The Beloved and Pampered Girl - Chapter 573: This Felt So Familiar

Chapter 573: This Felt So Familiar

Chapter 573: This Felt So Familiar

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Jian Dan stayed in the cave alone and stared at the dancing flames. For some reason, she felt that this scene was very familiar

The moment Chu Liyuan returned, Jian Dan finally recalled her past experiences.

It was an unforgettable memory.

Although it was unforgettable, it was a past that Jian Dan wanted to forget.

She remembered that she was only five years old at that time. Her parents were being hunted down, and they had no choice but to escape into a forest with the five-year-old Jian Dan

However, the people who were hunting them did not give up and chased after them into the forest.

The three of them did not have any wilderness survival skills to begin with.

Because they could not find food, they barely ate anything in the forest for three days. They gave everything they could find to Jian Dan.

Under such circ.u.mstances, those who were hunting them found them soon and

Jian Dans parents s.h.i.+elded her behind them with their dying breath.

However, there was no way to stop anything

Jian Dan watched as her parents fell into a pool of blood. Those people slowly approached her.

That was the first time Jian Dan felt that death was so close to her.

Just as they were about to attack her, a PLA soldier appeared and saved her in the nick of time.

At that time, the soldier also brought her to such a cave to wait for help after saving her

When Chu Liyuan returned, he saw that even though Jian Dan was looking in his direction, there was no focus in her eyes. Jian Jian, penny for your thoughts? You were so lost in thought.

Chu Liyuan placed the food he foraged on the ground.

Although it was already dark, Chu Liyuan relied on his wilderness experience to forage some wild fruits.

Jian Dan snapped back from her reverie. Me? I was thinking of a man. Jian

Dan said deliberately.

Indeed, Chu Liyuans expression changed after hearing Jian Dans words. Uncles expression changes so quickly. What a pity that hes not an actor. Uncle, you really love getting jealous. You get drunk on jealousy, huh? Jian Dan went over to Chu Liyuan.

Chu Liyuan suddenly turned around and pushed Jian Dan to the ground.

He looked at Jian Dan. Jian Jian, do you still remember how you helped me get rid of my jealousy in the past?

Im very jealous now and need to get rid of the jealousy.

Without waiting for Jian Dans reaction, he kissed her red lips.

Jian Dans toes curled, and her body froze. Her two hands on his chest were clenched tightly.

Chu Liyuan could feel Jian Dans nervousness. Perhaps Jian Jian is not used to such an environment.

However, he did not want to let go of Jian Dan at all. He even deepened the kiss

Until an untimely sound broke the kiss.

Jian Dans stomach growled again.

Chu Liyuan left Jian Dans lips reluctantly. He held her back with one hand and helped her up. Have a bite. He handed Jian Dan a wild fruit.

Jian Dan took the fruit, lowered her head, and ate it in small bites

What would have happened if my tummy hadri t growled suddenly?

Images that were inappropriate for children appeared in Jian Dans mind

Oh my G.o.d? What am I thinking? Hurry up and forget about it!

She shook her head fervently.

Seeing Jian Dans increasingly reddened cheeks, Chu Liyuan could fathom a guess and the corners of his lips curled into a smile

You can only think of me in the future. Chu Liyuan said domineeringly again. Oh, come on. I was just thinking about a PLA soldier who saved me when I was young.

Chu Liyuans heart skipped a beat when he heard Jian Dan mentioned a PLA soldier.

He looked at Jian Dan in disbelief