The Beloved and Pampered Girl - Chapter 77:1 Might Not Be Free Recently Because I'm Busy

Chapter 77:1 Might Not Be Free Recently Because I'm Busy

Chapter 77:1 Might Not Be Free Recently Because Im Busy

With Dates

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Ever since that day, Ling Xiaoyang seemed to have become a different person.

He started dating different girls every day

After cla.s.s one dayjust as Ling Xiaoyang was about to leave the cla.s.sroom

Jian Dan stopped him

Ling Xiaoyang schooled his emotions and turned around with a happy-go-lucky smile on his face. Jian Aunt, whats up?

What did you just call me?

Aunt! Youre Uncle Chus wife; so its not wrong for me to call you Aunt! Sigh! You can call me whatever you want! I havent seen you much recently.

Your mother asked me to take good care of you!

Thank you for your concern, Aunt Jian. Im fine. I dont need it.

Why was this guy so sarcastic? When did she step on his toes?

Seeing that Ling Xiaoyang was about to leave, she said, 1 still owe you a meal! Oh, yeah! But Im not free recently because Im busy with dates! Well see! Ling Xiaoyang left

Dates? Was he dating? No wonder she hadnt seen him recently!

Jian Dan was relieved to know that he was fine.

Jian Dan packed up the teaching materials and left the cla.s.sroom

When she stepped out of the cla.s.sroom, she saw Ling Xiaoyang walking with a very beautiful girl

That must be his girlfriend! The two of them looked very compatible!

Coincidentally, she was going shopping with Qianqian this afternoon; she could tell Qianqian the good news!

While Jian Dan was in a reverie, the two of them had already disappeared from her line of sight

Jian Dan quickly sent the teaching materials to the office and went to

Shangqing Mall to meet up with Qianqian.

Qianqian, have you been waiting long?

When Jian Dan arrived, Qianqian was already waiting there.

No, I just got here too.

Ive got news for you Dont blame me for being late Because 1 saw Xiaoyang going on a date with a very beautiful girl today!

A date??

Could it be the girl he mentioned last time? He had won her over already?

Xiaoyang seemed very serious about her.

Thats right! Xiaoyang told me that he was going on a date!

What does that girl look like? Is she beautiful? Does she have a good personality?

This was how mothers were. They were very anxious when it came to their sons.

Hmm Long hair, tall and curvaceous, slender charming eyes As for her personality? 1 cant tell from that.

If one listened carefully, they would realize that the characteristics Jian Dan mentioned were completely opposite to hers.

Okay! I hope he can have a serious relations.h.i.+p this time!

The two of them entered Shangqing Mallthe largest department store in S

City. It had everything

Wow! So cute!

Jian Dan said as she looked at a pet cat in a pet shop.

You like cats?

Yup! Ive always wanted to keep one. Meow

Keep a cat? I dont think Chu Liyuan will agree.

Why not? I mentioned it to Uncle a few days ago, and he already agreed! What? He agreed? I can see that he really dotes on you through and through! Youre exaggerating. Its just a cat!

Its just a cat? You probably dont know then Chu Liyuan is severely allergic to pet fur!

What? Uncle is allergic to cats?

Thats why I said he really dotes on you through and through!

Uncle disregarded his own health in a bid to make her happy. He was really too much. He didnt tell her anything!

Qianqian, thank you for telling me!

Uncle was really too good to her, but what about her? No! She had to treat

Uncle even better!

Just then, a small figure caught the attention of Jian Dan