Splay-foot--A flat, awkward forefoot, usually turned outward.
Stifles--The upper joint of hind legs.
Second Thighs--The muscular development between stifle joint and hock.
The Hock--The lowest point of the hind leg.
Spring--Round, or well sprung ribs; not flat.
Sh.e.l.ly--Narrow, sh.e.l.ly body.
Tucked Up--Tucked up loin, as seen in greyhounds.
Upright Shoulders--Shoulders that are set in an upright, instead of an oblique position.
Leggy--Having the legs too long in proportion to body.
Screw Tail--A tail twisted in the form of a screw.
Kink Tail--A tail with a break or kink in it.
Even Mouthed--A term used to describe a dog whose jaws are neither overhung nor underhung.
Beefy--Big, beefy hind quarters.
Bully--Where the dog approaches the bulldog too much in conformation.
Terrier Type--Where the dog approaches the terrier too much in conformation.
Cow-hocked--The hocks turning inward.
Saddle-back--The opposite of roach-back.
Lengthy--Possessing length of body.
Broody--A broody b.i.t.c.h; one whose length of conformation evidences a likely mother; one who will whelp easily and rear her pups.
Blood--A blood; a dog whose appearance denotes high breeding.
Condition--Another name for perfect health, without superfluous flesh, coat in the best of shape, and spirits lively and cheerful.
Style--Showy, and of a stylish, gay demeanor.
Listless--Dull and sluggish.
Character--A sub-total of all the points which give to the dog the desired character a.s.sociated with his particular variety, which differentiates him from all other breeds.
Hall-mark--That stamp of quality that distinguishes him from inferior dogs, as the sterling mark on silver, or the hall-mark on the same metal in England.