Suddenly the humiliating situation of having two unsuitable men fighting over her while the one she admired was handing her to them on a first-come, first-served basis was more than she could manage. "Excuse me, please." Turning on her heel, she fled to her cabin. Once inside, she leaned against the closed door and shut her eyes.
Tears slowly pushed past her lashes. She flung herself across her bed. Wave after wave of images rolled over in her mind. Discovering her grandmother only to lose her in a flash. Being implicated by her own father, having to run away before the police arrived, wandering all night and all the next day unsure what to do but knowing she couldn't go back. Nor could she return to the orphanage. After buying a half-rotten apple from a street vendor, Alisa had found the stage station and bought a ticket to take her as far as she could go. Reliable was the end of the trail for her.
Were her only options to marry the likes of the men represented here today? Or should she go back to San Francisco and hope that the police would believe her? But wouldn't they take Robert Worthington's word over hers? After all, he owned a prominent shipping company, and she was merely an orphan working in the Worthington household. Despair filled her, and the tears became a river until sobs shook her.
t.i.tus paced the floor. Alisa had been in that cabin all afternoon, and now she'd failed to show up for supper.
"t.i.tus, please be still. You're making me nervous."
He glanced up in surprise at Miriam's words.
She shoved a filled plate at him. "Why don't you take this to her?"
Relief flooded him. "Good idea."
Letting the door slam shut behind him, t.i.tus headed for Alisa's cabin. He frowned. It was completely dark; not even the soft glow of candlelight filtered through the window. He stopped at the front door and knocked.
No answer. He knocked again, harder this time. "Alisa?"
Finally, a m.u.f.fled sound a.s.sured him that she was inside. The lump began to dislodge. He'd been afraid that perhaps she'd left without telling anyone.
The door slowly opened. She stood before him, her hair and clothing disheveled, but she'd lit a candle.
"We were worried when you didn't show up for supper."
The soft flame highlighted her drowsy smile. "I must have fallen asleep."
"I brought you a plate."
Her smile widened. "That was thoughtful of you."
So entranced was he at the vision she made, t.i.tus said the first thing that popped into his mind. "It was Miriam's idea."
Her expression fell. "I see. Well, be sure to thank her for me." She started to close the door. t.i.tus put his hand out to stop it. "I'm not marrying Priscilla."
"Oh, I'm sorry."
"You are?"
"Aren't you?"
"I see."
She saw a lot but never the full picture as far as t.i.tus could tell. "The fact is, I don't love her."
Staring mutely, she seemed to be waiting for him to expound. t.i.tus was at a loss for words, but he wanted her to be clear that he intended to court her. "I know it's awkward. And we haven't known each other long, but I'd like to..."
Her eyes widened.
"Do you think you'd be willing to allow me to court you?"
A light flashed in her eyes. At least he thought it was a light. He couldn't be sure, because whatever it was left almost as fast as it had shown up.
She shook her head. "I'm sorry, t.i.tus. You've been so kind to me, and I truly appreciate all you've done."
Disappointment seeped through him. That didn't sound like she was building up to "Thank you, I'd be honored." She was about to turn him down flat.
"Alisa, I thought there was something between us."
"It's just not possible. don't know me."
"Then let me get to know you." Stepping forward, he cupped her cheek. "I can see in your eyes that you feel the same thing I do."
She covered his hand for a second, then stepped back. "You're mistaken, t.i.tus. I plan to stay only through the winter. That should give me enough time to earn a train ticket east."
"East? What's back east?"
"My future." This time t.i.tus didn't stop her as she closed the door. What could he say? If she didn't want him, there was nothing he could do about it. With a scowl, he strode to the cabin he shared with Paul, pulled three packages from his saddlebags, and carried them back to Alisa's cabin. He knocked on the door.
"t.i.tus, please," she said when she answered. "I thought I made myself clear."
He shoved the packages toward her. "To make you some dresses."
Her lips opened slightly as she took in a sharp breath of air. "For me?"
"Yes. That dress of Miriam's is too short."
"You're right. Thank you, t.i.tus. Please deduct it from my salary."
He opened his mouth to object, then realized the longer it took her to pay off the things she needed, the longer it would take for her to raise railway fare back east.
"All right." With that he spun around and walked away. Including the cost of the coat, that ought to be an extra month that she had to stay. And during that time, he would do everything in his power to convince her not to go.
Chapter 10.
Robert Worthington had no time or patience for games. During the past two weeks, the posters with Alisa's sketch had brought out every thief and lowlife from the very dregs of society in and around San Francisco. Most demanded more money or else. In every case, it hadn't taken long to realize that none had truly seen her.
He had no reason to believe these two men standing in his office were any different. Hope deferred caused him to eye the two men, disheveled and dirty, with suspicion. He had become adept at pegging the liars within five minutes. So far, he hadn't made a decision about these two.
The one who seemed to be the leader tossed a frayed poster onto Robert's desk. "You lookin' for this gal?"
Alisa's heart-shaped face stared back at him. "That's right. And I'm sure you've seen her." His tone was laced with sarcasm, but the men didn't seem to notice.
"Maybe." Black eyes bore into Robert, making him uncomfortable. "You still offerin' five hundred dollars?"
"Not for information."
