Because of Ye Peichengs word of advice, when filming resumed, Qiao Moyu pretended that Ye Peicheng beside her was Luo Luo.
With the cameramen in place, the director shouted: Ready, and start!
Qiao Moyu and Ye Peicheng sat side by side, with only half a persons distance between them.
As they chatted, the man mentioned something that caused her to turn around and smile.
At that moment, the bottom of her eyes reflected Ye Peichengs image, along with the wide field of grass and flowers in the background, vivid and full of life.
Ye Peicheng sucked in a breath at the sight of the girl in front of him. At this moment, he wanted to know who she was thinking of.
Cut! Very good! Thats the feeling Im looking for! The director was very satisfied: Prepare the crew to have a meal, then well pack up and leave for Film City!
In the afternoon, the team arrived at the Film and Television City and began to shoot within their tight schedule.
There were plenty of scenes for Ye Peicheng, whilelQiao Moyu didnt have that many. After she acted several of her scenes, she went aside to rest.
There were a few more scenes for her to act this evening at the other side of the Film and TV City. Since she felt she had done her part for now, Qiao Moyu made her way towards the next location so she can familiarize herself with the set.
She walked towards her destination, but just as she was about to arrive, she suddenly noticed smoke in the distance.
At first, she thought it must be part of the crew who worked with props. However, the longer she looked, the more she felt that something about that smoke wasnt quite right.
Qiao Moyu rushed over, and sure enough, the crowds anxious shouting and screaming rang in the air.
Theres another child in the room! A young girl shouted, Quick! Someone hurry and help!
Theres too much smoke, we cant just go in! A person who splashed a bucket of water at the fire, looked around and asked, Wheres the firetruck? Why hasnt it arrived yet?
Is someone in there? Qiao Moyu asked as she turned to the man with the bucket of water.
Yes, theres still a boy around eight or nine-years-old who hasnt come out! But the fire is too strong, who knows if the building will collapse sooner or later, said the man. I cant go in there to save him!
Ill go and have a look. As she said so, Qiao Moyu grabbed the bucket from the mans hand and poured over head, drenching her entire body. Then, she snatched a towel from one side, drenched it in water, then rushed towards the fire while covering her mouth and nose.
Outside, the crowd gazed anxiously while inquiring: Who rushed in there just now?
I dont know! It doesnt seem to be someone from our crew!
At that moment, Qiao Moyu jumped directly through a window. The fire in the room wasnt much, but there was plenty of smoke. She covered her mouth and nose securely as her eyes surveyed around. Finally, she saw a boy in a corner, screaming in fear.
Dont be afraid, Im here to save you! Qiao Moyu agilely dodged a falling beam and landed in front of the boy.
She pressed the towel in hand over the boys face and advised: Dont take this off!
After saying so, Qiao Moyu wrapped her arm around the boys waist and picked him up with one hand, then charged out quickly.
In the room, the sound of a breaking beam crackled, and embers continued to fall. They rushed through the fire as until Qiao Moyu finally arrived by the window with the young boy.
She clamped her arms around him securely, bent down, then jumped through the opening.
As they landed outside, the wooden beams behind them collapsed and crackled.
Qiao Moyu placed the boy down with one hand. The smoke and fire behind them was like a dramatic background.
Because this was an unexpected accident, the cameras around them had been running this whole time, silently recording this entire scene.
There were several burns on the boys body so he was rushed to the hospital immediately after he came out. However, Qiao Moyus body was also scalded with many blisters, none of which were serious. If she dabbed them with medicine, they should heal within a few days.