The Beloved and Pampered Girl - Chapter 583: A Messy Kitchen

Chapter 583: A Messy Kitchen

Chapter 583: A Messy Kitchen

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Jian Dan woke up at 4 a.m. She did not even have time to get changed before she went to the kitchen. As expected

The kitchen looked like it had just been through a war. It was a mess, while Mo Mo seemed to be sleeping very comfortably in such an environment.

Looks like she must have been worn out last night.

Mo Mo is really going all out forXiaoyang.

Mo Mo, wake up quickly. Dont sleep here. Jian Dan patted Mo Mos back gently.

Mo Mo opened her sleepy eyes. Jian, youre here.

Why did you sleep in the kitchen? Why didnt you sleep in the room?

I was up cooking till very late last night. I was too tired, so I fell asleep here.

Do you have to work so hard?

Of course! For the sake of my happiness, I must get to Xiaoyangs stomach first! Mo Mo made an encouraging gesture.

Alright. You can definitely do it. Now, go upstairs and catch some sleep.

She wondered how late into the night Mo Mo had been cooking last night. From the looks of it, it must have been quite late. Otherwise, she would not have had such dark circles under her eyes.

By the way, Jian, help me try it and see how Im doing. Mo Mo picked up her last pot of chicken soup.

Jian Dan touched it and realized that it was still warm. Mo Mo, what time did you sleep? She was no longer concerned about where Mo Mo had been sleeping.

I think I took a nap just before you came.

What? Youve been up all night cooking this?

Its alright. For Xiaoyang, Im willing!

Take a good look at yourself in the mirror now! Your dark circles are almost comparable to the national treasures in the zoo. If you continue like this, even if you get to Xiaoyangs stomach, you wont be able to reach his heart!

Upon hearing Jian Dans words, Mo Mo ran to the bathroom. Then, a terrifying scream ensued. Ah!

Mo Mo looked at herself in the mirror, thinking that she had seen a female ghost.

Oh my G.o.d? How did I get so haggard in just one night? I look terrifying now.

Jian, what should I do now? Mo Mo rushed out of the bathroom and grabbed Jian Dans hand.

All you have to do now is get some rest.

Then the soup I made

Ill send it over for you later. Arent you afraid of scaring Xiaoyang if you deliver soup to him looking like this?

Alright then. Jian, thanks! She really could not face anyone now.

Okay. Dont worry, Ill definitely deliver it intact.

Alright, hurry up and go to bed. I cant stand the way you look now. Jian Dan said this on purpose because what Mo Mo needed the most now was sleep.

Okay, Ill go to bed then.

Hurry. Remember to put on a mask before you go to bed.

Got it.

Mo Mo returned to her room very quickly. Judging from her speed, she was indeed tired.

Staring after Mo Mos departing figure, Jian Dan smiled and shook her head

Young Madam, why are you up so early? Mrs. Jin was usually the first to wake up.

Unexpectedly, Jian Dan woke up earlier than her today.

Mrs. Jin, theres something Im a little embarra.s.sed to tell you. Jian Dan said awkwardly.

Whats wrong, Young Madam? Mrs. Jin saw the troubled look on Jian Dans face.

Well Well, its the kitchen

Kitchen? Whats wrong with the kitchen? Mrs. Jin hurriedly ran to the kitchen.

How is this a kitchen?! Its even more chaotic than a market.

Young Madam, this is

Mrs. Jin, Im really sorry. Its all Mo Mos fault. Give me two hours. I promise Ill restore the kitchen to its original state.

Jian Dan was about to roll up her sleeves and start cleaning up when Mrs. Jin stopped her

Young Madam, let me do it.

That wont do. This is my friends doing. I have to take responsibility.

Theres really no need. Young Madam, go outside.


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