The Brides of Chance Collection - Part 68

Part 68

"I'd like to speak with you." Daniel directed his words at Lovejoy then cast a meaningful glance at the others. "Privately."

Lovejoy slipped off the stool.

Tempy stepped in front of her big sister. "She'll be out directly."

"If she wants to," Lois tacked on, then rudely shut the door in Daniel's face.

Daniel stood there and grinned. He'd grown up with five rowdy brothers and knew that stubborn, protect-our-own look. Well, he'd let them have one last time to do it, because after this, Lovejoy was going to be his.

Minutes pa.s.sed.

Daniel scowled. He could hear soft murmurs from the other side of the door, and he started considering the possibilities of either banging on the door or eavesdropping at the window. What's taking so long?

The door opened, and a woman stood there. For a moment he barely recognized Lovejoy. It was her, all right, in her peachy-colored dress. But her eyes and red nose tattled she'd been crying. And her hair-the MacPherson women all standing behind her had messed with her hair. Instead of her customary plait that danced along her spine or slipped over her shoulder and hung to her waist, they'd taken out the braid and twisted sections and pinned them into a cameo-sort-of look.

A virulent rush of red flooded Lovejoy's face, and she slammed the door shut again.

Dan shoved it open and plowed past Eunice and Lois, who clucked like a pair of upset hens, to get to Lovejoy. She stood in the center of the cabin, back turned toward him as she tore out the hairpins. He stepped behind her, stilled her hands, and murmured, "Let me."

One by one, he slid the pins from her hair and let them ping on the plank floor. Tempy patted his back, then she and the others scooted out the door. Lovejoy shuddered as he pulled out the last pin.

Forking his hands through her hair, he purred, "That's more like it." He crushed the thick waves in his palms then combed his fingers through the length. "There. Better."

She sidestepped and yanked her hair over her shoulder. Quickly dividing it into three portions, she muttered, "Couldn't convince them. No use trying to prettify-"

He pressed his fingers over her mouth. "You're right."

She tried to blink away moisture in her eyes.

"There's no use trying to prettify a woman who's already perfect."

Beneath his fingers, her lips parted in shock. He brushed his thumb across her lower lip. "I planned to take the months until Delilah had her baby to court you. I thought I had plenty of time to take things slow and easy."

"Court me?" Hope flickered in her eyes.

"But I'm not about to be separated from you-not even by a single fence. I'm taking you home with me. Today."

Suddenly, all the color in her face drained away.

Daniel chuckled and wrapped an arm about her waist. He'd shocked her speechless.

Lovejoy shook her head. Tears started to seep down her face, yet she leaned into him.

Daniel wouldn't figure out what was going through her mind, but something told him these weren't tears of happiness. He was sure of his feelings for her. Did I speak too soon? Rush her when she needed that slow courting? Maybe that time was more important than I knew after her father and husband treated her so badly. "Sweetheart, if you just want a little time-"

Despair filled her voice. "It cain't be."

"Anything's possible when you love someone." Whatever the problem, he'd solve it. Daniel refused to let anything come between them.

Pain flickered across her face.

"Salt Lick Holler doesn't need you like I do. To the depths of my soul, I swear that's the truth."

" 'Tisn't that at all. Widow Hendricks is trainin' up a new gal to holp."

He glided his hand along her neck and slipped his fingers into her hair until he cupped her head and tilted her face up to his. "Then stay here. Be my wi-"


Daniel stared at her in stunned silence.

She tried to pull loose of his hold, but he held her fast. "What's wrong?"

"Yore offerin' me every dream I could ever have, but I cain't give you what you deserve." Her face crumbled and anguish filled her voice. "Men want sons."

"Sons? What does that have to do with me loving you?"

"I'm barren, Dan'l." The confession left her sobbing. "Widow Hendricks...Hattie... men and sons."

Broken words poured out of her broken heart. Daniel couldn't stand it. He dipped down and pressed his lips to her mouth to silence them. For a moment, she clung to him, then she tried to push away.

"Shhh." He held her tight.

"I won't ask you to sacrifice-"

"I want a wife, not a brood mare." He tilted her face up to his. "I want you, Lovejoy. I love you."

"But sons," she moaned.

"With five brothers, Chance Ranch is bound to have plenty of boys running around. We already have Caleb and Tobias. Even if they're the only ones, we can hire help. I've got you, and I've got my daughters. I'm more than blessed."

"You really feel that, Dan'l?"

His lips hovered a breath away from hers. "I lost my heart to you."

Wonder and hope lit her features. "It really don't matter to you?"

"The only thing that matters is, G.o.d brought us together."

A soul-deep sigh shuddered through her, and she cuddled close. "Truly, Dan, I love you."

"Be my wife."

"Yes." She barely whispered her breathless a.s.sent, and he pressed his lips to hers.

The very next Sunday, Daniel pulled Lovejoy into his arms and kissed her again.

"Daddy, you're 'posed to do that after Parson Abe tells you to. It's at the end, not now," Polly scolded.

"I can't believe it's drizzling." Delilah handed Lovejoy her bouquet. Eunice and Lois both picked up Daniel's daughters to carry them into the barn where they always held church during bad weather. As matron of honor, Tempy stooped to gather up Lovejoy's skirts so they wouldn't become muddy on the trek to her wedding.

"I've got her." Daniel swept her into his arms.

"Oh, looky there, Dan'l! We got us a rainbow on our wedding day!"

He stopped in the middle of the yard, looked at the expanse of color, then grinned at his bride. "And it's not one stripe short."


by Kelly Eileen Hake.


