"Everybody is an enemy in these parts," said Stubbs sententiously.
"By George, you are the limit, Stubbs!" declared Chester. "Now, I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll just bet you something pretty you're wrong in this case."
"Well, I ain't wrong," returned Stubbs, forgetting his grammar. "I'll take that bet. But in the meantime you fellows have a look at your guns.
I may need protection."
This was good advice and the others realized it. They acted on it and the chamber of Colonel Anderson's revolver snapped with a click that emphasized his next remark:
"Can't trust them," he said.
The men were close now, and they appeared to be friendly enough. At sight of the prisoner in the center, one of them cried:
"Ho, Nicolas! where are you going?"
Quickly Hal stepped behind the prisoner and out of sight of the strangers, his revolver was pressed into Nicolas' back.
"No foolishness," he said in a low voice.
"Rather risky for you in these parts, isn't it, Nicolas?" said another of the strangers.
Nicolas heeded Hal's advice.
"I'm with friends," he returned. "There are enough of us here to look out for ourselves."
"Where are you bound?"
"Not far. I have a little business a couple of miles farther on."
"Want any company?"
Nicolas hesitated a moment and there came a queer gleam into his eye. And before Hal could say a word, he replied:
"Well, you can come along if you want to."
This reply staggered the others a bit, but it was too late now. Hal saw that he had not acted promptly enough, but to order Nicolas to change his decision would have aroused the suspicion of the others. There was nothing for it but to make the best of a bad situation.
"All right, we'll come along then, Nicolas," said the man who appeared to be the leader of the newcomers. "Might be a little gold in it for us, eh?"
"There might be," agreed Nicolas, with an evil smile.
Hal held a whispered consultation with the others and it was agreed it would be foolish to bring matters to a climax now.
"Wait until we get our horses," was Chester's advice.
The augmented party now continued on its way.
Half an hour later they came to the place where they had left their horses some days before. The man who had taken care of them advanced to meet the party.
"Horses still here?" asked Colonel Edwards.
The man nodded.
"And can you spare us three extra ones?"
The man considered.
"Do you wish to buy?" he asked at last.
Colonel Edwards indicated that he did.
"Then I can accommodate you," was the reply. "I have a dozen of my own animals, but times are hard and I need the money."
He named a sum and Colonel Edwards agreed to pay it.
"Have them all brought out immediately," the Colonel instructed.
The man bowed and departed after pocketing the money the Colonel gave him. Colonel Edwards returned to the others.
"It's all right," he said in a low voice. "Our horses are still here and I have bought three more--one each for Nikol, Ivan and Nicolas."
"Good," said Hal.
He gathered his friends about him, Nicolas in the center, and in a few brief words explained a plan he had hit upon:
"We'll walk slowly toward the barn," he said. "Nicolas will tell the others to remain where they are." He eyed the traitor coldly. "Then we'll dash into the barn and mount. When we are all ready, we'll make a dash for it, shooting as we do so."
"As good a plan as any, I guess," said Colonel Edwards, after a moment's hesitation. "Let's get started."
Slowly they moved toward the barn. Nicolas' friends, seeing him moving away, followed, but still kept at some distance.
The friends entered the barn without being molested. The mountaineer had just finished with the last horse and Hal gave the word for all to mount.
"Keep Nicolas in the center," he said, "and if he makes a false move, shoot him. He's too dangerous a man to be running around loose."
While the others mounted, Hal moved to the door to watch the men without.
He arrived there just in time to meet a man who would have entered. Hal produced his automatic.
"Get back there!" he commanded.
The man took one look at the revolver and leaped back in a hurry. A moment later a voice called:
"What's the matter in there, Nicolas?"
"Answer him," said Chester, prodding Nicolas with his revolver. "Tell him everything is all right."
Nicolas did so.
Came the voice from without again: