The Beloved and Pampered Girl - Chapter 556: Special Team Finally Reunited Again

Chapter 556: Special Team Finally Reunited Again

Chapter 556: Special Team Finally Reunited Again

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Since she had decided it was better to ask for forgiveness than permission, she must not let Chu Liyuan know. At the very least, she had to wait until she set off


Instructor Shang used some tricks to make Mengjiao and Mo Mo fall asleep after drinking the coffee.

After that, he sent them to Jian Dans old apartment

They should be out until around 5 p.m. By then, she would have already set off with Special Team

Jian Dan left a video for them and left with Instructor Shang

Before she left, she took off the necklace around her neck and placed it on the table

In the car

Jian Dan, have you really thought it through? I dont want to hide it from you but this mission is really very dangerous.

The corners of Jian Dans lips curled up. I could tell from your words just now.

But I must save Xiaoyang.

I owe Xiaoyang two lives.

If it werent for Xiaoyang, I wouldnt be where I am now.

Jian Dan, you must protect yourself well.

He really did not dare to imagine what would happen to Chu Liyuan if something happened to Jian Dan.

In the past five years after Jian Dan left, he knew very well what Chu Liyuan had been through.

He really did not want to see Chu Liyuan become that man again.

However, he really had no other way this time. He really could not find a hacker comparable to Jian Dan in a short period of time.

Dont worry, I havent lived long enough Besides, Im living such a blissful life now. How can I bear to die? Jian Dan pretended to be relaxed and smiled.

Looking at Jian Dan, Shang did not say anything else. He knew that it was useless for him to say anything now. No one could predict what would happen when the time came. Otherwise, even an outstanding special forces soldier like Xiaoyang would not have been trapped in there.

The car soon arrived at the suburbs

The helicopter was already ready. As soon as Jian Dan and Shang boarded the helicopter, it took off

Uncle, dont blame me

I must go.

Jian Dan looked at the helicopter that was slowly taking off, her eyes filled with self-reproach.

Meanwhile, Chu Liyuan was preparing another huge surprise for Jian Dan.

He was going to give Jian Dan the grand wedding of the century. He wanted the entire world to know that Jian Dan was his woman and Mrs. Chu.

Chu Liyuans lips curled into a charming smile.

This was because Jian Dans expression at the wedding had already appeared in his mind.

Li Jing watched him. For no reason, he was forced to put up with his show of affection.

Because it was too much, he could only look elsewhere. Otherwise, he might not even be able to eat dinner.

Jian Dan had already arrived at the base

As she arrived at this familiar place, she saw her former comrades who had fought side by side with her.

The moment the members of Special Team saw Jian Dan, they were no longer as distant as before. They all rushed to Jian Dan and hugged her

Jian Dan saw that Special Team was still the samethere were no new members or any missing ones.

You wretch! You left without saying a word back then. You really had us worried stiff! Xiao Ran cried tearfully. Her makeup was a little smudged.

Jian Dan was naturally very touched to see the once cold Xiao Ran become like this because of her.

Exactly! Jian Dan, where have you been all these years? Bai Yan also asked.

Its a long story. Ill fill you in slowly in the future. The most important thing now is to save Xiaoyang.

You know Xiaoyang too?

Yes. You guys know each other too?

Of course! Hes considered a legend, so he helped us to carry out this special mission. Hes really something. Bai Yan explained.

Time is tight. Lets talk as we walk.

Okay. Special Team has reunited. Is there anything that cant be done? Lan Tong stretched out her hand to the front.

The nine of them looked at one another and placed their hands on it one after another


Just like that, Special Team finally reunited again today