The Beloved and Pampered Girl - Chapter 580: You Don't Know How Blessed You Are

Chapter 580: You Don't Know How Blessed You Are

Chapter 580: You Dont Know How Blessed You Are

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Mo Mo scooped the soup that she had cooked for two hours into a bowl and gently stirred it with a spoon. I cooked this for a long time. Its very helpful for your recovery.

Mo Mo brought a spoonful of soup to Xiaoyangs mouth.

I dont want it. Take it away. Xiaoyang turned his head to the other side.

T ve never treated this girl nicely. Why doesnt it bother her at all?

Mo Mo did not let it get to her at all. She moved the spoon to Xiaoyangs mouth again

Xiaoyang frowned and turned his head away again.

No matter how many times he refused, Mo Mos spoon followed his mouth tirelessly.

At the sight of this, Jian Dan wondered if the person in front of her was really Mo Mo.

That great artist who did things her own way has such a patient side?

The power of love is so great.

It could make a person undergo such a huge change

However, this scene felt a little sweet for some reason.

Whats wrong with you? You dont understand human language? I said I dont like you. Cant you understand? Dont do these things for me anymore. Xiaoyang turned around a little too quickly and knocked the bowl of soup in Mo Mos hand to the ground, shattering it

Mo Mo was no door mat.

Jian Dan was worried as Mo Mo was very scary when she was angry.

However, not only did the scene that Jian Dan imagined not appear, but

After Mo Mo quietly cleaned up the debris on the ground, she took out another bowl from the bag and scooped another bowl. Just like before, she brought it to Xiaoyangs mouth again. You can knock it over as much as you please. I made a lot of it. I also brought a lot of bowls. You can knock them over however you want.

Is there something wrong with this woman?

Just as Xiaoyang was about to speak again, Mo Mo took the opportunity to send the soup into his mouth

Seeing that he had finally drank the soup that she spent two hours cooking, a smug smile appeared on Mo Mos face. You finally drank it.

It tastes awful! Xiaoyang said with a look of disgust.

Jian Dan and Qianqian couldnt hold it in anymore, so

It doesnt matter if it tastes bad. Mrs. Jins culinary skills are top-notch. When Mo Mo learns from her, the taste will definitely be different, Jian Dan said with a smile as she put away her cell phone.

This made Xiaoyang, who was already in a bad mood, fall into a worse mood. However, when he saw that the person who said this was Jian Dan, he did not say anything.

Jian, youre here.

Yup! Looks like you are taking good care of Xiaoyang.

Which eye of yours saw that its good? Xiaoyang grumbled unhappily.

He was about to be tortured to death by this girl in the hospital these past few days. His leg was injured and he had no way to resist. The most frustrating thing was that his parents were on her side as well.

Both eyes!

Mo Mo, youre so biased! Weve been friends for so many years, but youve never made any soup for me.

This soup is like poison. Youre lucky that you didnt drink it! Xiaoyang said bluntly.

Seeing the disappointment on Mo Mos face, Jian Dan continued, What do you know? Mo Mo has never cooked before but she made soup for you. You cant even find a girl like her now.

Exactly! I like Mo Mo a lot. Qianqian chimed in.

Thats right. You should be grateful! I havent even made soup for my Uncle. How dare you still pick on the taste?

If it was Jian Jian who made the soup, I would definitely finish it all. Chu Liyuan and Jihao came in from outside.

Chu Liyuan showed his support for Jian Dan.

However, this was also his heartfelt words. Although he was looking forward to drinking the soup that Jian Dan made personally, he did not really want Jian Dan to make it for him because he knew that she really did not have much talent in this aspect. He did not want his la.s.s to get injured making soup for him.. His heart would ache