To my mother, who has supported me through every word I've written since I learned the alphabet and encouraged me to pursue a career in writing. Without her guidance, patience, wisdom, and pa.s.sed-on love of literature, this book wouldn't exist. Thank you, Mommy. I love you.

The herbs mentioned in this book were carefully researched and authentic to the era. Some have since been found to be questionable or even dangerous. In no way do I advocate the use of any herb, medication, or curative without checking first with your medical doctor.

Chapter 1.

Logan Chance rubbed his sore legs and groaned before pulling off his boots. Hard days in the saddle had never fazed him before his older brothers all suddenly decided to make him an uncle. Not four years ago, the six Chance men had had their hands full with just Polly and Ginny Mae-or so they'd thought. Now, thanks to Miriam, Alisa, and Delilah, they sported no fewer than nine little bundles of joy. It would be ten any day now-not counting the MacPhersons' growing brood, which ended up on Chance Ranch more often than not. Seventeen children, and each one demanding a "horsie" ride from Uncle Logan as soon as they could talk.

No wonder Logan was restless-he didn't even have a wife, and he was already tied down! He rubbed his neck as the door opened and Bryce came in, bringing with him a gust of rain-soaked wind and muddy boots smelling of the stables. They were the last two bastions of bachelorhood, he and Bryce. If they didn't watch out, they'd be trapped just like their other four brothers. With all the womenfolk around, you never knew what new female would pop up with a smile on her face and a bare ring finger. After all, that's just what had happened to Gideon, t.i.tus, Paul, and even surly old Daniel.

Not that he didn't love each and every fuzzy head and gummy smile, but Logan ached for some excitement before he gave in to the inevitable. After all, his brothers had waited until they were years older than he was now, and all of those years had been spent in a man's world of riding, ranching, hunting, and building. Logan just wanted some of the same, but there was no way he'd find it at Chance Ranch. It was 1874, and the world was growing so fast there was no end to the adventures out there.

"What's got you lookin' so serious?" Bryce's voice interrupted Logan's thoughts.

"Awww...nothin'." It was one thing to think about his dissatisfaction but entirely another to give voice to it.

Bryce pinned him with a level stare. "When're you goin' to admit that it's getting to you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You're chomping at the bit here, so why don't you go and do something about it?"

Logan shook his head in disbelief. Bryce, so often oblivious and awkward socially, still surprised him with his uncanny ability to see straight into his head. "Like what?"

"I don't know, but it seems to me that if you don't set out soon, you never will. You'll be needed for the calving season, but the end of spring would be a good time to go stretch your legs and satisfy your curiosity."

Logan mulled that over for a minute. "And what about the Chance vote?" If the others didn't want him to go, the situation could get ugly.

"Seems to me this isn't a voting issue. You may be the youngest, Logan, but you're not a boy any longer. Men make their own decisions, and since this one won't hurt the ranch, everyone will respect that." Bryce spoke with an authority Logan was unaccustomed to hearing from him.

"You think it'll be that easy, huh?" He flopped down onto his unmade bunk and shoved his boots underneath.

"Nothing worthwhile ever came easy, Logan. If I were you, I'd start praying."

"Get up."

Logan awoke with a start when a wadded-up sock hit him smack-dab on the nose. Giving a huge yawn, he lobbed it back at his brother, who caught it easily and stuck it on his foot.

"What? Breakfast bell hasn't even rung yet." He pulled up his blankets farther around his neck and scowled at Bryce.

"I know." Bryce looked annoyingly alert already. "Unless you dreamed up a plan last night while you were sleeping, you've got to nail down some particulars before breakfast."

Logan scratched the stubble on his chin. "What for? I haven't even made up my mind to go yet. No rush."

Bryce snorted. "You've got to tell everyone as soon as you can, get them used to the idea. Best try it in the morning when Gideon, Daniel, and t.i.tus are a little groggy."

Seeing the logic in Bryce's advice, Logan sat up and started running through options. "Where should I say I'm goin'?"

"San Francisco? Big growing city like that'll give you plenty of opportunities."

"Nah." Bryce obviously wasn't thinking big enough. "I don't want to be a city slicker-what's the fun in that? Besides, it's too close to really count as an adventure."

"So you want someplace that's not too civilized and not too close?" Bryce summarized.


"Any other requirements?"

"I should know something about the place before going in."

"That's a mighty tall order, but I think I know just the place." Bryce looked mighty pleased with himself, but he didn't say another word.

"Well?" Logan prodded.

"Sounds to me like you're going to Salt Lick Holler." With that, Bryce walked out the door, leaving Logan to scramble into his clothes and tromp after him to the breakfast table.

As the women looked after the children and the men started making plans for the day's labor, Logan tried to recall all he knew of Salt Lick Holler.

The MacPherson brothers, known more commonly as Obie, Hezzy, and Mike, owned a spread neighboring Chance Ranch but hailed from Hawk's Fall. When they tried en to court Delilah-long before she wed Paul-she cleverly encouraged them to write back home for brides. They couldn't think of any girls from Hawk's Fall, but Mike remembered girls from the neighboring Salt Lick Holler. So Lovejoy had hauled Eunice, Lois, and her sister, Tempy, from Salt Lick to Reliable to wed them off. Somehow she wound up filling the hole in Daniel's heart.

They were all upstanding people with an easy freedom Logan envied. They'd settled well here but kept ties back to the holler-Lovejoy, in particular, wrote to their healer. It was far enough away to be a journey, foreign enough to be an exploration, but vouchsafed so the Chance clan wouldn't protest. Salt Lick Holler was perfect.