The Beloved and Pampered Girl - Chapter 571: Are We Very Close?

Chapter 571: Are We Very Close?

Chapter 571: Are We Very Close?

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Xiaoyang was taken aback by this sudden hug

Although Xiaoyang sensed that she seemed to have romantic feelings for him in the few times he interacted with her

He had never reciprocated in any way at all.

He even deliberately avoided her in order not to let her fall for him deeper and deeper.

What1 s going on noiv?When he heard what Shang had told him, he did not believe it. But now, he had to believe it.

Xiaoyang, how are you feeling? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere? Do you feel dizzy? Mo Mo asked with concern as she loosened her grip on Xiaoyangs arm.

Isnt this girls concern forme a little too much?

Isnt what I did obvious enough?

Um Are we very close? Xiaoyang removed Mo Mos hands.

Weve met a few times. We can be considered close.

We havent even spoken much. How is this considered close?


Were considered acquaintances at most.

Seeing that Mo Mo had fallen into deep thought after hearing his words, Xiaoyang thought that this girl had understood what he meant. However, he did not expect that in the next second

Its alright. Well slowly get to know each other in the future. Mo Mo beamed, and the two deep dimples on her cheeks became even more obvious.

Anyone who saw Mo Mo like this would be taken by her cute appearance.

However, he was Ling Xiaoyang.

In the past, Xiaoyang was considered an expert in love who had countless girlfriends. When did he become so distant?

He felt that she was cuter before.

Um Xiaoyang was about to say something.

Mo Mo had already grabbed Xiaoyangs arm. You definitely havent recovered yet. Ill support you. Walk slowly.

Why is this girl so over-friendly? Cant she tell that Im rejecting her?

No need, I can do it myself. He tried to pull his arm away from Mo Mos grasp.

However, Mo Mo did not give him the chance. Dont force yourself. Your body is the capital of a revolution. Mo Mo hugged Xiaoyangs arm tightly.

Xiaoyang pinched the bridge of his nose

Um if I understand correctly, you like me, right? Xiaoyang went straight to the point.

Yup! I like you. Mo Mo did not hide anything.

Alright, Ill be honest with you then. Dont waste any more time on me because I dont have any feelings for you at all. Xiaoyang did not want to drag things out.

After all, this girl was Jian Dans friend, so he chose the most direct method.

Ling Xiaoyang, do you think Ill give up just because you said that?

Im telling you, I wont back down so easily.

It wasnt easy for me to meet a guy whom I fancy. I wont give up so easily.

Besides, its not like I only found out today that you dont have feelings for me.

But thats only temporary. I believe that one day, youll love me to the core. As Mo Mo spoke, she gazed into Xiaoyangs eyes.


Since youve brought this topic up first, Ill tell you my thoughts today.

From this moment on, Im going to woo you. Mo Mo said confidently as she looked at Xiaoyang.

But you

Thats my right. What Mo Mo leaned closer to Xiaoyang

Xiaoyang subconsciously leaned back

Look at you. Are you afraid that youll fall head over heels for me?

Xiaoyang finally understood what Shang and the others had experienced.

This girl is extraordinarily persistent!