The Beloved and Pampered Girl - Chapter 59: Strawberry “Paradise”

Chapter 59: Strawberry “Paradise”

Chapter 59: Strawberry Paradise

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

After driving for a long time, they arrived at a house in the suburbs. This house was not very big, only about 70 to 80 square meters. However, the air here was very good. When Chu Liyuan brought Jian Dan to the greenhouse, Jian Dan was dumbfounded.

Wow! So many strawberries? Jian Dan exclaimed as she stared at the garden of strawberries before her.

She had already gone into the strawberry paradise. She casually plucked one and popped it into her mouth. Its so sweet! Jian Dan said merrily, Uncle, how did you come to know this amazing place? Jian Dan asked as she chomped on the strawberries.

I built it.

You did this? Jian Dan turned to look at Chu Liyuan in surprise.

Jian Dan could not imagine the usually serious Chu Liyuan would actually set up such a place. Is it because you like to eat strawberries?

Its for Grandpa. Every year on Grandpas birthday, Ill make food from strawberries for him.

So Grandpas the one who likes to eat strawberries.

Chu Liyuan shook his head. Its Granny!

Granny? Jian Dan looked at Chu Liyuan in confusion.

Actually, Ive never seen Granny either. Ive only heard about her from my mother when I was youngGranny went missing in an accident when she was very young. They couldnt find her after searching for a long time. Everyone said that Granny was already dead, but Grandpa was unwilling to believe it. Grannys favorite food is strawberries. Grandpa loves Granny very much, so Ill make him a lot of food from strawberries every year.

So that was the case. Grandpa must still be missing Granny. Perhaps in Grandpas heart, the strawberry was Granny.

Grandpa has such deep love for Granny. Im so envious of Grannyshe met such a good and loving man like Grandpa, Jian Dan said enviously.

Envious of Granny? Are you saying that 1 cant hold a candle to Grandpa? Chu Liyuan gazed intently at Jian Dan and asked.

Jian Dans face instantly turned awkward Uncle, was that your takeaway?]ian Dan asked silently in her heart.

Of course not! Im very fortunate and blissful like Granny. 1 met an extremely good man. Jian Dan quickly tried to salvage the situation. By the way, do all grandmothers like to eat strawberries? My Grannys favorite food is also strawberries. Jian Dan changed the topic.

Have you told your grandmother about our marriage? Chu Liyuan was successfully steered away by Jian Dan.

Not yet. Granny has the travel bug. She only comes back during the Lunar New Year every year! Jian Dan explained.

Jian Dans grandmother had the travel bug, as if she was searching for something. When Jian Dans parents both pa.s.sed away, she stayed at home to take care of Jian Dan. However, Jian Dan knew very well that there was something in Grannys heart that she could not let go. Therefore, after Jian Dan went to college, she asked Granny to continue pursuing her hearts desires.

Chu Liyuan and Jian Dan picked a lot of strawberries Uncle, what are you going to make? Jian Dan had no talent in the kitchen. I wont be able to help, but I can help you wash the strawberries and cut them.

Chi Liyuan was really amazing. First, he made canned strawberries, dried strawberries, strawberry jam, and then he made strawberry wine.

Uncle had prepared so much delicious food for Grandpas birthday. It did not seem right for her to not do anything, so Jian Dan secretly made strawberry vinegar at night.

In the past, Granny always made strawberry vinegar. She had seen how Granny made it, but this was her first time making it. When she saw Granny make it, it seemed so simple. Now that she was making it, it was a different story. Fortunately, it was successful. Although she did not know how it tasted, it was the thought that counted.

Jian Dan had a late night from making strawberry vinegar. When she woke up in the morning, there was no one around. When she put on her clothes and came to the living room, the table was already filled with breakfast. There was strawberry cake, strawberry salad, and strawberry sandwiches! Jian Dan salivated.

Uncle, did you make all this? Jian Dan sat at the dining table and took a bite of the strawberry cake. Its super yummy! Is there anything you dont know? Jian Dan stroked his ego as she ate.

Jian Dan did not notice that she had cream at the corner of her mouth Chu Liyuan placed the freshly squeezed strawberry juice in front of Jian Dan. Just as Jian Dan was about to drink it, Chu Liyuan pinched her chin and kissed her Jian Dan felt Chu Liyuans tongue circling around her lips. Her eyes instantly widened and a blush crept up her cheeks.

It was only after Chu Liyuans lips left hers that she snapped back from her reverie. Uncle?

You had cream at the corner of your mouth.

Chu Liyuan gazed at the cream at the corner of Jian Dans mouth as if it was an invitation.

When Jian Dan heard this, she immediately took a tissue paper to wipe it. However, Chu Liyuan held her hand. Theres no more now. Continue eating!

Why did Chu Liyuans actions feel like a scene from an idol drama?This was so seductive. Chu Liyuan must have done it on purpose..