Van Slyke, L. L., and A. W. Bosworth, Condition of casein and salts in milk, N. Y. (Geneva) Exp. Sta.
Tech. Bul. 39, 1914.
Van Slyke, L. L., and E. B. Hart, A study of some of the salts formed by casein and paracasein with acids; their relation to American Cheddar cheese, N. Y.
(Geneva) Exp. Sta. Bul. 214, 1902.
Van Slyke, L. L., and E. B. Hart, Some of the relations of casein and paracasein to bases and acids and their application to Cheddar cheese, N. Y.
(Geneva) Exp. Sta. Bul. 261, 1905.
Van Slyke, L. L., and O. B. Winter, Cheese ripening investigations, N. Y. (Geneva) Exp. Sta. Tech. Bul.
33, 1914.
[106] Van Slyke, L. L., and E. B. Hart, The relation of carbon dioxide to proteolysis in the ripening of Cheddar cheese, N. Y. (Geneva) Exp. Sta. Bul. 231, 1903.
[107] Van Slyke, L. L., and E. B. Hart, Some of the compounds present in American Cheddar cheese, N. Y.
(Geneva) Exp. Sta. Bul. 219, 1902.
[108] Van Slyke, L. L., _et al._, Action of rennin or casein, N. Y. (Geneva) Exp. Sta. Tech. Bul. 31, 1913.
Van Slyke, L. L., _et al._, Cheese ripening investigations; rennet enzyme as a factor in cheese ripening, N. Y. (Geneva) Exp. Sta. Bul. 233, 1903.
[109] Bosworth, A. W., Studies relating to the chemistry of milk and casein, N. Y. (Geneva) Exp. Sta. Tech. Bul.
37, 1914.
[110] Wis. Exp. Sta. Rept. 1898, Distribution of galactase in milk from different sources, pages 87-97.
Wis. Exp. Sta. Rept. 1903, pages 195-197, 201-205, 222-223, Action of proteolytic ferments on milk.
[111] Wis. Exp. Sta. Rept. 1900, pages 102-122.
[112] Harding, H. A., and M. J. Prucha, The bacterial flora of Cheddar cheese, N. Y. (Geneva) Exp. Sta. Tech. Bul.
[113] Bacterium, Bacillus and Lactobacillus are preferred by different authors as generic placing of the Bulgarian sour milk species.
[114] Hastings, E. G., Alice C. Evans and E. B. Hart, The bacteriology of Cheddar cheese, Wis. Exp. Sta. Bul.
150, pages 1-52, 1912.
[115] Harding, H. A., The role of the lactic acid bacteria in the manufacture and in the early stages of ripening of Cheddar cheese, N. Y. (Geneva) Exp. Sta. Bul. 237, 1903.
[116] Heinemann, P. G., The kinds of lactic acid produced by lactic acid bacteria, Jour. Biol. Chem., Vol. 2, pages 603-608.
[117] Hastings, E. G., _et al._, The bacteriology of Cheddar cheese, U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. An. Ind. Bul. 150, 1912.
[118] Van Slyke, L. L., and E. B. Hart, Conditions affecting chemical changes in cheese ripening, N. Y. (Geneva) Exp. Sta. Bul. 236, 1903.
[119] Van Slyke, L. L., _et al._, Cheese ripening at low temperatures, N. Y. (Geneva) Exp. Sta. Bul. 234, 1903.
[120] Van Slyke, L. L., _et al._, Cheese ripening at low temperatures, N. Y. (Geneva) Exp. Sta. Bul. 234, 1903.
[121] Doane, C. F., Methods and results of paraffining cheese, U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. An. Ind. Circ. 181, pages 1-16, 1911.
[122] Doane, C. F., and E. E. Eldredge, The use of Bacillus Bulgaricus in starters for making Swiss or Emmenthal cheese, Dept. of Agr. Bur. An. Ind. Bul. 148, 1915.
[123] N. Y. Produce Rev. and Am. Creamery, Vol. 37, no. 25, page 1112, Starter for Swiss cheese.
[124] Clark, W. M., On the formation of "eyes" in Emmenthal cheese, Jour. Dairy Sci. 1 (1917), no. 2, pages 91-113.
Among important studies of Swiss cheese ripening are the following: Freudenreich, E. v., and Orla Jensen, Ueber die in Emmentalerkase stattfindende Proprionsauregarung, Centralb. f. Bakt. etc. 2 Abt.
17, page 529.
Jensen, Orla, Biologische Studien uber den Kasereifungs-prozess unter spezieller Berucksichtigung der fluchtigen Fettsauren, Centralb. f. Bakt. etc. 2 Abt. 13 (1904), page 161.
Eldredge, E. E., and L. A. Rogers, The bacteriology of cheese of the Emmenthal type, Centralb. f. Bakt. 2 Abt. 40 (1914), no. 1/8, pages 5-21.
[125] Gorini, C., Studi sulla fabricatione razionale del fromaggi Grana, Boll. uff. del Ministero Agr. Ind. e Comm. Anno X, serie C, Fasc. 10, pages 1-7, Roma, 1911.
Gorini, C., On the distribution of bacteria in Grana cheese, Centralb. f. Bakt. etc. 2 Abt. 12 (1904), pages 78-81.
Fascetti, G., The technological chemistry of the manufacture of Grana cheese in Reggio, Staz. Sper.
Agr. Ital. 47 (1914), no. 8, pages 541-568.
[126] Cornalba, G., Caciocavallo in Lombardy, L'Industria del Latte 3, page 105, Abs. in Jahresb. f. Tierchemie 36 (1906), page 250.
[127] Babc.o.c.k, S. M., Alb.u.min cheese, Wis. Exp. Sta. Rept.
12 (1895), page 134.
[128] Doane, C. F., Whey b.u.t.ter, U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. An.
Ind. Circ. 161, pages 1-7, 1910.
Sammis, J. L., Making whey b.u.t.ter at Cheddar cheese factories, Wis. Exp. Sta. Bul. 246, 1915.
Ellenberrger, H. B., and M. R. Tolstrup, Skimming whey at Vermont cheese factories, Vt. Dept. Agr. Bul. 26, 1916.
[129] Farrington, E. H., and G. J. Davis, The disposal of creamery sewage, Wis. Exp. Sta. Bul. 245, 1915.
[130] Dotterrer, W. D., and R. S. Breed, Why and how pasteurize dairy by-products, N. Y. (Geneva) Exp. Sta.
Bul. 412, 1915.
[131] Harding, H. A., and G. A. Smith, Control of rust spots in cheese, N. Y. (Geneva) Exp. Sta. Bul. 225, 1902.
[132] Elliott, W. J., Creameries and cheese factories, Mont.
Exp. Sta. Bul. 53, 1904.
Farrington, E. H., and E. H. Benkendorf, Origination and construction of cheese factories and creameries, Wis. Exp. Sta. Bul. 244, 1915.
[133] From N. Y. price current.
[134] Hart, E. B., A simple test for casein in milk and its relation to the dairy industry, Wis. Exp. Sta. Bul.