. aI asked her. Dr. Corregan said sheas never discussed the details of the case with Julie.a He took another drink of his coffee. aShould we tell her about Remmy? Have you heard from her at all?a Grace shook her head, swallowing the bit of muffin in her mouth then sipped her tea. aI havenat heard anything from her. Other than heading to the mid-west somewhere, I know nothing.a aBut, do you think we should say something?a Grace sighed and sat back in her chair. She had felt all along that Julie should be told about Remmy, as well as she was curious if Julie had felt the connection that Remmy seemed to feel. aI'll talk to her,a she said, giving no room for argument. She and Remmy had worked closely together to solve Julieas case, and she felt the need to tell the blonde all she knew. Remmy deserved that recognition.

Julie had a pot of coffee ready when the doorbell chimed. Bonnie and Clyde ran to the door, their little butts moving from side to side as their stubby tails wagged in anticipation of their new friend at the door. Julie pushed them aside and checked through the peephole-Grace stood on the porch, right on time.

aWelcome to my home, Detective Cowan,a she said, pulling the door open.

aThank you, Julie. And please, call me Grace.a Grace stepped across the threshold, looking around the modest, yet wonderfully maintained home. aThis is really nice.a aThank you,a Julie said, genuine pride in her voice. aCome on into the kitchen. Iave coffee all ready.a Grace followed the petit blonde, who looked better and better physically every time she saw her. Though still somewhat thin, she had put on some weight, her clothing no longer hanging on her as it had been over Thanksgiving. She accepted the mug of coffee given to her, and joined Julie at the round kitchen table, four chairs placed around it.

aHow have you been?a the detective asked.

Julie nodded, her hands cupping her own mug. aIave been okay. I love Matt dearly, but itas really good to be home.a aOh, I bet!a Grace laughed. aI wouldave throttled my brother long ago.a They both laughed at her words then settled. aListen, speaking of your brother, he told me something the other day, and I felt it was really important to talk to you about it. But first, I want to ask you some questions.a aAlright,a Julie agreed, setting her coffee cup down and pushing it away.

aFirst off, what, if anything, do you know about your rescue?a aWell,a Julie sighed, aI know you were there. I know he was shot and killed. I remember someone else being there, but no clue who.a She looked into Graceas dark eyes with open, sincere green. aThatas it.a aI was told you had a dream one night when your nephew was staying with you. You woke him up with it.a Grace saw the recognition, and slight embarrassment, in Julieas eyes. aYou said a name when you awoke.a aRemmy. I said it once before, too, when I was there, in the pit.a aDo you know who that is?a Julie shook her head, grabbing her coffee cup, but more for something to do with her hands rather than actually being thirsty. Her eyes took a far off look as she began her tale. She had told no one what she was going to tell Grace. aWhen I was at Sergioas, I would have these dreams. At first they started out as actual dreams, like at night. But then, somewhere along the way, they turned into day dreams. I donat know,a she shrugged and shook her head. aIt seemed almost like when things were at their worst, Iad find myself in the field.a aField?a Grace listened intently, her mind spinning as she already began to try and put the puzzle together in her mind.

aYeah. A field. It was always beautiful there, the skies clear and bright. A happy place. One time Skylar and my dogs even showed up.a She chuckled, amused as she felt it sounded silly, even to her own ears. aThat was only once, but in that dream, as well as all the others, there was someone there with me, walking with me, holding me a Julieas voice trailed off, brows drawing as she remembered the blurry figure who always accompanied her, giving her strength and comfort. aI donat know. The night Skylar heard me dreaming, I was back in that field, waiting for my dream-friend.a She met Graceas gaze. aShe never showed.a aSo, from this guardian in your dreams, was her name Remmy?a Julie thought for a moment, bringing a hand up to rest her chin in the palm. Finally she nodded. aI think so. I donat know that Iad swear to it, but I think so, yes.a aOkay.a Grace took a long drink from her coffee, then set the mug aside. aIam going to tell you a story, and youare going to think Iave lost my mind, but I swear, itas the truth.a aAlright,a Julie said, intrigued. She got up and refilled Graceas cup, topping her off as well. Sitting back down, she waited.

aNot long after you disappeared a young woman came to the police station and spoke with my partner. She claimed that she had information on your disappearance, and that there was more than one that was missing. Unfortunately, my partner didnat take her as serious as he should have, but she didnat give up. She claimed to have what she called a'visionsa, and dreams.a Julie listened, shocked as Grace continued with her story, telling her that the woman was able to pick up on all the weird collections Sergio had, as well as that shead actually come face to face with him at her job over the convenience store and gas station. She felt nearly sick when she found out the young woman had even picked up on Roxieas murder.

Julie was quiet for a long time, absorbing all that shead been told. She sipped calmly from her coffee, the woman sitting across from her waiting patiently. Finally Julie met Graceas gaze. aWhat is her name?a she asked, voice soft.

Graceas gaze was unwavering and intense. aRemmy.a Part 16.

Chapter 32.

Remmy glanced up at the storefront window once again, chewing aggressively on a piece of strawberry Bubble Yum. She shoved her hands in her pockets, bouncing on the balls of her feet to try and stay warm. It was a frigid February day, but she was trying to garner her courage to go inside. Her first visit into Brendenas shop more than a month ago had disturbed her deeply. Even so, she couldnat get that exchange with the shop owner out of her mind. She felt the solid wood wall of her memory was beginning to weaken, and though she feared what was on the other side, instinctively she knew Brenden could help.