"How much for information?" the other man piped up.
"Shut up, Amos. That ain't what we're sellin'."
"What exactly are you selling, then?" Robert's interest piqued. He kept his voice calm. His muscles twitched beneath the woven fabric of his white shirt like a restless horse impatient for a race to begin.
Something flickered in the man's dark eyes, and Robert braced himself for a demand of more money.
"We saw this girl." He jammed his forefinger down on Alisa's image. "Like the poster said, we want five hundred dollars to bring her in."
"Where and when did you see her?"
"About two months ago. She was on a stage about a half day's ride east of here.
"You sure it was her?"
Robert steepled his fingers atop his desk and scrutinized the pair. "She probably won't come willingly. As a matter of fact, I can guarantee she won't. Are you willing to kidnap her in order to bring her home?"
"Would we be here if we weren't?" His sneer grated on Robert, igniting his ire. This idiotic pair was the first real lead he'd had in the past two months that Alisa was alive and still in California. He didn't want to anger them, so he gulped down the sarcasm and forced a tight smile.
"All right. Then I suggest you get to it."
"Now hang on a minute. We want half of the money up front. By my calculation that's two hundred dollars."
"The poster clearly states the reward for bringing the girl home is five hundred dollars. When she is sitting across from me, you'll get your pay. Not a penny until then."
Those dark eyes narrowed. "Then maybe we'll just mosey on and do somethin' else."
"I thought you said we need this money, Bart," the other man said, the look of confusion in his sunken eyes nothing short of comical.
Bart scowled. "Shut up, Amos."
Robert reached into his pocket and pulled out fifty dollars. He tossed it onto the desk. "This is all you're getting until you bring Alisa home."
With a black-gloved hand, Bart reached forward and s.n.a.t.c.hed up the bills. "All right, you have a deal. But first I want to know something."
"And that is?"
"What's the girl to you?"
From the way the man seemed poised to strike, Robert surmised any information would be used against him. If he said she was his daughter, the reward would become a ransom and most likely double or even triple. If he acted nonchalant, even a couple of fools like these two would a.s.sume he was bluffing. So he arched his brow. "That's my business."
"She's quite a looker."
Amos snickered. "Almost stole me a kiss from her."
Darting his gaze to the simpleton, Robert felt the blood leave his face. "What do you mean?"
"She didn't have nothin' to steal, so I was going to steal a kiss."
"Shut up, Amos," Bart snarled.
"Well, looks like I'm gettin' a second chance at that kiss," Amos persisted.
Alarm clenched Robert's gut. "You'll keep your filthy hands off her. Do you hear me?"
A sly smile curved Bart's thin lips, revealing missing teeth. "So she means more to you than you're letting on."
Why couldn't he just think of her as a maid who was stealing his inheritance? Robert inwardly kicked himself for being a softhearted fool. "The girl means nothing to me, but I'm telling you not to harm her or I won't pay a dime."
"Or maybe you'll pay anything to have her back no matter what shape she's in."
For the first time in his life, Robert felt real fear for someone else. If he didn't get his bluff in on these two outlaws before they walked out the door, Alisa might be in more danger than he'd bargained for. He didn't want the girl violated or hurt in any other way. And until now he hadn't thought about anything leading up to her return. He might be a desperate man, but he wasn't a monster. The thought of what could happen to her at the hands of immoral bandits sickened him. Leaning forward to make his point, he curled his lips into a deliberate sneer. "Or maybe the marshal would be real interested in knowing who's been robbing stagecoaches and unsuspecting riders between here and Sacramento."
"Hey, Bart. Maybe we better get goin' and forget the gal."
"Shut up, Amos."
Bart pressed forward, leaning his weight on ma.s.sive hands, and practically came across the desk, closing in on where Robert sat. The outlaw's putrid breath fouled the air between them. "I don't like threats."
Forcing himself to stand on trembling legs, Robert clenched his fists to control his fear. "Neither do I. Do we understand each other?"
The man glared but nodded. "We will bring her back untouched."
"What about the kiss she owes me!"
"Untouched!" Strangely, Bart's growl rea.s.sured Robert.
As the two men stalked to the door, Bart called over his shoulder, "We'll be back."
The door slammed shut behind them. Robert's legs refused to hold him another second, and he sank back into his chair. The paltry sum Mother had left him was about gone. Thankfully, part of her wishes had stated that household expenses be paid automatically through Mr. Chadwick's law firm until Alisa was well versed in household management.
If he didn't find Alisa soon, he'd be dest.i.tute. For now, no one could kick him out of the house. At least not until the time came for it to be sold and the proceeds given to charity as Mother had stated in her will. The thought sent a shiver of anger through him, renewing his determination. Alisa would be found, and one way or another she would relinquish control of the inheritance that was rightfully his in the first place.
"Aunt Miri-Em, Ginny Mae's doing it again. Hurry!"
At the sound of Polly's shrill, four-year-old voice, Alisa leapt up from her desk and flung her door open. Miriam had already exited her cabin and had made a beeline for the garden. It didn't take much to guess what the child was up to. She sat in the middle of the harvested garden, her hands caked with black dirt. From chin to nose, her face bore the evidence of her latest venture. The child just couldn't stay away from worms.